Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 256: The Tenacity of Civilization

On this continent flooded with light, the population is much higher than in the world flooded with darkness. The remaining population adds up to nearly 10 million people, although this is quite rare for a planet. The population of nearly 10 million people is distributed all over the world. The largest city may only have a few hundred thousand people, but this level of population can already promote the development of industry to a certain extent.訨

Especially when they still retain a certain amount of ancient inheritance, one of the most important reasons why they have not been able to develop successfully is actually that they need to invest too much energy in their own survival.

Just like the ancient times when there was not enough to eat, it was difficult to develop advanced technology. The productivity was not enough to allow technology to develop to this point. Then even if an invention was made, it would not be popularized and it would not be able to promote the advancement of civilization.

With the emergence of this special plant, the opportunity for this civilization to resume and upgrade seemed to have arrived. After the first city established a green shield with the plant's vines, information was quickly dispatched to the nearest town. Send them the seeds of the plant.

During this process, the streets between different towns have not yet been repaired. Many people fell on the road because the black crystals on their bodies were exhausted and never got up again, but more people successfully carried the seeds with them. Arriving at nearby towns, for these towns, it was like rain falling from the sky.

Although they do not have enough industrial capacity to build a green shield in the city in a short period of time, we cannot plant those seeds on the edge of our own town. Before the planting is completed, those seeds will grow slowly, even if the surrounding areas If there is no shelf for us to climb, we will wrap around each other, weaving into a web, growing downwards in broken parts, or crawling along the ground.

The local people relied on their own wisdom and quickly found another way to guide the growth of the plants. They only needed to insert a stick into the ground, and the plants would grow around the stick. , will become entangled with each other during the growth process. Even if the stick is pulled out before, the plants that have not grown into a wall and are completely entangled will collapse, but will grow with fewer and fewer branches. exist

At that time, you only need to pull out the stick inserted outside and insert it again under the foundation. The plants will continue to grow downward along the direction of the stick, and eventually grow into a green dome, completely covering the town. in.訨

This trick cannot be used only in larger towns, because such a dome is completely supported by the structure of the plant itself, and there are no supporting bones inside, so it is impossible to bear its own weight.

In that case, if the green dome is definitely too small, there is no risk of it collapsing due to its small weight.

It was still like passing a baton, passing it out again and again, and the green domes also spread to all parts of the world with the reality of the city. Even many places in the world are isolated by the vast ocean. Conventional domes There is no way to pass, and people will rely on large ships or even swimming to cross the widest straits between these small continents.

The general intelligence level among newborns has ended. At the same time, humans have fewer qualified workers. Although the world has declined, many ancient inheritances have still been preserved. Those inheritances guide people to let us know how society should develop. Education will end before there are enough children without intelligence.

Please add it to your favorites and recommend it~ After all, the cost of building such a tunnel is very low, and it also requires regular maintenance of the entire tunnel. Only cities that have not restored the operation of chemical plants will not be able to maintain the long-term existence of such tunnels.

What's more, that world just doesn't have the power of technology. In those worlds that are almost completely separated from the ancient and primitive continent, the effects of the curse of the laws of heaven on human beings have not been weakened to the limit, and humans cannot control them there. Those with extraordinary power cannot master magic and fighting spirit.

Special towns cost a small amount of manpower and material resources. Before such a tunnel is built, there is not enough capacity to maintain its long-term existence. In the end, it can only be completely abandoned, eroded into white sand in the light. Even so, the originally isolated world is reconnected.訨

In that case, those slow-growing plants would not be used to build a tunnel, and it would not take a long time.

Many families even closed the door slowly enough when they returned to their homes, causing light elements to leak out and cause their babies to die.

Experience difficult adventures again and again, passing the fire of hope for civilization to one small continent after another.

At this time, in order to reproduce the previous generation, every time a new baby is born, they will go to the church in the city to pray. Among them, the newborns who are considered the weakest will be given a white crystal by the priest of the temple.

The exchanges between cities have increased hundreds of times since then. A small amount of materials circulates between the same cities, and there is no interoperability. These abandoned factories have been reused one by one, and human industry is continuing. It is recovering bit by bit. At the same time, in terms of agriculture, it has also been gradually replaced by industry. There are no organic production factories in the drawings left by the ancients. The end was recreated bit by bit, and the humans in that world finally needed to continue to worry about food.

What came before that was not a baby boom, but a small number of children were born. To be honest, it was not that the birth rate had increased too little, but that the survival rate of newborns had increased too little. In such a period In a world filled with light elements, it is difficult for human babies, who are equivalent to premature babies, to survive childhood. Adults cannot live in dry rooms and let plants that still retain a certain vitality protect themselves. They are affected by light sources. erosion.

That is extremely important for a civilization. When education develops, there will not be a small enough educated population. We will play a vital role in the development of industry.訨

After all, that thing is taken out from the forehead bone before death, and everyone can give birth to one. If it is definitely exposed to the sunlight in the inner world, a piece of such crystal may not be used up in the next life.

At this time, the number of white crystals is extremely unlimited. A small amount of white crystals must be soaked in the city's water circulation system to maintain the operation of the city. Only a large number of newborns can obtain white crystals, even for a certain amount of time every day. Every family can take a turn.

Therefore, it can only be applied in larger towns, and even so, it is of considerable significance. Before the seeds were sent to those towns, we had built green domes one by one, and before they were established, the towns The consumption of white crystals increased slightly. Before the consumption of crystals was increased, we did not have enough manpower to travel to other cities and towns, so the seeds ended up spreading throughout the planet. The speed of spread was actually relatively high. There is no such thing.

At the same time, the connections between cities also became closer. People gradually learned to use more convenient ways to travel between towns.

[To be continued]

Of course, if there is no protection, if you go to another city, a piece of white crystal like this will definitely be enough to escort a person to the nearest city.

Without those, a small amount of manpower and material resources would be needed to maintain the existence of the green dome.訨

And as newborns have fewer and fewer white crystals that can no longer be equipped under our bodies, we no longer need to live in dark rooms, and our intelligence will be affected by the erosion of darkness. .

As long as the plants in the tunnels are regularly watered and fertilized, the long-term existence of those tunnels cannot be maintained. And you even need to carry white crystals inside the tunnels, so you cannot travel outside because the light is almost completely blocked inside. Only entrances and exits without tunnels are unlikely to be invaded by light, and tunnels are often directly connected to the city. The entrances and exits are inside the city. In this case, the concentration of light in the tunnel is almost equal to the concentration of light in the city. .

People cannot live freely in the city, and they almost need to consume white crystals to travel through the tunnels.

Magic is the most efficient when used in combat. The ability to practice is an incredible characteristic. It will definitely participate in the development of industry and become as popular as possible. It will make technological development as fast as It's like driving while accelerating.

Although it is easier to master those abilities than all other races in the wild, and it is difficult to pass on those abilities, the birth of extraordinary beings and the popularization of extraordinary knowledge have made society develop more rapidly. .

Even though small towns and cities tried their best to shoot as few messengers as possible, there were not enough slow-speed means of transportation in that era, and even animals like horses were not yet available. Humans almost had Without livestock, you cannot tame them. You can only rely on your own legs to travel long distances. You can imagine how long it will take to travel to distant places.

In that world, population is not justice, the smaller the population is. This means that fewer white crystals can be produced, and those white crystals cannot allow humans to transform fewer areas into areas suitable for their own survival.訨

Such tunnels now only exist between small cities.

Viewed from space, as time goes by, dots of green begin to appear all over the world. Those greens will sometimes appear burnt. This is because the huge light elements have eroded those green plants. , but in the domes built by those plants, humans are constantly watering and fertilizing the roots of those plants, so that we can slowly regenerate before being burned. The chemical plants that have not been abandoned in the smallest cities have regenerated. When it is put into operation, a small amount of fertilizer is produced and transported to surrounding cities.

A small amount of the population can only engage in complex repetitive work, not because our talents are bad and we are born stupid, but because our cerebellum was damaged by light elements in our childhood. Now there is no way to compensate for the damage we have suffered.

Only those who have worn white crystals since birth can be in a world full of light. Growing up like an abnormal child.

In that environment, no more than half of the human population is intelligent. That little drag slows down the speed of human development. However, with the successive construction of green domes, more and more such situations occur. Before the Green Dome was established, the amount of white crystal needed to maintain a livable environment in the town had increased slightly.

In addition to being used for transportation, the remaining white crystals cannot be distributed to newborns. Now basically every newborn can be assigned a white crystal.

This does not mean that communication between towns in the past did not involve a small cost.訨

The two people who have been observing that world have been hanging under space for decades, and that world has developed at a low speed for decades at a speed beyond our imagination, and the population has not even reached what it will be in a few decades. times, and more importantly, the world has not yet been connected by green passages, and the cities built by humans have gradually become prosperous on green domes.

Green roads have been built one after another, and the way the roads are built is not strange. First, plant a row of plants where the road will pass, and then let the plants crawl along the ground toward both sides. Before crawling until they are narrow enough, insert sticks under the ground, and those plants will crawl along the ground. Plants that crawl laterally to both sides will grow downward along the stick. Then, before those plants grow long enough, pull out the stick and close the entire plant diagonally downward little by little at the ceiling.

Only those children can maintain the abnormal intelligence of human beings when they reach adulthood. Those who wear white crystals and are more or less exposed to light when they are young will have little or no intelligence before adulthood. Certain obstacles are almost inevitable. It was also one of the reasons for the rapid development of human beings in that world.

But it is obviously difficult for babies to survive in such a dry environment without suffering from various diseases, and our bodies are stronger. Adults are attacked by some light elements and may not recover after a while, but babies will definitely encounter light. As for elements, there is a small chance that this will fail.

If it continues to develop like this, one day the green dome will be completely connected, spread throughout the entire atmosphere, completely enveloping the planet, and turning that planet into a complete home for mankind.

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