Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 234 Sacrifice Magic

"Since you already have your own plan, let me give you some support. I can tell you the coordinates of the next few worlds. Of course, those are the coordinates of the past, and they must have drifted quite far away now. Distance, I hope you can calculate the location of these worlds based on the coordinates.

Your plan is indeed a very grand plan. If it succeeds, mankind can indeed rely on its own strength to overthrow the oppression of mankind by all races in the wild. Perhaps only by relying on the rise of mankind's own strength can we truly achieve this Recognition from all over the world.

What follows are the coordinates of the world. As for what kind of world you find based on these coordinates, I am not sure. "

After Cheng Ying withdrew from the connection with the two, he already had a series of coordinates of the world in his mind. The understanding of the rules of the world in front of him and the acquisition of the power of the God Emperor in this world were basically It's already completed. There is no need to stay here anymore.

After an adventure, Entropy finally heard that his teammates decided to quit the world. He had gradually become bored with this world of swords and magic.

This is a world similar to the prehistoric continent, except that all the races in the prehistoric continent have been replaced by humans. This is a world without a novel world view setting. It was really difficult to arouse much interest in him. So much so that in recent times, he has only invested a relatively small part of his experience in this world, monitoring the situation of this world.

After learning that he was finally leaving this boring place, he became slightly more interested.

"Where are we going next? I hope the next world we go to is a little more interesting than this one."

Cheng Ying didn't care whether it was interesting or not. What he wanted to find now was the water or ice world. If the two worlds are fused, the power of fire and ice can be offset. In this way, in the world after the fusion of light and darkness, another world can be merged. In this way, the original world after the fusion will Stability can be further improved. The living environment of humans living there will also become better than before.

Of course, all this is just wishful thinking on his part. What kind of world he can encounter is completely random. Maybe he can be lucky enough to encounter the water attribute world he wants. But the greater probability is to encounter other worlds. After all, there are fourteen worlds in total. Even now that three of them have been removed, there are still eleven left, and the probability of encountering the correct world is less than 10%.

Calculate according to the coordinates obtained from the blood of Shenhuang. Bringing the trajectory of the world into today's turbulence, one can roughly deduce the locations of several other worlds that have not experienced mergers.

None of them are too far apart from each other, so there's no way to tell which is which.

He could only choose to enter the first world he discovered based on the identified information. There is no doubt that this is also a world facing the end of the world.

It's just different from imagination. This world also looks like a world of swords and magic. The residents of the world live a normal life. However, this world is relatively more dangerous. There are a lot of evil magicians and monsters. The magicians in this world seem to exist just to destroy these monsters.

As soon as the two came into this world, they used their spiritual power to scan it. This time they did not encounter any shielding or suppression. So I learned the general situation on this planet almost instantly.

There are a lot of dangerous monsters on the planet, but their threat is not enough to destroy the world. At least it's much worse than the previous flame creatures.

And the magicians here do have enough power to resist these monsters.

"Huh? The environment of this world is surprisingly good. It's even better than some areas with harsh natural environments on the prehistoric continent. It doesn't look like the doomsday world here at all. What's going on? Why is there such a thing here? A place so suitable for the survival of intelligent creatures?" Entropy was a little confused, there didn't seem to be any problem with the rules of this world. The biggest problem is that the environment here is too good. In the eyes of the prehistoric sea, all worlds will tend to doomsday, which is theoretically impossible. A world that looks harmonious and natural.

"It seems that the end of the world is hidden this time. Maybe it is not manifested in the forms we are familiar with. Let's get to know the mages in this world. Maybe we can get some useful information from them. .”

The two had similar ideas, and they quickly found Ancesta, one of the most famous mage organizations in the world. This is the largest mage organization in the world, but their interior seems a bit dark.

Although they are also magicians, the style of the magicians in this world looks a bit strange. Although they can cast powerful spells, their limbs often have mutations, especially their right hands. In the palm of their right hand, there are There is a scar, and their arms have mutated to the point that they are not like human arms at all. They have sharp scales and even eyes. They look like ancient gods.

This is only discovered by observing these mages at close range, and this arm is often the main force they use during fighting. In the battle process of mages in this world, the spells used often have to pay a price.

It seems to follow a principle similar to equivalent exchange. But it makes the spells in this world look extremely bloody and terrifying in terms of visual expression.

For example, a mage in this world can sacrifice his fingers through sacrifice, and then turn his fingers into ferocious thorn locks to wrap around the enemy and launch a fatal strangulation, or sacrifice his own eyes. Then it launches a powerful eyeball attack, instantly smashing the enemy into pieces.

It is said that there is a more powerful spell that can sacrifice one's own skin in an instant. After using such a spell, one can transform into an extremely powerful flame giant in a short time and defeat the most powerful monster in the world. possible.

These are things that were only discovered after observing these magicians up close.

This scene made the two of them look at each other. They were both extremely powerful. Therefore, you can use extraordinary powers outside this world without being restricted by the rules of the world. But after all this happened, if you feel carefully, you will find that this world is very strict about the blockade of extraordinary powers. Under normal circumstances, any violation The extraordinary power of the operating rules of this world cannot be used.

In other words, under normal circumstances, mages in this world must sacrifice themselves if they want to cast spells. Of course, they don't have to sacrifice themselves, but they can also sacrifice teammates. Or sacrifice innocent lives.

At the same time, monsters defeated by them can also be sacrificed to them, thereby gaining the power of these monsters.

The native creatures in this world are not strong enough to get rid of this shackles, so the mage organization in this world has become the most eerie and dark place in the world. All the mages look weird and crazy, especially when they are wearing robes. Some of the shielded right hands even looked more terrifying than the monsters they hunted.

"It seems that this is the source of the end of the world. There is something weird in the extraordinary power they use. Perhaps it is because of this weirdness that the world is facing a crisis other than the conventional end of the world." Entropy finally started. I have become a little interested in this world. Compared with the previous world of swords and magic, although this world still seems to be a battle between magicians and monsters, the special power system and world view are finally unexpected. Unexpected.

"It is indeed a very special way of using extraordinary power. If you must obtain powerful power through sacrifice, it is no wonder that the mages in this world have become so twisted and weird.

I just looked through some records about mages in this world. For them, sacrifice does not only mean gaining power, if the target being sacrificed is a human being, or if the target being sacrificed was a human being. Their memories and souls will also be absorbed by the magician's right hand, and these memories and souls will affect the magician himself.

Some magicians will gradually lose themselves in the process, and may even lose sight of who they are.

I think after hearing this, you should be able to think of it to a certain extent. Quite a few monsters in this world are not actually monsters. They were once humans, and they were probably the magicians of this world.

They were out of control, couldn't stand too many souls crowded into their bodies, couldn't bear those tangled and twisted memories, and eventually turned into monsters.

And these monsters have become the targets of new magicians, and their reincarnation continues. The mission of magicians from generation to generation is to hunt these monsters, so we can see the magician organization in this world like this. Gloomy, living in a castle made of flesh and thorns.

It’s not that they appear to be mentally ill, but that almost everyone has a serious mental illness. "

Entropy became more interested in this world after seeing that magicians in this world would gain their memories and souls when they sacrificed other lives.

"If this is the case, then is there a possibility that the person who was sacrificed in the sacrifice took the real initiative and occupied the mage's body instead?"

Cheng Ying nodded and said: "This possibility does exist. Although no exact records have been found, we can also directly observe the process of sacrifice. The soul that was sacrificed was not destroyed or disappeared. It is the real It truly resides in the palm of the person who sacrificed it. If the soul and spirit of the person being sacrificed are strong enough, it is possible to control this body in turn.

The mages seem to have adapted to this tradition long ago. I noticed that they have their own selection of mages, and in their selection, at least half of them will die. Because in their selection, they work in pairs as partners. The final test they face is to kill their partner. Among the two, only one can survive in the end.

Because when the mages performed their tasks, they also worked in pairs as partners, absorbing more and more souls. There will always be one person who goes crazy first, so his teammates must shoulder the mission of killing his own teammates. This is also the reason why the last level of the assessment for joining the magician is to kill his own teammates. Only those who can be closest to themselves Only those who can kill their teammates are qualified to become magicians in this world. "

"This is really a bad world rule." Entropy couldn't help but sigh.

"Well...that's true, but the fighting power in this world is not very strong. Even the strongest is still far behind us. Otherwise, it is actually possible for him to get rid of this control.

Well, I seem to have seen this strongest man. What kind of power does he have? "When Cheng Ying looked at the strong man on the top of a mountain, the other person also looked at him. This was the first time for the two of them. While actively hiding, they were discovered by the existence of this world. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.comm

The opponent's strength is not particularly strong. But Qingshi discovered the two of them. But it only escaped a trace of sight in the direction of the two people.

Then I saw him muttering to himself: "The world can be changed."

But this sentence sounded more like babble in his mouth, making people doubt that he even knew what it meant. And after he finished saying this, he threw off his robe. Then his body covered with eyes was revealed. There was no skin at all on the body, and the flesh and blood were exposed. The whole person became as twisted as the magician's right hand, but the powerful power prevented it from becoming Instead, the monster turned into the most terrifying magician in the world.

As his power was released from his body, the entire world became dark under his power. Countless people directly turned into monsters, and they captured those who were still alive and attacked them one by one. The magician sent it over.

The originally harmonious world fell into doom in an instant. Almost everyone became the slave of this extremely powerful magician. Of course, there were also other powerful magics that often challenged him, but failed one after another. , one by one was devoured by him.

By this time, the two finally knew the magician's name. Merlin.

"Looking at it now, this world does seem to be at the end of the world, but it's strange. It can't be that he has deteriorated into what he is now just after we got here, right? This shouldn't be the influence we brought. It has already fallen into the prehistoric state. The sea is so deep that the end of the world, which is enough to wipe out life in this world, should have come long ago."

[To be continued]

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