Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 260 Construction Corps

If the victory of previous wars was determined by the hands of high-end combat forces, then the victory of wars now is determined by the collective hands of mankind.

Cheng Ying hopes to see this scene happen. If this scene happens, it means that everyone is involved in the war. Everyone has been baptized and trained by war. After the war is over and peace is restored, this generation of humans will become elites who have been tempered by blood and fire.

If events merge in the future, after they have gone through such a difficult battle, those who still survive will return to a relatively peaceful world, which will not bring about the slightest change.

The ones who risk their lives here are not only resurrected humans with souls, but also those beings cultivated by humans who have no souls and only have their own consciousness.

They were raised by human families, and some were even raised entirely by this kind of native human family.

In normal social life, they can hardly feel the difference between themselves and other people, but when they encounter danger, they are blocked by those humans who can resurrect. Those who have souls use themselves time and time again. Their backs shielded them from the disaster falling from the sky. And now it's their turn to save the world.

Because human beings cannot be resurrected again and again, the speed of cultivation is actually relatively slow, and there is no accumulated experience time and time again, so that no such human genius is born among them. But this is enough for an engineering construction force. Now is the moment of life and death for the entire civilization. Even if they only have one life, even if they cannot be resurrected, after a long period of development and a long history, they have occupied more than 99% of mankind, and they are also the strongest logistical force among mankind. Everything the frontline warriors need can be provided in a timely manner, and now it is necessary to build an interstellar highway, even in the face of huge dangers. These native humans who have no resurrection ability are also on top.

Building a space highway requires a race against time. The highway must be built as quickly as possible in the shortest time, so as to ensure that when the road section is clear, the resurrected Merlin can be captured and eliminated as soon as possible. The wider the highway is paved in the universe, the wider the spread, which means that the faster humans can find Merlin. The faster you destroy the opponent.

This means that the highway not only needs to have strong transmission capabilities, but also needs to have strong detection capabilities to promptly detect whether there are traces of Merlin nearby.

Merlin died for the second time in the war, much faster than the first time. On the one hand, it was because he was blocked before he could regain his full strength and died suddenly after a group fight.

After the subsequent human army arrived, it was impossible for the weak Merlin to resist.

On the other hand, after he is resurrected, the resurrection items on his body will not be resurrected together. Those resurrection props were created by his extra magic power from the real world, distorting reality. In other words, if you want to continue making those resurrection props, you need to provide enough magic power in the real world to condense it. And when humans were not in a strong period before, he had the ability to accumulate his remaining magic power and make a lot of this kind of thing. But now his magic power can't even keep up with repairing his data-deleted body. Not to mention that kind of thing. What an exaggeration.

But after being defeated for the second time, Merlin also learned to master it. After being resurrected again, he was in a corner of the universe. But he did not expose himself immediately. At this time, the enemy is strong and we are weak. He has realized that the human side is now in a strong position. The best way is to hide in the dark, and then continue to analyze them and consume them. Their energy and patience, and the patience of individual intelligent creatures for war are limited. Under the wartime system, life will not be easy for anyone.

In this situation where everyone is having a hard time, it is difficult for even humans with high morale to maintain high morale for a long time.

More importantly, as long as he hides, he can use the vast space of the universe to continuously restore his strength. When he returns to his prime, he will not have to worry about those messy problems.

This is also true. If he hides, we want to find him in the boundless universe before the construction of the space highway and space observation system is completed. There is no doubt that it is extremely difficult.

But it's not just the troops responsible for building the space highway that are working hard. Top experts are also working hard to change the status quo, which is to delete data from the entire universe.

No one has the ability to delete an entire universe in an instant, even if they have permission. But that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to delete an area at the edge of the universe. At most, it is like this. Deletion will reduce the boundaries of human activities in the social world, but the universe is already too vast, and this is a dream world, not reality. Even if the space that can be explored outside is reduced, it is still a completely affordable price.

Therefore, the universe is like a peeled apple, constantly peeling off its outermost layer of matter layer by layer, making itself smaller and smaller. There is no telling how long it will take for this kind of data deletion to completely delete the universe to the size of a duel field that they can control.

It can only be said that after Merlin's third resurrection, the hiding effect was very good, and almost no one was able to discover and find him. In dark corners, there are even beings who don't often attack humans.

Continuously restore your own power and make more resurrection props for yourself before humans find you, so that you can be resurrected more before you die this time.

In order to prevent the construction of mankind, after he recovered his power, he still did not build his own army. Instead, he continued to lay mines in the starry sky.

Use stars as your ambush weapons. Inject your own energy nodes into the star. These energy nodes are separated from each other after being injected. Even if he is deleted from the data, these energy nodes will still operate silently. After the human engineering team arrives here, these stars that originally seemed normal will turn into bombs that suddenly explode one after another.

This is also the danger that the human engineering team must face on this battlefield. They have to face sneak attacks that appear from time to time, and they also have to face stars that may explode at any time along their engineering routes.

Merlin could also see that whether the space highway could be built or not would determine his success in this war. The construction of the space highway must be disrupted as much as possible.

If his demon army was still there, it would be much easier to carry out destruction in this area.

However, due to previous mistakes in decision-making, his data transmission equipment was lost and was cracked by humans to reverse the situation. Now that all his demon army has been annihilated, he can only do this kind of continuous laying of mines in the starry sky. Destroy the low-end operations of human construction troops.

During the period of hiding in the darkness, he also tried his best to leave seeds one after another in the darkness. These seeds have a chance of growing into a new demon army in the future.

They hide in the darkness, use those remote planets in the universe as their base, and continue to develop and grow. Because the structure is relatively simple, it is easier to replicate itself. The resources they require are relatively simple. They may not be as good as confronting humans head-on, but they are still enough to deal with the human army.

After falling into a disadvantage, Merlin also started his own guerrilla war. By constantly destroying the human side's logistical supply lines. Come buy yourself some time.

However, his repeated actions eventually exposed his position. Although he has returned to his prime and made himself many resurrection props. But compared to the first time I killed him, the effect these props can have is still limited. The effect was much worse than when he was killed for the first time.

Just a dozen deaths completely confirmed that he was still completely killed after his third resurrection.

But the next dozen or so resurrections will probably be like this cat-and-mouse situation. The universe is too vast, and with the current construction progress of the space highway, we want to explore the location of the opponent's resurrection as soon as possible, and move it It is still too difficult to find the enemy. The space highway currently covers less than one percent of the entire universe. The probability that Merlin happens to be resurrected within this range is too small.

In this period, Merlin always has the advantage. The advantage is that every time he is resurrected, every human being with a soul will die four or five times on average, which is equivalent to the total number of resurrection coins for everyone. Yes, the number of resurrections that everyone's spirit can bear is about the same.

And once Merlin is resurrected, everyone on the human side will have to follow him four or five times. If this continues, Merlin only needs to consume one-fourth and five-fifths of his resurrection times to kill all humans, so it seems that every time Merlin He'll be beaten to death every time.

But it is the human side that is more anxious. If the battle damage ratio cannot be reduced to 1:1 as soon as possible, or even lower, then the human side will have achieved tactical victories one after another. , and ultimately it will completely fail strategically.

According to current statistical results, the average number of resurrections that humans can endure is about 50,000. Merlin is not sure that it may be more than this number, but it should be within roughly the same order of magnitude. Among humans, Before the number of resurrections of the top combat power is exhausted, the construction of the space highway must be completed to bring the battle loss ratio below one.

Otherwise, even if the opponent is killed multiple times, the human side will ultimately lose.

Too many sacrifices have been made in the construction of the space highway. Most of the time, this space highway relies on the planet's gravity as the anchor point for transmission.

In other words, they must get close to the star to arrange their next transmission point in order to build it as quickly as possible.

But stars have become very dangerous now, and Merlin has already planted his own bombs on many stars before. Under his mark, these stars could easily explode. When a star explodes, everyone is swept away. What follows is mass death.

Cheng Ying is currently fighting on the front line, but he also knows the tragic situation these construction troops are facing.

But no one gave up, and even took up arms to protect the safety of the road.

The demon army has learned to cut off human logistics, so every important transmission node must be guarded.

Although the number of humans is equally large, it is immediately diluted after being distributed in the vast starry sky. Only one person is left to guard each star, which is even somewhat insufficient.

A single strong human being commands a large number of mechanized troops, looking for to stick to a planet. Even people without the ability to resurrect will resist tenaciously and persevere when faced with desperate situations. .

Because they have their own children and parents, they have become accustomed to living in such a world and regard it as a real world. Although they have no soul, they are already flesh and blood people. survive in such a world. There must be something that you must protect.

Therefore, often when faced with attacks by several times more demons, they are still able to fight to the death, and even die in battle themselves, leaving behind artificial intelligence on the battlefield. He was commanding the remaining mechanized troops to resist the invasion of the demons until support arrived at the scene.

Therefore, although the demons have learned guerrilla warfare, they have also learned to cut off human beings' logistics in the starry sky. But the effect is not very ideal. They often encounter tenacious resistance during battles, and are eventually completely wiped out by human reinforcements arriving on the scene.

After all, the power possessed by these demons is now at a disadvantage. In terms of total military strength, it is far inferior to humans. There is a considerable gap in the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers. After all, these are just temporary troops created by Merlin. They must have inherited the template of the most powerful demon clan in the past. There is also a limit to what can be done. Without enough bases and systematic maintenance, there is a gap compared to the demon clan in its heyday. The human side is always developing and advancing. In this situation of ebb and flow, the combat effectiveness between each other is increasing. The gap will only grow wider. The final result is that even guerrilla warfare will not have that great impact on the construction of human space highways.

[To be continued]

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