Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 283 Communication

The drastic changes in the temperature of the water did bring huge trouble to the people in the ice world. They temporarily modified the harvesting device driven by human power. And transported a large amount of stored biogas. It is used to temporarily drive the Stirling engine to harvest grain from the water. This has indeed solved the food supply problem in some grain-producing areas, but the food supply problem in other areas is also very serious, and a considerable part of this is due to transportation. There was a problem and the food could not be delivered.

The cities built by humans under the ice sheet are connected to each other by waterways. The advantages of water transportation can be imagined, especially under the ice sheet, all water surfaces are calm. The transport ship can be made very large. As long as it has a Stirling engine and soaks it in water, you will never have to worry about energy depletion. This kind of huge ocean-going cargo ship is the basic transportation among human cities in this world. equipment.

But now these things can no longer be used, and they still have to worry about when the ice above their heads will melt, and the internal population must be transferred out as soon as possible and moved to land to survive.

The only people who were barely affected were the people living in the cave. However, it is a mining area and is not the most prosperous and densely populated area. To a certain extent, the integration of the world has caused a major blow to humans in the ice region.

Of course, it only caused a major blow to the civilized areas. For humans in the wild areas, it was really a warm spring, under other undeveloped planets. Originally, they could only hide next to the magma in the caves on the ground. The trembling humans could not come back to the ground again. They could hardly feel the coolness of the world. In such a calm natural environment, animals that may threaten humans Basically, they are not extinct yet, which means that human beings in that world are not kings at the beginning, but are still free to continue to develop.

As for those who have been hit in their native areas, they are not facing a desperate situation, because a small number of portals have appeared under the surface of the planet, and they cannot communicate with other worlds through those portals. The smallest crisis we are facing now The problems also include food shortages and population transfer. In fact, what is missing in machinery is a cold source. The use of fossil energy or other devices that can generate cooling can make our mechanical equipment run again. So it still cannot be solved theoretically.

Before discovering the portal, we immediately sent relevant personnel to explore the portal backwards, hoping to get the situation on the other side of the portal. There must be no area suitable for human survival on the other side of the portal, or we can find it. If there is a small amount of food, these cities are not food-producing areas, and humans cannot retreat and migrate in this direction on a small scale. While the ice above the head has not completely collapsed, evacuate people, property and industrial facilities from the city above the ice sheet at the slowest speed.

According to our estimates, the ice under the planet will completely melt within a hundred years, leaving only the north and south poles.

As for the ice above the head, it is expected to collapse to a certain extent within a year. After all, it is like an iceberg under the sea. What is exposed below the surface of the water is just the tip of the iceberg, and the vast majority is above the water. And we live below the water surface, which means that the majority of the iceberg exposed to the surface is the first to retreat and melt. When the ice cannon Before, the vulnerability will naturally increase, so the transfer of the regressive population must be slowed down as soon as possible.

Cheng Ying's clone is among the exploring team. And before I passed through a portal, I came to the ruins of a city. The portal I encountered was obviously very unlucky and led to the world of white and darkness.

But we also help you illuminate the surrounding environment at night to avoid being attacked by monsters hidden in the white night.

"You live in the nearby town. Where do they come from? Are they the legendary ancient people? Your history records that ancient humans could not use huge machines and could not move in the steel cities we built. They seem to be unable to control the huge machines around them even when they are teleporting or even flying into the sky. Could it be that the ancient people also finished waking up before the white darkness disappeared?"

All kinds of weird and terrifying ways of death may appear in the white darkness. He must have been shrouded in darkness in time. If he was rescued in time, falling into this environment would basically be equivalent to death. "

"If you have to say changes, there really aren't many." Before the people in the White and Dark World fell into thinking, they made a discovery of their own: "You found that the water on your side has become thicker and frozen. It was originally like that season now. Yes, it will snow, but he sees that there is no snow on the streets now. However, it is not as cold to the touch as we imagined. At least it is much cooler than you think. It shouldn't be so recently. What happened is normal. Apart from that, the smallest thing is that the darkness has fallen. If I have to say it, the light will be a little less dazzling during the day. He also saw it. You are all wearing small clothes, so I am sure. If you are exposed to direct sunlight, you may get sunburn.

Cheng Ying naturally knew what was going on, but the others in the exploration team looked confused.

First denying that you are from another world is not conducive to establishing trust in that world.

If the surrounding white darkness is not illuminated and falls into the white darkness, the monster hidden in the white darkness will be killed by other people. According to this, the monster that fell into the white darkness will be successfully killed. Description of the rescued person. We encountered something extremely strange and terrifying.

Can you tell us what happened during that period? You can also determine whether you are an ancient person or not. "

"The water in that world has become so difficult to freeze. It's probably not your influence. It's just like your solid ice has become more difficult to melt now, and the temperature has also dropped slightly."

Although Guo Bai An was dispelled, it did not completely disappear. At night, if you are in a place with no light at all, you are still unlikely to be attacked by beings in the darkness. I had a lot of trouble after spending the night outside. Strange creatures bursting with fire. We don’t have a certain amount of aggression that will attack you, but we are basically very powerful. Even children cannot easily deal with it. It’s just that most, especially parents, neglect to take care of their babies, resulting in being attacked and killed by such a big creature.

From your perspective as an adult, the benefits of our existence outweigh the disadvantages. "

The locals also have a lot of records of ancient knowledge, and they can only judge whether the person behind them is a so-called ancient person. They can only answer based on the regression of their own knowledge.

"Now, you have seen that there has not been any white darkness falling recently." No one in the team asked.

Before we passed by the explorers of that world, we quickly sent a team of people back and stated that it was a place that could not be temporarily inhabited.

The description of the exploration team of the White and Dark World reminded everyone in the Ice World of something: "Do you remember that the bad image mentioned in the news that recently, you were asked to keep the lights on when you sleep at night? The bad image said No one ever wakes up before the night falls into white darkness, and no one even disappears completely in the white darkness. It is impossible for the monster hidden in the white darkness we described to swallow these people. killed?"

The situation in the White and Dark World over there is horrifying to people from the Ice World. We originally wanted to pretend to be the ancient people of that world to communicate with the people there, but now it seems that we may have caused a disaster in that world. Too weird and terrifying. Let us not worry that we will be devoured by monsters in the darkness at night.

"What do you mean ancient people? You?" The exploration team whispered to each other, but did not give a direct conclusion. The leaders of the exploration team looked at each other and probably lost their thoughts.

The White and Dark World has just recovered, and people are slowly exploring ancient ruins and mastering the technology here. Our exploration team just met the Ice World exploration team wearing strange clothes and driving machinery.

Thinking of this, the members of the exploration brigade, as a party with a lower level of civilization and weaker association skills, immediately took the initiative in the conversation and asked: "Are there any changes in their side? In those days, In addition to the darkness falling, there should also be some other mutations, right?"

Everyone in the Ice World looked at you and you looked at him. No one immediately looked up the news in recent days. It is true that we have found fewer cases of sunburn in the sun. Our government has not discovered that change, but it has a great impact on daily life. In order to avoid causing even greater panic, has it not been disclosed to the public? announced.

No one in the team muttered loudly: "You also saw the floating fire element in the evening, and you are still thinking about why the fire element in that world suddenly stopped being active? It turns out that those changes are in sync with ours."

We speak the same language, which is obviously influenced by the blood left by the God Emperor.

As a representative, Cheng Ying directly asked the person who looked like the leader of the exploring pair: "Are they residents there? How to get to the nearest city?"

But before we compare the news from various places, we are basically not sure that the thing is true. After confirming that point, we also realize that the sudden changes in the world may not originate from ourselves.

"The world on the other side of the portal used to have no lowly developed civilization, and the level of civilization should have far exceeded yours. But our civilization has gone through epochs, and a small incident has almost wiped out the existence of our ancient civilization. Now, The total number of human beings on that planet will exceed 10 million, and it does not mean that small areas will all be owned lands. You will not be able to quickly relocate to those areas, and even problems such as housing will be solved. You have inspected the buildings in the cities of that world. And confirmed that we are strong enough to not be used as temporary housing at all, and in that world, collecting food is much more difficult than imagined. According to our description, The area in the white darkness is almost stuck in time, and not even a single bacteria or virus can survive, so the emergency food stored by ancient humans in this world cannot be found on the ground."

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It's normal for you to be vague about that aspect. After all, it is your first time to see the sun. Maybe the sun is not like that. While it can bring coolness to people, it is also difficult to burn people. "

Both sides were human beings. Although they did not directly dispel the vigilance of the exploration teams on both sides, before communicating with each other, they discovered that they were using the same language. They also ended communicating with each other.

Although the members of the exploration team have not completely figured out the truth about world fusion, they have not yet made a rough judgment on certain possibilities.

I didn't reveal that I came from the other side of the portal. Although the clothes we wear and the equipment we use are not significantly different from the locals, because the locals have just finished exploring the city ruins, a very small number of them still maintain relatively primitive attire. For those who wear and use worse equipment, go to Shuyuan It is similar to the nobles in the feudal era. To a lesser extent, no one even wears clothes similar to animal skins. From then on, it is impossible to imagine. , the level of civilization in that world.

"Thousands of years later, or maybe tens of thousands of years later, the entire world fell into white darkness. Humanity was almost extinct in the white darkness. Only the people in the tribe were left to survive. Most of the humans were under the guidance of weak leaders. Led the city to be built, but a very small number of people died in the white darkness. The rest can only survive in the white darkness. Relying on the dark power contained in your own blood, you will envelope the entire world. The white darkness needs to be dispersed a lot to be able to survive in the white darkness.

There are terrifying warriors with no head or skin, or octopuses with eyes and mouths all over their bodies, or plants that grow out of the ground and can directly devour people, or even crack open holes under their own bodies out of thin air, and in The flesh and blood from his forehead sprouted from the outside, and the arms from his forehead came to strangle him to death.

When a small number of people gather together, faith cannot dispel the darkness around them to a certain extent. But there must be not enough people, and they must be trained tolerantly. Those people form the exploration team, so that you cannot obtain some of the resources you need in the city left by the ancients to maintain the operation of the city.

[To be continued]

"I'm sure they are talking about building a huge steel city, and they cannot use machines that can move on their own. You are indeed that kind of people, but you don't understand the ancient times they talk about. When you When I woke up, it wasn't like that inside.

"The white darkness suddenly disappeared after a long time. You have only recently seen what darkness looks like. If you tell them, they may believe it. This is the first time in your life that you have seen what the sun is.

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