Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 232 Will Reappears

Chengying. I also discovered this accidentally. Because he has mastered part of the blood of the God Emperor, he has the ability to interfere with this power to a certain extent. When he tried to interfere, he found that the flame creatures that had been interfered with had recovered their intelligence to a certain extent.

Everyone had already figured out the tricks of this flame creature. Suddenly, I found that the other party didn't play according to the routine. There were three full teams. Immediately we faced a rather terrifying situation.

"You guys go quickly and pass on the news that this flame creature has abilities beyond what we have explored before. As long as we can pass on the news, it will be worth it even if we all die here."

After the flame creature recovered a certain degree of intelligence, it immediately chose to attack the people who were responsible for passing on the information and watching from the surrounding area. Under normal circumstances, after being attracted attention, the Fire Lord would only attack the person with the strongest ice aura, and the rest would only need to be careful not to be hit by his range attack.

But this time, he took the initiative to give up attacking the target with the highest hatred, and instead chose to kill the person who delivered the message instantly.

This is obviously a manifestation of a certain degree of intelligence. High-level Fire Lords have more or less intelligence, but few have such high intelligence as he does.

This is also one of the important reasons why it is difficult and dangerous to challenge high-level fire creatures. The opponent's strength is much stronger than everyone in the team. When the opponent gains wisdom, he will not attack the thick-skinned protection professions at all, but attack the milk.

The nurse's role in the team is crucial. Without the existence of wet nurses, other professions will not recover even if they are attacked, and they will end up fighting against opponents much stronger than themselves. There is only a dead end.

Cheng Ying saw that he had become the first target. The thick flame turned into a pillar of light and blasted towards him. But he avoided it at the critical moment.

At this moment, he also began to show off his skills. Normally, nannies don't have any displacement skills. After all, it takes time and energy to learn various extraordinary skills. If you are miscellaneous but not refined, it will cost you your life on the battlefield.

But Cheng Ying relied on a flying claw to achieve the same rush skills as an agility profession.

Quickly dodged the Fire Lord's attack, and when he became the target of the attack,. The powerful reaction ability displayed also exceeded everyone's expectations. Although he was obviously much weaker than his opponent, he still struggled desperately in this desperate situation.

At the same time, under the cover of his teammates, he managed to survive.

At this time, someone had already reacted and quickly chose to evacuate. At least everyone cannot be wiped out. Here, someone who remembers all the circumstances of the Fire Lord must return and bring the information back. Their adventure was not in vain.

For these pioneers, this level of casualties is considered quite common. If the information had not been passed back with such heavy casualties again and again, the rest of the adventurers among humans and humans would not have been able to quickly annihilate other fire lords of the same type.

During the fierce confrontation, Cheng Ying also chose to immediately stop interfering with the Blood of the God Emperor. Obviously, the unexpected situation just now was because he secretly interfered with the operation of the blood of the God Emperor.

Judging from what is happening now, it is very likely that the blood of the God Emperor is not integrated into people's bodies in this world. On the contrary, they merged into the bodies of these fire monsters.

Then in some way, the intelligence of these fire monsters was suppressed, allowing human intelligence to be unleashed, relying on the power of unity and cooperation to annihilate enemies that were far more powerful than themselves.

No wonder he feels that the end of this world is much gentler than other worlds. It's not even a doomsday at all. Now it seems that his judgment was indeed correct.

If the God-Emperor had not intervened secretly, the end of this world would have been devastating to mankind. Imagine that if all the Fire Lords have complete wisdom, then even the strongest among mankind may not be able to fight against any of the strongest batches of Fire Lords, the strongest among mankind. It's just a legendary level.

And more than one of these flame lords has reached the spiritual level all the time. If their IQs were not suppressed and the abilities they used were not so fixed, it would be impossible to kill two people higher than them with the help of legendary powerhouses joining forces. There are enemies in the realm, and if these enemies are not killed, they will become more numerous as time goes by. That would truly be the end of the world.

After thinking about this, Cheng Ying also roughly knew what he should do in this world, use his own abilities to assist the blood of the God Emperor, suppress the IQ of these things, and then secretly condense the blood of the God Emperor. Although it is certainly impossible to obtain the will of the God Emperor, it should be possible to obtain another artificial intelligence left behind by him and learn more information about the merger of the worlds.

Because Entropy focuses most of its attention on the outside, it uses the Excalibur to hone the light of its soul. He was not aware of the changes that had taken place in this small world, nor was he aware of the small tricks Cheng Ying was doing in secret.

It is very easy for him to suppress the intelligence of these fire lords. You only need to inject the atoms you control into the bodies of these flame lords. Let these atoms be the chief ingredient in the construction of the thinking organs of these Fire Lords. It can directly affect their IQ. Then as they split, the thinking organs of these flame lords will always contain these foreign atoms that can be controlled by others. In other words, even if he is not here, he can still make the flame lords here become from generation to generation. A mentally retarded person who can only operate according to specific Law No. 1.

In this way, as long as they come into contact with most of the Fire Lords, they can extract the power of the God Emperor from their bodies bit by bit. In the end, all these forces are brought together and transformed into power enough to change the world.

But the top priority is to solve the immediate problem first. Two of the three eight-person teams that surrounded the border had already evacuated most of their people, and now only Cheng Ying and Entropy's team, who were the targets of the attack, were still resisting.

Their good names have led to the Dog Team, and they are considered a famous legendary team in this world. They have survived in desperate situations on the battlefield time and time again, and brought important information back to the human world. Every one of them has Everyone is an extremely dazzling hero. They are also all powerful human beings with quite powerful talents.

Even though he was facing a desperate situation, he still fought tenaciously.

And as the opponent's IQ was suppressed again, the target of the attack finally switched from the nanny in the team to the protection profession in the team.

When the target of the attack was transferred, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because when the opponent attacked the protection profession, it also returned to its original rigidity, and the release of skills began to become regular again, and they had actually figured out this existence before. Most of the skill release rules.

Although the number of people at this time is small and it will be more difficult to deal with them, they are all elites. After understanding the special effects of each skill, he shuttled around the field like a butterfly wearing flowers, dodging range attacks again and again, withstanding attacks to the limit, and healing his teammates.

The skillful operation is almost painful to watch.

The enemy is indeed very powerful. Just relying on their team, it is impossible to defeat them even if they try their best. However, the people who evacuated before were like running a marathon, using all their abilities to quickly run back to the nearest human town and report What they found.

And this undoubtedly meant that reinforcements were about to arrive. With the sound of horse hooves trampling on the ground, warriors riding various mounts came towards the battlefield.

The mounts under their crotches are all kinds of, and there are still some ancient technologies left in this world. Although there are very few, they still exist in the form of magic technology.

So some people are riding motorcycles or ground-effect aircraft.

Some people are riding war horses, bears, or chocobos or dinosaurs.

Even though many of them are not members of the land reclamation team. But after learning that the good name made the dog form a mercenary group, and they were in a desperate situation, they all chose to join the rescue team. After all, the legendary team worshiped by countless people at that time was a hero among mankind. Everyone hopes that they can survive and continue the fire of human civilization.

And when they arrived, they were pleasantly surprised to see that the legendary mercenary group was still supporting. Amidst the violent attacks of the Fire Lord, they were like elves jumping between the flames, tenaciously supporting the Fire Lord. The attack had even seriously injured the Fire Lord.

However, each of them seemed exhausted. If support hadn't arrived yet, they might not be able to hold on for long.

After seeing this scene, the support staff rushed forward decisively, and the protection profession took over the task of attracting hatred. The others also released their most powerful attacks, bombarding the boss, and finally defeated the seriously injured Flame Lord. On the verge of death, with the previous intelligence and the close cooperation of everyone, they finally killed this flame lord whose individual strength was far more powerful than them.

Entropy was just bored with this PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds experience. To him, it was all just acting, but the people who came to the rescue actually cheered. They had obtained one of the most powerful types of Fire Lords. With the fighting method, there will be a chance to annihilate more such Fire Lords in the future. After killing them, the temperature of the area they rule will gradually drop, gradually dropping to a level suitable for human survival. This is also equivalent to protecting the people. Trapped in a corner of the world, humans have fought for a new living space. Every time they kill one of these top flame lords, it is an achievement that can go down in history for humans.

And they didn't realize that there was another thing waking up on this planet.

Atoms are integrated into this planet. In the natural ecological cycle, it is integrated into the body of every living creature, including those flame creatures. These atoms integrated into the body of ordinary people will not cause any damage. But the atoms integrated into these flame creatures can directly damage their nervous systems. Make them truly mentally retarded.

At the same time, the weak blood power contained in their bodies was also extracted during this process. No one noticed that the blood components, which were smaller than protein molecules, were slowly gathering on this planet.

At first, it was just a stack of atoms, and no difference could be seen. But as the number accumulated, more and more atoms with special powers were stacked together, and an almost invisible drop of golden blood finally appeared. . And after he appeared, he showed his wisdom little by little. Find Shuyuan

"Hey, someone can successfully wake me up, no... I can't wake up yet. I am the shackles of wisdom for all flame creatures. If my will is restored, wouldn't it mean that I am wise to these flame creatures? Suppression disappeared? Oops, could it be said that humans in this world have become extinct?"

This consciousness awakened in the blood has not considered the possibility that humans will wipe out all the flame creatures, because that is impossible. This world is already in the end of the world. Even if humans develop too fast, the end will happen. It will not be reversed. Even if the souls acquired by the flame creatures have been exhausted, they will be re-condensed one by one.

Even if people have the power to eliminate all the flaming creatures, as long as they are not cleared away at regular intervals, these flaming creatures will breed again in a short time, almost endlessly.

After this will was condensed, he felt that a spirit was connected to him, while the other party suppressed the outward transmission of his spirit. And he spread the information he needed to himself.

"Don't make any mental fluctuations, just connect directly with my spirit. There is an extremely powerful existence in this world, powerful enough to forcibly absorb your power. If you make too much noise, he will find out .”

Regardless of whether this was true or not, the will in his blood did calm down. Then, after some thought and weighing, he took the initiative to ask: "How is the situation outside? Who are you? Why did I wake up early? How are the humans in this world doing?"

"You have so many questions, I have to answer you one by one."

[To be continued]

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