Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 268 Electricity and Magnetism

Although the underground prevention and control facilities were huge and extended in all directions, everyone had already decided on the gathering place before the construction, so the seven people reunited without much effort.

After communicating with each other about the new god-making plan, and confirming that there were no differences of opinion, preparations began.

Compared to the gods of steam and machinery, electromagnetic force, as one of the four basic forces, has much greater potential than the former.

Yu Xikong naturally had nothing to be dissatisfied with, rather, she felt more guilty towards Tang Chen.

The basis of faith must be belief, so everyone must first prepare a set of equipment that is enough to make people believe in electromagnetic force.

This is not difficult, just check a motor from a tram.

The structure of the motor is not complicated, it is just a magnet and a coil. The conductor cuts the magnetic field lines to generate current. Conversely, a current-carrying wire experiences a force in a magnetic field.

The principle is simple and there is no difficulty in demonstrating it. They were all taught by Cheng Ying and had assembled airplanes by themselves, so they were all very capable.

After a while, they assembled a generator, an electric motor, a light bulb, and an electromagnetic gun model.

The principle is not complicated, and people can understand it with a little explanation. At least one thing is certain, that is, most of the people in the territory have accepted the law of energy conservation.

With such a foundation, it is not difficult for them to understand the conversion between energies. This leads to the conclusion that electricity can be converted into kinetic energy of cannonballs.

In the three-story underground air-raid shelter of the subway, dim kerosene lamps hung from the ceiling, bringing negligible light to the dark underground world. It also gives the believers who are hiding here a little peace of mind.

The ground shook slightly. It cannot be passed to the third underground floor. The noisy human voices and the solid ground make them feel safe. This is an instinct engraved in the nature of mammals.

Although this is no longer the earth, in the real ancient times, mammals must have had the fear of being dominated by reptiles and having to dive underground.

Natural disasters wiped out the giant reptiles. Mammals also came out of the caves and came to the surface, becoming the overlords of the new era.

However, the instinct to dig holes is still retained in their genes, making people unconsciously believe that burrows can bring a sense of security.

It's just that comfort is not lasting, and people are not animals. They worry about the future.

They will worry about their houses on the surface, their crops in the fields, and their goods and merchandise in the warehouses. Without these, they may have to endure hunger or even harsh winters in the future. Painful death.

To make matters worse, the huge hailstones did not stop as they evacuated. If emergency supplies stored in the subway are depleted. What kind of miserable scene would that be? Human beings cannot survive without food. Once the food reserves are used up, there will be only one source of food in the dark underground...


Anxiety is contagious, fear is pervasive, and uneasy emotions flow in everyone's hearts, making believers who rely on each other to support each other unable to help but stay away from strangers.

Nearly a million people crowded into the subway, making the already not spacious underground space even more crowded, just when tension and anxiety were about to brew.

A bright electric light suddenly came on. The electric lights had been built a long time ago, and the power grid was also in the process of being laid. It was not shown directly just to be shocking enough. No one knows what these strange facilities are for.

The sudden light startled everyone. But it also eases the tense atmosphere. In a bright space, it is difficult for someone to attack their own kind in full view of the public.

And the magical light source also attracts most people's attention. They don't know what this light source represents but light always symbolizes good.

In the light, the bishops of the Church of Science walked out, and the one who was at the forefront and the most awe-inspiring was their archbishop who had the power to summon steam and machinery. The 500-meter-tall steam giant is one of the spiritual pillars of the Church of Scientology.

The few people following the archbishop are also well-known figures. They also have a lot of knowledge. They are pioneers in preaching for their ancestors and have brought the gospel to countless areas.

But this time everyone's arrival was different. After the archbishop stopped, a woman from the group of bishops behind walked up to the archbishop.

This time it was her who lectured everyone.

"As you can see, our holy city has been attacked by demons in the sky. They condensed clouds and turned into huge hailstones, attacking our homes, destroying our property, and killing our relatives.

This is intolerable to our ancestors! So my ancestors gave me a revelation, asking me to bring light and the power to control thunder and lightning, to guide you and defeat the devil in the sky! "

Because Yu Xikong had no time to prepare a speech, she could only speak impromptu.

But even if it is just nonsense, the information contained in the words is shocking enough. Controlling the power of machinery and controlling the power of steam are things that everyone can understand and have seen in daily life.

Being able to control the power of thunder and lightning is really an exaggeration. Except for some powerful soul masters who are born with this ability, other mortals will never be able to come into contact with it.

But anyone familiar with Scientology will understand. The ancestors would never teach that kind of knowledge that cannot be popularized, which means that any mortal can control the power of thunder and lightning. This is really incredible.

But thinking about the Scientology and all the divine metaphors that had been realized before, they had no choice but to believe. While believing, they also had some expectations, eager to obtain this kind of power.

Yu Xikong didn't waste much time, took out those models, and began to conceal the control of electricity from everyone. In order to ensure that she was not involved in it, she asked Shuyuan to invite a believer in the audience. operate.

Everyone knows coils and magnets, and there is nothing strange about how these few things are combined together. A stocky worker then cranks the handle.

Then there were crackling electric lights flashing from the poles to the line, as if the thunder and lightning in the sky had been reduced to the size of a fingertip. Everyone saw it and understood it. It's not difficult, and they can even try it themselves with magnets and wires when they get home. This can't fool anyone.

And when the electrode was connected to the light bulb, the tungsten filament bloomed with light, which seemed to open the door to the new century, causing the believers' faith to surge again. They did not believe in God, but they were fanatical. The science of faith…



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