After the tribe appeared in this cave as the traveler Chengying. The people of this tribe learned how to smelt metal. In the water environment of this world, metal smelting became a very easy task.

The temperature of water in this world can reach thousands of degrees. Enough to melt steel. Under this high temperature, smelting metal and making various metal utensils is as easy as kneading plasticine.

Because water does not harm the human body, you can directly put your hands into the water to process various metal materials.

Especially if you use tools, you can find some stones in this environment that will not melt in magma. Grind them into the desired shape of the knife. This makes it possible to cut steel in water that softens at high temperatures. The precision of your hand is limited, but with these tools, you can make fairly precise parts right from the start.

In this special environment, the cost of making steel parts is really low.

And there is nothing wrong with the human brain in this world. But after they could easily make many quite sophisticated steel structures, they gradually realized that this material was far stronger than the human body. Many tools can be made, such as the simplest knife. These steel materials will make people feel extremely cold if they are held in human hands, but there is a way to alleviate this cold feeling. For example, at the handle of the steel material, use wood as a wrapping material, or on it. Wrapped in animal skins. And keep the fur of these animals in a moist state. This will keep the person holding the knife from feeling cold for a long time.

Use these knives in this situation. It can play a considerable role in the natural environment.

Not only knives, but more tools are manufactured, such as shovels, hoes and the like.

After learning to make these tools, humans in this world also began their own farming life. Previously, they only collected plants from caves as their own food and allowed these plants to reproduce in the caves.

However, there is still a huge gap between the yields of wild crops and those grown by humans.

If crops were grown artificially, it would be enough to feed more than ten times the current population. But the land before was too cold. The land suitable for these plants to grow is quite cold for humans. And if they are allowed to use their hands or simple stones to cultivate these hard and cold ground, it will be too difficult for them, and they can only let these plants grow in places suitable for them.

But now that you have steel tools, it's a completely different story.

You must know that this was only popularized on a large scale during the feudal era. Even in the early feudal era, the usage rate of iron tools was not very high. More of them still use things like bronze.

Because smelting steel is quite difficult. But there is no doubt that steel tools are much easier to use than bronze tools.

Especially after mastering the skillful technology of making steel materials, humans are now able to reclaim land in caves and use it to grow crops.

And the tribe in this originally small cave also began to increase in population.

They have the ability to feed more people easily. If this is the case, the number of people who can survive here will also be greatly increased.

This is a long process. Although Entropy is impatient, he has always focused his attention here, and he can see the development of this tribe bit by bit.

As this tribe continues to grow and develop, the number of people increases. The outside population has also integrated into this tribe. The tribe that originally had less than a hundred people now has thousands of people.

And this population size can already do some work. A larger-scale processing industry.

Under normal circumstances, a tribe with thousands of people could not even smelt steel. At least it cannot be done in a normal physical environment, because smelting metals involves more than just the metal sector. Similarly, if you need people to mine, the mining people need to be out of work, and these people must be hired by Others come to produce the food supply.

And how many people produce food that can supply one more person who does not produce food determines how many people in a tribe can engage in handicrafts.

Under normal circumstances, with the level of difficulty of steel smelting technology, maintaining a handicraft population of that scale would require at least a town of tens of thousands of people.

But their cost of metal smelting is too low. They only need to throw the metal into the water and squeeze mud in the water. Even children can do this kind of thing, and some children are even better than adults. Doing better, because some children have relatively less labor experience, and their hands are more delicate than adults. At least when performing some processing that requires higher precision, they have an advantage.

And as the population of the tribe reaches a thousand people, it is possible to try to develop some industries when the difficulty of metal smelting is so low.

For example, if we were to make some simple machinery, something like a spinning machine, jumping to a steam engine would still be a bit much. These people need to first understand what machinery is before they can learn to make more advanced and complex machinery step by step.

The structure of the spinning machine is relatively simple. For people in this world, it is not difficult to understand. They also have certain needs for this kind of equipment. After all, after eating, what is left Just wearing them, clothes are very important to people in this world, because their clothes can keep warm. In this extremely cold environment, relying on one's own body temperature is more comfortable than living near magma. If they live near magma, their skin will gradually dry out. To the outside world, the human body's body temperature In fact, it is very low, but the rules of this world are so strange. If the human body's body temperature can be maintained at all times, it will not cause harm to itself because the blood in the body freezes.

In other words, as long as we wear enough warm clothes, humans can survive for a long time even in an icy and snowy environment.

The weird world rules make the world have a high demand for warm clothes.

Before, they could only use the furs of the wild animals in this world that they occasionally hunted as their clothes. On the one hand, the quantity of such things is small, and on the other hand, they lack many chemical substances. It is very uncomfortable to treat the fur and wear it on the body.

Untreated leather will become quite hard after being air-dried for a long time. It is more appropriate to call it a piece of armor than clothes.

There is no way to wear that kind of thing on the body for a long time. In comparison, the cost of clothes made by weaving plant fibers is lower, and they are more comfortable to wear and can also achieve the effect of keeping warm.

Therefore, things like spinning machines and looms have room for existence.

And humans in this world are gradually understanding what machinery is.

Under normal circumstances, these mechanical devices are actually made of wood and the like.

Some wood-like plants can also be found in caves, but their yield is not very high. In comparison, the cost of processing steel into steel pipes as a support structure for these machines is actually lower.

After having clothes, the people of this tribe can more easily travel to other tribes and travel through ice and snow areas more easily.

A large number of travelers began to be born, and their ability to reach other tribes meant that warm clothes could be sent to other tribes for trade.

The most basic trade product. With enough metal materials, another thing appeared, that is, a car. Although there are very few large animals in this world, there are no large animals that can be tamed to travel in the ice and snow. Animals are used as livestock to pull carts, but even if people push carts, they can carry much more things than what can be carried in a backpack on a simple and smooth road.

For vehicles with metal structures, after humans in this world had a certain understanding of machinery, they also began to try to make springs and suspensions. Wrap a layer around the wheels of your car. Something like gel to reduce vibration. After various treatments, the car became much lighter when pushed manually.

As a result, the volume of trade also began to increase. The most precious industrial products in the world today are various textile machines and vehicles. If these things are transported to other tribes, they can even be exchanged for all their output within a year.

Because clothing and transportation are truly necessities in this world. Connecting humans who are isolated in different underground caves. After experiencing the life of owning these handicrafts or simple industrial products, it is difficult for anyone to accept the original life.

At the same time, in the process of metal smelting, humans in this world are also constantly trying to make metals that can withstand high temperatures.

This attempt is to add water during the smelting process. The water in this world is not only different in temperature from the water in the regular world, it is also different in another aspect, that is, its chemical properties. Under some special conditions, it can be integrated into the metal like an alloy. , and in terms of the properties of metals with water molecules inside these atoms, the strength is reduced to a certain extent, but it has the effect of high temperature resistance, that is, once it is cast and formed, it will not melt in water.

This phenomenon can be said to be an almost revolutionary change for today's humans.

This means that, in addition to the ore they named obsidian, there is finally a tool that can be used underwater, and unlike obsidian, this tool can only change its shape simply by polishing it. The material is resistant to high temperatures and has slightly higher strength than obsidian. It can also be made into the shape you want by casting.

After being taken out of the water, its strength is slightly lower than ordinary steel, and it can be cut and polished with tools made of steel. This means that humans can try to make simple machine tools underwater, and they do not need to be very big. power, because in this environment, all kinds of metals are quite soft, and after the relevant materials are mass-produced,

Another technology was born among the tribe, and that was stamping.

Under normal circumstances, stamping metal at room temperature requires a lot of force and extremely high-strength materials. Under the current productivity conditions, it is theoretically impossible to achieve.

But underwater metals are in a nearly molten state, which means they are quite soft and can be easily stamped and formed.

As a result, the production of pots, pans, and other relatively simple materials has gradually increased to an incredible level.

The cost of metal vehicles, which previously required a large number of parts to be assembled, began to drop significantly, making communication between different tribes of humans much easier. Find the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan.comm

Because of the increase in productivity, the duration of slavery in this world is quite short. Because in the production process, the importance of calculation and knowledge is gradually realized, the role that slaves can play is getting smaller and smaller, and they cannot It is difficult for slaves who exert their subjective initiative and do not engage in in-depth study to complete this preliminary industrial production.

In addition, the cost of management and suppression is too high, and it is not as simple as the employment relationship.

It is precisely because of the development of productive forces that slavery only lasted for a short period of time before entering a situation similar to a feudal system. And the current group of humans have just touched the threshold of industry. Indeed, it is more suitable for the feudal system.

The reason is also very simple, that is, underground caves are equivalent to city-states for humans. Although they already have warm clothes and transportation, the cost of crossing the long distance between city-states is still quite high. The central government If you want to suppress the local area and directly govern the local area, you can only do it in a few caves that are relatively close to you. If you want to manage the remaining ones that are further away, you can basically only adopt the method of enfeoffment. Otherwise, it will be beyond our reach, and various rebellions will occur everywhere, which will sharply increase the cost of national management.

To change this situation, what is undoubtedly needed is higher productivity, productivity that is enough to allow humans to survive outside the cave.

As people reach the threshold of public welfare, there are opportunities for all this. However, one problem is that the steam engine in this world may not be built.

The reason is simple. Water is not a suitable medium in this world. It would be very difficult to boil the water in this world.

[To be continued]

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