Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 235 Reincarnation

The two of them were indeed quite confused about this power, which was equivalent to a demigod-level power at most. With the help of the power of the entire planet, it affects the natural environment of a planet. This level of power is indeed like the end of the world for ordinary people, but for top powerhouses like them, it is just average. It can be solved casually.

If the end of the world is like this, it would really be a pity for him to be so deep in the wild sea. So there should be situations in this world that are more desperate than the apparent apocalypse.

"Continue to observe. We can easily reverse this level of doomsday. It is better to observe what will happen next in this world."

Although Cheng Ying was a little disappointed that he did not find a water-type doomsday this time, the special doomsday world in front of him did bring him a certain amount of interest, making him want to see what was hidden in this world.

Entropy for his advice is not okay? It also has a certain degree of curiosity about this world. How do people in this world fight against the apocalypse? How did the special magic system in this world come into being? And where did those souls go? Logically speaking, the souls swallowed in the right hand of the Magic Stone should not have dissipated yet. But as the number of magicians born in this world increases, won't the number of souls also increase?

With all these doubts. The two continued to explore. Keep waiting. While they were waiting, they also discovered why the magician named Merlin was able to discover their existence. That's because the other party has the ability to predict the future.

Although this prophetic ability only works in this world, it is quite one-sided. But the authority within this world is still relatively high, so they can be found, but this is basically the limit, and it is almost impossible to influence the two.

But this powerful ability also comes at a huge price for him, that is, his life is passing by all the time. Compared with ordinary people, he ages much faster. If he wants to continue to live, he must continue to make sacrifices.

Not at the expense of yourself, of course, but at the expense of others. He captured a large number of civilians in the world to come to him, just so that he could have enough people to sacrifice to extend his life.

He treated the people he sacrificed as if they were his own food. Devour them casually. The entire world also fell into chaos and panic under his dark rule, but these resistances were almost meaningless. Merlin is so powerful that almost no one can defeat him.

Each magician kept resisting, but basically they were all defeated by him and then devoured by him. Of course, some people choose to use tactics, such as disguising themselves as the other party's slaves, pretending to be the other party's prey, and then sneaking into the slave's team to approach him, trying to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the other party.

This has no effect.

Merlin has the ability to predict and know what will happen in the future, so sneak attacks do not exist for him. Those who wanted to make a sneak attack were actually discovered when they made their preparations, and after that, they faced the most brutal killing.

He was sacrificed and sacrificed everything he had, his soul became a part of Merlin, and his life became the continuation of his life.

The world continues to be in darkness and chaos, and there are still countless people who have become monsters in this world because of Merlin's power. If this continues, this world will probably sink completely.

However, although Merlin is extremely powerful, he does not seem to be completely invincible. At least according to their perception, there is a strong man in Ancesta who is similar in strength to him. Although the real strength may be slightly worse, he can barely match it.

It's a pity that the other party seems unwilling to participate in the war against Merlin and has never taken action.

As for the remaining magicians, not all are without resistance. Some of them are not much different from Merlin in strength. If they join forces, they may be able to win, but unfortunately, more often than not, They didn't know each other, they were just like gourd babies, just like grandpa, they went up to send them off one by one.

Cheng Ying originally wanted to help them and let them unite to deal with Merlin, but in the end, after thinking about it, he gave up for the time being. He just wanted to collect the souls of innocent people who died unexpectedly in this world. If the end of the world is really hopeless, If redemption occurs, he will completely restore the doomsday, and then restore the collected souls to their original state.

This is because they are worried that there are other strange things in this world. Maybe the end of the world is not as simple as they imagined. Simply ending Merlin may not end the end of the world. It may lead to more terrible consequences, just like before. Just like the contained objects we are facing, rash interference with the contained objects without knowing the specific information will often lead to quite dire consequences.

As they continued to observe, adventurers and powerful magicians who were powerful enough to rival Merlin were all killed in the battle. Everything seemed to be irreversible. Merlin's power was beyond their ability. Confrontational.

However, things more or less deviated from their imagination. After Merlin defeated one magician after another, he unexpectedly lost to a magician who was much weaker than him. The magician's strength was not comparable. How strong he is, at least not as good as the top experts in this world, but he still managed to defeat Merlin after a series of miracles and coincidences.

And if you observe carefully, you can find that in the final battle, apart from some coincidences, the magician also inherited some power, which is quite advanced magic knowledge and combat skills.

The two of them replied to the previous battle and everything that happened before, and then noticed. Before the battle, the magician comes across a magic book.

A magic book that looks quite ferocious, even with two asymmetrical eyes, one large and one small, and a jagged mouth. Just looking at this thing is enough to make people's minds explode. It looks very much like Some kind of indescribable thing created by the evil god.

But this thing gives all its power to the user of the magic book. As for what happened before? Even the two of them couldn't restore it. They could only see the person who was captured as a slave. After picking up this book, I started flipping through it.

While he was flipping through the book, he seemed to have fallen into some kind of trance. He was probably reading something in the book. As for the specifics, it is unknown. In the process, he seemed to have learned something. Things happened, and I got some revelations, and then I chose to inherit the power of this magic book and gained great strength.

After Merlin was defeated, the doomsday seemed to have really ended, and the sky returned to blue and the earth returned to its original appearance. Even people who were originally dead were resurrected.

This is a bit incredible. After defeating Merlin, the magician chose to sacrifice Merlin. In this way, the world was restored by sacrificing Merlin.

In the process, the two finally discovered something was wrong. There seemed to be some kind of power affecting the entire world at the root of the world. And this force follows a principle of exchange. But it is not the so-called equivalent exchange. To be more precise, it should be equivalent on another level. It measures value not by a standard but by one's desires.

This thing may be called the Holy Grail. When it fulfills people's wishes, the price it pays is another wish of the people. The person's desire for both desires must be equal in order to achieve one of them.

To put it simply, if a person wants to become the richest man in the world, and also wants to have a partner who is in tune with him, then only after he gets such a soul-destroying partner can he make a wish on the Holy Grail and make himself the richest man in the world.

And the price he had to pay for the Holy Grail to make him the richest man in the world was to sacrifice his partner.

The degree of desire for two things must be equal to balance the scales and for the Holy Grail to be effective. If you want to gain something, you must lose something. If you want to realize your wish, you must lose the same thing.

This setting can be said to be quite evil. People just replace one regret with another.

And it seems that the restoration of the world comes from this. It seems that the world has indeed been saved. It's just that both of them have realized the weirdness of this world at this time. I'm afraid there is no real escape from the end of the world. At a deeper level, there may be some other indescribable things brewing. The crisis of this world may not be there at all. The end, or now in the midst of crisis, is but a moment of peace.

And soon the two people's conjectures were confirmed. After the world developed peacefully for a period of time, the haze shrouded the world again, because in this world, the hero who saved the world gradually fell into chaos. During the process, while he sacrificed Merlin, he also absorbed Merlin's soul, which meant that Merlin was actually in his body. As his physical condition gradually deteriorated, he also began to gradually separate. It was unclear whether he was himself or Merlin.

"It seems that a new Merlin is about to be born in this world. Well... this person seemed to have done something else before." Cheng Ying, who has paid attention to the magician who saved the world and what he did later? What he did was a bit surprising. He recorded everything that happened in the previous world, and then gave it to some people in this world and asked them to create a sect. The meaning of this sect is translated into other The language of the world probably means fate.

The other two major sects in the world of Hopewell can be regarded as the three forces with the most profound influence on the world. They represent the power of destiny, while the previous Ancesta represents the power of sacrifice, and the last remaining one is similar to the Holy See. The power represents the power of salvation.

This force also existed before, but they didn't do anything meaningful before, so they didn't attract attention. It's just that they were said to have mastered the preview. This force had predicted that a powerful magician would be there before. Destroying the world, where did their prophecy come from? I roughly understand that this world may be a reincarnation. The magician who defeated Merlin will become the new Merlin. Maybe he will destroy the world next, and then a new magician will defeat him, and finally start a new reincarnation.

The so-called prophecy of this organization is actually not a prophecy at all. It is basically what happened in the previous world. It’s just that there is almost no difference between the two worlds. The same beginning and the same ending. The same process that happened in the previous world. Things have become like prophecies in the current world.

"It's interesting. Does this world have endless reincarnation? No wonder this world is the end of the world. If it is infinite and reincarnates within a certain period of time, it is indeed the case. Although people here can indeed survive, but I am living in a cycle of despair. Nothing can change at Shuyuan

Then let's take another look and see if any surprises will happen next. Will something break this cycle and cause something unexpected to appear in it? "Entropy finally feels that this time he has not come in vain and has seen a pretty good world view. This is even helpful to him. This kind of reincarnation is somewhat close to the heat death he is pursuing. , as long as the world falls into a long-term state of no change, it is basically equivalent to maximizing his power.

The two of them continued to observe the world in front of them and the changes that had taken place in him. As the two of them observed, the accident did happen. The magician in this world changed into Merlin again, but after a It turned out after a series of adventures that just like before, he had a partner, and what he pursued was a normal death, allowing himself to die completely.

It was only with adventure after adventure that he discovered that his partner was equally important to him. Finally, when he encountered the Holy Grail, he faced a choice. He needed to sacrifice his partner before he could completely escape from the Holy Grail. Be freed from your own endless life.

However, he failed to do it in the end. Even though he gradually became a monster, he did not sacrifice his partner. In order to prevent him from destroying the world, his partner fought with him again and again, and finally his body twisted into a It cut into pieces of flesh and then turned into a magic book with an extremely hideous image. Seeing this, the two finally understood where the magic book that the magician had obtained came from, and that there were so many secrets in this world.

[To be continued]

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