Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 236 Destiny Sect

Judging from the current performance, the purpose of that book is to find an inheritor to pass on his knowledge and power. Then kill Merlin after gaining this power. The disaster that ends all. But this is actually just part of reincarnation. If the other party successfully kills Merlin, then the world will enter the next reincarnation, and he will become the next Merlin. The world will have a brief period of peace, and will usher in the end in his hands.

And what happens if he fails? That book also has its own soul. Although it has become a book, if it is sacrificed by others and his power is obtained by others, then his soul and his will will be lost. It will also affect that person.

As the two observed, not everyone can defeat Merlin, and in fact, only a few people can defeat Merlin.

Most of the selected challengers were defeated, but being defeated did not mean their death. They inherited the will and soul in the book, and became the same people as in the book. The obsession in their hearts is to defeat Merlin, and in the challenges again and again, after being defeated again and again, their bodies were broken into pieces of meat, and these pieces of meat were reassembled and turned into one. This new book is waiting for the latecomers to obtain the book, obtain the power inside, and then defeat Merlin. As long as they cannot defeat Merlin, this reincarnation will continue.

"So that's it. Is this the source of reincarnation in this world? What will happen if we destroy that book? If we destroy it completely, the logic of reincarnation in this world will seem to be broken." Entropy was a little eager to try. , the strange setting of this world made him very curious.

"I suggest you not to do that. Do you remember the Holy Grail we saw before? You should have felt the power level of that thing. Even if you compete with the opponent, you will probably win, but the level of that thing is very high. It’s something similar to a fragment of Heavenly Dao, or something similar to a containment object. If it’s contaminated by that thing, it will definitely not end well.”

Entropy also knew very well what kind of troublesome things the contained objects were. After a brief hesitation, he decided not to provoke the other party. The characteristics of many contained objects meant that even if he encountered them, he would not be able to save. For example, that pretending sword outside.

Even though he already knew very well that it was a containment object, the terrifying pressure it released. It is only used as a deterrent, and it is impossible to kill anyone, but the pressure and fear felt in the heart cannot be changed, and you will still be afraid if you should be afraid.

Cheng Ying continued to observe patiently. There may be other changes in the world that he did not expect, and the observation turned out to be really fruitful. During their observation process, unexpected situations did occur in the world.

This has been mentioned before. The magicians in this world advocate not only sacrifice, but also sacrifice. After killing the opponent, they can also choose redemption. After choosing redemption, the opponent will change back to his original appearance.

But changing back to the original appearance does not mean that everything is restored. If a person becomes a monster because of crazy obsession, even if he is redeemed, he will change back again. If you cannot change a person from the heart, Then he will still become a crazy monster.

Among the subsequent magicians, some chose redemption after successfully defeating Merlin. The result was that after experiencing redemption, Merlin fell into madness again and fought the magician again and again. In the end, the magician was defeated again and again. A crazy battle, once again beaten into pieces of flesh, turned into this book that inherits this knowledge and memory.

There is no doubt that this is also part of reincarnation. It seems that no matter how people in this world choose, they cannot escape from this reincarnation.

"I do underestimate this thing a little bit. This Holy Grail seems to affect fate, so no matter what choices people in this world make, they can't seem to escape this reincarnation. However, it is not without accidents. You should also find that That's right. Others will reshape their memories when Merlin is sacrificed and return to the starting point of this world, but one person will not. That is the magician who killed Merlin. He will bring his memories to the next generation. A world.

What he brought in his memory was that the highest point of the Destiny Sect was also their teachings, and the things recorded above were all prophecies, which were almost identical to the actual development. Because that's what happened in the last century. This world will also reincarnate everything that happened last time. Naturally, history becomes a prophecy.

Since he can bring his memories to the next world, he may be the only person who can change this world. "

There is a certain truth to what entropy says, and the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. If only one person has the chance to break this reincarnation, then why is this person so special? In addition, this world is the world chosen by the God Emperor, and Merlin is special. The difference seems to be obvious. Its special feature is probably that he holds the God Emperor to stop bleeding, which makes him the only hope for this world to break the fate of reincarnation.

However, Cheng Ying obviously would not expose this. He only focused more energy on Merlin, feeling the difference in him and trying to sense the breath of the God Emperor's blood on him. Unfortunately, it seems that the fusion is too complete, or there is some kind of shielding, and the relevant aura cannot be felt, or it may not even be on him at all.

A new round of reincarnation has successfully begun, and this reincarnation is slightly different from the last one. After the reincarnation unfolded, the last magician who killed Merlin once again established the Destiny Sect, and the Destiny Sect Among them, several young people with special ideas were born.

They saw some clues from the highest scriptures of the Destiny Sect and deduced that there might be reincarnation in the world. Each of these young people had their own dreams, and they joined together to build a world of their own. own organization.

In the world of magicians, they perform their tasks with difficulty. Some members of the organization have a dream to resurrect their dead relatives. Some people's dream is to get rid of the entanglement of the soul in their arms, and some people's dream is to make magicians no longer need to devour other people's souls, so that this reincarnation-like killing can be completely ended.

The leader of the organization, a woman in a red robe, really wants to break the reincarnation of the entire world, so that people do not have to fall into endless reincarnations again and again, and even they do not know the beginning of reincarnation. with the end.

A woman wearing a red hood and red robe. He has always been holding a green apple in his hand, and there is an eye on the surface of the apple, making it look quite weird.

"Maybe this thing is the symbol of their organization, the green apple with powerful replacement ability?" Cheng Ying also became interested in this organization and wanted to break away from this reincarnation that he might not even be aware of. The difficulty is undoubtedly huge, because in the next reincarnation, everyone will lose their memory, and there is no way to remind themselves in the next reincarnation.

The biggest despair faced by these young people is actually not this. Some people in the team have actually expressed their despair.

"Captain, do you think there is a possibility? The same thing happened to us in the last reincarnation.

That is to say, we have actually experienced reincarnation. In the last reincarnation and even the countless previous reincarnations, we wanted to break this infinite reincarnation, but we failed, and now we don’t even know what we failed. Everything, including every word I say now, is repeating the process of the last failure. "

The expression on the speaker's face was extremely depressed. His dream was not to truly break the cycle of reincarnation, but to hope that his relatives could be resurrected. His relatives had become monsters and were sacrificed by his own hands and absorbed into his right arm. , but in reality, there is no way for the sacrificed person to be resurrected. If he cannot break the cycle of reincarnation, he at least hopes to bring his relatives back to life.

The woman in the red hat shook her head: "You are right. Maybe we have failed more than once, but this is not a reason for us to stop. Only by trying can we succeed. Indeed, over the past thousands of years, we have failed again and again. A reincarnation has never been broken, but this does not mean that people in reincarnation must live in reincarnation."

This tongue twister made the teammates confused. But some core members know what the captain means. The captain was not entirely unaffected by this desperation. The existence of the last reincarnation basically proves that people like them will fail again and again in reincarnation. No matter how hard they try, they can't stop the next reincarnation from starting.

Therefore, the efforts of their captain were not to prevent reincarnation from the beginning, but to allow people living in reincarnations to live a different life from each reincarnation. Even if the world will restart again and again, but If what happens between each restart is completely different, it would be a kind of salvation for the people of this world.

If the time between the world and its restart is almost infinite, and during this infinite time, people living in the world can have their own wonderful lives. Being able to reproduce normally and build epics in the form of civilization is equivalent to breaking the cycle of reincarnation on a certain level. After all, the universe will end one day, so what can we expect to be eternal?

And their team's real plan is about to land on the green apple that the captain has been holding in his hand.

This green apple is not a particularly rare thing in this magical world. Its effect is a strong hallucinogen that can make people fall into hallucinations. However, its scope of action is limited and can only make a few people fall into hallucinations. In hallucination.

There is a very ancient and cherished magic in this world, which is a kind of diffusion magic that can spread a special magic effect to the whole world.

The real goal of their organization is to obtain this diffusion magic. After obtaining this diffusion magic, they can pull people all over the world into the illusion, and in the illusion, everyone can realize themselves in their dreams. all wishes. Those souls that have been sacrificed and lodged in people's arms can also reproduce normal birth, old age, illness and death in this world.

In this way, most of the regrets can be made up for, and people in this world can live freely in the illusion, at least for everyone alive.

Before the end of the world, everyone will be free. What determines a person's position is what he sees and everything he hears is his perception of the outside world. And if a person is born in a dream, how can he know what the real world is like?

People themselves are locked in a cage called the body, and the dream in front of them just changes this cage from the body to a dream. The environment in a cage is much better than being trapped in a body.

After allowing all souls to live such a complete life, the dream is completely shattered and dissipated. The world re-enters the next reincarnation. This is the ultimate dream of these young people who defected from the Destiny Organization.

For the entire world, their dreams may not change anything, but for everyone living in this world, if such a dream can become a reality, then they may have no regrets. Find Shuyuan www.

The expression on Cheng Ying's face was unprecedentedly solemn. This kind of subjective philosophical thinking had a huge impact on him. He knew that humans in the prehistoric world had finally succeeded in rising, but now he couldn't help but have a conspiracy theory. The inescapable thought is whether real mankind has really risen, or whether the rise of mankind is just the same yellow dream. When everyone dies or wakes up, mankind will still live in such a hazy way. On the ancient continent, beast-like existences are still the lowest level, even inferior to livestock.

He even doubted whether what he was in now was a dream, but he soon got rid of this doubt about himself, just like the leader among those young people, even if he knew what he had done Everything may have happened in history, and nothing can be changed, but this is not a reason to give up, especially for Cheng Ying, who just had a conjecture. The possibility that the world he lives in is a reincarnation is very slim, let alone a dream. If you are discouraged because of this trivial possibility, it is too fragile. As for the young people in this world People, the diffusion magic they are looking for is hidden in Ancesta, hidden in the largest and most brutal mage organization in the world.

[To be continued]

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