Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 257 Data Operation

Obviously when facing the first enemy, it can be said that he is invincible. But as humans invest more and more combat power, the battlefield gradually becomes more brutal.

Yun Chenhe was completely killed in the war. He died too many times, and even exceeded the limit he could bear. In this round of battle, he completely returned to spread, which means that in the next war Among them, even if you can win. It would be impossible for him to continue to survive in a victorious world. Many people actually know this, but if they invest too much power in the war, if they fight with all their strength regardless of the consumption of themselves, then it is very likely that even if there is peace in the future, peace will be ushered in. Is there a future that is truly worth living in? Do they have the ability to live in that future?

Even so, everyone still exerted their full fighting power, and among these humans, there are indeed those wonderful and beautiful people who have accumulated experience in reincarnation again and again, showing their arrogance. talent.

During Cheng Ying's observation, the essence of these people's souls has changed. There are some special, unusual, and individual ones in the ancient universe, and their souls themselves are unusual. However, these people are generally able to continue to inherit the unity of their ancestors in their souls after the birth of the reincarnation disk.

In short, it is reincarnation. Although memories will not be reincarnated, talents and talents will be transferred to the next life in the process.

This kind of thing is indeed quite rare. The vast majority of souls do not have that kind of talent. They can retain their own characteristics in reincarnation without being erased. However, with reincarnation after reincarnation, they continue to retain themselves again and again. Due to their nature, the number of such souls will actually increase. This is why so many people in the prehistoric world later became the reincarnations of strong men from the prehistoric era. On the one hand, humans in the prehistoric era were indeed full of talents.

Hao gave up everything he had and gave all his talents and luck to mankind. During the internal war between all the races in the wild, mankind gradually grew up. One after another, special souls appeared in the bloody battles.

But everything in front of us is obviously different. The birth of these special souls is more cunning. The special circumstances of this world have formed a special reincarnation. In this kind of soul, the characteristics of the soul seem to be still preserved. Come down, and you can make the characteristics of your soul become more dazzling in each reincarnation.

We have a similar situation right now. Everyone who has experienced reincarnation again and again is regarded as a gifted person in the eyes of the outside world. If he goes to the reincarnation disk for reincarnation, he may not inherit all the talents in this life in his next life. But some characteristics can definitely be preserved. If an immortal becomes friends with him in their first life, then when he is reincarnated, he will feel familiar when he sees the young him again. I can see the characteristics of many of my old friends in him. Although the person is no longer the same person, the characteristics can indeed be retained to a certain extent.

The people Cheng Ying focuses on are those whose talents have reached a certain level. Even if they are reincarnated again and again, reincarnations that do not retain their meaning in the outside world, their talents and characteristics will not diminish. Even if their talents are fully activated, If you come out, you can also obtain a certain degree of memory and abilities from your previous life through inheritance. This can be regarded as a plan for artificial geniuses.

Perhaps the previous reincarnation world was not what the God Emperor made that made him look like this, but that he originally wanted to create a world that could undergo multiple reincarnations in a short period of time to train people. A person with a strong soul.

Prior to this, the God-Emperor had created various elemental events. There is a world of darkness, a world of light, and a world of flames. These worlds are just elements that constitute the ultimate human pure land and are components of matter. But in addition to matter, there should also be souls in that world, and there should also be life and death like the outside world. The law of reincarnation.

And this seems to be what the world in front of us should complete, so shouldn’t the next step be to completely break the cycle of reincarnation in this world?

There was a trace of hesitation in Cheng Ying's heart, what if the reincarnation of this world was grafted onto other worlds. If the object of reincarnation is no longer the world but becomes a human being, will that make your world finally complete?

This is an issue that must be considered carefully. The God-Emperor has probably considered many possibilities when designing these fourteen worlds. He has considered the problems that may be faced in running these worlds. You have considered how to use this world after it is integrated. How can we make them stronger?

However, he still has to win the war he is facing now. After winning, reincarnation may end, but it may also reappear in another form. At least the reincarnation of the world in front of him is not what he wants. Yes, only after changing can you know whether the new form of reincarnation is what you want.

Cheng Ying actually doesn't need to put much effort into this process, because the geniuses in this world who have gone through reincarnations can already perform extremely dazzlingly on the battlefield in front of them.

I saw someone opening up his spell model, completely covering the entire sky, and his spell model was just right, matching Merlin's spell model one-to-one. Then the stars changed, and Merlin's power was completely transformed. For personal use.

Taking action in an instant proves that the strong man has reached the peak strength of this world, and then your peak strength of this world launches a fierce attack on Merlin.

The powerful attack even caused Merlin to spurt out his own golden blood, and this was not the first time he had been hurt in this world. Long before that, other geniuses had used their powerful attacks to injure him.

Even the damage to him now is caused by the huge magic power in the real world, and there is no time to completely repair it.

But there is undoubtedly a price to pay for challenging Merlin's majesty. The huge magic power of the real world rushed in, directly modifying the status quo of being deprived of magic power, and instantly restored him to his prime.

Not only that, he can also show power beyond this world. You can see that the entire universe is distorted by his attack.

The gravity was chaotic during his attack, and then he saw many stars in this world being violently pulled by him and smashing in the direction of the human camp. If these newcomers were all hit together, human beings would The problem to be faced seriously is not just the problem that the strong men who are fighting the enemy may be completely annihilated. The resurrection points of human towns are originally located on these planets. If they are all destroyed, they will probably be resurrected all over the world, and without infrastructure, the time it takes to rush to the scene from all over the world is unknown.

When setting this world, in order to have enough strategic depth when fighting Merlin, they set the entire universe to be boundless and infinite. In this infinite universe, it would be very difficult for Merlin to drive out all human beings. If he didn't kill all human emotions, he would have no way to break through the shackles of this dream, and there would be no way to start the next reincarnation. This is also the way humans choose to delay time in many souls.

But this time, the huge strategic depth has brought too much trouble to the human side. It would take an extremely long time for Merlin to rush from one corner of the universe to another, not to mention the humans who are randomly resurrected. If the corpse is intact, they will be resurrected in place, but if the corpse is incomplete, In this case, they will be resurrected at the resurrection point, and after the resurrection point disappears, they will be resurrected randomly.

This means that they may appear in any corner of the universe, and if they want to return after appearing there, unless there is a teleportation setting that allows them to teleport back quickly, they may never even come back. After all, The universe is too vast. If you choose the wrong direction at the beginning, you may never come back from the journey.

The extent is so vast that it even reaches the point of being transported to an unknown area. The realm of human existence is completely invisible in the starry sky.

It's like space in the real world. If you observe from an extremely distant galaxy, you will not even be able to observe the existence of the Milky Way, let alone the solar system.

Of course, now is the time for the war to break out. If you want to find the location of your enemy, you can still do it in theory, that is, look for the place where the energy bursts out the most fiercely, and that's it. Under normal circumstances, during the war with Merlin, the energy fluctuations are It's going to be very, very huge. After all, the strength between the two parties is already top-notch in the universe.

Merlin can even rely on the power of pulling the starry sky to pull together all the planets in the star control. This is almost a vast area of ​​​​the entire galaxy, and the light caused by the all-out attack is so bright that the entire universe can see it.

All the resurrection points are destroyed, and then everyone is randomly resurrected. This is something that human warriors will never allow to happen.

Therefore, several of them showed their trump cards, and Cheng Ying never thought that they could do it to this extent. I saw five people standing up. They punched their souls out of their bodies respectively, and then their souls were connected to each other, and each of them formed a solid surface. A structure like a pyramid was formed, and then all the stars were seen slamming towards the surface of the pyramid. But the impact process did not cause any explosion or any collision. They seemed to disappear at the end of the screen.

It was like a powerful character in a TV series releasing an attack, and then the attack hit the frame of the TV. It just disappeared without causing any harm.

This is not a simple space teleportation. If it is a space teleportation, Merlin's powerful ability can forcibly break through the blockade of space teleportation.

This is something else that is closer to the essence. All stars are converted into data streams. Data can hardly cause any harm to the physical world. As all these data streams were collected, the souls of the four people seemed to have reached their limits. One of them can still withstand the huge combined spell that dominates. When all the stars are put back into place, a data stream appears in the universe, and then these data streams are transformed into the bodies of the stars. Everything is like a fairy tale.

This is already the highest understanding of the world by humans in this world. When they created this universe, they did not create this part of the content. In other words, this is not a rule that belongs to this universe, but a rule that belongs to the dream itself. The dream itself is the thought of an evil person. Find Shuyuan www. is finally built here, no matter how powerful the attack is, it all depends on people's imagination. That is the data in people's minds.

So the move just now does not depend on the settings of this world. The settings of this world are just a bunch of data. That's something more essential. It was they who directly mobilized the origin of this dream. Then the purpose of modifying reality is directly achieved through the person in the dream, which is compared to using a simulation in reality to modify it. The efficiency is much higher.

But this also has its own limitations, that is, it still needs to mobilize the magic in reality. And Merry's magic power is endless. Even if they find a more efficient way to mobilize magic power, they will eventually be completely exhausted by the opponent. So this approach is not a long-term solution. After saving their own stars, three more people chose to take action. They are also people who have this kind of data ability. Can break through the limitations of this world and show power beyond the top of this world. And their attacks are reflected in the most direct way.

"Data deleted."

As the attack is unleashed. Merlin's body suddenly became illusory, and one arm completely disappeared. Then the other one also disappeared, and the eyes on the body began to close quickly.

This is exactly what is being deleted.

If all the traces he left in this world are deleted, then his personal account will be deleted, which means it will no longer exist in the dream. If it does not exist in the dream, it means His spirit was completely wiped out. If such a thing happened, Merlin in the real world would become an empty shell, and there would no longer be any soul left in his body.

[To be continued]

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