Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 249: Hijacking Evolution

It can be said that it is difficult to move inside the enemy warship. The actual experience of entering it is even more difficult than describing it. Large amounts of mucus are found almost everywhere. Mucus appears in almost all areas that can secrete mucus. And once it sticks, it means that you have to rely on the three layers of protection on your body to break away.

Cheng Ying also expected this situation. The ground where he passed was covered with such mucus. Once it got stuck, it would be the result of being captured alive.

However, he had already anticipated this and had a way to deal with it.

When humans develop military equipment, they will also consider actual application scenarios. Three-layer protection is indeed the last line of defense to protect users, but before using these three-layer protection, there are other protections that can be used to break away mucus, such as covering the soles of your shoes with multiple layers of films that can automatically break away. In this way, during the running process, a layer will fall off with each step, thus avoiding being completely stuck by the mucus.

This kind of thing is very thin and very easy to make.

Compared with a shell that covers the whole body and allows people to escape control instantly, the production cost and weight of this thing are much lighter. One person can carry many pieces.

This ensures that the soles of your feet will not stick to the ground so easily during regular running.

Beyond that, there are other ways to easily advance through slime-filled areas.

For example, all aircraft pilots carry coating guns. It can coat the surface of the target with a frosted texture film. This film is quite solid. At least the pressure generated during running is definitely not enough to damage it. The strength is at least equivalent to a double layer of transparent glue. The type that is unlikely to be destroyed by bare hands, but this thing can be fired from the muzzle and cover an area. In the area it covers, the slime will be covered by him and run smoothly.

But both sides are targeting each other. This device can fire large amounts of coating. This allows invading humans to move forward relatively safely in this environment within the enemy. But the other party also has targeted methods.

It is obviously impossible to rely on this move to run rampant in the enemy's body.

The method for coating guns is that what is secreted is not mucus, but lubricant.

It is very easy for these biological spaceships to slightly change the composition of the secretions.

And if what is secreted is lubricant, the films emitted by these coating guns will become a huge obstacle to intruders.

The friction of the film itself is very low because it remains stable because it is covered with mucus. But if it is covered with lubricating fluid, people who step on it will slip instantly. Only a few people can master balance in this environment.

That is, under the almost absolutely smooth surface, relying only on the balance of the body to keep moving forward without falling.

This is much more difficult than skating. The ice surface looks smooth, but when skating, people will use ice blades, and the ice blade is actually a good stabilizing device. It cuts the ice from the middle. During the skating process, People will move forward on a stable track. And if something like an ice skate could slide sideways at will, it wouldn't be so easy for people on the ice.

Training this skill takes an extremely long time. And even if you train it, it may not be useful, because in the next reincarnation, the enemy may not use the same tactics, and the skills you have trained so hard may not have any meaning in the next countless reincarnations. Therefore, when dealing with this special situation, the driver needs to adapt accordingly. The soles of their feet can eject blades. At the same time, they are also magicians themselves and can cast their own magic. All impossible situations will be solved logistically by the rear.

The moving trajectory of the coating film emitted by the coating gun is reflected in the image. You can determine whether the area ahead is a greasy zone or a slimy zone.

And when he saw the coating he launched moving slowly forward with inertia on the ground, he was convinced that there was a greasy zone ahead. The ground is extremely smooth, and when faced with this situation, there is actually a very simple solution, and that is anti-skid shoes. They are not the ordinary anti-skid shoes, but the kind with nails on the soles used in track and field competitions. , the kind that can be inserted directly into the ground.

You can use magic to build such nails directly on the soles of your feet without destroying the coating structure of your feet. In fact, the method is very simple, just use a liquid. Instantly solidifies into shape. Originally, the people who first developed this technique used water to condense into various forms of equipment. But there is a huge problem, that is, if the temperature is slightly higher, the ice will melt.

Later, based on this point, the logistics department developed it. Special liquids designed to deal with this situation The focus of the liquid itself is very high. Even if it is in flames, it may not melt. After adding the assistance of certain chemicals and magic, they can conveniently exist in a liquid state. Each pilot will carry a small amount of this liquid on his body. When they need to make various special forms of equipment, they use spells like a printer to quickly and temporarily make such equipment for themselves.

This is how the nail shoes in front of you come from, and they can be made easily.

In addition, when encountering some special levels, you can use this method to skip classes. The most typical ones are many doors that require keys to open, and the required keys can be printed directly using them.

Using magic combined with this liquid, you can instantly shape the various shapes you need, faster than a printer.

In this nest of biomass, there are some door locks that need to be opened with keys. Originally these keys grew on other monsters.

The normal process for breaking through such a level is to first find monsters with key-like organs growing on their bodies, then defeat them, obtain the keys on them, and open the door.

But if you carry this kind of liquid with you, you can directly condense the same thing just by seeing the appearance of the keys on those monsters. Then insert it into the door lock and it can be opened.

Not all living things rely on shape to judge whether it is correct or not, so this type of key can only open part of the door.

Cheng Ying, on his side, immediately put on spike shoes after detecting the greasy area ahead. The nails will penetrate directly into the flesh and blood under the feet. Of course, it is not the flesh and blood of the user, but the flesh and blood of the monster. In this way, even if the lubricating fluid on the ground has a very good lubrication effect and can become extremely smooth, it will have minimal impact on people running on it.

In this way, running at high speed. You can almost ignore the influence of the lubricant under your feet.

However, it is also very important to accurately judge the terrain ahead. If such shoes step on the coating, the coating will be destroyed. After all, the strength of that thing is at most equivalent to two layers of transparent glue. If a normal shoe sole steps on it, it will not be damaged. But if a nail steps on it, it will tear in an instant.

If the mucus seeps out, it will stick directly to the feet, which is quite troublesome.

When seeing similar terrain, spikes will be abandoned instantly. The strength of the material solidified by this liquid is relatively high. So this pair of nail shoes is condensed. The amount of liquid required is actually very small.

Because the material strength itself is strong enough. Therefore, when the mage condenses equipment, the interior is mostly hollow.

To be precise, it is not completely hollow, but similar to the bones of a bird. In order to reduce weight, the interior is a bubble-like structure, and this structure happens to be able to provide almost perfect support, ensuring that the strength of the material will not be reduced due to the hollow interior.

The shoes look quite large. But the amount of liquid consumed may only be a few tens of milliliters, and this consumption is completely acceptable.

After a burst of running, it became clear that the road ahead had become a big road again, and after being abandoned, the coating gun quickly coated the ground in front with a thin film, and stepped on it to travel quickly. Based on experience, there should be a tentacle trap on the ground not far ahead. However, in order to maintain speed, he did not stop. Just as he was about to step into the trap, the prepared spells were already released. As he steps on the trap,

A large number of tentacles stretched out from the trap, trying to wrap it up, but just as it was born, a gust of wind burst out from the soles of his feet. The strong wind turned into a high-pressure air current. Like blades, it cut off all the surrounding tentacles. Although the broken tentacles could still crawl, their mobility had obviously decreased significantly, and he jumped across the range covered by these tentacles, with extremely high speed. advance rapidly.

After jumping over the coverage area and moving forward quickly, those tentacles will still be like eels chasing each other desperately, but the speed will obviously not be that exaggerated.

To advance within the enemy's body, speed is life. As long as the speed is fast enough, the enemy will not have time to intercept.

If the speed is slow, heavy units may even appear in these passages. For example, some monsters carrying heavy firepower will come in, and some monsters with magical power will also be killed.

There was a straight passage ahead, and in order to speed up the passage, Cheng Ying directly chose to fly. With his head facing forward, his whole body was like a cannonball, and the palms and soles of his feet were sprayed out. The strong storm pushed him forward at high speed.

However, while advancing at high speed, he will still use his coating gun to continuously fire forward.

If you look carefully, you will find that this time the coating he fired is no longer almost transparent like before, but has a bright color and is pitch black.

After each coating is fired, a flare is fired forward.

On the one hand, the function of lighting is to illuminate the road ahead clearly, and on the other hand, it illuminates a layer of coating emitted from behind. After these dark coatings are illuminated, you will find white lines on them.

That's not actually a line, but the scene after they were cut off.

To put it simply, in such a straight and relatively spacious passage, there are actually death traps.

Those are deadly threads. If they move forward slowly and carefully, they are not very dangerous. At most, they will cut their fingers. As long as they stop when they feel pain or feel something, action, and then slowly retracts his hand. Even ordinary people without training can pass through this area without suffering too much damage, but if it is flying at high speed, it is a different matter. If it hits these threads in this state, it will definitely be split in two.

The quality of these emitted coatings is very low. The main body is also relatively fragile and can be easily cut off by these threads, and because the emitted light this time is black, it looks like sunglasses. Under the light of the flares ahead, the locations where they were cut off would appear as bright lines. These lines represent death.

Avoiding these cut bright lines means that the next flight will be relatively safe.

To cross such a corridor at high speed requires not only courage, but also considerable driving skills.

Even if you can predict what thin lines are ahead to intercept in this way, if you make a slight mistake, they will still be cut off.

Chengying is quite confident in this aspect, flying at extremely high speeds and constantly observing the white lines revealed on the coating surface emitted from the front. Through these lines, it can judge the situation it will face next.

Of course, it is also possible that there is no space enough for people to pass through among the dense lines ahead. This situation is also considered a relatively common type.

Faced with this situation, there is actually no solution. These thin lines are not absolutely strong, and powerful attacks can cut them off. But to cut them off, you must consume quite tough materials, and this type of attack also requires preparation time. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid by cutting off every time. It will only be cut off when the channel in front cannot be passed by normal flight.

This is very important to the pilot's timing, as the number of attacks he can use is limited. The interval between attacks is also limited. If you cannot attack at the most critical moment, you will definitely be cut into pieces if you encounter such a grid and cannot fight back. After all, when flying at high speed, you can't stop even if you want to.

[To be continued]

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