Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 241 Base Vehicle

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When magic can directly distort the rules of reality, it is much easier to build a base than imagined.

First of all, if you want to make a metal part, you only need to know the specifications and standards of the metal part. Then you can use the power of distorting reality to directly make it through the ready-made metal ingot and distort the shape.

The difficulty can be said to be almost equal to none. And every magician can do this kind of thing, and the difference between magicians and magicians lies in the amount of magic power required to do the same thing.

The same is to make a metal part. If it is constructed out of thin air and there is no metal raw material at all, the magic power consumed may be one hundred. If the metal raw material is mined and the metal is purified to a certain extent, under the condition of equal quality, Just changing the shape by distorting reality may consume only ten magic powers.

If even the shape has been shaped to a certain extent, and you only need to fine-tune the accuracy to ensure that the part is precise enough and that the error is within an acceptable range, then the magic power consumed may be only one. At the beginning, everyone Only the method of creating out of thin air that consumes the most magic power will be used. That method is indeed the fastest, but it is undoubtedly the least efficient.

As the machining accuracy increases to higher and higher levels, the magic power required to standardize these parts can even be reduced below one, to a negligible level. This is why a new type of base vehicle has been developed. The reason for the technology tree.

Through this set of technologies, we can have the greatest impact on reality with the lowest consumption. Cheng Ying has become very familiar with the relevant technologies and techniques during this observation. It can be said that he is more proficient in this aspect than anyone else in this world.

As he and several hundred of his men arrived at the nearest mining area, the task of mining the veins began in earnest.

At the same time, he is also quickly learning the extraordinary power system in this world's reincarnation. It is an extraordinary system that can become stronger through practice. However, if he wants to become stronger, he needs to constantly use rare metals to build meridians in his body. Things like this require a lot of time and resources. One of the important reasons for setting the threshold is to prevent Merlin from using his powerful magic power to distort reality and create a large number of powerful puppet soldiers. If he can If you can simply obtain powerful extraordinary power, then these puppet soldiers can also obtain it.

In this case, the numerical advantage on the human side is meaningless. Therefore, while the extraordinary system exists, if you want to become stronger, you must use your own wisdom and hard work, rely on wisdom, courage and perseverance, and then you can grow stronger bit by bit. Practice and become stronger.

Artificial puppets obviously do not have these characteristics. They may have certain extraordinary powers, but compared with real people who rely on their own strength to exercise, there will undoubtedly be a huge gap.

Cheng Ying had already thoroughly understood a series of characteristics of the extraordinary system formulated in this reincarnation during his last reincarnation, so when he started practicing, he was much faster than others, and he quickly gained After obtaining enough metal and building a basic set of meridians in his body, he can use spells in this world without consuming magic power from the outside world.

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Therefore, with almost no suitable tools, mining was left to him, the only one in the team who had mastered extraordinary power.

And he did not disappoint everyone. In order to facilitate the establishment of the defense line, when building the world, the minerals in the mines near the defense line were extremely pure. It almost only needed to be heated and melted at high temperature, and then recast to form, to get a very pure mineral. He only needs to blast these mines into pieces, and the rest can separate the stones and metals from them, and then sort them into simple smelting furnaces.

After going through reincarnations again and again, everyone has become a skilled craftsman. Even if the conditions are very simple at the beginning, they can still use the simple conditions to build something like an earthen blast furnace, which can quickly smelt metal, and rise rapidly in the process. Own technology tree.

It is precisely because Cheng Ying is extremely proficient in all this that he chose to place his spawn point directly on the front line. The commanders at the rear are actually not as busy as him and can mine a little bit and use a little bit of Panke technology. In that case They can reduce their magic power to the greatest extent. In this world, magic power is used less and less. After all, the outer body is limited, and obtaining magic power requires sacrifice. If the outer body is completely sacrificed and completely dead, , the body inside will also die in this reincarnation, and can only be reborn in the next reincarnation.

Therefore, no matter which magician he is, he cherishes his own magic power.

Those on the front line must build a line of defense as quickly as possible. In this process, they cannot be stingy with the use of their magic power, but they cannot be extravagant. They must master a certain degree and use the least magic power to achieve the fastest speed. The speed puts extremely high demands on the magician's ability to control magic and command the scene.

Cheng Ying happened to be very good at this aspect. Under his command, the construction site at the mine was running quickly and in an orderly manner. Everyone knew what they were going to do next, and they also knew what the tasks of others were. There is almost no time wasted in between, and there is almost no situation where some projects cannot be carried out due to unreasonable project arrangements.

After practicing with a large amount of metal and hammering out a similar prototype with the simplest forging hammer, Cheng Ying immediately used his magic power to distort reality, and quickly took advantage of the red-hot metal before it hardened. He completed the shaping of them, transformed them into standard parts, and used the extraordinary power he had mastered in this world to control these metals and quickly assemble them into machine tools one after another.

Under normal circumstances, these assembly tasks are left to ordinary people in this world, but their assembly also requires time and people. After Chengying mastered the skills to use the extraordinary power of this world, he can already Master the electromagnetic force to a certain extent.

Although the destructive power is still relatively limited, the control ability is already very strong. It is not a problem for him to control thousands of parts and assemble them into machine tools at the same time.

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I saw a large number of standardized parts with no errors formed under the influence of magic distorting reality, flying in the sky like ten thousand swords returning to their clan, and then being combined together like living individuals, and assembled into A whole, and the assembled whole is one machine tool after another with incredibly high precision.

With them, the work of producing standardized parts can be left to ordinary people. What Chengying wants to achieve next is intelligence, that is, manufacturing differential engines to replace the work of computers, so that the factory assembly line does not require manual labor and can be automated. Producing what he needs is the first step to realizing a base car.

This is also the technology tree after classical physics has developed to its limit. Although there is still a huge gap between the difference engine and electronic computers, it is determined in principle that the computing speed of this thing cannot be as fast as an electronic computer, nor can it be as fast as an electronic computer. Computer-like compilation.

But after having a set of established templates, it is still possible to make such a thing to control the pipeline. However, the accuracy requirements of this level of difference engine are very high, and it can even be called analysis. The number of parts required for the machine is even millions. If it is an ordinary person, it will take several months to assemble it just by getting enough standardized parts.

Normally, magicians complete the assembly by directly distorting reality. Although this consumes a lot of magic power, it can indeed save a lot of time.

Only magicians who have strong control over their own power can have the confidence to complete the assembly of hundreds of units in a short period of time by relying on the extraordinary power they have just gained from this world.

There are very few people who can do this, and Chengying is obviously one.

The entire analytical machine is composed of a large number of tiny structures like the gears in a watch. Each precision part requires a magnifying glass for ordinary people to see clearly. The process of them suspended in the air and assembling each other looked like a sandstorm. After the assembly was completed, they got a piece. Standardized cuboid. It looks like the size of a laptop computer. After inserting it into the machine tool, it starts to run automatically under the impetus of steam power. The internal spring gears and flywheel rotate rapidly, making a slight clicking sound. At the same time, the internally compiled program is executed. The machine tool begins to perform an extremely complex operation, swallowing the raw material and automatically processing it. An assembly line comes down. It becomes the parts needed for the next work. In this process, he can even process the parts needed for self-replication, including the parts needed for a self-replicating analytical machine.

However, the current accuracy is still relatively limited, and a magician must be nearby. These parts need to be standardized.

Although there are still some restrictions. The base here is already making the fastest progress among all the bases. They completed the construction of the first base vehicle as quickly as possible. After completing the construction of the first base vehicle, all the magician needs to be responsible for is standardization.

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That is to say, parts made by machine tools that are not precise enough are standardized through reality-distorting technology. Next, if it is left to ordinary people to assemble the base vehicle, it will be possible to create various engineering facilities and even have the ability to reproduce itself.

Although it is only classical physics, when developed to its limit, the destructive power it can display will not be much worse than the modern army on earth in the 21st century.

A large number of tanks carrying heavy armor were manufactured. They have internal differential engines for control, which can execute some simple commands. A soldier can control a large number of such equipment. Of course, this kind of control is quite inflexible, and there is a considerable delay in control. It is not even as good as real-time strategy. The game is easy to control.

But that's enough. After all, these equipment are mass-produced cheaply. After the base vehicle is built, the surrounding metal will be continuously turned into these weapons, and soon a torrent of steel will be formed next to the Great Wall of China. They are all cannon fodder, and their general purpose is to block the second weapon created by Merlin. A group of monsters attacked.

In the process of battle after battle, Merlin is also getting stronger. Human beings are becoming more and more difficult to deal with in battle after battle. He has created more and more powerful magic props, and has become more and more proficient in mastering the new structure of this world. The magic system that emerged allows even ordinary people to show powerful power.

Relying on his strong individual strength, he was already somewhat powerless when facing such an enemy, so he also created monsters.

And this thing is based on biological technology that has developed classical physics to its extreme. Among the basic laws of the world's operation, in addition to the knowledge of classical physics, there is also biological knowledge. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com At least on the surface, in such a virtual world, the physiological structure of most living things is exactly the same as that of the outside world. If they are different, it will be difficult to achieve self-consistent logic. If the logic is not self-consistent, various bugs will appear in the world. Merlin does not even need to destroy it. The life forms in this world will naturally be unable to sustain themselves. It collapses on its own due to its own survival.

Therefore, in terms of biological knowledge, there is not much difference between the dream world and reality, and these monsters are accumulated by relying on the biotechnology that has reached its peak in reality. Chengying can quickly create base vehicles, By creating a large number of cannon fodder tanks, your opponent can create a larger army of monsters.

If the Great Border Wall could be laid down at the beginning of the war, mankind would lose a lot of land with valuable resources. Although Merlin's thinking ability alone is difficult to utilize all the resources on these lands, as long as humans cannot utilize these resources, it can be regarded as a strategic victory for him.

So this time the dream world has just begun, less than a week away. The first firefight took place on the Great Wall of China. Tens of thousands of grotesque monsters and thousands of chariots collided together on the great plains. Steel and flesh almost became a mess, and the war began. The scene was extremely tragic. If humans relied on flesh and blood to resist, even if humans had a huge advantage over Merlin in terms of population, it wouldn't be enough.

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[To be continued]

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