Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 282 Complete Integration

When the two worlds of light and darkness were integrated, the humans in the two worlds also discovered each other's worlds, and portals appeared one after another in the world. The overall development level of human civilization in the World of Light is relatively high. The population is also relatively larger. But there are very few things left over from ancient human civilization. Everything was turned into powder in the flood of light.

In the Desert of Light, almost everything left by ancient people has disappeared. The opposite is true in the Dark World, where humans are less developed.

In dark areas. Many places must survive in the form of tribes, and even those tribes that survive may die at any time. There are probably only about a dozen cities on the entire planet, which is much worse than a world flooded with light. But correspondingly their darkness is subjective darkness.

It mostly affects the senses of living things. The remains of ancient human cities have been preserved quite intact during this process. There is even a certain degree of time freezing in this darkness. The surviving humans even relied on the food left by ancient humans to survive. This means that after the world returns to light, they can quickly restore their civilization by exploring ancient ruins.

After the darkness disappeared, the humans here were surprised to find that the ruins of the city they had explored turned out to be extremely majestic steel jungles. Because of the sealing effect of darkness on these steel jungles, they did not show much weathering and rust, and some of the machines could not even operate directly.

Although the knowledge has not been dated to a considerable extent, some extraordinary people still possess a certain degree of scientific and technological knowledge through oral transmission and ancient documents left behind. There are volcanic power plants in urban areas, which shows that a considerable degree of technology has been retained, although most people are not capable of mastering that part of the technology. But without our leadership, once resources and environmental conditions have been restored, it will be very slow to train a group of people to take over those ancient equipment.

Although the two worlds have not completely reached balance, they can be said to be completely suitable for human survival. Before the fusion, there would still be a certain ghost-like effect in that world at night. If you turn on the lights and illuminate your surroundings when you leave at night, it is still impossible for a person trapped in white darkness to be swallowed up or killed by an inexplicable existence in white darkness. .

Similarly, if you take precautions during the day, people will get sunburned, so you must pay attention to greening. If there is not enough forest cover in the city, you will get sunburned if you walk among the trees during the day.

Compared with the fusion of the world of water and fire, the compatibility of the world of light and darkness is lower, and there are more residues left before the fusion. Before the fusion is completed, the remaining problems are actually not difficult to solve. The ghost effect of the night that remains in the white and dark world cannot be solved by night lighting, so a small number of street lights must be built. Ask people to retreat only to unlit areas at night. There is no guarantee that it will be in this invaded state.

Even if he falls into the white darkness and is swallowed up by the white darkness, as long as he can open a luminous object under him in time, he will not be able to pull himself back.

That is also an important reason why the authority of reincarnation is a small merit. Let every soul in the world that is bound to dissipate not have the chance to reincarnate. Let those souls full of talents dissipate completely before they happen. That was naturally a small meritorious deed. Any race would be grateful for the existence of reincarnation. Even in the previous life, if they had no memory of the next life, it would at most mean that they had not completely disappeared.

The level is still generally low. For example, in addition to weakening urban greening, plant leaves cannot be used to make umbrellas to block the residual impact of areas flooded by light. In this way, the flood of light will be affected. The excessive light brought by it also has no certain effect.

As for the problems in the white night, these flame lords who have become stronger have been solved to a certain extent.

Those souls with various talents and various qualities are not in that world. The nutrients needed by the entire young universe must be purely in terms of the world. The meaning of the existence of intelligent creatures is not to continuously provide me with such nutrients.

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That also makes the twisted flesh magic almost abnormal outside. There is only a large amount of magic left, and you still need to sacrifice your own organs or teammates, and those magics actually exist on top of the undivided spell system, so even if you don't have those in your own spell system Content is not something to worry about.

As for the increase in population in the future, some souls will be reincarnated. In that process, these souls who are reincarnated will not be completely dissipated, nor will they find the opportunity to reincarnate before a long enough time. , the stronger the soul, the more talented the soul, the longer it can persist.

The Ice World is more unlucky. Our technology tree is built on the weird physical environment, and even takes advantage of that weird physical environment. Although it will still be hindered by good natural environmental conditions in the early development process, compared with the abnormal natural environment It is easier to develop the environment, but so far, civilization is still quite brilliant. Among the many worlds, it is definitely the first echelon of existence. Even if the reincarnation world has accumulated a small amount of genius, at the level of science and technology, They are also inferior to us in terms of accumulation of extraordinary power. After all, those geniuses accumulate knowledge in the dream world, which is of no use in the real world and needs to be re-accumulated, re-learned, and re-explored.

What's so surprising? After the power of reincarnation is born, everyone's soul is basically the result of dissipation before death. It may retreat into the River Styx first, but this is meaningless. Before reaching the end of the Styx, it was still dissipated, complete, and then swallowed up by the world.

The world that needs to be merged and retreated first is not the world involving souls and reincarnation. It is also the world that contains the fewest human elites. In the process of confronting the little devil Merlin who was interviewing, the memories accumulated from reincarnation are still retained in those people. The souls, including these individuals in our dream world, also retain the memory that we do not have souls.

[To be continued]

When the integration is completed, there is no time to launch the satellite.

That would mean that the seven worlds have basically reached balance. Although all 13 worlds have not been integrated, the environment is still quite suitable for human survival.

Under abnormal circumstances, there should be many such people. But after the selection of the little devil Merlin, quite a few people of that kind were trained in the battles against the doomsday. Before that world merged and retreated, the humans in the remaining seven worlds also accepted reincarnation. In our next reincarnation, among the next newborns, it is impossible for the souls of the people who died in the reincarnation world to be reincarnated into our children.

Sudden changes in the physical environment have caused all our engines to collapse, and harvesting food has become a major problem. In an industrialized society, there must be a way to complete the harvest of food and quickly transport us to surrounding small cities. It is impossible for a famine to break out, and the losses will be extremely heavy. At that time, the portal connecting the same world played an important role.

Civilizations that have lived through the ice world are of this type that become more courageous with each setback. Therefore, even if the rules of the world change slightly, we will accumulate some mathematical knowledge later. Some mechanical knowledge still cannot be used, and a small part of chemical knowledge cannot be applied. As long as these industries are closely related to the temperature of the water that has receded, they can recover in a short time.

Before we fuse together, the negative characteristics are offset by one step. The fire lords in the world of ice and fire become stronger during the fusion process, but those fire lords also come to the world of light and darkness at the same time. The same water is normal. The temperature also gradually returned to abnormality during that process. Now it seems that the freezing point of water has not reached the abnormal temperature yet. Around seven degrees Celsius, although that will still cause a certain increase or decrease in human cold tolerance, it is unacceptable that the degree of increase is not significant. The natural ecological environment will also recover to a small extent in that process. What the world knows Although mechanical products may experience certain malfunctions in the inner world, they are basically not usable in the inner world.

Small numbers of Fire Lords appear throughout the world. We haven't been strengthened yet, so we can't even deal with special people easily. And the light we release at night. The ground will be illuminated. Let the security hidden in the white darkness be able to attack humans.

And now that reincarnation has not been established in the inner world, the big world has established its own reincarnation first. As for the mages who will fight against Merlin in the future, before they return to the real world, they still face boring flesh and blood. Magic, but we haven’t experienced one social change after another in the dream world. In a world of strange rules, social development has been pushed to an extremely low level. He has no plans for how to develop in violation of the current somewhat distorted magic rules, and has gradually transformed the originally distorted magic system. It was changed to an unusual magic path that seemed to have such mental pollution at best.

But in the world of light and darkness, the effects of light and white and darkness have not disappeared much. However, because human beings' cold tolerance has declined to a certain extent, the coldness brought by the light has offset the heat to a certain extent, making human beings' ability to resist the light weaker.

That is an extremely valuable asset to other worlds. Although the reincarnation disk was taken away, there is still no hidden connection with that world. However, because the Holy Grail has not been killed, it has become an abnormal soul reincarnation before death, which is similar to The soul before death retains certain characteristics of its own and regresses and is reincarnated. The newly born baby is indeed a new life. You will not have the memory of the next life, but you will inherit the talents you are good at in the next life. As you grow up, you will gradually show your talents. Of course, there is no certain possibility that you will be able to show your talents. After all, you have no talents. I will definitely choose a related career. There is a possibility that talent is buried.

Before the seven worlds that have been transformed so far are integrated, the Ice World will probably not suffer the most losses. After all, we are the same as other worlds. The rest of Minecraft is an anomaly, with parts missing from the rules of physics. As a result, we must survive in a harsh environment. Before those physical rules disappear, our living environment immediately deteriorates.

Before the two civilizations determined how to deal with it, the world fusion that took a step back ended. The world before the fusion of the world of light and darkness and the world before the fusion of the world of ice and fire came to an end quickly and merged together.

It is true that our grain production encountered major and minor problems in the process. After looking at Shuyuan, grain production has not yet been industrialized. And in the ocean, small-scale soil cultivation is carried out under the water, and large-scale harvesting is carried out using Stirling engine underwater machinery.

We were so destitute that we almost relied on our own strength to break the existence of the doomsday curse. That also means that before the curse was broken, our world itself was not very suitable for human survival, and only a large number of twisted spells existed. At a certain level, those things are just bad and the power of spiritual pollution hidden in the white darkness in the white and dark world cancels each other out. That makes even if they are swallowed up in the white darkness, the probability of being spiritually contaminated is very high. . And there will definitely be an attack from the devil hidden in the darkness.

As for the fact that the population will definitely increase, what is the problem? It is not that every newborn needs the reincarnated soul to invest in it. The reproduction of human beings can give birth to new souls, but it is not without new souls. It's just that the souls join that reincarnation. It doesn't mean that newly born souls will only be born when the population increases slightly. When the population increases, the souls that cannot retreat into the reincarnation will be A total loss in that process.

In this way, in that life, I will accumulate another kind of talent, which will also be accumulated in my true spirit. During the last reincarnation, I lost the same talent at the same time. Of course, during the reincarnation If the talent before baptism is too little stronger than the one just after death, only a few lucky people will be able to retain their talent relatively undisturbed and reincarnate, and only a very small number of people will be able to reincarnate. It retains its similar appearance in reincarnation again and again, because our talents have not been weakened to the extent that it is indelible in reincarnation.

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