Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 263: Reincarnation Disk

This is the contradiction between the new humanity and the old humanity in this world. The demands made by the old humanity are actually not too excessive. They required that the new humans should not engage in any life activities until the population dropped to about two-thirds of the current level, and then continue to maintain this number of people.

In this way, in a normal world, a person needs to spend one-third of his day sleeping. This happens to be the same amount of sleep as a normal human being, given that humans are spread out across the world. The hours of sleep do not just happen to be together to be able to continue to maintain the operation of the spiritual world.

But this relatively reasonable request is not acceptable to everyone. After all, many people actually want to have a child. In the development process over the years, fertility has never been restricted, but fertility has been encouraged. Some new humans cannot agree with this choice after victory. They think this is the behavior of picking up the bowl to eat and putting down the bowl to scold your mother.

It cannot be said that they are irrational. This approach does have a certain degree of suspicion in this regard, but this is an agreement finally reached by representatives of the new and old humans during the negotiation process. Both parties can represent the interests of the majority of people. With the common enemy After disappearing, internal conflicts will eventually break out little by little, but these are still within the scope of human coordination.

The number of times Merlin can be resurrected is running out, and the opportunity for humans to return to reality is about to come, but before that, this series of contradictions must be resolved.

However, in this process, there are still some things that have not happened in the world on the surface, and are slowly happening. Only people outside this world can feel this. Cheng Ying could feel that the things in this world that represented the power of reincarnation were awakening little by little, and as Merlin was weakened again and again, the evil power entangled in this item was being purified little by little. After the twisted power was gradually evolved, he also began to gradually show his true face.

And when his true face was revealed, he was no longer in the original form of the Holy Grail.

The original Holy Grail also looked very ferocious. The cup was made of a human skull and filled with a bright red liquid that looked like blood.

At that time, just one look at the Holy Grail could tell people that it was not a good thing. As time went by, as Merlin gradually became weaker and closer to failure, the shape of the Holy Grail began to gradually change.

The layer of ooze-like flesh and blood that originally covered the Holy Grail began to melt like a candle. After melting and falling off, what was revealed was the tip of the iceberg of his true appearance.

Only people outside this world can observe the Holy Grail in this world in such an intuitive way. Entropy should have been the first to notice changes in this aspect, but because he was no longer interested in the development of this world, he gradually gave up. Observation of the world.

So he didn't notice what was the core exposed inside after the Holy Grail gradually melted. If he knew, he would definitely not pay attention to this world.

After the Holy Grail began to gradually melt, the first thing to change was the bottom of the Holy Grail, which is the position of the base. Originally his image was similar to a red wine glass, except that the bottom was shorter. As he continued to melt, the human hand bones at the base completely disappeared. What is gradually revealed is the existence of a figure with the base pointing upwards. It looks like a part of a circle, with only an arc-shaped base exposed.

As more and more of the Holy Grail melts, more and more of the base is exposed. At this time, it can be basically distinguished that the arc should occupy a complete circle. one-sixth.

It looks like a portion of a sliced ​​pizza. As more and more of it is melted, the portion becomes more and more exposed.

And when his full picture was basically revealed, Cheng Ying finally figured out why this world reincarnated again and again. One of the Holy Grail great innate spiritual treasures hidden in this world, even among the top ten innate spiritual treasures. , it is also an extremely important existence. It is the legendary reincarnation disk, which is only 1/6 of the reincarnation disk. The six-path reincarnation disk is divided into six parts. The complete six reincarnation disks are spliced ​​together to be the real one. The reincarnation disk.

And he should be an innate spiritual treasure mastered by Hou Tu, but at this time Hou Tu had not been born yet, or he had not yet come into contact with such things as the reincarnation disk. So for the time being, this innate spiritual treasure is ownerless.

This kind of thing is enough to attract the strong men of Entropy's level to snatch it. The existence of this kind of top ten innate spiritual treasures is a huge improvement for the strong men of their level. For example, those of the same level as him A being whose strength is superior to him just because he has mastered the two cylinders of yin and yang. He obviously does not have that kind of strength, but he relies on the combination of himself and an innate spiritual treasure to compete with each other in terms of the combat power that he can exert. Entropy is even more powerful.

It is conceivable that if the existence of the reincarnation disk is known, Entropy will never let it go.

However, it takes a certain degree of luck to obtain such things as innate spiritual treasures. Some innate spiritual treasures will not be allowed to be used by people who do not recognize them.

Of course, if the strength is strong, it may not be impossible to use it forcefully, but in that case, while using it, you need to dedicate part of your strength to suppress this innate spiritual treasure. The level of entropy can do such a thing. If he had been at the scene, he would have been able to take action when he discovered that the Holy Grail was the Samsara Disk for the first time. But if it weren't for now, if he were to take action now, he might not be in a hurry, because the reincarnation disk has already begun to recognize the master.

After successfully recognizing the owner, there is no way to forcibly refine it without the owner's consent, unless the owner is killed.

And if the owner of this reincarnation disk is any ordinary being in this world, it will be very easy to kill him. Under normal circumstances, only the one who is qualified to become the owner of the reincarnation disk is humans of this world.

But here’s the problem. If it could only be recognized by people in this world, it would be easy to kill the owner of the reincarnation disk and seize this innate spiritual treasure. However, someone got involved in the process of breaking the reincarnation in this world. , and played a decisive role in this process.

That is Cheng Ying. After he personally participated, it was equivalent to gaining the authority to be recognized by the reincarnation disk with the humans in this world. When he can be recognized by the reincarnation disk, he is also qualified to become the master of the reincarnation disk. This is not an ordinary authority. The reincarnation disk emerged from the spiritual world when Merlin was about to die completely. For existences like innate spiritual treasures, there is no difference between the spiritual world and the real world. It exists in all worlds, as long as it is located in the prehistoric world. Within this multiverse, it can exist in the form of entities in any field.

It was this thing that appeared on Merlin's body after his death after his last resurrection. During this period, it gave people the feeling that he was equipped with explosive equipment, but no one present dared to touch this thing.

It's not that he is afraid of death, although it is said that after the victory, the reincarnation is broken, and he cannot continue to touch this thing. It is very likely that it will lead to his true death and never be resurrected.

But humanity has paid such a price. There is no lack of this spirit of sacrifice. If only one's own life is in danger, there will definitely be someone willing to bear the responsibility of exploring the path. But what humans have to pay is not only to sacrifice what they want in exchange, but also to break the cycle of reincarnation and no longer have to make such sacrifices again and again.

And if you touch this thing, it may cause the whole world to fall into the next reincarnation. No one can bear this responsibility.

Just when everyone was hesitant, Cheng Ying, who had saved the day in crisis time and time again, chose to stand up: "I'll try to contact him. No matter what happens next, even if reincarnation continues, I will bear the responsibility." All the responsibilities involved, if I trigger the next reincarnation, then I will definitely use my power to end the next reincarnation."

Not everyone can make such a decision. This is a decision more difficult than death. Cheng Ying also dared to make such a decision because he had information gaps with the people at the scene and knew exactly what was in front of him. Determined to try to make contact.

Under everyone's nervous and expectant gazes, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the target. The thing that looked like a sliced ​​pizza was gradually released as his hand touched it. A little bit of fluorescence.

Immediately afterwards, it was directly integrated into Chengying's body. Even though the body here was only a body in the spiritual world, the reincarnation disk had already signed a contract with him, which was equivalent to being directly integrated into his body in the real world.

Almost at the same time, Entropy suddenly woke up from his meditation, felt an extremely powerful aura burst out, and immediately teleported. Next to Cheng Ying, he immediately felt the powerful aura that was like an innate spiritual treasure, and his face suddenly changed color.

It can be said that he is very familiar with things like innate spiritual treasures. He actually has a few of them on hand, but they are either too weak or not suitable enough for him, so they ultimately failed to stay in his hands. So far, he has only achieved his current status by relying on his own strong strength. There was no innate spiritual treasure in his hand that matched his status, but he could feel the innate spiritual treasure that was being fused just now. Although it is incomplete, the complete version is definitely strong enough to match his identity. If he can get it, he might also try the emperor's position. There are only two people in that position, and theoretically that position can accommodate three people. Even the third emperor is the strongest one in the prophecy. .

If he could reach that position, his heart would beat faster just thinking about it. But he quickly shook his head and gave up the idea. Because Cheng Ying, who had completed the fusion, stood up in the void, faced him, and said something to him.

"Remember that if you want to break through your current strength, you can only rely on the light of the soul."

These words were like morning bells and evening drums, making him wake up instantly. The greed he released before did not necessarily originate from himself, but was most likely guided by the will of heaven. Tiandao is very wary of having an outsider around him who can avoid his influence. He has been relying on cultivating his spiritual light these days, and his strength has improved to a considerable extent. Although it will take a long time and a long time to achieve the goal of crossing the realm by relying on this kind of improvement. But this path cannot be stopped. As long as you keep working hard, you will be rewarded.

So Tiandao planned to put all kinds of temptations in front of him. Tempt him with an innate spiritual treasure. Find Shuyuan His innate spiritual treasure can make his strength improve by leaps and bounds. It is better than the thousands of years of cultivation now, but after he obtained the innate spiritual treasure and his strength increased sharply, he would definitely kill the person around him who kept reminding him. By that time, his strength will be fixed at that position. Even if it is much stronger than it is now, it is not dangerous to a being like Tiandao.

Thinking of this, Entropy couldn't help but feel frightened. At the same time, I also felt suffocated. Cheng Ying definitely did this on purpose, although there were also elements of good luck and the fact that he didn't track the other person in real time. But he watched helplessly as the people around him obtained a fragment of one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, and it was a very large fragment. But I don’t have my own share, which is really uncomfortable.

Even if it is just a fragment of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, its power is more powerful than solving most ordinary innate spiritual treasures. What's more, he has already felt that this fragment is a fragment of the reincarnation disk that controls the power of reincarnation. He can already think of what this means.

Reincarnation is more than just reincarnation for the lives in this universe. It is a great benefit to the entire universe. If there was no reincarnation, there would be unique souls born in this universe. Eventually they will all die out and be swallowed up by the universe.

After reincarnation, although people after reincarnation do not remember everything that happened in their previous lives, their unique and powerful souls will accumulate in reincarnations and retain their own characteristics again and again. Even in the future, if by chance, it may be possible to be resurrected with the help of the power of the reincarnation disk. This is undoubtedly a great merit for the living beings in the universe today whose souls have no destination.

[To be continued]

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