Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 261 The non-existent power

When a power beyond reincarnation is born in this world, the reincarnation of this world should be broken. Ever since the native humans in this dream world began to fight desperately to break the dream of reincarnation, the final result was already determined.

If we only relied on the efforts of those humans with souls, we would only be able to tie with Merlin at best. And in that case, the final result will just be reincarnation continuing. But now, the future of complete victory is right in front of us.

The space highway is in the process of continuous construction. In the previous dozens of resurrections, the space highway only appeared partially in space. However, as those native humans devoted themselves to the construction process regardless of their own safety, the space highway began to expand. Teleport nodes began to appear one after another. The originally extremely vast universe was divided into grids one after another. In the three-dimensional grid, the entire universe is framed. In such a grid, where is Merlin resurrected? The location will be sensed by the nearby grid, and then someone will be teleported there, and will surround and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

This grid has not yet completely spread throughout the universe, but it has successfully occupied nearly 30% of the universe when Merlin was resurrected about 100 times. In other words, Merlin has a 30% chance of being caught directly by humans after his resurrection.

And this time, the unlucky Merlin happened to be resurrected within the control of humans.

There was a teleportation channel nearest to him. Just after he was resurrected, he used the magic power in the real world to prepare to obliterate this teleportation channel and the humans stationed here.

However, even if the transmission channel is obliterated, it will still faithfully transmit the information about the target. The native humans here died gloriously. However, the news had already been delivered by him. From the second closest teleportation node, a large number of experts were teleported out instantly. For Merlin who has not yet regained his strength, it is data deletion.

At this time, he was still in an extremely weak state. Although the strength can grow rapidly, the current combat effectiveness is only equivalent to less than one ten thousandth of the strongest period. Being so weak, even the most ordinary strong native human can easily kill him. The only thing that is difficult to deal with is actually the magic power he comes from in the real world, and he only needs to offset the influence of this part of the magic power. You can kill him completely at a very small price.

The actual situation is similar to what was expected. It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Even if you want to borrow the magic power of the real world, you must have the medium of this world.

Magic is just the driving force. If you want to exert enough power, you also need to use the materials of this world as leverage in the dream world.

After this lever is removed, Merlin's magic power is extremely powerful. The waves that can be made in this world are also limited.

The top powerhouse deleted two consecutive data and threw it on him. Most of the magic power had to be used to repair his body. Under the siege of many powerhouses, Merlin's body was reduced to ashes in a short period of time. , disappeared and resurrected again.

But luck was not very good. This time, the resurrected Merlin once again appeared in an area not affected by the space highway.

And what follows is bound to be another overt and covert fight between you and me. If Merlin was born in the dark world, he would definitely regain his full strength at this opportunity, and summon a large number of monsters in the process.

The biggest function of these monsters is to lurk and shuttle quickly among the dark stars. Some of them lurk in stars to destroy the construction projects of native humans who are preparing to build teleportation nodes and cause them a large number of casualties.

Some go directly to find important transmission hubs that have completed construction, and carry out destruction there, cutting off humanity's space highway system and cutting off humanity's supply lines.

This is all completely doable. , As for Merlin, after he is resurrected, if he encounters such a situation of the chosen start, he will make a large number of resurrection equipment. This time, he will not keep these resurrection equipment directly on his body.

Instead, it will be hidden in every corner of the universe. Some of them are instant teleportation nodes.

He also realized that if he fell behind the area where humans had laid out the space highway, there would be no point in resisting.

He had just been resurrected and was in a weak stage. When he was blocked at the door of his house, he had no hope of survival. The only thing he could look forward to was the possibility of escape.

It's difficult to use a real-world simulation to distort reality and allow yourself to escape to the outer reaches of the universe. The magic power that needs to be consumed and the preparation time alone are enough to kill him. After all, this is something that is not allowed by the rules of this world. Even if you use your authority, you must build space highways honestly. Such high-speed transmission movement can only be achieved through staged transmission between nodes.

Even if he distorts reality and directly cheats, doing this will ultimately consume a lot of money, and he may even be chased by the enemy looking for space fluctuations. At that time, the magic power will not be able to keep up with the trip, and it is likely to be killed on the spot, which will be more gain than loss.

But now he chooses to create transmission nodes one by one, and then throw a large number of these transmission nodes into the area where the space highway has been built. This kind of ultra-long-distance transmission is theoretically possible when there are transmission nodes as coordinates.

It's just that it also consumes a lot of magic power, but at least this consumption is enough to be dealt with, enough to complete the teleportation before being killed.

Although it consumes a lot of money and may be tracked by the enemy, being able to escape into the dark interstellar is at least much better than being killed instantly in the area of ​​​​the high-speed network in space.

As long as he escapes into the dark stars, he will have a chance to regain his full victorious strength. As long as he can recover to that level of strength, he will have the opportunity to make more similar teleportation props and more monsters, so that he can continue to destroy. Continuously delaying the completion of the space highway.

Now he still has an absolute advantage in terms of the number of resurrections. The average human being has been resurrected thousands of times. And he has only been resurrected about a hundred times. As long as the resurrection ratio between the two sides can be maintained at about 1:1, he will be able to securely win this delayed victory. As for the few remaining humans who are extremely determined, , even if they are united, they will not be his opponent. By then, the whole world will not be decided by him.

Therefore, what really determines the outcome is no longer the battle between the top players on the battlefield, but the hard work of the engineers off the battlefield.

In the process of another resurrection, Merlin once again had the misfortune to fall into the scope of the space highway. As the scope of the highway became larger and larger, the probability of him being directly detected also increased.

But this time, he found the teleportation node he left nearby. He didn't recover his strength at all and went straight towards the teleportation node.

The detection equipment on the human side has detected his resurrection and reported their coordinates as soon as possible. Prepare for an interstellar level strike.

But before the attack was launched and hit, Merlin had already felt the location of the teleportation node he left behind. After the light in the space flickered for a moment, it disappeared from the same place, and when it reappeared, it was already in the dark interstellar space.

In the dark interstellar space, no one can be sure. Its accurate coordinates, so a new cat-and-mouse battle begins again. More and more transmission nodes are put into the scope of the space highway, and it is quite difficult to clean up these nodes.

After all, the size of each node is extremely small, and they are located in the interstellar space, just like a needle in the sea. Even today's technology and magic have reached the top level in the world. We can only send drones to conduct a limited search and clean up the space nodes in this area that is so vast that it would take several years to fly around it.

The construction of the engineering force is still progressing steadily. Although they will continue to be harassed by monsters, and native humans will die in battle and leave this world forever, no one agrees to give up. With the unswerving promotion of everyone, the space occupied by the space highway in this world. It has reached 70% of the entire universe.

This was already quite a lot of pressure for Merlin. The probability that he will directly fall within the control of humans after his resurrection is quite high. The worst thing is that he is killed instantly after being resurrected once, and then resurrected again, and falls into the encirclement again. If you are unlucky like this, you may die several times in a row and hardly kill a few humans in the process. Things began to get worse for him. The battle loss ratio between the two sides gradually dropped from ten to one at the beginning to one to one, and now it is less than one. Merlin can clearly feel that the number of humans he can kill after being resurrected is getting smaller and smaller, and even The number of native humans that can be killed is getting smaller and smaller. If this continues, the advantages he established in the early stage will soon be consumed.

After all, he has only been resurrected more than a hundred times. Even the top human beings have experienced resurrection before. Considering the number of previous resurrections on the battlefield, few people have been resurrected more than 10,000 times now.

This is still bearable for humans who have an average of 50,000 resurrections. In the following war of attrition, the gap in the battle loss ratio between the two sides will further widen.

By then Merlin would have no hope of making a comeback.

Cheng Ying found that his intervention could only be regarded as the wings of a butterfly, pushing the world a little bit. The real pace of change in this world was taken by the humans of this world themselves, especially the native humans of this world who surprised him. .

Even if reincarnation is completely broken, they are still existences that can only live in the dream world.

After breaking the cycle of reincarnation, whether they can continue to survive is a question. When the humans here wake up, will the dream world still be able to withstand the existence of so many thinking bodies? Without the support of reincarnation, how many people will be able to live in reality? The concreteness in it will be lost. When there is no concreteness in the real world, what will be used to support this dream?

Now these native humans don't think much about it, they don't even break the concept of reincarnation.

They were just born and raised here in this dream world. In life, I regard this place as my real hometown, without any falsehood.

All they have to do is protect this place, so their fighting will is even higher than those of real humans. But on the other hand, if those real humans destroy this dream in the future because they can return to the real world. They will also resist desperately, even if this dream world disappears completely after losing the humans in the real world. Nor will they give up.

In this determination, Cheng Ying seemed to have seen the beginning of another reincarnation. Killing Merlin did not necessarily mean the end of reincarnation, but it probably meant that the next reincarnation began in another form. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshhuyun.comm

The Holy Grail can grant people's wishes, but it does not mean that only those with souls can make wishes to the Holy Grail.

If the real group of humans in this world choose to betray their former comrades, then can the Holy Grail come to these people who have no souls and only have their own will, follow their will, realize their wishes, and make this world Re-enter the next reincarnation, reverse reality and dreams, and start everything from scratch.

Cheng Ying is also thinking about whether the Holy Grail of this world can do such a thing. And the answer he came up with after thinking was that it couldn't be done.

It is absolutely impossible to reverse reality and dreams. The breadth and combat effectiveness of this dream world are close to that of the entire prehistoric continent. If reality and illusion are reversed, the combat effectiveness of the prehistoric continent will be almost half. All are focused on this world. This is obviously unrealistic.

If this happens, then this is not a small world, but the core of the entire prehistoric world.

Cheng Ying doesn't know what will happen, but he is wary of the Holy Grail in this world. He may not directly destroy the Holy Grail, but he can try to prevent the person in front of his superior from making his wish.

In this way, reincarnation should be able to be broken. After all, this is just a small world. Even the sadness that represents the willpower of the entire world can theoretically be broken by him. Although his own size is still inferior to that of the entire world. It's too far, but if you look at the strength that can be exerted with the help of natural power, then it shouldn't be too different from a strong person whose size is almost equal to that of the entire world.

[To be continued]

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