Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 278 Water Slime

The vitality of the legendary level water element is still very strong. Even in such a violent bombing, it was not completely dead. It was just blown into pieces under such a storm-like blow, leaving almost nothing behind. A complete body.

After collecting his fragments, scientists in this world soon discovered that these fragments would reappear life reactions when they were close to each other, and if they were far apart, the life reactions would cease.

This is a quite special phenomenon. It seems that when the water that makes up this living body is brought together, life will be produced, and even intelligence will be born. Some scientists tried to melt the water that makes up this living thing. They thought that this behavior would Causes the individual to lose activity after melting.

This is like getting the body of a creature, heating the body of the creature in isolation from the air, and heating it to a liquid state.

Under normal circumstances, this behavior would undoubtedly kill the creature completely. Most organisms in nature cannot survive being heated to a liquid state.

This would have been a way to try and eradicate the species. As a result, after heating the ice cubes to a liquid state at high temperatures, scientists discovered an interesting phenomenon. After turning into a liquid state, the creatures not only did not die, but became more active.

It's as if this creature is more adapted to a liquid body. After turning into a liquid state, the original water is like mercury, usually in the form of a water droplet, suspended on the experimental table. However, its levitation force is very strong and it does not have certain anti-gravity capabilities, but as long as it is touched a little , it will fall under the table again.

However, even if it falls under the table, it still relies on its own surface tension like mercury to maintain a spherical shape.

That kind of ordinary nature is quite interesting. It can be seen that even a large piece of water element can possess a certain degree of wisdom. There are organic and inorganic things placed in front of me, nor is it a piece of animal meat or a piece of love rock. It can quickly identify which piece of inorganic matter is there, and crawl over to swallow the inorganic matter into its own body.

It looks like it's made of clear, pure water. After chemical testing, the results showed that it was basically composed of pure water, but before I swallowed the inorganic substances into my body, what scientists call magic stopped operating in my body. At that time, when the components in my body were degraded, it was found that the environment in my body had ended and turned acidic. Hydroxide ions are slowly separated from the body. What remains is a small amount of hydrogen ions.

The form of survival is a few micron-sized particles suspended inside the water ball.

That means that humans' ability to survive in the wild has been slightly weakened. You only need to consider the existence of enough low temperature to maintain the temperature of the human body. You need to consider the damage that may be caused when cooling the human body.

At that time, the water polo had not lost much of its activity. Before it swallowed part of its flesh and blood, it had acquired some ordinary abilities, such as those of the blood master.

If it were a single creature like that, it would not be able to survive in nature by that kind of means.

At present, humans still dare to put that thing into the ocean, for fear that it will reproduce on a small scale and cause an ecological disaster. Instead, he is constantly exploring how the consciousness of that thing is constituted in the field of magic. At a certain level, our research and development direction actually overlaps with the path Cheng Ying took. Before I discovered that it was difficult for the human body to master extraordinary powers, I captured slimes and degeneratively controlled our minds. Think of us as special parasites similar to the bacteria found in the human appendix. injected into the human body.

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And even if an out-of-control situation occurs, a low-level human mage must be found in time, but he cannot quickly suppress the out-of-control situation.

[To be continued]

When the inorganic matter is swallowed up, if you test the water's regression again, you will find that it has returned to an almost pure water state, but you can find it through casual observation. In the center of the plate of water, a small and large crystal appeared. This was the crystallization of various organic salts and inorganic substances contained in the meat that was eaten later.

The current water ball is pressing itself against the ground in an almost lying posture, and if you look at it casually, you can see that a small amount of inorganic skeleton structure is being built along the landmarks inside me. The skeletal structure looks completely transparent. Tracers must have been injected into my body. Is there any way to see the bones hidden inside me? Those bones are supported under the ground, borrowing internal strength. Degenerative compression for the internal bubbles. The originally huge bubbles were compressed to the size of a needle tip. Then it was built into a sealed inner shell. Seal the outside gas inside.

However, we have also discovered that those things will definitely become active before they are out of our control. It does not mean that before we can control the spirits of existence at the level of magic, there must be no love consciousness to suppress us. If it is a pure lover's consciousness, it will be difficult to suppress it with or without magic power. Those things, whether suppressed or not, will definitely be injected into the body of a special person, and the human body will be regarded as our growth. hotbed. It causes cancerous growth in the human body. A small number of body cells are damaged. Being treated as my nourishment and devoured by regression.

A large amount of organic matter forms a structure similar to a hydraulic machine within the entire liquid environment.

There is no need to worry too much if humans use that kind of thing, because for relatively small animals like humans, even if they lose control of the water element in their bodies, it will take a long time for the other party to kill humans. , in special circumstances, as long as timely medical treatment within a week. It means there will be no life safety. Only if it does not last more than a month and without any treatment at all will the individual die.

And when I encounter a being that I consider to be an enemy, I will violently release the bubbles in my body. The bubbles would lose their compression and explode before they could leave my body. A small amount of irritating gas is released just like that. It even contains some irritating liquid, which cannot be sprayed several meters away by the low-pressure air flow.

It doesn't mean that although the thing is edible, it cannot be farmed. Yes, it is indeed a safe thing. If we are allowed to continue to grow, it seems that love will expand in a limited way and become a smaller existence.

That was indeed a rather ineffective method, and the few human scientists in that world were all weak mages. Although there are many inherited spells, they are all developed by ourselves. However, knowledge sharing makes R\u0026D progress very slowly, and a small number of legendary-level weaklings may be born in another half a year. But with our current knowledge base, it is still possible to control a monster that has reached the first level.

Human scientists before obtaining those results believed that the thinking of that thing should not be stored at the physical level, but at most, it should be stored at the conventional physical level. Our thinking should be closer to low-dimensional existence, which may also be contained in magic.

That method may not necessarily be easy. If you want to gain the ability of the original flesh and blood owner through devouring, not all of them can succeed. The time I saw it, I succeeded in making bubbles appear one by one in the slime-like water balloon, and those bubbles were obviously compressed by low-level pressure.

The animals in the experiment died miserably. The inside of the skin is completely melted into a puddle of thick water, and even before death, the body is controlled by the melted liquid inside. Transformed into a beautiful and terrifying puppet.

But now we seem to see hope that the elemental creature similar to slime is obviously an extraordinary creature, and we seem to be unable to be degenerated and tamed by humans. At first, people could not find the motive for the action of that thing. In Quiet At that time, I was hardly a piece of pure water. No one has ever tried to dissect, take out these micron-sized crystals from my body, and then put them on a microscope to see if there is nothing outside that is not related to thinking. However, the result obtained was also negative.

Even so, that layer of film must have been broken, and humans cannot even touch the magma with bare hands. That is equivalent to a protective suit that cannot adapt to various environments. It plays a very small role in the process of promoting various industrial production and environmental exploration. Even if I solidified into ice due to the heat in the other world, the ice in that world would be very harmful to the human body. After the temperature of the ice drops to a certain level, you can no longer wear it, and even if it turns into ice, I will perfectly cover the human body and wait for enough cold sources to cool myself down.

If it were the flesh and blood of the same animal that it devoured, I would also gain the power of the same animal. And the less of that liquid gathered together, the lower intelligence it can acquire. It doesn't mean that thing can't grow a brain. It's just that in the subsequent battle, the human side's artillery fire was so fierce that it was blown to pieces by me. In a state of unity, we are completely in a state of mind.

And if you are definitely wearing that layer of protective clothing, when you need to keep warm, you just need to take off the clothes underneath you, and then use a flamethrower to spray directly underneath you. If the frozen layer of protective clothing is melted back into liquid, human body temperature cannot be restored, and in the process, people will not be burned.

After all, this piece of meat contains not a small amount of water. When we are decomposed, what is left is the watery inorganic and organic matter that is retained.

Before being suppressed once, it will take several months to regress to the seventh suppression, which means that this kind of thing cannot be popularized among humans on a small scale and become a convenient tool.

It has not yet been confirmed that we cannot grow on our own before we are fed a certain amount of organic matter and given a sufficient liquid environment. If we are cut in half before we grow up, we cannot be divided into two. . Only when the size reaches a certain level will it completely lose all independent abilities and fall into a state of death.

Humans in that world were brave enough to try, but our own magical talents were very poor. Even in that area that was isolated from the way of heaven, the residual influence still remained in our bodies, making it difficult for generations to be born. Extraordinary ones.

That means that a small part of the energy in the flame is lost to the air.

People can't control me until they control my spirit. A thin film forms on the body surface. Before that layer of film was gone, it was like wearing a space suit, even to the extremely erotic areas inside. You also need to wrap yourself in a very thick layer of clothing to keep warm.

Then use those parasites to build circuits in the human body that cannot guide energy, allowing the human body to gain extraordinary power.

For example, the owner of the piece of meat I ate had the ability similar to that of a skunk, and could not drive away its natural enemies by releasing chemicals without pungent odors. Find Shuyuan www.

So it may not be very intuitive. To put it more complicated, it must be that humans will encounter hot weather in the wild in the future, and they must retreat to keep warm. This requires gathering around a bonfire, and it is a very low-temperature flame, but it can be too close, so it must be close. If you get too close, you will get burned.

But we don't have to worry about that aspect. Although the water element is an elemental creature, it has no limits as a creature. A single individual cannot at least grow to the level of less than 10,000 tons. If you want to continue to grow, you must divide that body, and an existence with a size of less than 10,000 tons must have reached the legendary level like later. Even if those things are all over the ocean, they cannot be destroyed by humans, because after they have regressed and practiced to a low level, those things are still quite strong no matter how small they are. One cannonball cannot destroy those things weighing ten thousand tons. The liquid slime exploded into pieces and returned to its most original form.

It's not even possible to infect the entire ocean. In this case, it is definitely a huge threat to mankind.

After confusing the source of our thinking, scientists will not rashly use our power. During that process, we were also thinking that we would definitely be able to find the source of our thoughts and control the degradation and ineffectiveness of those sources of thoughts. In this theory, it would be very useful to use that thing to degenerate the human body or use it as a production tool for humans. it's useless.

In such an environment, the meat was corroded very slowly in my body, and then it was as if it was digested by a loving creature, especially softened, and finally disappeared. This process is more complicated than the digestion of a very small number of animals. Slow, after all, under the influence of magic power, the acidity in the body of that creature is quite weak. Although it is as strong as aqua regia, it cannot quickly melt the inorganic matter swallowed into the body.

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