Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 292 Collusion

After having a stable water conservancy power generation device, more things can be done with electricity. Previous table lamps could only use batteries, which made it impossible to use some high-power electrical appliances.

For example, things like cookers can be driven entirely by electricity. A pot that is heated by electricity is not that difficult to make. It was completely possible to make it even when the electric age was just beginning.

But even in the 21st century, few people can imagine what kind of electric frying pan can be driven by batteries. The power of this thing itself is large. If it is driven by batteries, if it is not a battery that can be recharged repeatedly, then The cost is simply too high to be noticed.

What's more, the electric power industry in this era has just been born. It is simply impossible to rely on an electric wok to replace the original cooking system that has been developed for countless years, and it is not realistic in terms of cost.

This type of relatively high-power electrical appliances must be tested in practice if they want to be put into actual use. There must be enough power and low-cost electricity available.

The power plant by the river provided enough electricity. In the process, the wealthy businessman experienced aspects of life after having electricity. The first is the change in lighting.

It is so convenient to have a light that can be turned on directly with a switch at night. In the past, even if candles were lit at night, it was difficult to achieve a good enough lighting effect.

There has to be a lot of candles. Suspended from a chandelier. It can illuminate the room relatively brightly, but compared with a high-power electric lamp, the gap is still quite large.

Root had experience in another world, so the lamps he produced were already quite mature products. It is quite adequate in terms of power and brightness. Even if you install a type with enough power, you can make the room brighter than during the day.

This is simply unbelievable to people of this era. Of course, they don't have that much pursuit of light. One of the most important reasons is that they have endured the flood of light for too long. During the flood of light, there was almost no night, but they only rose up recently. Demand for lighting.

Because after the real night arrived, they discovered that there were dangers hidden in the night. If they were exposed to the darkness for a long time, they might be attacked. Therefore, ordinary people usually light a candle or burn a little enchantment at night, so that a group of people can gather together. Make sure there is no light in the room.

To a certain extent, this danger from darkness has actually promoted the sales of various lighting facilities. Because if there is really no lighting at night, there is a certain probability. Attacked by monsters hiding in the darkness. Although these monsters have become much weaker than those in the dark world, they are still likely to cause casualties, and because they have become so weak, more survivors can survive in the monster's washing machine and live lifelikely. Describe what exactly you experienced in your dream.

On the contrary, it makes messages in this area spread more widely and become more widely known. And a bright enough light can bring a strong sense of security to people.

Even after discovering that water conservancy could be used to energize the lights for a long time to keep the lights bright, the local government decided to build several powerful street lights on the square. The reason for this choice was simple. After the introduction of electric lights, some people who are reluctant to light lights at night can also choose to sleep in the square. At least the temperature in this area is not very low all year round. When sleeping in the wild, as long as you have clothes or quilts. The problem won't be big.

This is also a limitation of this era. After all, productivity is limited. If night lighting is continued, the consumption will be relatively large. In order to ensure the livelihood of the local people, we ensure that there will not be too many people attacked and missing in the dark. This method can only be chosen to reduce lighting costs as much as possible.

In this process, more and more people with relatively little savings are choosing to connect wires to their homes. Realized the convenience of electricity. As long as computers can be laid out reasonably, electricity can be transported from the river to fairly distant areas. Root has some experience. If the voltage is increased, the loss of electrical energy during transmission can be reduced to a considerable extent.

And it also has a certain amount of knowledge accumulation in terms of wire materials. It can conduct electricity more efficiently and with lower resistance than simple copper wires. In this way, waste can be reduced as much as possible. Allowing electrical energy to be transported to farther places.

The size of hydroelectric power plants has also become larger in the process. Find the book garden

After all, they are experienced beings. During the construction of the hydropower plant, the possibility of cutting off the river has been considered. The river he faced was not that deep, and its shipping capacity was very limited. Even if it was cut off by him in the middle. The impact on residents upstream and downstream is actually not very great. An application was made to the local government. And he built a reservoir-type power station by completely cutting off the river after settling some opposition voices from the public with his own ability.

Under normal circumstances, people who have just entered this new field cannot come up with such mature technology. Even if various devices are available, they still need to be customized by relevant factories, and the cost is quite high.

But the problem is that what he owns is not just the current electricity-related industries. Before that, he had already gathered a considerable number of workers and invested in many factories. In the factories he invested in, he customized various devices, and the cost naturally dropped significantly. And as these customized devices run smoothly, once they have the molds, they can also be mass-produced and used in other rivers.

In this way, energy can be stored on a large scale. It is also feasible to build a large number of hydropower stations. And in the process, he is also trying to build more convenient thermal power stations. Although there are no coal resources in this world, in the flood of light, all the coal resources are transformed into a member of the desert in the endless light elements. But they planted a lot of plants in the flood of light. There are now large reserves of these plants. And in the process of flooding of light, their outer parts will be turned into coke by the excess light elements. This part will be cleaned and collected regularly by personnel. It is also one of the most commonly used energy sources.

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