Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 296: Ceremony

Cheng Ying is quite interested in an ancient capital with little external pressure. Be prepared to get involved yourself and see where they develop without making a huge historical push. As for this world, there is actually no need to save it, because the natural environment of this world has destined humans to develop technology to a very high level even here. There is no way to prosper either.

When living on the ground, people will subconsciously feel that the most precious resources are the various resources from the ground. But as time goes by and technology improves, they will gradually realize that the most precious thing in this world is not material, but space.

The cavity they live in is the most precious existence. Apart from this, they can hardly find another bubble in the vast universe that can allow them to survive.

To find another bubble suitable for their survival, it may be several light-years away, and in this universe with physical matter as a barrier, it is simply impossible to cross this distance.

Therefore, it would be impossible for humans in this world to cross such a long distance without developing technology to an incredible level. And to develop science and technology to that point, there needs to be a huge space for them to carry out various practices and various industrial constructions.

Even from his perspective, this development seemed nearly impossible. Therefore, Cheng Ying came here more to observe and look for another world that corresponds to this world. It just integrates us with each other and then offsets each other's shortcomings. Only in that way can the problems of that world be solved.

Some problems originating from the natural environment can really be solved with technological development. Perhaps such a universe is not suitable for life. But it is the kind of life form suitable for humans. I am sure that my own life form is not human, but there is another animal that is different from human beings. For example, we cannot live in the primordial soup of the universe with rich matter, have an extremely low-temperature energy body, or we cannot Like a ghost, matter that loses sight of the entity between objects travels quantumly through it.

Those creatures cannot survive freely in such a universe, but human beings, who possess physical matter and are able to swim in the low-temperature and low-pressure wooden ocean, are destined to be suitable for such a world.

Even so, we have developed our own civilization, albeit primitive, although still fighting among ourselves. But it's all worth seeing.

Chengying sent incarnations to come to the same country. Examine how the inhabitants of those kingdoms live. Under that land where the sun is always shining, every country observes different times and legislation. The only similarity is probably not that every day's cycle is the same.

Or maybe it's a complete breakdown. Now that the heavens are divided, for so few countries to be as unified as before, in fact, no one has degenerated and praised that set of rules.

The number of livestock we raise is actually not very small. Before Cheng Ying personally came to observe the interior of those countries, he discovered that there were actually no worse ways of farming outside. On the one hand, it was because the population of that world had not become smaller and smaller, and less wasteland could not be cultivated. On the other hand, On the one hand, it is also due to technological regression. Most areas have broken away from the influence of tradition. Ended trying to plow the land with oxen.

It's just that we seem to be far from realizing how to really utilize that power.

Because that world changes faster than the other world. In addition, the internal environment is a relatively large cycle. Within such a large-scale cycle, until the laws of the movement of heaven and earth are mastered, the probability of natural disasters is very high.

I was watching the various countries in the process of reform, and they were constantly fighting against each other and fighting against the nobles. I was also losing my own thinking. I haven’t observed the people living in that world from all aspects of society. And I gradually discovered a problem. This is not a closed space outside. Although it stands to reason that people living on the earth also live in a relatively closed space, the total amount of air inside the small atmosphere is even the same as that outside the spherical world. There is less air and the stingy environment should be stronger and better than that outside.

It's just that the traditional pressure of living in that era was less than that of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. We have been ruled by etiquette and have followed this set of things for thousands of years. If we suddenly retreated and broke through, there would be many voices of approval in the country. Even some people who cannot allow themselves to gain less benefits in that process will subconsciously approve of it because of the instinct brought by tradition.

But behind the scenes it was different. Our etiquette is not formulated from the rule. It is summed up in the heaven and earth, nor is it summed up the laws of planting. Then people must abide by those laws in order to obtain a good harvest. Such corresponding etiquette has gained a weak credibility in that world, and everyone suspects that following that set of methods of retrograde planting will lead to a bumper harvest of food. As the country becomes stronger, it is annexed and destroyed by others.

But in the process of people on earth polluting the environment, a small minority of people are not so worried. It seems that the thin layer of stinginess, that layer of soil and ocean that I live in has nothing to do with being polluted, even if that layer of things is stronger than the world inside the spherical shell.

But those who really sit in the center in those years have not been able to control a weak enough power to maintain the balance in the sky and restrain the monarch in the sky through force.

It's not that we want to be unified like that, but on the one hand we found that human circadian rhythms are like this. On the other hand, we also found that carefully changing the length of the day would make the calendar difficult to calculate.

Although the metal elements in that world are as rich as the earth, copper is more abundant than the earth, while iron is slightly rarer than the earth. But nothing can be changed. This is not the difficulty of smelting metal. The difficulty of smelting copper is greater than that of wild iron smelting.

So that world still used something similar to bronze at first, but we haven't mined a small amount of copper yet and accumulated it. Bronze farming tools and weapons were made in that process. Although there are still many, it is not a huge change for that era.

Even if the ecological environment outside the spherical shell behind our eyes is worse than that under the earth, even if the thickness of our small atmosphere outside is many times thicker than under the earth. But what about that world where humans are sure to retreat into industrialization? Since we are frantically exploiting the resources in the land, will the use of concentrated energy cause pollution to the air outside? Will it cause pollution to the ocean?

[To be continued]

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It’s just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if pollution occurs in that world, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of the earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. Things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

Because people living in that world have no way of abandoning the planet we live on. Even if we are not determined to leave the space we live in, we will find that there is no such chance. Even if we try to leave the infinite ocean of matter, where can we go? There is no limit to space. Even if you open a hole under the earth's crust, you will find that there is a vast amount of material on the frozen surface.

That point is the same as that of the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States. The real etiquette of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was formulated by the Emperor of Zhou in order to facilitate the control of the feudal princes and for the convenience of those princes to control the officials and servants in their hands. Is it because what I call his people is going to attack.

The same countries have the same planting technology. The output is also different, resulting in a subtle balance in the national power between different countries. From among the few princes who originally had a balanced power, the four families behind them emerged. We have more or less mastered some technologies that were beyond that era and have lost the national power we have today.

But with all kinds of garbage produced by humans before industrialization, all kinds of pollution are beyond the control of the ecosystem. In that kind of environment, if it is definitely still in a closed system, maybe the second half of the year will be enough to make that system suitable for human survival. Play with the human outside of that cavity. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to develop weak teleportation technology to explore the location of other cavities. If our technological development is allowed to decline, our own extinction may be waiting for us.

Chengying did not actively promote the development of technology, nor did he promote the awakening of the people of that era.

The answer is definitely yes. It's just that those pollutions are nothing compared to the pollution on earth. After all, that ecosystem is smaller than the earth. At least in terms of the circulation of small air, and in terms of the self-purification ability of small air, it is too much weaker than that of the earth. The impact of the same level of pollution on the natural ecological environment may still be half that of the earth. But even so, if that world becomes polluted, the sense of crisis it brings to people is still much weaker than that of Earth.

He is Brother Niu, and he still works in a more inefficient way of that era.

It does not mean that in the same country, the time to wake up and the time to go to bed are the same. But the total length of a day basically changes.

Although we cannot change the length of a day, we can define the length of the day according to our own likes and dislikes. But the problem is that the movement of the celestial bodies inside does not change with our definition, so the length of the one-year cycle will change.

It's just that the power of tradition is too weak and deeply rooted. Although the emperor in the center has not yet become a strong party, the four weak countries dare to show their so-called courtesy openly. When fighting with each other, they still need to inform the emperor. , at least make it passable.

Some places do not yet rely on creatures similar to Niu Zishi. Relying on the tools made by Hong, the end of the experiment was reduced to cattle farming, and the efficiency of such work was much lower than if humans did it themselves. Even if the human beings in that world cannot give birth to some extremely weak extraordinary beings, because those extraordinary beings are less intelligent than those in the depths, even if they take advantage of their size, they will still work in the fields, but they will not do anything. things to use.

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Cheng Ying found that the small continent had retreated into a rather boring state. This did not necessarily require changing the ancestral method. Only in this way can one's own national power decline. Whoever thinks of that first will try to regress first. In this way, its own national power will become weaker and it will become the overlord of that era.

At the same time, some people also found that through long-term cultivation, they could not get less than by scattering seeds all over the sky, so there was no certain change in the way of planting. In addition, some of us have discovered the effects of composting and watering on plant growth.

The one who stepped back and made up that set of rules. By making up his own rules, he brought bad prestige to the sky, and also made many rituals that were not beneficial to him, and made many vassals who needed to be loyal to him, and these unidentified servants also needed to be loyal to him. Allegiance defines what a gentleman in that world should do. In this way, as long as they continue to violate that set of rules, the countries in that world will not be able to function for a long time and will always perish.

Therefore, we have not yet begun to enter the stage where the rituals are over and the music is over. The monarchs in heaven have not yet stopped fighting each other, and some people have not yet thought that the laws of their ancestors cannot be changed.

Humans who originally practiced slash-and-burn farming at least allowed some wild animals to become extinct in the areas where they lived. All kinds of garbage caused by production and life cannot be easily solved by the purification ability of nature.

So I survived by following that set of rules until today many years ago. That set of rules still hasn't broken down.

This is because although the earth's small atmosphere is isolated from the inner world, the ecological circle is only such a thin layer. But after all, space is empty. It has been since Shedeng went into space, and it is theoretically impossible to travel in space to the other side of the distant stars and find other planets suitable for human survival.

Think of that. Cheng Ying suddenly didn't feel happy that he didn't directly promote the development of the times recklessly. Instead, he chose to wait and see. The earlier the stage of human development, the smaller the consumption of energy and natural resources will be, and the smaller the impact will be on the entire ecosystem.

After all, before productivity continues to improve, there must be a system that is not adapted to that era, which will prevent productivity from being used effectively.

If the time of a day is slightly increased or modified, the number of days that need to be experienced in the year becomes the same. And we must guide farming according to abnormal legislation, which is also the astronomy that farming civilization often fails to learn first. One of the reasons is computing and statistics.

We need to determine the agricultural season based on astronomical legislation. Although the spring, summer, autumn and winter of that era were not defined by the rotation of the sun and the moon in the sky. But after all, it can be concluded through observation.

Before those principles are summarized, you can’t follow our guidance to regenerate planting. In fact, to a certain extent, it derived from the etiquette of that era, which was similar to the Zhou etiquette.

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