Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 233: The Personality of the Great Lord

"First, let's talk about the situation outside. Although you have awakened, the intelligence suppression of the monsters outside has not weakened. I took over this part of the suppression work, so humans can still survive in this world.

As for who I am? This is currently unclear. But you should be able to sense from the breath of my soul that I have been in contact with blood like yours more than once, and have been recognized by more than one of them.

You said, think about it, I taught you a little bit, extracted it from the bodies of those flame creatures and put it together to achieve it. I have done this once before. Beings like you can regain their will after being gathered together. You should know this yourself.

The one I met before was an artificial intelligence, and you should have something similar. "

"Yes, it is true. Being able to know that I am an artificial intelligence basically proves that you are reliable. It seems that you have encountered other beings like me. When I woke up, I was in this situation. This means that the world merger has failed. After all, the damage suffered by the God Emperor is too great, and there is no way to complete this final grand plan.

So what is the purpose of your fantasy about me? "The consciousness in the blood asked.

“The purpose of waking you up is naturally to continue executing the world merger plan.

I have found the world of light and the world of darkness. And if the promoters of the two worlds meet each other, in about 30 years, the two worlds will meet and merge together.

The forces of light and darkness will cancel each other out, and the apocalyptic disasters in both worlds will be weakened accordingly.

The current situation of humans in the dark world is relatively bad, but they can still persist. Humans in the light world have begun to rebuild civilization amid the flood of light, and this world is also one of the worlds that will undergo world integration next. I think you should understand this. "

The consciousness in that drop of blood seemed to express approval: "I didn't expect that someone after the God Emperor would be able to discover this plan and promote it. If everything you said is true, then I'm afraid it's our imagination. The best of them all.

But what is that powerful existence you mentioned before? Is your personal safety threatened now? Are you a human being? I can't sense this from you, so why should you help humans? "

"To be precise, I'm not completely human, at least not in my body. But I don't think the God Emperor cares about this. The body of a foreigner is no longer human. It's impossible for a person with extraordinary power to continue to maintain it." It’s the original human body, isn’t it?”

"Indeed, once humans possess extraordinary power, they will be reproductively isolated from other humans. This is almost a law in the outside world. In this way, it is completely understandable that your body is not considered a human being.

This is not important, if you can really promote the merger of the world, but in the future, human beings may have the opportunity to rise again, or even rise completely.

Now you have obtained the approval of at least two drops of blood, maybe even three drops of blood. Then some permissions can be unlocked for you, allowing you to know some of the arrangements after the death of the God-Emperor.

After the death of the God-Emperor, he did not completely disappear. To be precise, the personality he represents has not disappeared. He has hidden his lord contract. If future generations can reach all the blood he left, they can inherit his personality and automatically obtain the hidden greatness. Lord's Contract.

Of course, if you have enough opportunities, you can also go to the ruins of the Earthling Clan to look for the Great Lord Contract. You should be able to find some clues in the Silver Land, but it is very dangerous and involves too many spiritually polluted things. , the hidden existence at low latitudes will also intervene.

Speaking of which, if my guess is correct, the mysterious strong man you said might discover me should also be a hidden existence in low latitudes. Find Shuyuan Your strength seems to be very strong, and it can make you The strong man who was so careful should have been famous at that time, who was he. "


After getting this answer, he could clearly feel the drop of blood trembling violently. Obviously, even he was familiar with this name. Even if he was just an artificial intelligence, he was still quite shocked at this time. After all, this was an opponent that he might not be sure to defeat when the God-Emperor was in his heyday. The fact that he was nearby at this time really made him a little bit emperor. Even if he gathered all the inheritance of the God-Emperor and obtained the Great Lord Contract, the inheritance He is definitely no match for this guy in terms of frontal combat effectiveness.

"Okay, I understand why you are so cautious, and I also understand why you can enter and leave the wilderness so easily. Now that you have a way to wake me up silently, the rest will be fine. Done, you must have guessed how to awaken the me in the world of light after seeing my situation."

Cheng Ying nodded: "The drop of blood in the dark world did not tell me the whole truth, so it also caused me some misunderstandings. At that time, I subconsciously thought that the God Emperor would leave his power to people. And then in people's bodies You can find his remaining power. Now that I think about it, there is actually another possibility. If you want to suppress the disaster, in addition to leaving your power to others, you can also directly use your power to control the scale of the disaster.

Therefore, in a world where light overflows, if you want to find the power of the God Emperor, you do not have to find it from human hands. It is more likely to find it from the light of that world. "

"Yes, it seems that you have understood what I mean. The same is true when traveling to other worlds. We may not be hidden in human bodies, but may also be hidden in the bodies of doomsdays that are hostile to humans.

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