Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 265 Ice World

When entering the extremely cold world here for the first time, people will subconsciously think that this is a dark world. There is almost no light in the starry sky in this world. Only a few stars can be seen in the sky, and most of them have been extinguished. Even the planet that has just entered this world can only see a rather dim sun when looking into the sky. , if this sun did not occupy nearly one-sixth of the huge area in the sky, that is, it is quite close to this planet, the environment on this planet would no longer be as simple as the Ice Age, but would have completely fallen into reached absolute zero.

It may not be as serious as absolute zero, but life on the planet may not have any possibility of survival at all.

According to Cheng Ying's judgment, the star in front of him should actually still be in the main sequence star stage, that is, in its prime. Logically speaking, the light released should be quite intense, and the temperature released should also be quite hot.

But there is a special stance that pervades this universe. It can make it difficult for stars in this world to release high temperatures. In other words, the energy released was absorbed inexplicably. This results in that even so close to the star, the temperature on this planet is barely enough at best to allow some extremely cold-resistant creatures to survive.

There is almost no liquid water on the entire planet, and everything is covered by ice. Small amounts of liquid water can only be found at the bottom and deep within the ice.

The fact that these two people were able to descend on this planet means that life on this planet has not been completely cut off. There are at least a small number of living humans as beacons that can allow them to descend.

Compared to the world of fire, this world of ice is definitely much more miserable. Various career systems can also be developed in the world of fire. Let people rely on their own IQ to show off the various flame lords whose IQs have been suppressed. The ice world does not have this condition. The biggest threat here is simply the cold weather.

There are only a very small number of humans living on this planet.

Although it is a world of ice, and although the light here is very dim, the degree of interference with mental power is not particularly strong. At least it's not difficult to cover a planet.

So the two quickly learned about the situation on this planet and how the humans living here survived in the ice.

The living conditions of the humans living here can be said to be quite harsh. Cheng Ying noticed that they all live in deep caves, and these caves are quite deep and can lead to the mantle of the earth. Deep down, they live near magma deep in the mantle.

Although it is magma, it is difficult for them to bring much heat. It is as if the temperature of everything in this world has been forcibly lowered. Only by staying next to the magma can they barely maintain the temperature of their bodies.

"If this is the case, it should be difficult for people in this world to survive. This world does not seem to have fallen into an ice age. If it is really that cold, there should be no such thing as magma. It is strange that this planet The natural phenomena on the planet make me feel a little confused." A strange expression appeared on Entropy's face, and the various natural laws on this planet seemed quite strange to him.

The temperature of the magma seems to be only a dozen degrees, but if someone touches the magma with their hands, their hands will be burned. However, if they do not get close to the magma, they will die from excessive cold. It is really confusing. Understand what is wrong with the rules of this world.

"Well... think about it, I seem to understand what is going on in this world." Lan Nuo landed on this planet. This planet also has an ocean, but the ocean is almost completely frozen. Only in the deepest parts of the ocean can small amounts of liquid water be found.

"For people living on this planet, temperature is a relative thing, at least for the native residents of this world. We are outsiders, so we can judge the magma, sun and other things in this world. The temperatures are abnormal. They are much lower than normal, so that the stars appear quite dim. But if people from this world come near the stars, they may still be burned to pieces in an instant. Ash. Planets including this world will also melt when they come near stars.

I don't know how your race or most of the history you've experienced defines temperature.

In the civilization I'm used to, temperature is usually measured with water. That is, the freezing of water and the boiling of water.

It’s not that there’s anything special about water, it’s that water is rare and can exist in solid, liquid, and gaseous states. All three forms can exist within us relatively easily. substances in the normal living environment. "

"Indeed, it's pretty much what you said. Although over a long period of time, different civilizations and different races have different standards for measuring temperature, most of the time, the freezing and boiling of water are used as important temperature measurements. node.

But what does this kind of measurement have to do with the world? I seem to understand a little bit what you mean, this world. There seems to be no problem with the interaction between other substances, except water..."

"To be precise, only water is normal in this world. As water is the source of life, most living creatures must survive in an environment where water can maintain a liquid state.

The water in this world is the same as the water in the world we are familiar with, but except for water, the temperature of other substances has dropped by a large stage, that is, the temperature of combustion or reaction. They are all one level lower than the temperatures we are familiar with. Only the melting point, boiling point, and various chemical properties of water have not been distorted or changed in this world. This means that water cannot interact with other substances in this world. Normal interaction. When exposed to the temperature of other substances, water will freeze directly into ice.

You can understand why people in this world will be burned by magma, but will suffer severe frostbite after leaving the vicinity of magma.

There is definitely water in the bodies of humans in this world, and if the water in their bodies is in a place where the temperature is not high enough, it will freeze directly. In places where the temperature is too high, other substances in their bodies will be mixed with this Those who interact normally in the world will be burned by the high temperature of the magma.

It's no wonder that the living range of humans in this world is so small, and they can only survive in a small area around magma. Don't get too close to the magma, and don't get too far away. "

The two came to the underground cave where humans live and further explored the underground cave.

At the same time, in the process, we also learn about the way of life of humans in this world.

Humans living on this planet are almost inseparable from the resource of magma.

They have to be near the lava. In this environment where the temperature is high enough, you can maintain your own survival, but your body will be damaged by the high temperature. You can see that the skin of the people here is quite rough.

They need extremely high temperatures equivalent to those in this world to keep the water in their bodies liquid, but their bodies cannot withstand such high temperatures, even though years of evolution have allowed them to gradually adapt. It is still far from evolving to be able to fully adapt to this environment.

And if they want to drink liquid water, they must collect ice cubes from outside, and then put the ice cubes on top of the magma to melt.

This is a rather troublesome process. The first step is to go outside to collect ice. If you want to collect ice cubes, you must ensure that the temperature of your body is high enough. There is no need to leave the cave completely. There is ice near the cave, but the temperature there is fatal enough for humans in this world.

So they have to carry magma. Get to that area. Complete the collection of ice before the magma is completely extinguished.

If you want to do this, you first need a container that can hold magma, so a very interesting phenomenon occurs.

There are very few containers in this world that can easily hold magma. After carefully understanding the situation in this world, you will find that the physical rules of this world are quite strange. The temperature of liquid water is extremely high in this world. From the outside, the temperature of human body is relatively normal in this world. But if people release their own blood, they can directly melt the rocks.

This is a very counter-intuitive characteristic. It is obvious that there are special laws that maintain humans, and humans can survive in this twisted state.

Human blood cannot be contained in ordinary containers, even if it is iron. If you build an iron bucket to hold human blood, the iron bucket will melt instantly.

If you want to hold magma, the effect is similar. Although the temperature of the magma in this world is not as high as that of human blood, it is not something that this almost primitive human tribe can find a container for.

It was difficult for them to even smelt bronze, let alone develop an iron bucket that could withstand high temperatures and hold magma.

So when they carried magma and mined ice, the containers they used were extremely counter-intuitive, making both outsiders feel extremely inconsistent.

The kind that can easily withstand the high temperatures of magma. And the material that exists in high temperatures for a long time turns out to be ice.

Water in this world is the only thing whose temperature is incompatible with other materials.

If the melting point of ice is zero degrees, then the temperature of these magma is only about ten degrees.

This is like using an ordinary ice bucket to hold water. The ice will slowly melt in water at room temperature, but if the bucket is made thicker, it can last for a long time, and it may even be in the bucket. After the water cooled down, the bucket had not completely melted.

The difficulty of processing and obtaining ice is obviously much less than that of iron in this world.

Therefore, when people in this world mine ice to carry magma, they will create a very strange scene. That is to carry a bucket made entirely of ice, and then fill it with hot and even glowing magma.

The magma will slowly melt the barrel. After melting, there will be water in the upper layer of the barrel. The water will just be suspended above the magma without any sign of boiling. It's like two ordinary liquids combined together.

People in this world are accustomed to this natural phenomenon.

Interestingly, people in this world will be burned when they try to touch the magma, but when they come into contact with water that is almost the same temperature as the magma, they can drink it directly without suffering any harm.

"It seems that the rules of this world are very interesting. There must be some rules that are different from the laws of nature. For example, water cannot harm humans. Whether the blood of humans in this world is inside or outside the human body, Its temperature cannot harm people. But if it is the ground or other things that have been heated by human blood, it may cause burns after being separated from human blood for a period of time.

The physical rules in this area have their own set of rules in this world. In this world, there are certain rules for how long it will take for the water in the human body to leave the human body before the indirect effects can cause harm to people. . Find Shuyuan This rule can be summarized through experiments.

Although the situation of human beings in this world is difficult, it seems that the rules of the world are fixed. Even in this world with weird rules, maybe we can establish a civilization and survive. "

Cheng Ying gradually became interested in this world with strange rules. Humans in this world were still on the verge of survival, dying. In this magma cave, there were some mushroom-like foods that could be used by humans. They It also contains water inside, and the water will not harm these plants. In theory, it can be used by people to replenish energy.

In this case, humans can survive, but only barely. And there are various powerful items in this world. If you want to make them, the temperature of this water will be different from the temperature of other substances in this world. Where there are huge differences, it might be simpler.

"Whether you are interested or not, I plan to find someone among the humans in this world to clone, and then try to blend in. The humans in this world are a bit interesting."

Cheng Ying has already thought of some possible developments in this world. The process of smelting metal often requires extremely high temperatures and quite extreme natural environments to complete.

Under normal circumstances, humans must use combustion to create such an extreme environment, and it is difficult to maintain this environment and cannot be touched with hands. But if the temperature of the water in this world is so high, it may be possible to do it directly in the water. These operations are done, and water happens to not harm humans. When making iron, it is theoretically possible to throw the iron into the water and knead it like plasticine.

[To be continued]

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