Although Entropy's understanding of the deep laws of the world is not that profound, after hearing this plan, he still feels that it is quite feasible. If this plan is implemented, a long-term future can be opened under this world flooded with light. The realm of survival is still doable. determine

"Your statement is indeed possible, but there is a problem. The world is still falling deeper and deeper, and in the process, the disaster he faces will become more serious.

To be honest, I don’t think this solution can maintain human survival here forever.

The disaster will eventually be so powerful that no force can withstand it.

I think you should be able to understand what I mean. As long as you fall into the eye of the wild sea, the final outcome will be destruction. This cannot be changed. "

"That's true, but if a safe place can be established in this world, the residents of this world can have enough energy to develop. As long as their development speed is faster than the speed of the world's destruction, then theoretically they can Continue to survive, and when their technology can develop to the level of breaking away from this world, they no longer need to worry about the end, and they only need to go to other worlds. "

"Whatever, you can do whatever you want. Even if you want to take all the people out of this world and send them to a relatively safe world, even a place where there are no other prehistoric races. It is possible in the world.

Anyway, there is only such a special person, and if he really makes trouble, there will be no trouble. "determine

Entropy is the top weakling in the world. In my eyes, these humans are stronger than ants. If I personally take action, I can kill all those people in the blink of an eye. Facing that kind of powerful existence, I There is no interest in taking action at all.

Even if we are saved and allowed to continue to survive, what impact will it have on the current situation?

As for time, Cheng Ying is not short of it. I am not worried that I have spent too little time outside and entropy, because there is no one else in the primitive continent and I am performing the sifting among human beings. Weak, and retained into the future to support future plans and collect knowledge from the entire universe. The Tree of Wisdom plan to build an extraordinary system suitable for everyone is a plan that takes a long time to realize, and we have always made preparations for the long-term future.

After all, the efficiency of those white crystals in absorbing darkness is determined by the concentration of surrounding light elements. When blocked by plants, the concentration of light elements will decrease slightly and the absorption speed will be much faster. Relatively speaking, it can Maintain an area where people can survive. "

He should understand that in your plan, we must continue to develop before retreating to the shelter on earth, but simply enjoy everything in the shelter.

It’s also enough to make enough big moves over a long period of time. Come to promote the merger of the two worlds. The final merger of the two worlds will occur before the two of us are completely far away from those two worlds. When we merge, the disasters we encounter will be offset to a small extent. Although there will still be no part left, but before the disaster is offset, the destruction will be If the degree of hormonal strength increases slightly.

"First of all, you need to find a plant that can't grow at a low speed in that extreme environment. I'm afraid that thing is not too difficult to find among the native plants of that world. It doesn't matter if you have a little knowledge of that world. Plants have degenerated and transformed, leaving us with the ability to grow at low levels.

Theoretically, in the future, as long as that kind of plant is planted on a small scale under the surface of the earth and white crystals are used to absorb all the darkness above the ground, the entire above-ground world will become a danger zone. As long as water and seeds are regularly added to the ground, those plants will not be able to guarantee lush growth on the ground.

Nowadays, among the Seven Little Jedi, there is no chance to build a final refuge for mankind, so it is natural to miss that opportunity.

What Cheng Ying wants is not the chatting state of the other party. In that chatting state, the other party will care about the details of his project.

And these people who died on the way did so because their cloaks burned out halfway, and the white crystal was directly exposed to the light of that world, consuming the amount of light it could absorb at a low speed, and finally dissipated completely after reaching the end. .

That slightly lowers the cost of growing that plant, making it impossible for humans in that world to grow that plant on a small scale by themselves.

But over there, it's just the opposite. The fresher the wood, the more moisture it has and the more vitality it has. The more suitable the building materials are, the function of the building outside is not to block the wind and rain, but to block the light of that world, and the fresher the plants, the worse they are at blocking the darkness.

Entropy just nodded and said casually, that level of ability is indeed relatively weak. Even among the thousands of races in the prehistoric era, few races can do it, but even if they can do that, it is too much. He's just a mortal. No matter how weak a mortal can become, it doesn't mean anything? determine

A carpenter living in a town was surprised to find that the trees in the forest were all entangled with a kind of vines. Almost all the trees in the oasis were entangled. I couldn't even bring us together. Cut it back. And that phenomenon quickly gained attention before I reported it to the local city lord.

"What is he thinking? Is it possible for him to build an above-ground shelter with a wave of his hand? Even if the Tiantian Lingbao in his hand is better at calculations, the transformation at the planet level should be It can be done easily.

For plants in that world that can grow slowly, it is not difficult to modify them to make us grow slower. In order to allow us to crawl under the wall more freely, Chengying chose to renovate a vine-like plant. And the fruits produced by that plant are inedible. In the case of small-scale planting, on the one hand, a small amount can meet the food needs, and on the other hand, it cannot block the sun.

As for what to do next, basically I have too little intervention. I just need to secretly push forward the mutation of the plants in that world. Then the humans of that world need to seize the opportunity. Develop uses for that plant. Then it may take quite a long time to transform that world and build your own refuge. But I didn't have enough time to wait.

As for the remaining eleven worlds, Chengying will find us one by one and then gradually complete the world merger. Help the God-Emperor complete the plans I have yet to complete, and build a world among the Seven Little Jedi where humans cannot survive freely. And in that area where all the races in the prehistoric times are completely unable to disturb, the free development of human beings will develop a power that makes all the races in the prehistoric times fearful.

Because a small amount of blood has not yet been distributed in this world. After the blood completely loses its effect, transportation in this world will become much more difficult, and the connections between tribes and tribes and cities will become closer. At most, in the next few thousand years, human beings will The situation will get worse and worse. We will not be in crisis again until these artifacts in our hands lose their effectiveness one by one.

Transforming the plants on that planet is the most complicated. In such a doomsday, the plants that can sustain human beings must grow very slowly. In addition, there is light everywhere in that world, and the efficiency of photosynthesis is If it is too low, although in places where the light is too weak, there is a small probability that those plants will be burned to ashes, but in areas created by humans that are suitable for survival, they will grow very slowly. Enough food can be supplied to humans in a short period of time, and building materials also come from us. determine

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