Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 248 High-risk mission

After receiving this high-risk mission, Cheng Ying was concerned that the clone in front of him might never return, and might even be captured and tortured by the enemy. In this environment, the danger of performing a mission can be imagined. The danger faced by performing a mission inside the enemy's monster will be a hundred times greater than that in the outside world. Moreover, in this environment, it can only use its own flying sword. Some of the individual equipment equipped above do not have any heavy fire support at all.

When encountering some enemies, relying on your own vitality, you simply do not have enough resistance. However, he still took over the task without hesitation, partly because he really didn't need to worry about being taken away. With his ability, he can complete self-report at any time. On the other hand, it doesn't matter even if he is captured. Because the torture of this body meant nothing to him, he only needed to extract his spirit from this body directly after being captured and confirming that he could not escape. All the torture that follows is just an operation on a vegetative person who has no soul, no consciousness, and only instinctive reactions.

All this happened in an instant. After he completed his judgment, he kicked open the cockpit and jumped out. And the feeling of being down to earth is very disgusting. It was a feeling of stepping on flesh and blood, and there was bright red liquid on the soles of the feet, which was blood.

It is the blood of this monster. The flying sword breaks through its shell and penetrates into its interior, which will naturally damage its internal tissues. Injury to these tissues will undoubtedly cause further internal bleeding. The difference between Feijian and Feijian was so deep that it caused almost massive bleeding inside him. Under such circumstances, it is equivalent to walking directly into the opponent's wounds.

The relevant information transmission equipment can only be obtained in a more internal area, and at this time, the other party may already be transferring the information receiving terminal, so they must race against time. Not having time to care about the disgusting feeling under his feet, he opened his legs and ran quickly through the passage blasted by the flying sword.

It's just that the danger of fighting inside the enemy's body is very high. This itself is the enemy's body. When it senses the invasion of outsiders, it can choose to directly use its huge body to destroy the outsiders.

The size of this thing is quite large, and the power it can erupt is extremely terrifying. Even the muscle strength is enough to completely crush a battleship, let alone an ordinary person. After he steps on it The enemy had already felt it, and the surrounding muscles contracted violently, crushing him.

If he is hit by a muscle crush at this time, he will be squeezed into meat paste in an instant. However, he had been prepared for this for a long time. He had even gone through relevant training before participating in the mission and learned how to perform a series of operations on the enemy's body. This was all valuable experience gained through the sacrifices of his predecessors. .

As the surrounding muscles were crushing towards him like a wall, he saw him pull out a lightsaber from his hand.

Light sabers use the principle of laser cutting. It's just that the intensity of the laser here is higher. The blade is sharper than ordinary blades and can cut through a half-meter-thick steel plate in an instant. In such an environment, the weapon in hand becomes easier to use. The distribution of the enemy's muscles can be seen in the enemy's wounds. You can see the muscle fibers distributed longitudinally

And the next attack only needs to hit those muscle fibers. And cut them all horizontally. Then it will be difficult for the muscle strength to explode. Even if you squeeze towards him hard. It also loses its destructive power due to the breakage of the muscle fibers themselves.

What he did was quite effective. As the lightsaber flashed. The muscle fibers on both sides of it were cut off quickly. The squeezing muscles stopped as a result, and a large amount of blood shot out from them. Like a fountain. His whole body was dyed blood red.

Running on such a muddy ground feels quite uncomfortable.

The channel in front has been closed by muscle atresia. However, flesh and blood is still fragile in the face of truly powerful and destructive weapons. As he waved the lightsaber in his hand fiercely on the closed door a few times, the door was completely destroyed and broken into several parts, and he successfully entered the door.

It's just that the danger faced when traveling through the internal passages of these monsters is not just the contraction of the muscles of the monsters. There are also beings similar to immune cells in their bodies that are chasing and intercepting them.

The function of these things is to remove foreign matter from the body, just like immune cells. It's just that their size is much larger than immune cells, just like slimes that are about the same size as adults. It's just that they are not the harmless things in game works, but rather terrifying weapons of war. Especially in such a small environment, they are even more difficult to guard against.

After encountering an intruder, these slimes will accelerate towards the intruder, jump up suddenly, and slap themselves on the intruder's face.

In this way, the five senses of the intruder can be blocked. When the head is completely covered by such a sticky substance, it is impossible to see, hear, or even breathe.

For the magicians in this world, they still need to rely on air. If they are completely covered inside the slime, they will soon suffocate to death.

And these slimes move extremely fast. The jumping speed is also so fast that ordinary people can hardly react. Facing such monsters, one must be 12 points vigilant. The most important thing is that they are almost immortal and can split into two parts like mitosis. , it is almost impossible to see the core at all. If it is an immune cell, it at least has a nucleus. The thing in front of me is made up of countless miniature cells. It has no nucleus at all, so there is no weakness. After being split in half, it can be divided into two halves and move freely. The threat posed is actually greater than when it was just one. As for the effect of bombing with explosives, it is not very good. Bombing them with explosives will only bomb them into more. Those small ones. There are also certain threats that will penetrate into various orifices of the human body, such as eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and these things that penetrate into the human body will destroy the human body as if they were inside a monster. The destruction is the same. It is undoubtedly fatal and painful for magicians.

Perhaps blowing them up smaller would significantly reduce their threat. It is indeed true that if their size is reduced to a level smaller than that of a water droplet, the threat to the human body will be greatly reduced, but these tiny water droplets can be freely combined together to become larger again. individual. So if they are taken into the body, they are also quite dangerous.

Therefore, when facing this kind of enemy, the best way is to avoid their attacks through flexible movement. Then quickly leave them behind. Although they are very fast, if the magician cooperates with the magic team to accelerate, they can run faster than them.

However, just being able to run faster than the opponent is not enough, because the opponent will not stay in place stupidly. There is mutual cooperation between them and the spaceship. The spacecraft will move its muscles to make it difficult for the magician to run, and close the gates in front of the magician, so that they must spend time breaking through these gates before they can continue to move forward.

And once the breakthrough speed is not enough, these slime-like things will block the door. When the time comes, a group of them will cover the person completely after jumping on them. There is no way, breathing is still a trivial matter. After these things completely wrap the person, they will also release corrosive liquid.

It is highly corrosive enough to corrode a person into a skeleton in a relatively short period of time.

However, this may be his only flaw. If a person is corroded to that extent, he will directly go to the resurrection point in the city to be resurrected instead of resurrecting on the corpse. This is also There is no way to pretend to be alive and there is no way to completely reduce the number of humans on the human side through torture, so this is still a relatively less dangerous monster.

The more dangerous thing is not these guys who can move, but those guys who don't move and hide in the passage.

They will disguise themselves to look very similar to the outside environment. It is difficult to distinguish their existence with the naked eye, such as some traps growing above the ground. They look no different from the flesh and blood ground here. But if someone passes by them, a large number of tentacles will instantly stretch out from the ground and grab the person.

The effect of these things is more to restrain than to kill, and will instantly fix the person in place, unable to move. And in this fixation, more and more other guards will come over, and in this kind of fixation, more and more other guards will come over. It is most likely to be captured alive during a blockade.

Not just these tentacles that may protrude from the ground, but mucus may be secreted anywhere on the ground and in the passages. These mucus are almost indistinguishable from the channels that are a bit thick and uncomfortable to touch.

And as long as you step on these mucus, it will be like a mouse stepping on the sticky mouse board. There is no possibility of breaking free. No matter how hard you struggle, it will only get tighter and tighter. The only way is to cut off the part of your body that is standing on you, or cut off the flesh and blood of the monster standing on your body. However, no matter which one it is, it will affect the ability to move to a considerable extent.

In order to deal with this kind of trouble, humans have actually developed corresponding assault equipment. For example, in today's combatants. All have unique outer combat uniforms. Each combatant can be given three chances to make mistakes. That is to say, during these three times, if it is stained with these mucus, the outer protective layer of the combat uniform can be separated immediately. All that gets entangled with the mucus is the protective layer of the suit. Real combatants can escape smoothly.

Before these three opportunities are used up, they can choose to detonate the time bomb in their bodies, blow themselves up to ashes on the spot, and return to their own town for resurrection.

Having three chances to make mistakes gives the combatants a little room for maneuver when fighting inside the enemy's body, so that they won't be completely killed if they make a little mistake. Relatively speaking, if you are entangled by tentacles, it is actually slightly easier to deal with than slime. You only need to control your own weapon to float in the air and launch attacks to cut off these shots. After cutting them off, the difficulty of removing these things from the body is greatly reduced.

Even if there are suction cups on these tentacles, they can not only wrap around humans, but also make people stick to them, making it even more difficult for them to get rid of them. But the time that this thing can continue to move after being separated from the main body is very short. After being cut off, it won't take long for these things to fall off automatically. Find Bookstore To a certain extent, these props can also play a role in asking for directions.

For example, Cheng Ying was deliberately entangled by tentacles once, and then wore a layer of tentacles on his body. As time went by, the activity of these tentacles on his body was constantly declining, and he began to be unable to move. He took off the tentacles on his body one by one and threw them forward like a boomerang. Used to detect whether there are traps or the like ahead.

Traps are not necessarily slime smeared on the ground, but may also be nets hanging in mid-air that are invisible to the naked eye. These nets are made of extremely fine materials. If you don't see them clearly, you may cut your body in half if you rush towards them. Of course, even if it's not fast enough to cut itself into pieces. If it hits it, it will be stuck to it and unable to move due to the stickiness of these grids. Although these grids are not as strong as those on tree trunks.

But their mission was only to briefly bring the incoming magicians to a standstill. As long as it comes to a standstill, the surrounding walls can quickly come over. Not only that, other defense soldiers will rush to the scene quickly. Capture or suppress magicians.

The most important thing is that these skins can secrete mucus at any time. In other words, once you stop while running, mucus may seep out from under your feet and wrap yourself up. In that case, there would really be no way to heaven and no way to earth. From this we can also see how important the three layers of protective talismans designed by the human side for combatants are. For combatants, that is simply equivalent to three lives.

[To be continued]

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