Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 255 Battle of Annihilation

Human Chinese magicians have been able to gain considerable advantages in current wars, especially in assault battles after tearing apart the enemy's defenses. In this kind of battle, one's personal combat effectiveness is even more vividly demonstrated. The strong man on the human side was like a sharp knife inserted into the vague battle group.

A group of great magicians concentrate their magic power and release the magic they are best at. The magic and physical rules of this world interfere with each other. In itself, they are different development routes under the same technological system.

There is no essential barrier between magic and technology. It is just the practice of magic that allows individuals to have more powerful power and integrate more powerful power into a smaller range.

As a burst of intense light was released from the heads of these craft. A large blind spot appeared in front of them. In a large area ahead, optical sensing loses its effect, although things like radar can still detect the movement of the spacecraft. But when vision cannot respond, other sensory organs are obviously not so sensitive.

Although it can determine the approximate location, it can even guide the missile to a certain extent. But the speed of these spacecraft is too fast. Without being able to see their movements clearly, it is extremely dangerous to engage in close combat with these spacecraft.

The magicians who can pilot the spacecraft on the front line all control metal manipulation spells. Therefore, their spacecraft looks like a changeable monster that can change its shape at will after accelerating.

For example, when the enemy is about to be broken through, all the spaceships turn into a structure that should be like a clock hand.

The whole body becomes very slender and sharp. It almost stretched into a line when flying at high speed, and the cockpit was squeezed to the width where only one person could lie down. The widest point of the entire volume of the spacecraft will not exceed this position. It was like a javelin inserted into the enemy's position. Finally, it passed by at extremely high speed.

There are enemies who want to block it, but it makes no sense. Their main guns were hard to hit, pointing right at such a small target of their own. In addition, another point is that their reaction speed cannot keep up. The shrunken spears immediately penetrated the enemy after hitting them. This is the effect of huge kinetic energy. If it simply becomes smaller, it lacks sufficient kinetic energy, and even if it is slender enough, it will not be able to penetrate the wall. But now they are all slender enough. If it hits the opponent's body, it can easily create a hole.

Relying on this method, he directly bumped into the enemy's blind side and shuttled to the defense line.

Cheng Ying is also in the team. And he plays the job of a more ferocious firepower thrower. As one of the most powerful combatants on the human side so far, he has reached the pinnacle in both realm and strength in the use of magic. In addition, he has a body with magical power in reality and can modify and distort reality to a certain extent. The power of the spell has also increased to a higher level. As he continued to get closer to Cheng Ying, he no longer showed any mercy and released a powerful attack.

Huge electrical energy was released from his body. Transformed into thunder snakes in the universe. Accurate hits hit the cores of the battleships around him. After the thunder penetrated, there was a violent explosion. Wherever it passed, the intercepting warships fell one after another.

This situation is the most convenient way to clean the carrier aircraft. Compared with the fast and slippery carrier-based aircraft, the spaceship carrying them is obviously better to fight.

Although this cannot destroy them, it can prevent them from landing. After losing their supplies, it won't take long for these flying objects that have no ability to survive in space for a long time to disappear.

In fact, they are similar here. The equipment used is also quite crude and cannot survive in space for a long time. Otherwise, it would not be possible to perform such distortion and deformation at will through the ability of metal manipulation in space.

But they are the attacking side. All you need to do is be responsible and move forward. As long as you can destroy the enemy's nest, everything will be solved. After destroying the brood, it was like the enemy was pushed away.

In this case, all the enemy's combat power will lose its ability to resist. It's like losing your command center. Unless there is another command node nearby, after the base is pulled out, only Merlin can take action himself to regain control of these monsters and release them to fight. In that case , he must separate a separate line to communicate with distant places. This consumes a lot of his energy.

Cheng Ying controlled the thunder to wreak havoc among the enemy's army. The enemy's army had been attacked by fighter jets driven by magicians before, and now it was in a very weak state.

However, in order to protect their nest, these monsters still spare no effort. They gathered in large numbers around the mother nest, and then used their bodies to form a shield in the sky. When these monsters were designed, they had a function similar to that of a fusion, and they could fit together with each other relying on a set of connecting devices.

When combined together, they formed a spherical barrier. The things inside are protected, and the spherical shape they made is quite dangerous. Not only can it launch various attacks with fire, frost or light attacks. It can also have extremely powerful defense. Can build a powerful shield.

In addition to the shields, they are also solid shells themselves, and it is definitely not easy to destroy them. At this time, it is the turn of the great magicians and the top experts among them to take action. When Cheng Ying saw the opponent forming a shield, he had already begun to accumulate energy, and the spacecraft he drove flew around this huge sphere like a planet at high speed. It's not that he is affected by the planet's gravity, but that the sphere is constantly releasing attacks. He must move around to the side where there is no attack and dodge. After all the enemies are united together, although the mobility becomes worse, the energy is also united, and the power of individual attacks is greater. Just like the superposition of their overall attack power, if they were hit, even just once, they would probably be wiped out. However, his avoidance was flexible enough and he didn't let the opponent hit even once.

The powerful opponent in front of him is not completely without weaknesses. The biggest weakness is that after they formed a planet, they couldn't move anywhere. And no matter how strong such a shield is, it will eventually become a living target.

Cheng Ying also constantly communicated with himself about the magic of this world during the flight. Showing off the most powerful magic that he can unleash in this world.

A large number of wreckage of spaceships in the starry sky were gathering in his direction. The wreckage seemed to be continuously gathering together under the influence of gravity. As these wreckage condensed, they gradually gathered into a huge sphere.

Both sides lost a lot of units in the war. At this time, all these debris were gathered together, forming a sphere as big as a planet, and all of this was just the beginning.

Dots of flames emerged in the universe, and these dots of flames quickly penetrated into the sphere. It seems that these flames have no effect on the sphere at all, and cannot even increase its temperature.

But these flames are like fire. igniting some kind of reaction inside these wrecks. Matter began to transform into abilities, and the debris like a planet began to burn violently.

This kind of transformation can only happen inside a star, and at this moment he has become a star-like existence.

A strong light was released from the huge sphere, and the opponent seemed to be aware of the danger and launched attacks continuously. However, facing the opponent who was like a star, all such attacks fell into disarray and only gave his energy to the enemy in vain. .

Even if all the enemy units gathered their energy together and released extremely thick light cannons to bombard the bright sphere, at most they could only push it back a little distance. On the contrary, All the energy they released was absorbed by this star-like thing, making it brighter and larger.

This is the power that human magicians in this world can display after they have been trained to the limit. If they take longer to prepare, they can even unleash stronger attacks.

With the release of power, the stars in the sky suddenly fell down and slammed into the shell protecting the mother nest.

Faced with this kind of attack, even the powerful Brood was helpless for a while. The various units protecting him kept releasing attacks. Want to stop. The collision of two stars in the starry sky.

But all this is in vain. After they allow their opponent to successfully break into this distance and prepare their skills, it's all over.

The beams of light shot into the star without any impact, and the star slowly fell down. Integrate with the planet that protects the mother nest.

The light swallowed everything. The shell protecting the mother nest was swallowed and absorbed into the light ball. After melting, it also begins to transform from matter into energy, providing energy for reactions within the planet.

The sun that can be created is getting brighter and brighter. It is also getting bigger and bigger. Completely devour the opponent bit by bit.

The mother nest inside has no chance of survival at all. Under this level of attack, there was only one possibility for him to be wiped out.

Cheng Ying has made all preparations for fighting, and it is possible that the brood may forcefully escape in the process. He has done similar things before. In previous battles, some broods could split their own cores. When the core is in desperate situation, the most precious combat data is stored in it. If collected by the opponent, the mother nest can be quickly rebuilt. And because combat data has been collected, the target of human magicians will become stronger.

Of course, even if his core escapes, this will definitely be a heavy blow.

But if it can be intercepted, he will definitely not be allowed to escape.

As expected, the Star Landing was an almost insurmountable attack. Let Muchao decide to escape first. While it was being devoured, a gap opened in the shell of the collapsed planet, and a huge muzzle extended from the gap. From space it looks more like a shaft on the surface of the planet.

Light flashed fiercely from the cannon, and a core like a date stone was ejected from the muzzle.

The velocity has already reached the escape velocity of this galaxy just after it was launched. In theory he could escape easily. However, things are obviously not that simple.

After encountering the other party and trying to escape, Cheng Ying naturally couldn't let him go. The moment the heavy artillery fired, the space instantly became fragmented. It was like countless broken mirrors appeared in space. Find Shuyuan www. space becomes chaotic. The fired shell hit a fragment of a mirror. Then he penetrated through another mirror, and then happened to be caught by another mirror and disappeared. It was emitted from another mirror fragment in the distance.

This cycle goes back and forth, trapped in this chaotic space. When a magician reaches a certain level of power, he can control not only regular natural phenomena, but also extremely rare and abnormal natural phenomena. For example, this special space distortion. In fact, this is still a natural phenomenon. It is theoretically possible in the universe, but the probability is very small, and the probability that it can be controlled by humans is even slimmer.

But as long as the rules of this world theoretically allow things to happen, a magician can do it after practicing to the limit.

The enemy's core is constantly shuttling in the mirror space. After the angle was finally adjusted, it was pointed in the direction of the sun.

The artificial sun is even more dangerous than the real sun, and entering it is equivalent to complete data destruction.

The core is like a date stone and still wants to struggle. During the flight, he was forced to deflect his trajectory and avoid the position of the sun. However, he did not know that everything he did was expected by his opponent. The moment he was launched, his destiny trajectory had been programmed.

As he deflected and hit another piece of space debris, the teleportation device was activated.

But this time, the location where he teleported appeared was no longer in the vast space. Because this time the corresponding exit of the space debris is directly inside the star, it appears directly in the core of the star, and is turned into fly ash in the high-temperature flames of the star's core.

[To be continued]

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