Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 293 Biosolar Generator

During this period of management and development in this world, Root was not only managing power, but also observing the differences between this world and his own world. Through his observation, he could find that the sunshine in this world was brighter than the one he was in. That world is slightly more poisonous. Through this, it can be confirmed that the impact of different worlds is delayed to a certain extent after they are merged and connected. Based on his research on the timetable of this practice, he found that the changes in this world are related to the reincarnation world in which he lives. The subtle changes started at about the same time.

And when these changes just started, the light of this world was gradually reduced from the original terrifying flood of light to the current level, and the sunshine of his own world, according to the experiences he learned, was It is slow, increasing from a level that is not very scary to a level that is more likely to cause injury.

Because this increase process is slow and gentle, most people do not realize that the sunlight in their world has actually become more heated than before and more likely to cause injuries.

If you think about it from this perspective, perhaps other phenomena in this world are also influenced by phenomena in other worlds.

Just like the temperature of water. The temperature of the water in this world and the temperature of the water in the reincarnation world where it is located have changed slowly in recent times. The freezing point and boiling point of water have both increased, with a slight increase of about 45°C.

"If we speculate from this aspect, will there be a world where the water melts and boils at very high temperatures? For example, as high as hundreds or thousands of degrees. In that world, the water is usually completely solid. existing?

In addition, there are those flames that appeared in our world before. Those fire elemental creatures may not be simple either. If they also began to weaken their influence after a certain connection was established, then when they were intact, they should be quite powerful flame creatures.

Even the monsters that now appear in our darkness. In the original world, there should probably be extremely terrifying creatures as long as darkness falls. "

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a guess, that is, after different worlds were connected together, the disasters in each world were equally distributed to each world, and they became weak.

Although his guess is different from the real situation, it is already a relatively close guess.

Cheng Ying didn't expect anyone to guess this step, but even if they had certain conjectures and exchanged information with explorers from other worlds to a certain extent, they only recorded these conjectures, which did not reflect the current situation. Nothing has changed.

They can only prepare themselves for the new world that will merge into these worlds. Since world integration has already happened, it is likely to happen again in the future. And the new world integration may bring new disasters. Although thoughtfulness may be diluted by the sheer size of the world, it is not that dangerous. But the previous increase in water temperature brought them trouble. The increase in water temperature previously prevented many of their steam engines from working.

Steam engines are also used in the world of reincarnation. It's just that their steam engine is not the original reciprocating steam engine, but directly uses a turbofan to harness the energy of steam. In addition, they are also developing another technology. That's similar to the kind of generator Tesla created. Come, harness the power of steam.

In theory, that kind of device will use steam more efficiently. It can easily exceed 90%. It's just that the requirements for materials science are very high. This device uses the viscous force in the process of gas flow.

That is to say, the gas is compressed between the flakes, and they are allowed to blow the flakes to rotate at high speed. The faster these lamellae rotate, the theoretically more efficient use of energy. But one problem is that the sheets themselves will exert considerable pressure on their own materials during high-speed rotation. If they deform, the entire machine will be scrapped. And this kind of thing has extremely high requirements for materials science, so that this kind of thing cannot be born on earth at all.

Only where the technical requirements for materials are not so exaggerated. Only then can relevant technologies be born.

Just like these magical worlds, their requirements in materials science are much higher than those in normal technological worlds. In these magical worlds, materials that can be processed and standardized using the power of magic can theoretically become usable devices.

But there are also some potential problems here. This includes the use of spell enhancements that can only be used in certain specific scenarios. Once the application scenario changes, it will take a lot of energy to adjust the spell model to make the new spell model fit with the related technology. Just fine.

This is the difficulty they encountered during the research and development process. The relevant technologies have been basically developed before. By the way, when using water vapor, we found that the temperature of the water vapor was inexplicably higher than before by four to five degrees. Although there are not many of this height, the spell models that were carefully constructed before can no longer be used and will be scrapped directly. We can only rebuild the spell model and re-create this technology tree.

Fortunately, the temperature changes in various aspects are not too much and can be adjusted slowly. In the process, after such a long period of adjustments, the technology has been almost brought back to life.

At least compared to the Ice World, the troubles they faced were still much less.

Back to the zombie world, people who come to the world of light are not just from the world of reincarnation, there are also people from the world of ice who come to this world. So in the process of the electric revolution in this world, they are not alone.

Although there is a talent advantage in the world of reincarnation, after experiencing reincarnation again and again, their number of talents is quite large. But the Ice World has technological and demographic advantages. Not long has passed since the world of reincarnation broke away from reincarnation. In other words, the population remains at the same level as before in the Middle Ages, even if everyone is an elite. The population is also far insufficient. Even those who live in the dream can be regarded as the population. But the problem is that they cannot travel to other worlds, nor can they be directly transformed into productivity.

Therefore, in terms of population and technology, they are still slightly behind the Ice World. There is also a considerable degree of competition between the two parties in this world. The advantage of Samsara World is that it occupies more positions in the government. The time travelers they selected are more adaptable when facing unfamiliar environments. On the other hand, the Ice World directly had a showdown with the Light World in the form of great power diplomacy. Large-scale trade with each other was carried out in this way.

Because there is a complete industrial system and a large number of workers behind the ice world. In the process of conducting trade, you can take a considerable degree of initiative. Especially some equipment specially developed based on the current situation of the light world. In this era where electric power technology is the most popular, it can be said to be quite a black technology. As for what these people did?

They developed solar generators during this era. And it is a solar generator with two modes. One of the modes generates electricity directly through solar timing. However, for the local residents of this world, the production price of solar panels is still relatively high. It is not that convenient for them to build.

The purchase price also prohibits many families, but this device is indeed convenient enough. As long as it is installed on the roof of your home and equipped with a few batteries, you can use electricity yourself even if it is not connected to the power grid.

You said that the other way is to develop towards factory high-definition. Solar power is factory-formed and then used as a central power plant in a city. This convenient method is the right trend for the future. Although a trend is correct, it may not be implemented smoothly. It also needs to be seen whether the relevant technology is in line with this era, and the people in the Ice World specially customized the relevant technology for this era.

After examining the situation in this world, they took a fancy to the extremely fast-growing vines in this world.

They can quickly absorb sunlight and convert the energy in the sunlight into organic matter, and the energy conversion efficiency in this process is extremely high. In this way, as long as these plants can be efficiently converted into fuel, solar energy can be used very efficiently in the form of thermal power generation.

They also quickly discovered based on their experience in this world that this plant would climb and grow along the tracks built by humans. The newly grown shoots are rich in organic matter and have no leaves, which means they do not participate in photosynthesis. If they are burned directly, it will not affect the growth efficiency of the plant.

So they devised a seemingly devilish technology, which was to plant a large number of plants that can grow quickly under the sun on the plains, and then build tracks for them to climb. These orbital lenses are connected to the combustion chamber, and a rather strange scene will occur, that is, these plants will grow rapidly under the sunlight. Then it sends itself to the combustion chamber, continuously providing heat in the process. Keep the combustion chamber at a constant high temperature. In this way, the steam engine can be driven to generate electricity. Although the technology of steam power generation in the Ice Kingdom is not very advanced, the technology of Stirling engine has reached its peak. This device, which can generate electricity as long as there is a temperature difference, is most suitable for use here.

Immediately, it can generate electricity day and night. As for why it can generate electricity day and night? This is because these plants store extra organic matter after receiving sunlight during the day and continue to grow even at night. After the organic matter is depleted, replenishment continues during the day. It's just that the growth rate will be slightly slower at night, but it will not affect the power generation at night.

As a result, a rather interesting situation will arise, that is, the solar power generation industry that originally had to be maintained by batteries. Now it’s possible to use the plants themselves as batteries. The energy they store during the day will be slowly and automatically released at night. Power plants that work day and night immediately became a very practical technology after eliminating the cost of batteries.

In fact, humans in the 21st century have already discovered it. If solar panels are produced on a large scale, it can actually be completed at a certain cost. Conversion of clean energy.

At least in terms of power generation, it will not be much worse than traditional thermal power generation.

But the problem is that things like solar energy are gone at night. As for ultra-long-distance power transmission spanning an entire hemisphere, even a rabbit who has mastered the most outrageous ultra-high voltage power transmission will not be able to afford the cost. So much so that batteries must be used to accumulate previously generated electricity. In this process, not to mention the possible waste that may occur when storing electrical energy in batteries. Just a battery that can store so much electrical energy is not something humans in this era have the ability to create.

The cost of manufacturing these cells can be said to be a hundred times that of manufacturing the solar panels that generate electricity. From this point we can see the importance of batteries in the process of utilizing solar energy. Now, plants can use their own characteristics to store energy during the day, which is equivalent to greatly reducing the cost of using solar power.

Although the other side of the Soul World has also tried to imitate similar devices to create solar power generation devices, they are unable to compare with the energy utilization efficiency of similar generators. The King of Ice World has been studying the existence of Stirling engines for who knows how many years. . Humanity in the 21st century. The Stirling engine was not chosen, on the one hand, because its technical difficulty may indeed be higher than that of a normal internal combustion engine, and on the other hand, because humans did not use this kind of mechanical equipment in the early stages. Smart technology is not developing in this direction. If the power machine used at the beginning was a similar device, after years of industrial development, the efficiency may not be worse than the current normal generator. It is likely that it can be run by being plugged into the ground and exposed to the sun. After all, that kind of thing can theoretically operate if there is a temperature difference. The scope of application is actually wider than that of an internal combustion engine. After all, an internal combustion engine is only suitable for use in an atmospheric environment. If there is no air, you can prepare your own oxidant. The cost of use has been greatly increased.

[To be continued]

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