Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 259: Space Highway

The battle has reached this stage and it is already a fight to the death. Lei Ling can indeed be resurrected again and again, but after resurrection, all his cultivation will be lost. Just like among humans, when he is just resurrected, his own cultivation will be completely cleaned up, and he needs to practice again. Reach the top.

Although the time required to practice again is quite short, they must have a relatively stable rear to allow them to restore their original strength in a few days or even shorter.

This is also the reason why they had to try every means to protect the stars they settled on. Those stars that serve as resurrection points are the so-called rear areas. After they are resurrected, they must practice in the rear areas for a certain period of time before they can return to the battlefield. , otherwise, with that kind of weak strength, being blocked by the enemy at the door of the house and killed, the consequence would be to be killed again and again, and eventually be killed until the spirit is wiped out.

Now, after realizing that Merlin has been resurrected in the depths of the universe, humans, on the one hand, allow those who have died and been resurrected to practice as fast as they can and regain their full victorious strength.

On the other hand, it is to construct a long-distance space channel to pursue Merlin who has just been resurrected in space.

"We must find Merlin as soon as possible. He has just been resurrected and is in his weakest stage. Even if the power of modifying reality can restore him to his prime faster than us, it will take at least twelve hours to fully recover. , this period of time is our best chance to kill him. Without using external magic power before he fully recovers, the strength he can exert is not even as strong as our individuals. Now what we have to do is not just open the remote space. The portal needs to cast a wide net, blocking all possible directions for his escape, and blocking all the top, bottom, left, right and back of its location. In this way, no matter which direction he transfers, he will fall into our encirclement. .

We are now preparing to build a teleportation array network. All those who are capable of fighting Merlin will attack at all costs. In addition, the planet fortress is ready to be launched. We must prepare to build a new foothold in the universe. We must be able to fight while fighting. Just retreat and resurrect while fighting. "

The human side must send the fortress planet to the front line. Otherwise, the resurrection point will be located at the other end of the distant starry sky. Such a long supply line will undoubtedly be fatal. Of course, there are certain benefits to placing the resurrection point on the other side of the starry sky. That means there is no way for you to cross such a long distance in a short time to attack the newly resurrected unit. Relying on the many arrangements in front of them, humans quickly found Merlin's location and got busy. Merlin's position can be observed through ultra-long-range telescopes, and some fluctuations can travel instantly across the universe beyond the speed of light.

The telescope is definitely not a simple optical telescope. It can observe these fluctuations and use these fluctuations to deduce the enemy's position. Relying on this ability. Cheng Ying was the first to find Merlin's location. Although he couldn't observe what he was doing, he couldn't tell that he was recovering his strength as quickly as possible through his own methods.

After reporting the location he found, the space teleportation strategy was immediately aligned in that direction and began to accumulate energy. In this dream world, the principle of the space teleportation device is to fold the space, and then transfer the folded space at once. Crush, in this way, two spaces that were originally extremely far apart can be spanned in this way.

But apart from that, there is another way to carry out long-distance space teleportation, which is to directly modify the underlying code and modify the distance between oneself and the target.

After discovering the location of the target, this can be done in theory. The most powerful and talented people among mankind began their own calculations, and the most talented people among them are indeed wonderful. Jue Yan, it didn't take long to calculate the target location and prepare to start teleportation.

One after another, some people have successfully completed this kind of transmission. Compared with the cosmic space channel that humans will build next, this kind of transmission is much more difficult. Only the top group of people can pass it, but the speed is also much faster.

At this stage when Merlin was still weak. Killing as many of him as possible and blocking him again at the location where he resurrects next time is the top priority.

Now humans must consider the next space construction. Therefore, not only is the space channel launched this time centered on the star field currently occupied by humans, but long-range super portals have begun to be established.

These portals are not simply transmitted to the depths of the universe, but like subway stations in space, there are space nodes reserved at regular intervals. At these nodes, relatively weak human engineering personnel will be here. Building a planetary fortress is also a resurrection point for humans.

Fighting for these resurrection points and space fortresses has become a very important matter. Merlin does not have his own resurrection point, so when he is resurrected, he will be resurrected randomly in the universe. Whether humans can rush to his resurrection point as quickly as possible and kill his resurrection will be the next war. The most important thing among them.

In order to kill Merlin again in this battle, humans must pay a huge price, which may be an average of more than ten deaths per person.

If you fight Merlin at such a cost, you will spend at most one-tenth of Merlin's resurrection times.

Therefore, it is impossible to achieve final victory by continuing such a mindless head-on battle.

The final result is probably the most tragic failure, that is, everyone is killed, their memories are wiped out, and they are completely wiped out in the next reincarnation. If they are killed to that extent, then everything can really be done. If you start over from scratch, all the previous accumulation will disappear, but Merlin's accumulation will remain, which will undoubtedly be a disaster for mankind.

In the coming war, what the human side needs to do is to give itself an advantage in the war through Merlin's resurrection again and again.

Humans who were not strong enough to fight Merlin head-on before. It did not play an adequate role on the battlefield. But now there's a place where they can shine. That is to build a cosmic highway in this extremely vast universe. In this way, traveling between universes will undoubtedly become much easier. Merlin can be resurrected in any corner of the universe. They can rush to the scene as soon as possible and eliminate him while he is at his weakest.

And knowing this, Merlin will undoubtedly take the initiative to destroy these highways in the universe. This is a huge test for these builders. Their strength is relatively weak and they cannot confront the enemy head-on. In this case, they tend to be at a huge disadvantage.

Even during the battle and construction, they were forced into desperate situations.

And they must be resurrected quickly after being killed, and then rush to other construction sites to continue their construction work. You even have to complete your own construction while resisting enemy attacks. This will make it possible to wait for the arrival of reinforcements after completing the construction of the transmission channel.

All this is a story later. When the top human beings felt the place where Merlin had just been resurrected, the opponent's strength had recovered by 70%, and a large amount of magic power was used to restore his own strength. At the same time, he himself was practicing and quickly returned to his heyday.

Regardless of the magic power at this time, Merlin is no longer much weaker than these people regarding the influence within the dream world. However, considering the effect of magic power in battle, he is much stronger than these people.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, someone was killed directly, but more people rushed to the scene. When the people around them were killed and returned to the resurrection point, they did not hesitate at all because of the death of their comrades. Constructing his own spells, connected to the underlying logic of this world. Begin calculations and delete data from Merlin's body.

This move is the simplest and most effective way to deal with him. Clearing out his body can weaken him to a considerable extent. If he wants to restore these bodies, he must use external magic power to restore them.

After the data is deleted, the body is not as simple as being chopped with a knife and can easily heal itself.

After the data is deleted, the body is equivalent to non-existence. All traces of its existence will be erased from the bottom of the universe. Restoration through conventional recovery methods or healing magic requires all the records in the universe. The body information that needs to be restored, and then restored according to the information that needs to be restored.

When this data is completely deleted, these healing spells will have no effect on the recovery of the body.

It's just that the number of mages with data deletion capabilities who can rush to the scene is limited. In addition, they did not have the cover and protection of other mages, so they were being killed at a rapid speed, and it would take at least two days for them to reach the rear. Only then can you completely improve your strength and return it to its original level. This still requires relying on the equipment on the planet to help them improve their strength in a short period of time.

Some methods of ascension are even harmful to the body and will consume the life of the ascension person. But the credit report is not important. After all, this is the world of dreams, and things like lifespan actually have no meaning.

It's just that the next battle can last shorter. After their lifespan is sacrificed, few people can die before dying in battle.

The top powerhouses who died in large numbers because they lost their protection seemed to be trapped in a vicious cycle. As they continue to be killed, the number of enemy bodies that they can delete data from is getting smaller and smaller. In this case, they are increasingly unable to contain the opponent. They use magic to restore their own strength. Seeing that Merlin's strength continues to grow. recovery, but the transmission channel on his side has not been fully constructed. If his strength is restored to its peak, the price to pay for killing him will be too high, which is equivalent to the average person being killed. He killed and resurrected ten times. This was not the most important thing. If ordinary people were resurrected after being killed by him, the impact would not be particularly great. The key is that this is an average of ten resurrections for each person. For these top warriors fighting on the front line, if they want to kill such a powerful Merlin, they may have to pay dozens or hundreds of deaths. Even if their souls are tough, The time you can persist is also limited. If you continue to die in such an ordinary way, you will eventually die to the point where you no longer want to live.

Just when the situation was developing in a bad direction, suddenly a large amount of data was flushed out from the virtual control. Cheng Ying just appeared on the other side of the distant starry sky with a large amount of data.

And those are tens of millions of top human beings. Some of them can delete data, but most of them have no ability in this area and have simply cultivated to the top of the world.

Not all the top experts in the human race, but close to half of the total number. Only then did they realize that Cheng Ying clearly had stronger computing power than them and a stronger ability to control the rules of the contrast layer than them. For computing power, look for Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan.comm and have a stronger ability to control the underlying rules. Why haven’t you come here yet? The reason is that he is building a more powerful teleportation spell, using the rules of underlying data modification to transfer data to as many people as possible, and successfully moved a large number of reinforcements to the scene.

Merlin's strength has not yet recovered. The top experts on the human side have already gathered here. This means that the balance of the war has begun to tilt. Just as everyone expected, under the cover of many top human beings, those who can directly interfere with the data level can finally stably conduct data analysis on Merlin. delete. In this situation, Merlin had to devote most of his energy to recovering his body.

In this case, there would be no way to recover his strength. He would not be able to exert the magic power of his heyday. Merlin, who was unable to use it, would be weaker than anyone present and would be completely suppressed immediately.

Although humans still have to pay huge casualties, there is no doubt that the casualties paid this time will be much smaller than originally expected. It may only be that each person needs to be resurrected two to three times on average. Although On average, it is still at a loss compared to Merlin. All that needs to be done is to support the space highway structure of the entire universe. By that time, the cost of each time they kill Merlin can be greatly reduced, and they can even kill Merlin without the need for multiple resurrections. If they ignore you at that time, there will be no hope of a comeback. If it really is If it can be done, the reincarnation may be broken at that moment.

[To be continued]

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