Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 262 Internal Problems

Directly above the central black hole of an unnamed galaxy, a large number of spaceships gathered here. A huge ring device was being hoisted here. Many engineers were using their engineering magic to debug the ring device. The highlighted data was in their spells. flashes on the dashboard.

Following them were a large number of powerful monsters, and a large number of motherships that were even larger than the spaceships they were driving surrounded them, and thick purple beams of light were blasted towards them.

The engineering ship's shields were fully opened, and non-combatants boarded the fighter plane.

They were the engineering team building the teleportation node. Faced with the teleportation node that was about to be completed in front of them and the huge army of Warcraft behind them that they could not resist at all, they chose to be brave and boarded the temporary fighter jets on the spaceship one by one. Not a military model, but one they modified themselves. The performance is much worse than that of real military fighter jets.

But they still flew the fighter plane, used their own spells to strengthen the fighter plane, and launched their own conflict in the direction of the monster army.

Even though their bodies belonged to this dream world, and there was no chance of resurrection once they died, no one chose to give up, and they all charged in the direction of their goals regardless of their own safety.

A fierce battle took place in space, and rays of light crisscrossed the battlefield. Huge explosions and gravitational wave blasts. After sweeping through one spaceship after another, the people inside were wiped out before the spacecraft was destroyed.

Even at the risk of such casualties, no one still chooses to give up. This is glorious for them. Even if they only have one life, they must let their lives shine in the end.

While these soldiers were delaying time with their lives, the engineers tried their best to complete their work as quickly as possible and with the highest efficiency. What they did was 50% higher than the maximum efficiency rated in the engineering regulations. , and only with this kind of efficiency can it be possible to save the lives of companions on the battlefield.

When the portal is successfully built, the real army will rush to the scene. At that time, the huge monster army here will no longer be a threat, and as the high-energy particles in the ring begin to be restrained by the magnetic field, high-speed It rotated, lighting up a bright halo, and the final teleportation node was finally activated.

This is the last teleportation node in the entire universe. When the halo lights up and the teleportation gate opens, several top experts immediately receive the distress signal and rush to the scene.

Although the army of monsters is powerful, there is still a huge gap compared with the human mages who have been trained to the top level in this world. After all, these are just temporary soldiers created by Merlin to destroy human construction projects.

Cheng Ying was one of the strong humans who rushed to the scene. The moment he appeared, he deleted the data and accurately deleted the monster fighters that were fighting humans. They directly turned into data streams and disappeared. At the same time, the strong men who came later relied on their powerful control capabilities to remotely set up a layer of shields for all humans who had not yet died.

Priority is given to those who only live once. The rest of the people who can be resurrected, even if they die, they are just wasting their own chance of resurrection. This level of loss is completely affordable for people with souls. .

After the shield was put on, a torrent of energy washed over the entire starry sky. The stars around the last teleportation node were summoned, and under the squeeze of the human mage, everything inside was squeezed out almost instantly. energy, a torrent of energy released at once. The enemy was crushed in an instant, and the two sides were not even on the same order of magnitude. It was like crushing ants to death with one finger. Everything was turned into fly ash in the process.

The last teleportation node of mankind was successfully constructed, and the universe became connected.

In fact, the distance between these transmission nodes is quite far. The distance between the two closest teleportation nodes is more than five thousand light years.

The distance within this distance is determined by teleporting in stages. In fact, it can be reached relatively quickly.

In short, between two transmission nodes, if the personal transmission passes the stage, it can be reached within one day.

Although there is still a certain delay, after discovering Merlin and while the opponent is still weak, he can be guaranteed to be caught within one day.

In fact, it is not a day, because it takes a day to span between the two transmission nodes, but it will definitely appear closer to one of the transmission nodes in no time.

Therefore, the longest time to capture him is only 12 hours, and during this period, his fastest recovery speed cannot be restored to half of his strongest level. More importantly, some people can Appears next to the target by directly modifying the underlying code. In other words, when he was the youngest, some people were able to contain him. In this way, although he could temporarily suppress this group of people with his powerful magic power, his own magic power could not be used to restore his strength. By the time the large forces arrive at the scene, it will be enough to restore 30% of their strength.

This is only possible if you have the best luck. You happen to appear in the middle of the two teleportation nodes, and the distance from the two teleportation nodes is exactly the same. Try to prolong the time it takes for you to be arrested as much as possible.

As for when he has better luck, it may be that he appears directly on the teleportation node.

The universe is so vast that each teleportation node can only have one or two people stationed at most. If he is lucky enough and appears directly on the teleportation node, he can directly attack the teleportation node when he is just discovered. In that case, the person guarding the teleportation node will definitely not be able to protect the node. If the node is destroyed, the teleportation capture team will only be able to reach the nearby node, and the journey time to capture him will be longer. But it won't last more than a day, and the strength he can recover usually won't exceed half.

And when he is about to be killed, every node of all mankind will enter a state of emergency. Once Merlin's resurrection is detected, a large number of reservists will be teleported there as soon as possible, hoping to destroy the teleportation node, unless they are lucky enough to appear directly face to face.

But the probability is still very small in the case of resurrection of the entire universe. Merlin was actually in a dilemma before all the teleportation nodes were established. Even if he spread a large number of his own teleportation nodes throughout the universe, he could still travel through the universe at high speeds among these teleportation nodes. , but when most places have been eliminated by the human side, even if he teleports out, he is still surrounded. It is meaningless at all, and he is just lingering.

Today's battle loss ratio has been reduced to a very low level. It was equivalent to him being completely blocked in the resurrection point and killed again. He had just been resurrected and before the weak period passed, he was killed again.

And now he is not just a one-for-one replacement. If we calculate it according to the average of human beings, he is very lucky to be able to resurrect all human beings one thousandth time once he is resurrected.

Under such an absolute disadvantage in the late stage, it is impossible to come back. The only thing he has to wait for is for him to be killed again and again until he reaches the limit of what his spirit can bear.

In fact, the current situation itself has greatly reduced its limits. A person can resurrect despite being killed again and again because he can see hope for the future. But now that mankind's space highway system has been completely built, Merlin no longer has any hope for the future. Without any possibility of defeating mankind, he naturally loses the motivation for resurrection. Under this situation, the number of times he was resurrected, even though he was not killed frequently, was constantly declining, as he had lost his motivation to resurrect.

This number of times is difficult to quantify. Once it ignites its fighting spirit, it may still be able to fight humans vigorously after being killed tens of thousands of times. But if he loses his will to fight, his next resurrection might be his last.

What follows is an endless tug-of-war, a competition of wills between both sides. It may last ten years, a hundred years or even longer. But humans in this era have gone through so many reincarnations. They have this patience. In this process, they also had the consciousness to bear the losses and casualties they incurred.

Too many people have passed away forever in the process. Many of the real founders of the dream world had died too many times during the war and were completely killed. The previous calculations were based on the comparison between the average number of human resurrections and the number of Merlin's resurrections. However, in fact, the number of resurrections of those who have been fighting on the front line is the same as the number of resurrections of those who participated in less intense battles. Huge gap.

Those who have been fighting on the front line are approaching the limit of resurrections. Some people even died quite a lot in the early stages of this reincarnation. They were even captured and tortured by the enemy, and their spirits were already extremely exhausted. After showing his last light, he finally completely disappeared from this world.

These losses are inevitable. Even now that humans have gained a great advantage, if time continues to push forward, countless people will still leave, and the vast majority of them are likely to have contributed to the survival of mankind. The biggest ones.

But the world is already on the right track, and no one will allow the world to go back again, to the dark ages it once was.

During the battle again and again. Merlin was eliminated again and again, and as time went by, ten years passed, and 20 years passed, Merlin became more and more sluggish, and his reactions became more and more mechanical. These are the manifestations that the number of resurrections has almost reached the limit.

When a person has no motivation to survive, various manifestations themselves. It will tend to be mechanized. It will gradually become more and more dull, with less and less desire to survive. In the end, it will completely turn into a walking zombie, and then cannot be resurrected again.

Merlin is human after all. There are limits to his mental fortitude. In this hopeless fight, he has become more and more fragile. It was originally expected that he could experience fifty thousand or more resurrections, but as humans completely cut off all his hopes, resurrection The number of times has been greatly reduced. After testing, he will completely lose the motivation to live after about 20,000 resurrections.

Of course, it is not the case that there is no contradiction within human beings. After humans gained a big advantage and gradually came closer to victory, some internal contradictions actually sprouted. These contradictions originated from existences that should not exist, that is, those native humans created by human children.

For them, the dream world is the real world and the hometown where they were born. For them, the real world that they can see, hear, and perceive is real to them.

Even though it is clear that the world is made of dreams, they still firmly believe in their point of view. Because they are the products of dreams. Humanity is actually discussing how to deal with this dream after the war. If you analyze it calmly, you can calculate the computing power required to maintain this dream through quantitative calculations, and you can figure it out after doing this calculation. To maintain such a dream state for a long time, at least half of the human population would need to be asleep. Only then can we ensure that the people in this dream can continue to survive.

This level of computing power. Find the bookstore The side of humans with souls is actually acceptable, but the side of humans with souls also puts forward their own requirements, and the range that the dream world can bear is limited. In the dream world, the consumption of the material world is actually not large, such a huge universe. Such a complex transmission system was finally successfully integrated without running out of computing power.

It really consumes a huge amount of human computing power. On the contrary, it is the thinking of these living people. The thinking of these native inhabitants of the dream world consumes the most thinking ability of people in the real world.

With the current population of Weibo, people in the real world need to spend half of their time in dreams to maintain it. If the number of people in the dream world continues to increase, the time that humans can be active in the real world will be shorter. .

Therefore, the real human side has formulated its own regulations, requiring dreamers to limit their own population, which means that almost all subsequent reproductive behaviors are prohibited. Because the technology in this world has almost achieved human immortality, if reproduction is allowed, the population will continue to expand until the dream world cannot be sustained.

[To be continued]

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