Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 250: Frontal toughness

Cheng Ying shuttled through the passage at high speed, releasing powerful attacks from the weapons in his hands at any time. Cut off any threads that may be blocking you in front of you.

But cutting it off doesn't mean it's absolutely safe. Those threads themselves are extremely tough, and may become even more dangerous after being cut.

This principle is like a saw-toothed leaf, which will not cut your hands when you press it on it. But if you slide it on your finger, it will leave a deep gash.

The same goes for these lines. If it hits someone, it usually takes a very high speed to cut off the person. But if the line is cut and hanging in the air, and someone hits the line, then these lines will be strangled. It slides across human skin at high speed, just like a cord saw.

It will leave a deep wound directly visible to the bone.

Therefore, when launching an attack, aim at the roots of these lines as much as possible and let him fall directly from the hanging position, so as to avoid hitting the hanging lines as much as possible.

Of course, there is a simpler way, which is to create strong winds in the passage. Because these threads are very thin and light in weight, they will be blown up directly in the strong wind. In this case, they will It can only stick to the wall, which will cause no more damage.

Cheng Ying had already located the location of his target through the signal sent by his own spacecraft. After passing through many obstacles, he faced a real battle with real swords and guns, where all the real heavy firepower was gathered. His goal of breaking through at such a high speed is already very obvious. And such a small degree of artificial intelligence. We still have these monsters. The troops were immediately concentrated on guarding the communication terminal.

The signal receiving terminal must not be taken away easily. Otherwise, they may be controlled by the enemy.

Instead of taking the initiative to intercept the opponent, it is better to wait and see next to the thing that needs to be protected.

Relying on this idea, a large number of soldiers gathered in front of the final line of defense. These were elite combatants among monsters and were good at fighting in small indoor terrains.

The most numerous opponent is a toad-like opponent. They are good at bouncing. In a small space, they can move freely on the wall. Their attack mode is to release the venom on their backs, which can form a fan shape. range of spray.

The most deadly thing about this thing is that it is designed for protective clothing on humans. The corrosiveness of the venom it sprays can easily destroy the protection. Without the protective clothing, if you step into the trap again, you will be dead. Probably got away.

During the battle, traps must be everywhere. After all, this body belongs to the monster. It can be said that wherever it steps on, it will become a trap.

If the monster itself was not intelligent enough, it would even be possible to predict its next action range based on its trajectory and lay out traps prejudgmentally.

"It seems that we can only go head-to-head." Facing many toad-like enemies, Cheng Ying also took out his main weapon, a magic lightsaber. The lightsaber has a strong cutting effect. As for his The secondary weapon is a shield. The shield is divided into multiple layers and is disposable. That is, every time a layer of shield is used, the outermost layer will be discarded. It responds to the enemy's liquid attacks.

In the face of biochemical technology. You must have similar settings to prevent your weapons from being contaminated by toxic and harmful substances released by the enemy.

Not to mention the large number of frogs. There are also some types of enemies that are extremely good at long-range attacks. Even if the attacks they launch are blocked with shields, they will immediately burn violently. The ordinary shield was burned by the high-speed burning of those sticky substances. A hole will soon be burned out. After a few hits, it becomes unusable.

Only this specially designed shield can immediately peel off a layer of its own surface after being hit. In this way, the violently burning viscous liquid will fall off. Will not cause substantial damage to the shield.

If you want to achieve this level and ensure the strength of the shield, it does require a lot of technical accumulation. However, the most indispensable thing on the human side is manpower. The most indispensable thing is human wisdom. Everyone can provide their own power to design and manufacture these things by contributing their own wisdom. Therefore, the upgrading of weapons and equipment is faster than that of Merlin.

Therefore, we can see various traps for magicians in the monster's body, and humans have corresponding tools to deal with them.

Although fighting with these props will still be very dangerous, at least it is much better than breaking into such an environment alone.

A large number of monsters are swarming in. The most troublesome thing about those toads that bounce at high speed is that they will attack from all directions. People have no front or rear eyes. Even if you can use magic to observe the scene behind you, you still need an extremely high reaction speed to deal with attacks from behind.

Although Cheng Ying has such reaction speed, it is still very difficult to deal with the situation in front of him while relying on the body in front of him.

At this time, you must use the magic that belongs to this world.

The spells in this world rely on thinking. There is no need to recite spells. You can cast magic by building a spell model in your mind.

This setting is completely designed for monsters. Because the monsters themselves have no souls and it is very difficult for them to be born, so most of the magic can only be fixed on their bodies. I just make them as magic props. They can't learn magic themselves, which results in the attack mode of each monster being almost fixed. The possibility of improvising and performing magic that is not theirs is unlikely. This is much less difficult to deal with on the battlefield.

This is a method of casting magic that only relies on thinking. It can be said to be quite convenient during the battle.

When facing the siege of powerful enemies, Cheng Ying had completed the construction of his own spell. A shock wave centered on him was violently released. It wasn’t just the monsters that sneaked up from behind that were knocked away. They also cleaned up the toxic mucus they shot.

But the power is limited to this. Although magic has developed to a considerable extent, human beings' personal strength is still in the process of slowly improving. The speed of development of magic technology is much faster than the speed of improvement of personal cultivation.

This is quite incredible in many magical worlds.

Many magical worlds are filled with magical technologies that may not progress for thousands of years. But personal cultivation may take a hundred years to reach the peak level of a magician in that world.

And here it's just the opposite. Everyone is studying a new magic system, and the relevant theoretical knowledge is far ahead of personal cultivation.

Therefore, spacecraft and battleships created using theoretical knowledge can already fight in space. The individual strength of magicians. It is still limited to an extremely rudimentary level, and it is even difficult to achieve a good effect on the battlefield. It must rely on weapons and props to fight.

After the shock wave knocks the enemy away, the lightsaber in his hand launches continuous attacks against the enemy in front of him. Because the quality of the lightsaber itself is very low, the attack speed can be very fast.

The attack method does not mainly rely on the waving of the arm, but on the movement of the wrist. It is not so much waving the blade as it is hitting the laser pointer. If the operation is flexible enough, you can even turn the weapon on your finger like a pen. rotate between.

However, when training the use of this weapon, the instructor explicitly prohibited the use of this method. Because if you don't control it well, you may throw the sword in your face, and if this weapon is very sharp and throw it on your body, you may cut yourself in half.

Even if you just rely on the shaking of your wrist, you can still make the lightsaber cut at extremely high speeds.

The monsters in front of them were cut in half. The effect of the weapons was obviously much stronger than that of simply using magic. The cutting ability of the lightsaber was also very powerful. Currently, there are very few monsters that can resist its cutting.

In theory, this weapon could also be used when traveling through tunnels before. It's just that the energy of weapons is limited. Under normal circumstances, this type of weapon should be provided with magic energy by the magician himself.

But because technology develops faster than individual strength improves. As a result, although weapons have been developed, the magic power in the magician's own body is not enough to use such weapons. You can only rely on external magic storage containers. Only then can the power of this weapon be successfully unleashed.

The monsters in the back row were immediately vulnerable after losing the protection in front. The fire attack they sprayed before had consumed many layers of shields. But this time they were finally unable to continue the harassing attack, and continuous sword light fell on them. Every attack hits home.

An enemy is almost destroyed in one attack. Even with such a high killing efficiency, it is impossible to continue to delay time here. It is impossible to activate Wushuang, and the battle must be ended quickly after drawing the sword. The time a lightsaber can last is very limited. And the enemies are almost endless. Get rid of the enemies in front of you.

The lightsaber in his hand drew a circle directly on the locked wall in front of him. This time there is no need to think about using a key to open the door. If the weapon in your hand has enough attack power, directly cut a circular gap in the wall, and then kick the gap open.

After entering it, you will reach the final destination. Compared with before, it is like being in a devil's cave. Instead, it looks bright and tidy here. Is there a disgusting flesh and blood structure? It really looks a bit like a spaceship cockpit. Among the densely packed operating equipment, the target this time was quite inconspicuous. Based on the auxiliary system built into his mind, Cheng Ying quickly scanned and determined that the target was a round flesh ball. , it is more like a pearl than a meat ball, but it is obviously very different from a pearl. It has a complex structure inside, which is used to receive external signals and convert these signals into the form of instructions. Passed to nearby monsters.

If the key contained in it is mastered, the monsters in this entire area may fall under human control, which will mean a strategic victory in this area.

This is compared to sinking an enemy ship. There are even bigger and more meritorious deeds. As for meritorious deeds of this level, even those with senior qualifications and strong men who have survived reincarnations may not be able to obtain it.

However, after obtaining the target, whether it can be evacuated alive is still a big problem. Cheng Ying placed it inside the armor on his chest, and then data lines spread out from his body. Through his body and the equipment built into his body, the internal structure of the signal terminal was being It was quickly analyzed, and the data contained in it was quickly transmitted back to the headquarters of the human fleet. Find Shuyuan

Even if he cannot leave alive, as long as he persists long enough until the signal transmission is completed, the mission will be completely completed.

When he was asked to carry out this mission, he never considered that he could come back alive. After all, he single-handedly killed all the enemies in their lair and even damaged his own spaceship inside. No matter how powerful his personal combat power was, Maybe he could come back alive. In terms of combat power, even if he could kill the spaceship unparalleled, how could he cross the vast space and return to the human camp once he reached the outside of the spacecraft?

Therefore, when making the plan, suicide was originally considered as the final result. If you can escape, run as much as possible. If you can't escape, try to persist as long as possible to transmit more data back.

Although it is said that the physical gain of obtaining the terminal will be much greater than simply obtaining information, no one expected that under such extreme circumstances, anyone would be able to escape from the devil's cave.

But there are always people who don't think so, such as the person who is on a mission.

Cheng Ying rarely became interested. Although the predicament in front of him was almost desperate, it might not be without a glimmer of hope. And even he had to go all out to win this glimmer of hope. This was indeed worth it. Give it a try.

After obtaining the information terminal, it quickly transmits the data to the headquarters.

The other side of the headquarters issued instructions to it through remote communication: "The mission has been completed. You have obtained quite valuable data. Next, save yourself as a priority. If it is considered dangerous enough, even if the transmission of the information is not completed, Also self-destruct as soon as possible, the headquarters does not want soldiers like you to be completely sacrificed because of this."

[To be continued]

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