Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 252 Extreme Rescue

No one could have imagined it. Cheng Ying was able to reach this point. Almost every step he took before was a miracle. In this case, he reached this point. It can be said to be quite incredible. After learning that he had successfully achieved this step, the headquarters also reacted immediately. Since there was a chance to obtain the body of the information terminal, they must do their best to cooperate. At the same time, the main gun of the spacecraft is fully charged and is ready to respond to our own people at any time. The so-called toughness is to blow one's own people into flying smoke with one shot.

After being bombed to ashes, I will be reborn in the nearest town. In this way, you can avoid being captured by the enemy.

In the hangar, Cheng Ying had successfully found a carrier-based aircraft. Under normal circumstances, he would not be able to fly the enemy's carrier-based aircraft. But now he has the information terminal. You can bypass the spacecraft to a certain extent and give instructions to these fighters. Especially when he is closer to these fighters. Its command priority is higher than that of the spacecraft. Although these spacecraft are living creatures, they are not intelligent in themselves and can only execute the user's orders. After he gave the order to take off, the spacecraft did not hesitate and carried out his order. But he took off and blasted open the cabin. The hangar itself is very close to the exit. The walls of the warehouse are also very thin. With this shot, he successfully left the spacecraft.

But after he left, he was greeted by continuous artillery fire. After he successfully left, the enemy obviously started killing mode. There is no longer any intention to capture him alive, but to kill him no matter what. Obviously even these monsters understand the importance of information terminals. The people who control them behind the scenes are even more so and will never allow this thing to be lost.

What follows is an extremely tense and exciting air battle. After he takes off, the enemy team's fighter planes will also take off separately. The sky and the fields are densely packed. All you can see are enemies.

And they kept launching missile attacks. They hit the carrier-based aircraft heading towards their target. In the face of such a dense attack and such a large number of enemies, there is no point in attacking. Even if they can successfully shoot down one hundred and eighty aircraft, it will not improve the current situation. And this is already the limit. The spacecraft he was riding on carried ammunition. Even if every round of ammunition can successfully kill an enemy. That's about it at most. And achieving this level will not change any situation, and the density of the enemies besieging him will not decrease at all.

Therefore, he quickly rushed towards the enemy ship's shield, preparing to break out of the shield. It's not to merge with the reinforcements sent from your side. The battle lines between the combatants on both sides were very long. This also means that there are fighters from both sides everywhere. After realizing that the key to this battle lies with a certain person, they rushed to the battlefield quickly.

It's just that the distance to the monster here is finally closer. The first to arrive at the scene was the monster army. A large number of missiles and beam cannons were launched. Cheng Ying accelerated his speed to the extreme, and all tracking attacks followed him. It was getting closer and closer to him, and when it was about to bomb him, he made a sharp dive. Those attacks that followed him also dived with him.

However, their designs are unlikely to withstand such a dive. At least it was difficult to pull up his own body in an effective time, so during his dive, he aimed at an enemy ship, then went down, and when he was about to reach the bottom, he violently pulled himself up, and passed Magic assists. This allows the fighter aircraft he pilots to obtain stronger performance than others.

In the process, he briefly gained greater performance than other fighters. This also means that the position he can pull up cannot be pulled up by others. So he successfully jumped over the baseline. But other fighter planes followed his flight path and crashed into the opponent's warships one after another. This time, not only was he destroyed in the high-speed collision, but everyone was killed. It also opened fire on the opponent's warship. During the impact and explosion, the warship emitted bursts of smoke.

But with such cleverness, there are only a limited number of people who can get rid of him. More missiles followed him. If you can rely on this technique to guide them to the obstacle, there is not much chance of detonating it. Especially if ammunition cannot be wasted. The difficulty of the battle has greatly increased, and it is difficult to get rid of the missiles launched by the enemy at this time.

What's more important is the number of missiles. The dense missiles are flying towards him overwhelmingly. The reality is that no matter which direction he flies, it means that the missile is facing the other side's direction.

The location of the ship itself is quite remote, and it is located at the rear of the fleet. If you want to get out, you will have to face countless enemy ships and attacks from all directions. The next driving will be extremely exciting, passing through the gaps of one missile after another. It can be said that if there is a slight deviation, it will be the machine. A devastating outcome. But this time, he doesn't need to worry too much about being captured alive by the enemy. He is someone who can still survive in desperate situations amidst the continuous attacks of his opponents. Relevant protocols have been inspired by the enemy. Yes, he will no longer take any arrest actions. Killing is the top priority in everything.

During the flight, the biggest problem it faced was the performance of the fighter plane it flew. After continuous long-distance flights, the fighter plane's energy obviously began to be insufficient.

This is also normal. Although he picked a relatively powerful fighter plane in the hangar. But the relative strength is also among the cannon fodder. Essentially he was driving a mass-produced Trooper. In other words, the performance of his fighter planes is worse than that of most of the targets that attack him.

If it's one-on-one, it's possible to jump over the level and counterattack. But now it’s a one-to-one group. And it’s a large group that can’t be counted. It is almost impossible to fight back. Under this situation, Chengying must also save his own energy. Because as a cannon fodder unit, their entire energy is only enough to fly in front of the enemy ship and then launch a round of bombardment.

That's right, this thing didn't even consider returning. After being launched, it is to die. Even if it successfully passed through all interceptions, it successfully poured artillery fire on the enemy fleet. The final outcome of this thing is to be scrapped on the spot, and then hit the bottom line, exerting its remaining value.

Because of this, it is extremely difficult for this thing to fly back. If it makes too many dodge movements, it will continue to consume energy. After the energy is exhausted, he will only become a target for others to slaughter. Therefore, during the process of flying and fighting, he must also find a way to replenish energy for the spacecraft.

The easiest way is to replenish the spaceship with magic power. In the current world view, magic is almost a panacea ability. Even if the spaceship is out of power, you can still recharge the spacecraft. But the problem is that his realm is far higher than his strength. In other words, although this body has mastered a lot of technology and can theoretically cast powerful magic, the magic power in the body is completely insufficient. Magic power needs to be built up little by little over time. It needs to be accumulated bit by bit through the training of intelligent creatures. Although he can skip classes through some advanced mechanical equipment, when he really needs to use magic power, it is meaningless to skip classes with this thing. The total amount of magic power does not increase as the skills used become better.

So he had to work on other spaceships. This is also the greatest significance of the limited ammunition on his ship. Destroy other people's ships in battle. Then, without stopping the ship, he quickly flies over the enemy's corpse, and then grabs as many resources as he can.

Relying on the hand of the mage. Grab all the energy cores left by the enemy spacecraft, and even obtain a certain amount of enemy ammunition. With ammunition replenished, you can kill more enemies and obtain energy from them.

This is when the enemies are not that dense. It is quite easy to use when there is a certain amount of room for maneuvering.

But if you wait until the enemies are dense enough to seal you in, there's no point even if you know it's a trap. Countless enemies will rush out and look for him to die together.

These monsters possess quite simple intelligence, but this one alone is much more powerful than those without intelligence at all.

The brain is a very useful and powerful organ. If used well, it would not be an exaggeration at that time.

It's a pity that he is now fighting against ten thousand, and there are even more enemies surrounding him. But just when he is in desperate situation, he finally gets support from his own people.

He was also supported by elite soldiers. And the equipment they wear is more advanced. Not only does he have a flying sword as his vehicle. They are wearing high-level combat uniforms, which look a bit like armor. The actual function is to enhance their motor performance and nerve reflex speed, allowing them to be more comfortable in battle, reducing redundant movements and giving them enough time. Think about how to respond to the next attack.

Of course, this may also have some drawbacks, such as the original version being able to skillfully rebound and enemies attack. After the nerve reflex speed becomes stronger, it becomes unable to keep up with the enemy's rhythm. Easier to be interrupted or killed.

These elite warriors who responded carried heavy weapons. After inserting the enemy's shock, he fully opened his own weapons, and various attacks were staggered between the two sides. After the reinforcements arrived, Cheng Ying could clearly feel that the pressure on him had been greatly reduced.

This shows that his teammates have appeared and helped him share the pressure in the process. At this time, he only needs to find the location of his teammates according to the instructions from the headquarters, and then charge towards the location of his teammates as quickly as possible. That's it.

If you can successfully find your teammates, it's not too late.

His current spacecraft has been attacked several times, but because of his precise control, these attacks have not hit the fatal vital point. And he continues to obtain energy from the enemy through the hands of the mage. Allowing him to last longer.

But his opponent is not a vegetarian either. In order to successfully intercept him, he even chose to self-destruct. A large number of spaceships and missiles all rushed towards him like moths rushing to a flame, and directly chose to self-destruct the energy core. This was a decision made after discovering that he was capturing energy. Although self-destruction will cause the loss of a large number of friendly troops, it also means that in the process, one's own energy core will also be blown up. In this way, Chengying might be able to escape the explosion, but he would not be able to continue to obtain energy cores during the battle and continue to sustain himself.

The time it can continue to fly at high speed is limited. He must reunite with his teammates as soon as possible.

At the same time, the headquarters also gave him maximum support after he was about to rush out.

All the battleships and main guns turned and fired in his direction. This was an unexpected situation for the opponent's fleet.

When they faced this kind of attack, they also released their own powerful attacks. It's just that these attacks are not counterattacks. Many of them were bombarded directly in the direction of the human fleet. Many human battleships consumed a large amount of energy to attack the legions surrounding Chengying. In the process, the defensive power of the shield became insufficient. It was broken immediately, and the shield was destroyed in the explosion.

Obviously there is a problem with the communication on the monster side. After deciphering some of the information inside the information terminal, the human side still has no way to directly control the enemy's spacecraft, and it still needs a longer period of testing and development. But it can already interfere with other spacecraft through the same information band. When the attacked spacecraft sends out a distress signal, the relevant signal is intercepted and replaced with a message that it is safe and sound. This will make the fleet in the distance mistakenly think that nothing is happening there. When they did not dispatch carrier-based aircraft, the pressure faced by Chengying was actually much less than under extreme conditions.

But it also means danger for the fleet. Because while they were doing their best to help Cheng Ying escape, their opponents didn't realize this and were still taking advantage of their weaknesses to attack them.

For a time, the spacecraft shields of a large number of human fleets were broken, and they were directly wiped out in a gorgeous explosion.

However, humans have long been accustomed to this level of losses. After all, if their members are destroyed by bombs, they can be resurrected.

The human fleets all have self-destruction systems. That is to say, after the interior of the battleship is destroyed to a certain extent, it will actively self-destruct. Blast everyone inside together until they are completely destroyed, leaving no corpses.

[To be continued]

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