Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 242: Your brain is your greatest advantage

[See you soon in Douluo’s life] []

When human wisdom is gathered together, there can still be quite great creations. For example, the base vehicle in front of you is like this, a collection of experiences from countless generations of human beings in countless reincarnations. Classical physics has been pushed almost to the limit, and what they have created is a powerful weapon that far exceeds the development of conventional classical physics.

In particular, materials science technology has been pushed to the highest level they can achieve. Many tanks use not only steam power, but also an even more incredible power drive method, that is, clockwork, as a As a cannon fodder unit, after this type of tank was designed, charging and other issues were not even considered. They were used as disposable items and after releasing the internal energy at one time, there was no need to consider the issue of return.

The normal design actually has a charging plan, but that will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of production and reduce output. After Cheng Ying carried out the transformation, he naturally removed this aspect of the setting. The new generation of tanks does not need to be charged. It is already fully charged when it comes out. After a charge, perhaps the energy It will run out, but it doesn't matter. Because almost no tank can remain intact after a charge.

Without the need for someone to control the car, it doesn't matter how much these cannon fodders lose.

And his judgment was undoubtedly correct. Going decisively, in addition to the repeated charging system, the manufacturing efficiency of the vehicle has been greatly improved.

At the same time, he also gave up the original track design of the base vehicle and directly adopted a simpler and rougher design, using tires and only a thin layer of rubber wrapping the outside.

Reduce costs to the greatest extent and improve production efficiency.

When everything was just getting started, the chemical industry was developing much slower than the machinery industry, so the outer layer of the tires could save as much material as possible. Some tanks even had no tires at all. There were no tracks either, so they drove onto the battlefield.

Because these things are designed for one-time use, and the battlefield is a large plain, and there is no need to overcome complex terrain, these settings can be simplified to a certain extent.

Ever since, the torrent of steel took shape, a huge army. Colliding with flesh and blood monsters on the plains. Although the monsters are not as hard as the Man of Steel, they have more or less mastered some of the extraordinary power of this world. During their charge, you can see fireballs and wind blades ejected from their mouths. , sometimes releasing streaks of thunder from the spikes on his back.

These also have considerable destructive capabilities for tanks, especially for the sophisticated differential machines inside the tanks, which have powerful destructive power.

If lightning directly destroys the physical structure of the differential engine, the tank may lose its effectiveness. Unable to continue a relatively intelligent fight, or even maintain a charge.

However, during the design, the differential engines of these tanks will self-destruct if damaged. Even if they are unable to continue charging, they can still complete their mission.

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The self-destruction team of the tank itself is made of steel. The damage caused by other tanks is relatively limited, but it is a huge threat to monsters of flesh and blood.

The wheels were crushing crazily, crushing the mushrooms into mincemeat, and the heavy artillery on the car also fired at this time, but the shells in the muzzles were not fired through the chemical energy erupted by combustion. It is also launched through elasticity.

The artillery shells themselves are elastic devices that have stored energy one by one. There is no need for a long tube of the artillery, only a short tube is needed to fix the direction of the launch.

Therefore, the artillery of these tanks looks more like missile launch nests. After rushing into the enemy, dense shells will be ejected from them.

There is still a certain gap in the speed of cannonballs fired by elasticity compared to cannonballs propelled by chemical fuel, but there is no difference to these flesh and blood bodies. Even if they are hit by a few monsters, even if the cannonball has penetrated No, other monsters still had fatal effects on them. Under the violent bombardment of such heavy artillery, flesh and blood flew everywhere among the monsters.

The silver-gray steel battle line and the dark red flesh-and-blood battle line were entangled in this way. The explosion of steel and the flying of flesh and blood continued on the battlefield, and more and more tanks were produced in the factory. , and at the same time, more and more tanks were scrapped on the battlefield.

Although it seems that the human chariots have the upper hand on the battlefield, the warriors who have experienced many reincarnations know it very well. They don't have an advantage now. At most, they are in a tie with their opponent.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, monsters are not as good as their tanks. But in terms of reproduction speed, the monsters are faster than their tanks.

That is to say, those monsters are cheaper. If a tank cannot destroy three or four monsters or even more, it will probably lose money. Of course, this refers to a tank with normal and complete configuration. The one in front of you is completely made for cannon fodder. For tanks, if the exchange ratio can reach one to two, you can still make money.

But the biggest problem with this is the waste of resources. Even if the map of this world is actively edited by humans, various metal mineral resources are limited. If they are all used to make puff flavor, there may not be enough in the later stage. resources to make weapons.

But the premise is that the battle line has been defeated. If the battle line has not collapsed and can continue to hold on, or even push the monsters back against the trend, then the metal is not wasted.

When the war broke out, a large number of cars with a pair of robotic arms came to the battlefield. They automatically grabbed the scrapped cars, lifted them with their robotic arms, then threw them on their own cars and quickly transported them back. Behind, a large amount of metal was destroyed.

These vehicles were thrown into the furnace, turned into molten steel again, and then re-cast into various parts to assemble into brand new tanks.

In terms of material recycling efficiency, it is even higher than the monsters that can eat their own corpses.

As long as the battle line can continue to advance and not be pushed back by the opponent, all the wreckage left on the battlefield can be collected and rebuilt. In this way, the resource pressure caused by this cannon fodder tactic is greatly reduced.

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More and more cannon fodder is being produced. With the development of technology, and with the new reincarnation, people began to have a deeper understanding of the extraordinary system of this world. More advanced weapons began to be developed.

It's like constantly climbing up the technology tree. After Chengying became familiar with the rules of this world, he quickly improved the production line. The first is to use the magic of this world to add anti-gravity runes to all tanks.

This way, they can serve as more complete cannon fodder. Originally they did not have thick enough tires and no tracks. Even traveling on the plains is actually quite bumpy. Especially after a battle has occurred for a period of time, although the battlefield is on a plain, there are too many desperate situations in the battlefield that are like a meat grinder. in these places. A large number of corpses and wreckage were piled up here, so that the originally flat ground became uneven. Many cannon fodder tanks lay down directly here. They had to wait for the subsequent convoys to come to the rescue. With the counterattack, After the gravity runes are attached to them, they can walk smoothly in these complex environments even if they only have wheels and no tracks.

With the addition of anti-gravity runes, the situation on the battlefield is obviously beneficial to Cheng Ying. He can even support his companions in adjacent battle zones and at the same time send his related technologies and research and development results to them so that they can Have the ability to modify their own base vehicles to create equipment with lower cost and higher performance.

And at the same time as all this, Chengying is also developing new technologies. That is a more advanced and crazy technology. The magic in this world is a very convenient thing. However, in order to avoid the principles of magic being quickly understood by Merlin. Every time the world restarts, the principles of magic will change in the dream, but the basic methods of deriving these magics will remain the same. The magicians will figure it out in advance before building a new dream world. What is the rules of deduction this time?

That is to say, if you have a password and calculate according to this password, you can quickly understand the magic principles of this world, and apply it to magic battles and runes, and apply it to tanks in base vehicles and the like. In terms of transformation, Merlin, who does not know the password, will need to spend longer time to crack the password. After all, this is not his home court. Although he is extremely powerful and can distort the reality here. However, it is still subject to many restrictions.

After Chengying developed anti-gravity technology, he quickly updated the remote control technology of these tanks. In the past, relying on the internal difference engine, although it could have a certain degree of autonomous combat capability, its intelligence was still too poor, and it was even inferior to those monsters in terms of intelligence. Well, those monsters themselves have low IQs and don't know much about strategy. If a living person faced these chariots controlled by differential engines,

Maybe one or two people with brains can think of ways to find their patterns, and then annihilate a large number of tanks without paying any casualties.

And now that the spells have been analyzed bit by bit and can be applied to these vehicles bit by bit, these tanks can also be actively and directly controlled. Through the magic power built in the dream of this world, remote control can be achieved. These tanks are controlled and sense the situation around them. In this way, the tanks can cover each other. When facing complex situations, the controllers at the rear can also directly give instructions on how to fight. .

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[See you soon in Douluo’s life] []

This is something much more important than improving the performance of the tank. After gaining wisdom, they are no longer the cannon fodder they used to be. Rather, it is a true legion that has its own tactics, can give full play to its own advantages, and is invincible on the battlefield.

This is also the most critical technology. Many base vehicle commanders immediately enhanced the vehicle's performance after analyzing the magic. Chengying only developed an anti-gravity technology to make up for the vehicle's biggest shortcoming. , after ensuring that they will not lie down at any time on the battlefield, they directly strengthen their communication capabilities. Obviously, the latter effect is much better.

He is better able to seize people's advantages than others. The advantage on the human side is the large number of people. This large number of people is not reflected in the fact that the individual's combat power can overwhelm the opponent. In fact, the combat power of these people does not count. What, ordinary people have no advantage at all over monsters. Even if they learn magic, the monsters will become stronger and stronger under Merlin's reinforcement. The numerical advantage in this aspect cannot be reflected at all.

What can truly reflect the numerical advantage of humans is actually human wisdom.

No matter how many monsters Merlin created. Find Shuyuan www. These monsters are also without intelligence. The reason is very simple. This is a dream world, and the rules of the dream world make it impossible to create a real soul in a dream. Therefore, no matter how smart these monsters are, they can only It can reach the level of artificial intelligence, and it requires paying a huge price.

Compared with people who truly have souls and selves, their intelligence is really far behind. How to use people's intelligence and how to make people's wisdom reflected on the battlefield to the greatest extent becomes the key to victory. The key is that the more you can unleash the power of human wisdom, the more advantage you can gain on the battlefield. This is why Chengying did not choose to enhance the performance of the tank, but directly targeted the long-range capabilities of the tank. Targeted strengthening of control capabilities.

After someone could cooperate with him for remote control, the combat effectiveness of his legion obviously changed qualitatively. The tanks began to learn to divide and encircle, and began to learn to lure the enemy deep. They began to learn to surround three but one missing, and the tanks began to cover each other. They also learned to separate the enemy from the large troops, and began to continuously form local advantages on the battlefield, fighting with more and less. The situation directly changed the battle situation of the entire front. Relying on the advantage of the tactical level to win the strategic level, the front that Cheng Ying was responsible for directly pushed back and hit the monster production base directly. That is where their mother nest is.

Destroying the brood is equivalent to destroying the base vehicle here, which will directly reduce the total output of monsters. It will not only reduce the pressure on your own front, but also the surrounding comrades. Because he destroyed the enemy's nest, the pressure he endured was greatly reduced.

[To be continued]

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