Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 253 Wisdom Cultivation

The human side paid a huge sacrifice at that time, and before the Warcraft side realized what was happening, they finally succeeded in opening a passage with the firepower of the main gun. Regardless of the loss, the Will Bombing with all-out gunfire can blast a passage in front of the enemy's shield. In this case, even if the opponent has a large number of spaceships, he will have a numerical advantage. It's impossible to stop it. Chengying returns with the information terminal.

A large number of flying swords driven by human pilots relied on their own mobility advantages to build a passage that could be passed safely. And it was already a battle-damaged version of the monster spaceship. It's in such a passage. Flying towards the human fleet at high speed.

At the same time, human spacecraft located in other war zones also quickly rushed to the scene. After all, when the monster army realizes the problem, it will inevitably come out in full force to chase the information terminal back. If the human fleet cannot withstand the pressure at this time, it will be impossible to continue the subsequent interpretation of the information terminal.

After receiving the news, a large number of human beings rushed to the scene immediately, forming an absolute advantage over the monsters in terms of military strength. Use the fastest speed to annihilate the army of monsters on the scene.

And there are a large number of scientists accumulated from generation to generation among human beings. At this time, I also participated in the analysis of information terminals. The complexity of this thing is actually not high. What is important is the key inside.

As long as it is interpreted, the human side can successfully control all the current monster armies before the monsters complete the key update.

The update key must be replaced at the hardware level. In other words, all monsters must return once. Immunity to this control can only be achieved by changing the hardware. Before this replacement is completed, humans can be said to have a huge advantage when facing monsters.

Merlin is also aware of this. So he sent almost all the troops he could mobilize to attack. Yes, the research base launched a violent storm of attacks. There is even an overwhelming momentum.

This operation is also quite normal. If the human side succeeds in cracking it, then none of these armies will be his own. Rather than being controlled by then, it is better to consume them all as cannon fodder now, which can also consume the enemy's vitality.

Of course, while the storm was attacking, some monsters went to the base to replace their hardware. After all, it is impossible to have no soldiers at all. Although Merlin is powerful, the times have developed to this point. If you don't have any soldiers at hand, you still feel a little unsure when facing humans.

To say that losing is impossible, but it is really possible. It was sealed after exhausting its own magic power. Although this kind of seal cannot last forever, after humans complete the seal on him, there must be ways to strengthen the seal. If it is really sealed, in this endless dream world, it is possible that it can be sealed for unlimited time. At that time, you will never be able to turn around.

After Cheng Ying successfully returned to the spaceship, he was almost treated like a hero. Very few people in history have achieved this level of victory against monsters. Moreover, almost all of the victories in front of him were achieved by his own efforts. This is even more incredible.

Because of this, he was worshiped as a hero at this moment. In every reincarnation, there is rarely such an epic level of victory. And everything he created was an almost impossible task. Anyone who truly understands this process will know how difficult it all is. What kind of courage and courage is needed to achieve all this? Not only that, it would not be possible without the corresponding technology and capabilities.

Chengying seemed quite calm about this. After all, he only used a small part of his strength. If you really don't consider the exposure of your own strength, when you go all out, the level in front of you is just scratching the surface. He can theoretically break the Holy Grail of this world into pieces.

What just puzzled him was that after integrating into this world for so long, he still found no sign of the blood of the God Emperor in this world. Although this reincarnation may be due to the influence of the blood of the God Emperor. But no useful clues have been found so far. Everything seems to be done by the efforts of humans in this world.

Returning to the historical process of this world, although humans have paid huge casualties, a large number of fleets were wiped out in order to protect research facilities in the suicide attacks of many monsters regardless of casualties. But the deciphering of the information terminal was successful after all. The moment the deciphering was successful, a powerful signal pulse was released from the research facility like a storm. And endless, like an ocean-like monster. At this moment, everyone obeyed the commands of these signals and became quiet. Then he changed his direction and launched a frantic attack towards Merlin's location. To be precise, he attacked its production factory.

Attacking Merlin is useless. Because the intelligence interpreted in the information end organization is the one that Merlin has the highest authority to control. It's just that he has no way to transmit his signal to each unit, so he needs the assistance of information terminals. In other words, if the army were to attack him directly, it would not have any effect. In turn, the feedback would allow him to regain control of the army.

The human side is obviously very aware of this. Therefore, we will not try this wasted effort, but use this time to attack the monster production factory. The greatest significance of attacking these factories is to eliminate the monsters that may be born next and buy more development time and space for mankind. Under the baptism of the previous army, Merlin's original advantage was too great.

Humanity's living space has been compressed almost to the corner of the galaxy. It only occupies a few planets. And now is the chance to fight back. The monsters cannot escape the influence of human control until the hardware is updated. Therefore, the army of monsters under human control is almost invincible.

During this period, it is theoretically possible to challenge the life planet that occupies half of the world. It is even possible to occupy more than half of it, and successfully gain an advantage for the first time in this war.

And the human legions are pretty impressive. In reincarnation after reincarnation, humans have accumulated a large number of elite warriors. They have the experience of reincarnation again and again. This is something that monsters cannot match. And there are a lot of commanders among them.

Although they were commanders in the past, due to the limited number of humans, there were not actually that many troops for them to command.

More often than not, they may only be able to assume the responsibilities of grassroots commanders. But now that there are enough monsters, their number itself is much greater than that of humans. Merlin can only rely on the intelligent system for control and control. His own mind cannot control so many monsters, so the number is huge and the strength that can be exerted is subject to various restrictions. But after they fall into the hands of humans, they can be Relatively precise control.

When monsters controlled by humans fight against the monsters' own army, it is like many games fighting against human-machine machines. The intelligence and operation of the machines are simply not comparable to these commanders. Even if the artificial intelligence has been upgraded to a considerable extent, it will face the complex environment of the battlefield. It is also impossible to be completely adaptable. They always find all kinds of bugs for humans, and then brutally torture them.

So much so that after the counterattack ended, and after the monsters completed all their own system updates, they had already lost half of their country, and humans occupied more than half of the living planet.

And it quickly built its own defense line on these living planets, even if the secret key was changed after the information terminal was deciphered. Monsters will still be disturbed to a certain extent when facing humans. In addition, the number of remaining troops is very small. After humans consolidated their defenses, they completely suppressed the monsters that attempted to invade.

And the further it develops into the later stages, the greater the advantage the human side has. The battle before them was undoubtedly a huge gain for them.

A lot of materials on monsters. They can be picked up after defeat, and these materials can be used to upgrade the ship in various ways. Make extraordinary performance even more powerful. It doesn't matter if the army of monsters at hand is wiped out. It can be said that the defense capabilities of humanity's most important fortress are no longer what they used to be. It is almost impossible for monsters to launch an attack.

As time goes by, the defense will become stronger and stronger. Relying on it as a fire base, there is almost no pressure to advance steadily.

As technology continues to advance, the importance of the military becomes more and more important. In contrast, the advantages brought by individual combat effectiveness will also be further reduced.

Merlin was indeed already quite powerful, but as human magicians gradually became more powerful, the scope of his influence began to gradually shrink.

If he only needed to think about killing an ordinary person before, then when this person becomes a powerful magician, he will at least need to do it himself.

And to the latter extent, the numerical advantage is enough to threaten him.

The human population was increasing faster than he expected. It was fine on the current planet at first, but after humans spread into the starry sky, he would have no way to decimate the humans on the planets behind him through massacre or other means.

And human beings can actually increase their numbers in such a dream world through some means. Although only artificial intelligence is born, they can make artificial intelligence have intelligence comparable to humans.

Merlin also tried to learn so that his monsters could have such wisdom. But it turned out to be impossible.

The way humans cultivate this artificial intelligence. It's exactly the same as outside the dream. That is to say, you can form a family normally and then give birth to children. You can have children in a dream, but the children born have no souls and cannot come to the next reincarnation. Moreover, they cannot be resurrected and die. That is true. Dead, there are many dangerous professions that they are not allowed to participate in.

In themselves, they are just existences similar to Warcraft and do not have their own wisdom.

But if they are really taught as their own children, the artificial intelligence built into their bodies will become more and more complex in the process. In the end, even if the individual does not have a soul, it will be shaped into one with a soul. The shape of the state.

That is to have your own wisdom. It's a pity that such people cannot accumulate into the next reincarnation. At the end of each reincarnation, their parents will also face a life-or-death separation. Of course, there are also those who are more lucky, that is, their children live to a sufficient age. This kind of person is the luckiest, not having to face this kind of parting.

But these are not the focus for the time being. The point is that humans can rely on this method to increase their number and increase the number of intelligent individuals.

And Merlin found that he could only cultivate a unit as his own child. Only then can he give birth to wisdom unconsciously, and he himself may be able to raise a child or two children in this way. But if there are as many children as humans, he simply doesn't have the energy and effort to cultivate them. Find the book garden www.zhaoshuス

The clones that were eventually cultivated were all without intelligence and were similar to the monsters he created. Many of them are even due to the body-distorting spell released from him. And become deformed and twisted. Even like other monsters, it becomes only instinct.

Merlin didn't have a clue in this regard. After all, he had already fallen into madness, even if he was only focused on cultivating an heir. It would be difficult to complete it in his current mental state. Not to mention cultivating a large number of such soldiers to satisfy their own desires.

In the research of reincarnation after reincarnation, he believed that this was actually a copy of the way of thinking of both parents. When he tried to copy his way of thinking, he found that wisdom could not be born by simply copying and pasting. There seemed to be no way to omit the education process, and even the copied individual took away part of his power and became a person. He became another version of himself, and it was he who let the other person kill him while he was weak, thus preventing him from dividing the magic power outside of him.

In fact, in theory, it can create countless selves in this way, so that in theory, it can achieve a quantitative level of overall intelligence that is not weaker than that of the human race as a whole, and at most, each individual has some similar ideas. He may make the same mistakes, but this does not affect his ability to bridge the gap in total intelligence with humans.

But he obviously does not allow this kind of thing to happen, because once the separated individual gains enough power, it will be exactly the same as him and have the same thoughts as him. He wants to dominate, so every copy of himself thinks so, and that would be nothing but a disaster for him.

[To be continued]

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