Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 279 Protective Clothing

After successfully acquiring this magical creature and deducing the technology from it, humans now have a protective film made of water. In this world, as long as the human body is immersed in water, it will Can survive in various harsh environments.

In this way, people wrapped in this thin film of water can go deep into the deep sea or into magma. The thin film made of water has the ability to withstand pressure to a certain extent. It can be used as a diving suit. After entering the water, it can allow people to endure water hundreds of meters deeper than normal. His bonuses alone have exceeded the physical limits of most people. It is conceivable that after wearing this layer of things, the range of human activities in the water has expanded countless times.

This also gives those factories that could only be built on the surface of water bodies the opportunity to continue to expand downwards.

With the development of industrialization, the types of human work in this era have also begun to be subdivided into each factory, and even the workers working in different workshops are carefully divided.

For example, all factories are layered, with levels close to the water surface and lower levels further down.

The lower the workers work at the lower levels, the higher their wages will be, because their working environment is worse. Humans are animals that live in the atmospheric environment, and if they live in water, every ten meters of water is equivalent to Withstand one more atmosphere of pressure. Before this layer of protection was developed, the government stipulated that the maximum depth of underwater buildings should not exceed thirty meters. For ordinary people, seven small air pressures are not quite fatal. In such an environment, you can only work for a short period of time and survive for a long time without suffering from serious diseases.

Just like the workers who work in dusty factories all year round, or the workers who work in these factories filled with heavy metals.

Those occupational diseases were often fatal, and there was no oppression at all in that era. Many poor people took desperate risks and came to that kind of job for the sake of a low enough salary.

The safety of working in deep water is only the harm caused by water pressure to the human body. There is also no other safety, and all factories are absolutely safe. Accidents on the water are very common.

Generally, when handling some liquid chemicals, once those chemicals in the water are leaked, it is difficult to spread throughout the factory, and that is more troublesome than a fire for workers in the factory.

Workers have to step back to work on the water, so they naturally have to step back and breathe. But it would be too troublesome if everyone carried an oxygen bottle, and the bubbles produced by exhaling from the oxygen bottle would have a very small impact on the work in the factory.

Before that layer of water film covers our eyes, it is only protecting our eyes. It also relies on the difference in concentration and refractive index between itself and the liquid inside. to create a mirror with a special look.

For this reason, the method chosen in the factory to provide oxygen to workers is to transport it inside through pipes. This prevents workers from retracting and breathing through the pipes to obtain air.

So even if you use those things to retreat and escape, you must be careful. Once you feel that the pressure during your breathing is not in the right place, you must immediately throw away the breathing mask. This often means that the pipe is leaking, and it must be the If the respirator mask is thrown away, it is impossible to directly inhale the non-toxic chemical liquid into the body in one gulp.

As for water pollution, people outside are not too worried, because what we drink is water under the ice surface, and the water obtained before melting the ice is not guaranteed to be clean. As for worrying about using up the ice above our heads, that is even more unfounded. It is impossible for us to drink up all the thick ice above our heads, let alone a small amount of ice on our feet.

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Originally, you can see clearly on the water, but even if you rely on goggles, there is no possibility of water mist when worn for a long time. That does not have a considerable impact on industrial production. At this time, if you want to manufacture parts of sufficient standard on the water, a large part of it depends on the master's touch and craftsmanship. These products are generally cutting-edge, even more so.

That is the safest way to contaminate the body surface with some safe chemicals. At least the skin will be burned, which may be a bit more miserable. The goggles may leak and the eyes may be blinded, but that’s it. But it must be drinking water into the body. In other words, this substance which is rarely fatal in the body can be fatal in the body. Find bookstore

But now those troubles have been gradually solved by new inventions. The newly born protective film is relatively expensive for everyone, but it has been industrialized and mass-produced very slowly. Before putting on that layer of water film, the physiological comfort is slightly weakened, and at the same time, the water pressure of working on the water for a long time is gradually getting used to.

Therefore, the sewage from the factory is discharged directly, although the discharge will be considered to be farther away from the living point. However, it has not had any certain impact on the environment in the factory for a long time. Opening your eyes directly outside will cause reversible damage over a long period of time. Many early workers were willing to wear goggles in pursuit of accuracy, which eventually led to complete blindness.

On the one hand, it blocks the view. On the other hand, those bubbles exhaled from the mouth will cause the flow of water and interfere with the precise operations in the factory.

Apart from this, the most important point is not that you can't open your eyes directly in the water before wearing that membrane, but that you have to wear goggles.

Just like in machinery under the ground, the influence of air flow must be considered, and the influence of water flow on water is even worse.

As for that kind of purification, it does take a long time, but what is most lacking in that world is ice, and what is even more lacking is ice that has existed for a long time. A single ice cube may be very efficient in purifying water, but it is definitely If we calculate that all soldiers around the world are retreating from the purification process, we will find that even if the cold spots of human pollution are reduced a hundred times, it will have a huge impact on the entire natural world, which is enough to make waves.

But now, as vision cannot be restored in water, it becomes extremely agile. The reliance on hand feel has also slightly decreased. When making some top-notch precision machinery, the yield rate of a piece that was originally a pitfall will inevitably slowly increase due to the stimulation of new things.

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