Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 256 Challenge Merlin

The battlefield where Cheng Ying is located is not the battlefield where the first battle of annihilation was won, but one of many battles of annihilation and victory. Although his performance among humans can be considered to be quite top-notch, and few people can reach his level, this is not the performance of the strongest among humans.

He has a certain degree of restraint in his performance. Because of this, many real geniuses have emerged among the characters, and the combat effectiveness they can exert on the battlefield is even stronger. In fact, these stronger geniuses On the one hand, their powerful strength actually depends on their bodies in the real world.

Many people may have forgotten that this powerful fighting power is only possessed in the dream world. In fact, there are magicians in the real world. The bodies of these magicians in the real world have quite powerful magic power. Although it is not as endless as Merlin's magic power, since they have this kind of magic power, they can distort reality through magic power. method, then theoretically you can use these magic powers to achieve some effects that cannot be achieved by the extraordinary power of this world.

It is as if in a world without explosives, reality is distorted and compressed gas is created in the barrel of the gun to achieve the effect of the gun firing bullets. This is much better than simply throwing the compressed gas into the enemy's face. The power is much greater. This is the effect of using tools in the material world as leverage to amplify the magic power in the real world and distort the power of reality.

The more powerful the magician is, the better the effect of the lever he holds. The top magician can incite a death storm in this world with only a very small amount of magic power in reality.

Of course, for the same reason, Merlin, who has almost infinite magic power here, can also use the same method. In that case, the combat effectiveness he can exert will be extremely powerful.

But after all, he is only one person, and no matter how powerful he is, he can only reach the upper limit allowed by this world. That is the upper limit that the material world can allow. Although the human cluster cannot reach this upper limit, there are already many strong people who can approach this level.

After winning battles of annihilation again and again, the number of broods that Merlin could control was extremely small. And he must also challenge these goals. Merlin, who chooses to take the initiative, chooses a strategy of defeating them one by one.

In the Beitian Star District, Yun Chenhe had just defeated his enemies and annihilated the Brood. To this end, he even sacrificed an eye in the real world in exchange for huge magic power, and then he won in a short time. The attacks that came for support were unable to have any effect, and the entire army was wiped out after losing the nest.

At this time, he was in a brief period of weakness, but a crack suddenly opened in the space in front of him. Merlin turned out to be there in person. The effect of the extremely huge magic power distorting reality was terrifying, and the other party had turned into something. Something like an indescribable evil god, which can drive people crazy just by looking at it.

In the face of such a terrifying opponent, all he can do is give everything he has and die with dignity.

Yun Chen and his companions who were once suitable for the Red Riding Hood woman to seize the green apple together. It can be said that he is the first batch of awakened humans in the world. After experiencing reincarnation again and again, he finally became one of the top strong men in the world. However, he still has to face his fate after all. When you succeed again, you face an invincible enemy.

Now if he wants to obtain his magic power, he can only sacrifice his body in the real world. In the battles, his body in the real world has long been damaged. Although for the dream world, the real world is Your body is just a data-like existence, and you can't feel the pain in reality at all. But watching the parts of your body being lost one by one, even if you can't feel the pain, you will still feel it in your heart. Extremely disappointed.

But if these lost physical efficacies can be transformed into one's own strength to defeat the enemy that one desires to defeat most, then this loss will be completely worth it.

When he realized that the enemy he faced this time was absolutely impossible to defeat, Yun Chenhe directly chose to fight to the death and sacrifice the heart of his real body.

Under normal circumstances, a magician in the real world cannot sacrifice his own heart, because if the heart is gone, the magician will die. Normally, in the real world, sacrificing a heart can only cast one spell. That is self-destruction, and the direction of the self-destruction cannot be controlled. Enemies and teammates will be injured by the self-destruction. Moreover, if there is no way to control it, the probability of killing the enemy is not particularly high.

But now everyone is in the dream world. Even if there is no heart, you will not die. Therefore, your heart becomes a target that can be sacrificed, and the magic power obtained is extremely huge. After all, in the real world, sacrificing a heart almost means sacrificing one's own life.

He had actually given up his life. If he loses his body in the real world, even if this dream world really wins in the future, he will never be able to go back.

The real world is not a dream world. The rules there are not designed by people, but by the Holy Grail. In other words, there is no way to bring the soul back to life. If the body dies, the soul will never be able to leave the current dream world.

If your body disappears and your soul disappears when you win, then your eyes are dead in the true sense.

But when facing a powerful enemy, an enemy he wanted to defeat in countless reincarnations, he didn't have time to think so much. Putting all his energy and strength into it, huge magic power filled his body, borrowing his current identity as a powerful magician. Leverage in the real world of volatility. Suddenly he had unparalleled power, a terrifying power that caused the starry sky to turn upside down with him. The stars behind him were pulled directly in front of him. At the same time, under his power, the stars began to age and collapse rapidly, turning into It turned into a white dwarf, turned into a neutron star, and even finally compressed into a black hole. This is the limit of what the magicians in this world can do.

Black holes are theoretically the most powerful physical attack in the world, and anything swallowed by them cannot be released again. This is one of the most important physical rules in this world. The amount of magic required to violate this physical rule is extremely huge. Even if he is sucked into a black hole, he wants to distort reality and let himself re- It is impossible to come out. Even if you sacrifice yourself, it is impossible for all the bodies in the outside world to do it.

He pushed out such a powerful attack with all his strength, and the movement trajectory of the black hole was disturbed, and it headed straight for Merlin at an extremely high speed. If he is swallowed into the black hole, I am afraid that he will fall into a weak period of magic power in a short period of time. If he can find a chance to hit the target at this time, he might really have a chance to defeat the opponent, although he also knows it. I know how slim this opportunity is. There is almost no possibility of achieving this. But he still risked his own physical death and made such an attempt. Unfortunately, reality is reality, and the gap in strength will not change due to their will.

Merlin also controls the magic of this world. The control of magic in this world is stronger than that of Yun Chen and Yun Chen. Therefore, he can also combine the physical rules of this world when twisting restrictions, and a large amount of matter is removed from the starry sky by him. Pulled over, countless materials were compressed together, and then thrown into the black hole like a torrent.

The total amount of matter that a black bean can bear is limited, and endless matter is thrown into it. The final result is that the black hole cannot bear so much matter and explodes.

This is what is called a supernova explosion. After an extremely large amount of material is injected into it, even a black hole built with horizontal lines cannot bear it.

In Yunchen and years ago, they exploded and disappeared into smoke.

In the process of the explosion, Yun Chenhe was also blown up into ashes. At the place where he had just been resurrected, Merlin had torn apart the space and rushed over. It was an important city. To be precise, It should be an interstellar fortress. Many top powerhouses designed their birthplaces here. After they are killed in battle, their bodies will be resurrected here after their bodies are reduced to ashes. Because a large number of top powerhouses are resurrected in this place, when the enemy attacks this place, there is enough defensive power, and there is no need to worry about the enemy blocking the resurrection point and killing them.

The normal situation is like this, but when facing the arrival of Merlin, a large number of top powerhouses came out from the space fortress. This place is different from the ruins where the war just broke out. Yun Chenhe did not have any weapons in his hands, so he could only Use the stars behind you as weapons to kill enemies.

There are too many weapons in the interstellar fortress that are more terrifying than the stars. Many heavy artillery can directly smash stars if fired, and under the control of these top experts, the power will become even greater.

After detecting the identity of the incoming target, everyone in the interstellar fortress fought with determination to die. The entire planet was transformed into a fortress, and the main cannons on the planet were on these people. under the control of. As they began to sacrifice their bodies in reality, the main cannons also began to fire, firing with enough fire to destroy stars. When facing Merlin, the effect was minimal.

If Merlin had his own weapon, it would be a huge sword carried on his back. The gauntlet he encountered was a skull-like symbol, and there were countless wronged souls entwined around this sword.

"Bastard!" Seeing a soul storm being released from the blade to offset the attack of the Star Destroyer Cannon, the mage who launched the attack had an extremely ugly look on his face.

What blocked his attack was none other than souls. Naturally, these souls could not belong to Merlin, but belonged to fellow human beings who were captured by him. They would become souls and be imprisoned by him. This shows that these souls could not belong to Merlin. The compatriots are the type who remain unyielding even after countless tortures.

Merlin did not continue to torture them until their souls were gone, but collected them and refined them into a weapon.

The strong spirit of these people itself is the most powerful weapon in the world. If released, they have powerful attack capabilities and can also neutralize the enemy's attacks.

Each soul was destroyed in the process, and they were all souls that had been tortured to the point of collapse. But this sword must be issued by someone from the human side. It is conceivable that this is the cruelty of children. It's no wonder that some people yelled angrily.

When Cheng Ying received the news of the attack, his face showed an expression of anticipation. He then took a shuttle boat through the space gate and quickly rushed to the space base that was under attack.

It is enough to use the space fortress as a basis to launch a decisive battle with the enemy, although compared to the ultimate weapon they have prepared, the space fortress is still inferior. Find Shuyuan But once a firefight begins with the enemy, the human side has already made up its mind. Everyone goes out to kill Sadness at all costs. The reason for this choice is simple. Although there are many magicians in humans, there are very few magicians who possess the magic power in the real world and can distort reality.

Although they can be resurrected after being killed, their bodies in reality cannot be recovered during the battle.

If Merlin is not eliminated in a battle and allows him to escape successfully, the bodies of these people in reality will be in vain.

Because there is no way to fight a war of attrition with Merlin. His magic power in reality is almost endless, which means that at most it will consume a lot of his magic power, causing the magic power to be replenished not as fast as it can be restored. It is impossible to exhaust his magic power through a long-term low-intensity war.

If the opponent is not eliminated in a round of small-scale fighting, then the human side will be at a pure loss.

It is better to continue the war as long as it starts, and increase the scale to the level of the final decisive battle. The specific number of human beings is limited in reality. When faced with this desperate situation, the best solution is to use everyone's strength at once. If you can win, it will be the ultimate complete life. If you can't win, there is nothing to regret about losing. If we can't win after all human strength is sacrificed, then it is true that there is no hope of victory.

Countless mages and regular combatants rushed to the battlefield as quickly as they could, and it felt like everyone was fighting with the determination to win even though a few wisps of dust had been wiped out.

[To be continued]

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