Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 251 Extreme Escape

Although he received the retreat order from the headquarters, Cheng Ying did not intend to resurrect and retreat through self-destruction. Instead, he killed himself directly from the central control room. Under normal circumstances, in the vast space, he could not have any chance. If there is a chance to escape alive, he needs to face more than just the enemy's strategic weapons. There is also the vast distance in space. At such a long distance, even if he can escape from the enemy's spaceship, he will still fall into the enemy's position. What he holds in his hands is a very deadly existence. As long as he appears on the battlefield, he will be focused on by everyone. The success rate of being able to leave alive is infinitely close to zero.

However, it is not all bad for him to be the target of everyone. Another hidden benefit is that when his danger level increases to a certain level, the opponent will kill him at all costs instead of capturing him. , because Merlin cannot afford this level of loss. If the body of the information transmission terminal is taken away, then there will be too many things that humans can decipher. It's not just the monsters on this front that are affected. All monsters must change to a new control system, otherwise, humans can control them all.

No one can afford this level of price, so when facing this kind of situation, someone often has to choose to sacrifice. I think it is necessary to kill the opponent by any means necessary. And it is obviously much easier to kill the opponent than to capture the opponent alive. By that time, most of the attacks he encountered would be therapeutic rather than controlling. In fact, after he obtained the information terminal body, the attacks he faced began to become deadly.

The first is the poisonous gas that filled the entire room for the first time. Humans are animals that need to breathe, so the toxins in the atmosphere are very dangerous to the human body. Of course there is another situation. That is that humans have already made countermeasures. Faced with this poisonous gas attack, Cheng Ying immediately activated his protective suit, and the mask fell down, covering his entire face, and his breathing became based on the oxygen inside.

Humanity has indeed developed a device to deal with poisonous gas. But few people use it. After all, not everyone can get it. Something so important that the enemy had to be forced to kill him.

The function of these poisonous gases is not only to poison people, but also to be flammable and explosive gases. If they fail to poison people and ultimately fail to stop them from escaping, these gases will explode quickly and destroy everything inside the tunnel. In order to smash it, doing so will inevitably seriously damage the battleship from the inside, but obviously the things inside the battleship are much more important than the battleship itself. As long as it can be destroyed, anything can be said.

However, it is obviously not that easy to destroy the information terminal. Chengying's evacuation speed is too fast, and it will take time for these flammable and explosive toxic gases to fill the entire space. Yongdao had to make certain adjustments to be able to secrete such gas. After detecting that the surrounding air was beginning to be full of toxicity, he immediately started all the thrusters on his body, and his whole body was like a missile. Generally flew out. Draw beautiful arcs in the sky, shuttling between the cutting silk lines.

This time, it only needs to fire the film once to allow it to detect the distribution of almost all the threads in front.

In the blink of an eye, he ran thousands of meters away, which is almost half the distance for a space battleship, which means that he is not far away from the outer armor. But his destination was not the outer armor.

It is a carrier-based aircraft hangar. On the enemy's spaceship, if he ran out single-handedly, he would definitely be seeking death. With the individual equipment on his body, there was no way he could survive the hail of bullets. He must obtain more powerful flying units. It is possible to successfully escape in this process.

The difficulty in this aspect can be imagined. The point is not just that he has to go to a more tightly guarded hangar. What's more, the data inside the information terminal must be temporarily deciphered. To control the enemy monsters in the hangar, drive the controlled units as your own vehicles.

And this is the beginning of all difficulties and obstacles, even if he can really control the enemy's vehicle, he wants to escape from the siege of thousands of troops in the hail of bullets. The difficulty can also be imagined.

The monsters have realized what he wants to do, and the isolation gate is cut directly. Compared with the threads distributed in the corridor, the gate that is cut directly blocks the passage, which can prevent people from moving forward more than anything else.

The passage ahead was completely blocked. No matter how powerful the fighting skills are. It is impossible to pass through this completely sealed door at extremely fast speed.

You must know that these tunnels inside the spacecraft are actually equivalent to the blood vessels of the spacecraft.

And those who can control their bodies relatively accurately through the squeeze of their muscles can seal off all these courageous ways over a long distance.

Therefore, the gate is closed. It seems that only one level of door is closed. In fact, all the passages dozens of meters ahead are squeezed and closed. It doesn't mean that you can get through by cutting open the first floor door.

Cheng Ying also encountered a serious problem in this regard. After the gate was closed, even if he used the lightsaber in his hand to cut, his progress would be very slow. And the other party can continue to close subsequent channels. In this case, there is almost no chance that he will arrive successfully. Because while he was cutting the gate and moving forward, there were still pursuers chasing him from behind. If he was blocked by pursuers in such a dead end, there would be no possibility of survival, and he might even be captured alive.

For magicians in this world, living is a much worse outcome than death. Basically the worst outcome, self-awareness will completely disappear in extremely painful torture. This is more terrible than death.

It's death after death piled up one after another until a person no longer wants to live. Therefore, most magicians are forced to commit suicide to ensure that they will not be captured alive.

Facing the completely blocked passage, Chengying Queshi took out the information terminal in his body. In the recent period, he has parsed a large amount of information and passed it to the headquarters. Theoretically, the longer he can hold this information terminal, the more valuable information the headquarters can obtain. His original mission was just to persist long enough without being killed. If you encounter danger, you will quickly self-destruct and return. Is there such a thrilling mission as the one in front of you?

He has now parsed part of the content inside. The people at the headquarters are still trying to figure out the meaning of the information here. He already knows some frequency bands that can control these monsters.

I saw him holding the information terminal in his hand and pressing it on the gate in front.

Immediately afterwards, some instructions were input into the gate. After a rapid flash, the door opened. Headquarters, shared through his vision. The researchers who saw this scene all felt incredible. They did not expect that the other party was so capable at the technical level. Before they figured out the technical details, the other party had already put it into practical application. .

What he had just done paralyzed this part of the monster's nerves, causing him to fall into stagnation. Taking advantage of this period of time, Cheng Ying shuttled through this section of the tunnel at high speed. As he shuttled through, he could see The tunnel behind him squeezed crazily, falling from the sky and rising from the ground.

If he had been slower, he would have been slapped hard in the middle. If you are lucky, you will be crushed into meat paste by the tightened muscles, but if you are not lucky, you may be wrapped in it and captured alive.

However, its speed is indeed fast enough, and it can pass through the tunnel blockade with this extreme method. In the monster's plan, there is obviously no plan for him to cross the blockade. Therefore, subsequent preparations were obviously hasty. The area that should be used for the placement of weapons. The number of various strategic weapons is very small.

The security of the channel has obviously dropped significantly.

However, the monsters also have their own ways of coping. After the opponent had invaded so deeply, a large number of flying units quickly flew towards the passage. It is too difficult to completely kill him by relying on the madman's channel. If this is the case, treat the person in his own way.

Not just a large number of pursuers. Rushed to the scene quickly. Next, more dangerous things began to appear in Yongdao, which were deadly traps.

Above these passages, powerful spikes may suddenly grow at any time. They would all stick to these passages and then pierce them down from the passages. If it hits the target, it will be enough to directly crush the target into slag.

Cheng Ying flew at extremely high speeds in the passage. When he felt the sense of crisis, he realized that the danger came from the top of his head. He suddenly turned sideways and saw the top of his head. A huge cuticle pierced down from the sky.

It was a huge spike. Didn't hit him. But it hit the ground hard and even penetrated into the ground. And this was just the beginning, one spike after another tracked his location. Falling hard. As long as his progress stops or moves back slightly. I'm afraid they will all be forced to have no way to escape by these things.

And these things are still tracking his location. As long as he continues to advance in the eternal path, he cannot avoid being attacked by these things. His situation couldn't be worse. And all this seems to be just the beginning. As he flew, the gravity he was familiar with suddenly disappeared.

You must know that this is in space, and the absence of gravity is the norm. The previous gravity was actually just a simulated gravity. After all, these monsters usually live on the ground. Even if they are transformed, it will be very difficult to adapt to a gravity-free environment. Therefore, such a gravity vacuum area is difficult for even the own units inside the spacecraft to adapt to. Using this move is basically equivalent to showing off your ultimate move. I want to get the resources I want at will in the central square. You must learn to control yourself in this gravity-free environment.

Anyone who has played fighting games knows this. When the opponent is in the air, it often means that he cannot resist. Therefore, during the battle, the attacking party always tries to keep the enemy in the air, so that he can attack endlessly.

And if it is a gravity-free environment, then as long as the opponent is suspended in the air, he will be attacked almost infinitely.

If you can't adapt to this gravity-free environment, you will definitely become a target for the enemy while flying at such high speed. No one would have thought of it. In order to cope with various situations, Chengying even specially practiced how to fly in this environment.

But the situation is not that simple. It’s not that flying in a gravity-free environment is necessarily more difficult. If you have undergone adaptive training, it will only take a short time to adapt to the weightless environment, and finally achieve a high-speed flight that is almost the same as the postal speed. After all, it has propellers on its body and will not move at all in the air. No. Find Shuyuan www.

What is really difficult to deal with is that gravity itself is controlled by the opponent. In the opponent's spacecraft, if they want to turn on the gravity simulation, they can turn on the relevant gravity-avoiding simulation and then turn it off. In this case, the gravity simulation is turned on and off at a completely irregular frequency.

It feels like a lag while playing a game. If the delay is a fixed value, a master who is good at operation. After adapting for a period of time, you will be able to show your normal strength despite the delay. Just be afraid that the delay time is not fixed. Sometimes the delay is large, sometimes the delay is small, and sometimes there is no delay at all. This results in a confusing feel. The same is true when placed in the gravity of the macroscopic world.

It was also the first time that Cheng Ying encountered such big trouble. He can adapt to both environments. But in this complex environment, constantly switching yourself has almost never been tried. Several times he was almost hit by spikes falling from the sky because he had difficulty controlling his flight trajectory. But when he concentrated on avoiding, the influence of gravity was not important. Turn everything into a conditioned reflex, a general instinct that focuses all your attention. Use it to speed up your ability to adapt to all this.

And it was in this extreme flying state that he unexpectedly managed to reach the hangar. This is a much more spacious place than the previous cabin. A variety of biological weapons are parked here. These are all carrier-based aircraft of Warcraft. They were the ones fighting against the flying swords on the human side. The next task is to drive these carrier-based aircraft to escape. No one could have imagined that he could achieve this step.

[To be continued]

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