Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 266 Water Industry

Entropy also has little interest in saving the world, but this time he doesn't plan to be absent. Although I don't plan to personally enter the world among humans to complete the world's achievements, I am still prepared to watch the whole process in case I miss any important nodes again this time.

The last time he missed a piece of one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, it already made him very distressed. No matter what good things there are this time, he doesn't plan to miss them.

Only this time it was really boring. It seems that it is really just about promoting the development of science and technology through various means and following the physical rules of this world, so that humans in this cold world can survive normally.

The first thing is to find a way to integrate into this world first. Soul transfer is easy, but you must first obtain a body in this world.

The two of them have great strength. When using foreign bodies, they can be invulnerable to all laws in this world and are not affected by the laws of this world. But if you want to integrate into this world, it is best to have an identity that belongs to this world, so that human beings will have a sense of belonging and gather around them.

Chengying chose a relatively simple method, which was cloning. After observing the humans in this world, he confirmed that among humans there are travelers who shuttle between different underground caves. They are usually powerful warriors. With strong physical fitness and a certain amount of extraordinary strength, he can trek on the cold ice fields of the outside world and even reach the ground.

Although they can only survive in that harsh environment for a short period of time, it is travelers who are constantly passing on the technologies of various civilizations and tribes. It is guaranteed that this human being can survive in this world of ice and snow without technological annihilation.

He also brought many plant seeds or steamed buns to different caves. In fact, those edible mushrooms and other things are not born that way, but they grow that way after being modified by humans. In other words, they are things that have been improved by humans. Because of this , so it can be so suitable as food.

There are other types of things like this in the world, but no travelers have brought those types of crops to this cave.

Cheng Ying used the genes of humans in this world to clone himself, creating a body for himself that could move around in this world and had a small amount of extraordinary power, allowing him to act as a traveler. Then he collected the seeds of plants in several nearby caves. Send them to this cave, and as travelers, show that this thing can grow in the cave and be used as food.

People who can bring food in this era are basically good people. It is not easy to do this. To travel from different caves, it is very likely that you need to cross the cold surface or some relatively cold places. Cave that is not so easy to get through. This means that all travelers must risk their lives.

"I was injured during the trip and can only cultivate in your tribe. I hope you can provide food and water, and I will also provide you with the skills I have mastered." Cheng Ying's incarnation settled in front of him. Among the tribes with the best conditions, this is not the tribe with the largest population, but the natural resources are the best, and the surrounding metal minerals are quite rich.

It's just that they don't know how to smelt these metal minerals.

"Next, I will pass on my knowledge. I hope you can watch carefully what I do. In this world, you can make weapons that are much more useful than the stones currently used."

Human beings in this world are also activating the world rules of this world. So their stone tools are actually quite exquisite. Because they have learned to use magma, they can make usable stone tools after cooling the magma. The cooled magma is a bit cold to them, and direct contact may cause frostbite. All you need to do at this point is apply some liquid water to your palms. At this time, holding this kind of stone tools will not give you frostbite, or you can put these stone tools in the magma to heat them. However, it is difficult to control the temperature. If the temperature is high, it will burn people. If the temperature is low, it will cause frostbite. People in this world are much more sensitive to temperature than normal humans.

So the simplest solution is to apply a layer of liquid water. The water in this world is a very magical thing. Its temperature is extremely high for most materials in this world. But because of its own characteristics, it will not directly cause harm to humans. Therefore, after applying water on your body, you can avoid most injuries caused by temperature. So much so that humans often worship liquid water as some kind of sacred object.

This is why tribes often have to obtain large amounts of liquid water, which is needed in all aspects of daily life.

"The next thing I want to teach you is metal smelting. I know that you can try to use the cooling of magma to make various stone tools before, and even the stone tools made are quite strong. But if the performance is Generally speaking, those things are still far behind compared to metal creations. If you want to survive in this world, you must learn how to make metals.

First of all, you need to find rocks that can withstand high temperatures, and then use them to build a container. In fact, you have also discovered that not all rocks will melt in magma. There are a small number of rocks that will not melt. They are What we need is to use magma to hold them together so that we can have a container of water that doesn't melt easily. "

In this way, the people in the tribe built a large tank that would not be easily melted by liquid water and had the ability to store a large amount of water. In the past, they could only store water in the form of ice cubes when needed. , temporarily melting water with magma.

Now there is finally a way to store large amounts of liquid water, which is very precious to each of them. Many people have a dream, that is, being able to sleep suspended in liquid water. This is almost the ultimate enjoyment they can imagine.

It is difficult to find a comfortable temperature in nature. The temperature in most environments is either too hot or too cold for humans in this world. Surviving in this environment is quite exhausting. It's not an exaggeration to say it was quite painful. Therefore, few people can persist in such an environment.

But if you soak in the water, the water will not cause any real harm to the human body. As long as the temperature of the water is adjusted to a temperature suitable for human survival, the person soaking in the water can feel the warmth and comfort. The feeling is unforgettable for anyone who has experienced direct contact with water with their hands.

However, the only water tank in the tribe cannot be used by them in this way. But it has other uses.

A large amount of copper ore, iron ore and other metal minerals can be found around the tribe. After the water tank was built and enough water was poured into it, the traveler ordered the people of this world to collect various minerals and pile them next to the water tank.

"You may not have a very intuitive judgment about temperature. After all, there are two temperature evaluation systems in this world. The temperature system of water and the temperature system of other substances fall into two categories. It is likely that it has caused your temperature sensing. This is quite misleading. I can give you some guidance in this regard. Your liquid water has extremely high temperatures for most substances in nature. Even steel will melt in the presence of liquid water. Of course, the temperature of liquid water is different, and the corresponding high temperatures are also different, so within the range of liquid water, you can try to process metals. These minerals are smashed and thrown into the liquid water. Then you find some more You often burn plants for heating. Although the flames they burn are quite cold to you, the substances contained in them can turn these things that look like slag and have no strength at all into something quite solid and reliable. Things. Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for you to process this kind of thing, but if it is in water, the difficulty is greatly reduced. "

As the ore powder and the plant powder made into coke were put into the pool, a large number of bubbles appeared in the pool as if boiling at the same time. This was a reduction reaction at high temperature, and the oxygen inside the metal In this incredible situation, it was restored, and as the substances in the water gradually settled, you could see liquid, sparkling metal flowing in the middle of a large amount of powder.

Cheng Ying put his hand into the water and touched the metal. The hot metal like lava came into contact with his hand, but there was no harm to each other.

These humans living in primitive societies did not feel strange when they saw this scene, because they have also tried it. As long as there is water isolation, even if they touch the magma directly, they will not be hurt. This is the rule of this world. Special place.

Although these liquid metals are soft, they are still tougher than real water and feel more like plasticine. The processing of these metals underwater is much easier than in the blacksmith's warehouse.

"You can try in the future the effects of doping different metals with each other or other substances, and record these effects. I have only recorded one so far, which is to add a small amount of carbon to the metal. Powder can make pure metal iron harder and more suitable as tools we use. Although they are usually too cold, as long as they are coated with some liquid water, they will not cause frostbite to us. Compared with Stones after solidification of magma are more suitable for use as tools.

Let me first demonstrate how to make a blade for everyone. With it, we can harvest plants more conveniently and hunt some animals deep in the cave. "

I saw him put his hand into the water. After mixing a small amount of carbon powder into the metal, it is like ramen, pulling the metal repeatedly, pulling the liquid metal into layers. As the temperature of the liquid water gradually decreases, the hardness of the metal also begins to increase little by little. The next step is to shape the metal like plasticine.

The shape of the sickle's blade was gradually shaped, and it was quickly kneaded into the corresponding shape. After doing all this, he was taken out of the water and placed near the magma, letting it slowly Cool down. During this process, both adults and children know not to touch the hot metal casually. When they are just out of the water, these metals will not burn people, but after being out of the water for a period of time, they will Like magma, it will cause substantial damage to people, so after they cool down, use the stone tools you made before to keep them away from the magma little by little, and finally make them gradually become cold enough to be directly Hold with hand.

Cheng Ying can skillfully master all the steps involved. As for people in this world, it definitely requires a considerable degree of training. Find bookstore

The sickle in front of you seems to be made of hundreds of sections of steel. The steps of folding it like ramen under water are folded and forged over and over again in the blacksmith shop. Even in the feudal period, steel of this level in the later period was They are all considered to be of quite high quality and can be used as materials for swords and armor of soldiers or generals.

For people in this world, the conditions required are even simpler than those required for firing pottery. However, the physical rules of this world are so weird that a small number of primitive humans have not yet figured out how to smelt this metal.

But these people are all human beings who have not just been refreshed and whose wisdom has been wiped out. With normal human intelligence, this step is easy to memorize and learn.

After learning these steps, the primitive human nightmare begins, trying to innovate on their own. The first step was to try to mix the copper and iron that were first practiced to see what kind of alloy could be made.

However, the result of the attempt was not very good. The alloy produced seemed to have slightly worse performance than the original pure states of the two metals. But this did not deter them from smelting underwater through similar methods. They found lots and lots of metal. Each metal has its own properties, and the combinations among them are almost endless.

Occasionally, if a certain combination is correct, it can often bring them unexpected and excellent materials. In this world, materials science is advancing by leaps and bounds in this primitive era. They may not be able to make even the simplest steam engine, but relying on this simple smelting method, it is even possible for materials science to catch up with the second industrial revolution.

[To be continued]

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