Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 280 Looking up at the stars

Over a long period of time, the humans here have accumulated enough magical knowledge and have mastered this magical knowledge. It made them realize that the clothes made of water on their bodies were actually the body of an extraordinary creature. However, this extraordinary creature, which is relatively small in size, has no intelligence on its own and can basically only be controlled by humans. As long as humans have certain abilities, After gaining extraordinary power, you can stably control this piece of clothing made of water, without the need to find human extraordinary beings to help you suppress it every once in a while to ensure that this thing will not bite you back and cause you to be eroded. .

This is very interesting. Most people do not have the talent for cultivation, and the extraordinary power they obtain is obtained by relying on the meridians built by this special water element in their bodies. But the extraordinary power obtained through this method to this extent can control the existence itself that builds this extraordinary power.

In a way, this proves that the brain is a good thing. The extraordinary power obtained by using the water element can in turn control the water element itself. This also means that the more powerful the existence is, the more water elements it can control. More complex structures can be built inside the body or even outside the body to gain stronger control capabilities.

After learning this, magic began to gradually become popular in the human world. Under a relatively good social environment, the popularity of magic did not cause much trouble to public security. Because at the same time as it became popular, devices for detecting spellcasting were also spread to every city.

It doesn't mean that if humans definitely have the ability to use spells in the city, society will be monitored and recorded immediately. That kind of judicial action will not be blocked. A small number of times, as long as it destroys public property and affects others, the spell cannot be freely cast. But once there is a security problem in that area, the subsequent surveillance video will be immediately retrieved, and who will be the caster after that.

Anyone who has used spells during that period will become a suspect and be subject to focused investigation. Therefore, all residents are very cautious in the use of spells. Avoid being involved in certain cases.

It is precisely because of that kind of investigation mode that even before possessing extraordinary power, there were many cases of extraordinary crimes. Extraordinary forces crossing the bridge will be detected immediately by surveillance and an alarm will be issued. After all, those surveillances are not aimed at people with small amounts of extraordinary power in their bodies. It is about releasing the huge power against these. Among the convenient and quick spells that can be used in daily life, there are some that generally consume less energy. The one that consumes the least energy is the flying spell, which prevents people from flying in the air. And according to my own thoughts, the energy consumption of free-moving spells is the lowest among all daily spells. Once the output power exceeds the lower limit, the police station in the distance will immediately dispatch the police. to the scene. After investigating the situation, if it is confirmed that illegal activities are suspected, we will directly arrest them. Even if you are suspected of violating the law, you will be given a warning and a fine. After all, it is an act that disturbs public order.

Developers in that world say it was unexpectedly smooth. Although several wars have broken out, not all people are willing to start some wars and cause some civil strife because they want to gain small rights, occupy themselves, and dominate other people's positions.

But generally speaking, the people on that planet develop more smoothly than the people on the earth. A small number of us have also gone through the historical stages that we should go through. In addition to slavery, which has basically been skipped, the feudal system, the capital system and the like have also been experienced. This is because the institutional habits of the primitive era have been retained at a certain level. So much so that the human beings on that planet paid more attention to the existence of collective civilization. In the process of going through each historical stage, the changes and regression were quite thorough. It came quite slowly too.

That depends on a peculiar thought that should belong to a special civilization. It's not the so-called rise and fall in the sky, and ordinary people are not responsible. Although no one has said that, in the real world, a very small number of people believe that the rise and fall in the sky is none of your business.

After all, that ethnic group didn't come from that family. Before stepping out of your own cave, you will encounter beings who are ahead of you, beings who need your own guidance. Even if there are fellow travelers along the way, no one is willing to continue going forward.

"He needs to worry about that. Those elemental worlds were carefully selected by the God Emperor." These drops of blood have not yet merged together, and they have an even more fragmented consciousness. I spoke in my mind: "That world and the world with the attribute of fire can indeed completely cancel each other out. But if it is combined with my world, the negative effects of the same world will cancel each other out, just like a simple figure without the same coordinate axes. . The coordinates in one direction can only be offset between me and the fire attribute world, and it is not completely offset, but the coordinates of other mine spaces are equally simple. There are coordinate directions that have not been offset, and other mine worlds are superimposed. Only bad things can be generated before. When the positive and negative vectors relative to the other direction are completely superimposed together, the difference between the final result and the inner world is not too small.

And there are many species in that world. Although the human living environment improved slightly before a small amount of water disappeared. But because there are many species. The natural environment itself is quite natural, and only man-made environments are suitable for survival. As a result, people in that world faced more temptations.

But humans have not faced so few temptations there. There are only a few types of food. Many animals and plants have also become extinct in the process of human expansion. Although on that planet There is no way to be extravagant. Want to show off that you are the same as others. Also don't make the dishes very expensive.

After all, the world only had problems with temperature, but there was no problem with poverty.

It's just that the resources under that small continent were too poor, which resulted in no corresponding customs being formed from the beginning. A very small number of people feel that there is no point in claiming to be unique. On the contrary, you will feel that doing so is breaking away from the collective and is very shameful.

In the process of exploration, we also became aware of the problems in that area. Although the world above is quite small, it is not suitable for human survival. If you want to survive, you still need to retreat to the surface to explore. Today's energy scientists are gradually becoming more developed. Although there is no controllable nuclear fusion or nuclear power generation, before magic cannot be used in that world, even if there is no nuclear power, you want to obtain enough energy underground. It is also very difficult to ensure personal warmth.

Next, when we look up at the starry sky, what we hope is not to be able to meet the same kind of people in the starry sky.

The only thing that didn't bother Cheng Yingfang was probably not how a world of ice and a world of fire could offset each other? The reason for the heat in that icy world is quite home. The fire elements of the world of flames are concentrated under the flame lord. If the two are directly superimposed, the flame lord may become very difficult to eliminate, but the huge difference in the temperature of the world is likely to remain before the fusion. In the world, if this is certainly the case, the original world before fusion is a suitable small base camp for human beings. After all, if this is definitely the case, the original world before fusion can be a suitable small base camp for human beings. After all, it is different from the inner world. If the gap in physical environment is too small, it is impossible to develop technology. At most, it is impossible to develop technology that is applicable to the outside world.

It is the smallest motivation to cross the road and explore the earth. After all, people in that world are not short of metals and minerals, and a small amount of steel can be easily produced by us.

In a short period of time, we have explored the universe. After all, there is a turbulent flow of time and space outside. Theoretically, it is impossible to cross over into other fragmented universes, but that fragment is said to be a relatively remote corner, and those closer to it have no stable space.

The people on that small continent have a small-scale view that is difficult to understand, and that may not be an important reason for our prosperity to this day.

By counting the worlds he has not developed yet, he cannot try to regress world fusion. Although there will still be certain stabilizing factors in the pre-fusion world, the overall living conditions are worse than any other world so far. "

But exploring the world above is not without its rewards. Before digging into the magma on the ground, humans successfully obtained a small amount of metal elements from outside. Deep in the Earth's core, some metals that are quite expensive beneath the surface may be quite abundant outside.

When humans landed on the vast underground, they finally looked towards the sky. In fact, they looked towards the stars and the sea. The important reason was not because humans were too lonely on that planet. There are not so few races, and a very small number of people all developed together with that civilization. Therefore, there are many conflicts and internal conflicts between countries. In other words, there is no such problem at all.

In the process of exploring the center of the earth, we gradually discovered that the world on the ground is actually not generally suitable for human survival. The temperature outside is indeed low enough, but the disadvantage is that there is no water outside, and the most critical point for human survival in that world It's all about water. Without water, it would be difficult for humans to move. The temperature in the terrestrial world is preciously low for humans. But water resources are too scarce, so even if they have managed to sneak deep into the ground in the past hundred years. Humanity has only built beyond this. A large number of development sites. Nowadays, those sites have not been successfully developed. The most important reason is due to lack of water.

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That world must have developed world-crossing technology, so before we can cross over our own fragments, we will encounter an environment where we cannot survive at all. The technological development of that era may be misleading to some extent, making us think that the world was not originally a chaotic area. It is not important to get through that. Those are things that may only happen in the future. From the current perspective , that world did not develop for such a long time before it needed to face world integration.

It is not because there are no more suitable resources besides mineral resources in the above-ground world that the exploration of the earth has gradually come to a standstill.

Until we reach the original world, all the mysteries will be solved.

That won't be of great help to metal smelting. Generally, the difference between that planet and the earth is that it lacks an iron core. Before the ground is opened, a small amount of magma containing iron erupts.

And what a restaurant like that really sells is nothing more than a style that separates some people from a very small number of special people, and uses that kind of thing to flaunt our uniqueness.

Chengying is quite satisfied with the characteristics of that civilization. Before we developed to that point, we basically couldn't thrive in that universe without any assistance. The only pity is that if our current technology tree is placed in that universe, it will be slightly compromised.

Even as humans in primitive times, we were not psychologically prepared to accept being part of our own ethnic group. Find the bookstore

Even if you do that, it will not make the food worse. Eating less will only make it worse. You cannot choose that. After all, there are too few animals and plants on the earth that cannot be eaten by humans. .

But most of our wishes will come true. Although that universe is extremely vast and small, there are very few planets with life on them, and there are very few planets without human beings living on them. However, because the environment is too domestic, the human beings on these planets are basically struggling to survive. Many humans on no other planet can take this step and successfully break the shackles of the primitive era.

And now the emergence of a small number of mages has made us less ambitious in exploring the center of the earth.

In addition to the lack of various temptations, the formation of culture and morality itself was subtly different from that on earth, and those differences also deprived humans of that era of a more focused development environment.

[To be continued]

On Earth, people cannot build villas on the beach, find the most suitable space for their own survival, waste a small amount of money on buying delicious food, or even waste special amounts of extracting the essence of small amounts of animals and plants to make food.

The food produced by famous restaurants such as Michelin restaurants often boasts that it brings together the delicious aroma of a small number of ingredients. In fact, if you really use industrial means to extract chemical substances that have no corresponding taste, it is basically very cheap. You can even find corresponding food additives in the market. If you really want to get the same enjoyment from the taste, it will cost a lot. Resources, manpower and material resources are actually not as few as imagined, and even special families can afford it.

The extraordinary power is relatively abundant, and even before reaching the surface, everyone directly used the extraordinary system they built to cool their bodies.

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