Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 297 The direction of development

If you think about it carefully, it does seem like this. If people in this world develop too fast and in the wrong direction, the material resources of this world will be exhausted at an extremely high speed. I don’t know what direction the human beings in this world will develop after the material resources are exhausted. It is very likely that they will become completely extinct in the rated world after the material resources are exhausted.

If you think about it this way, the Holy King of this world thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago probably thought a lot. It has been deliberately positioned, and each rule restricts everyone's behavior. In the end, the speed of human development in this world has slowed down to the current level.

Although etiquette has collapsed, the power of tradition still restrains everyone, preventing them from breaking it easily. Cheng Ying is now a little hesitant whether to help these people break their shackles and promote the development of the times, or to help them understand the harm that may be caused after breaking the shackles and continue their original development honestly.

Normally, people at this time should open up the land and open up the land. They should even go a step further and allow the free sale of land and start the military merit system. Then rely on the burst of vitality brought by this series of reforms to unify the entire continent, and then consider how to develop next.

But once these systems and changes are initiated, there is no way to stop development. When each class gradually realizes the interests of its own class, it will be difficult to prevent them from pursuing the interests of their own class. Until then, everyone will pursue their own interests. Before new inventions were discovered, they were thwarted by tradition, just as they are now. On the contrary, it will be quickly developed for our purposes.

And that is no different from the real Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. The real Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were marked by a lack of land and a large number of people. Human beings were far from developing the land that could not be cultivated in the small Central Plains where they were located.

People basically need to consider issues such as fine workmanship or fewer people and more land. As long as there are not enough bad tools to cultivate the land, it will not be able to obtain a small enough amount. Therefore, as long as the law is changed, the country cannot become weak. Quickly open up less arable land, increase food production, and crush other countries.

So much so that if you are beaten very badly sometimes, you cannot try to counterattack. But those are all individual cases, and it really comes down to the battlefield. Under that planet, there was not much difference from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The development of the outside world took too long in that period, and even if it was an emperor, it would be very easy for a civilization that could only use bronze. Over a long period of time, over time, the land that can be cultivated has basically been cultivated to the limit. The population that the land can support has almost reached the lower limit.

The new increased productivity brought about by new technology can indeed bridge social contradictions to a certain extent. But because the land is not nearly all occupied yet. Even the changes brought about by the emergence of new technologies cannot compare with the land dividend brought by the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

If that is definitely the case, there is actually no direction for technological development. Just find a way to reduce the cost of space props. In the future world, there is still no way to avoid doomsday. It is much more difficult than making space, rings and other things. Because that thing is essentially made to hold garbage. Since it is used to hold garbage, all that needs to be done is to reduce the volume occupied by the garbage. It is necessary to consider that the things that have been installed and removed must be taken out. From this perspective, the design and manufacturing of related technologies are advanced. It seems that the difficulty is too little.

That’s because society has given us enough time to develop, allowing us to summarize enough social laws to realize the necessity of killing the bud of capital. So that while we know how to kill the bud of capital, we don’t have enough technology. to do that.

Therefore, after the national army completes a more stable rule, the reality of fewer people and more land will come. And it will come very peacefully. Because before the advent of iron tools, cattle farming, etc., the manpower required to cultivate the land would be slightly reduced instantly, and during that process, the number of people would not decrease slowly due to war, disease, hunger, etc. It may even be that because sufficient food was obtained in a short period of time, the population did not increase to a certain extent.

When there is not enough cheap labor at the door of the handicraft industry, related industries will develop rapidly, from special workshop-style handicrafts to handmade factories, followed by the introduction of each technology and the people who open factories. For the sake of self-interest, technology will be slowly improved, and at the same time, production relations will undergo unprecedented changes.

Of course, there will indeed be problems. Matter is conserved, and the garbage we throw away will still occupy space in the universe. Even in a smaller pressure environment, the space occupied by the garbage has shrunk, and it will still squeeze the living space inside some other spherical shells.

We must be able to produce space props in small quantities and stuff real-world materials into space props. At a certain level, we cannot expand our living space by digging in, or use the industrial production process to expand our living space. The garbage generated in the space is collectively packed, compressed and thrown away among the space props.

That means that the planet's ability to withstand pollution will be several times that of the ecosystem under the earth. Perhaps it will take the next thousand years for industry to develop on that planet. But that’s all, because there is no inner space outside. Is there any way for human beings to use the gravity environment to carry out many small-scale engineering constructions? Is there any way to build an accelerator that surrounds the entire planet? The development of the most advanced technology will probably be slightly hindered by the surrounding environment. It will definitely be possible at that time. In the process, we must master precise transmission positioning technology and master ultra-long-distance transmission technology. Then we may be able to find the location of another spherical shell closer to us. At that time, it will quickly perish due to environmental pollution and resource depletion.

[To be continued]

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. In fact, the rise of capital has not yet begun. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

Since the exploration is in one direction, it is basically possible to encounter intelligent life. So simply explore in this direction, but choose a direction and coordinates. Then throw away the garbage generated in the industrial production process. By opening a portal and throwing it over, as long as the pressure on the other end of the portal is less than the pressure on the coordinates here, we can't forcefully stuff the rubbish through. Moreover, the universe is vast, so we want to stuff as much as possible It can be filled with garbage.

Of course, it will still be concentrated in these originally fertile areas, and the final outcome will be quite terrifying. The environmental pollution caused by steam engines, internal combustion engines and the like will change in a short period of time, and may even have no good impact within decades. After all, just like humans on earth, there has been almost no ineffective environmental protection work. From the development of industry to the present, environmental protection organizations have emerged one after another. However, compared with the damage caused by human industrial development to the natural environment, the impact caused by the regression of human development is almost equal to that of the human beings. Even so, after hundreds of years of industrial development, the earth's environment has not completely deteriorated to the point where human beings can no longer control it. degree of survival. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, a relatively comfortable environment was created for human beings to live.

In the vast universe, and in the vast ocean of matter, it is very easy to find lifeless cavities.

Cheng Ying did not promote the development of science and technology in that world for the time being. Instead, he watched the existence he named Wei State competing for hegemony with Chu State along a river.

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But in front of us, it is about making iron tools and farming with cattle. It may be hidden for too long, and a small number of refugees will appear in various countries within a few years. We have no land that cannot be cultivated, and we have no financial resources, but the number Pang Xiao must survive again. This craftsman in town. It may not be possible to feed such a small population. It will inevitably cause chaos, and more importantly, it is not the chaos we bring about. It was the slow development and prosperity of the handicraft industry before there was enough population in the town.

Based on his own estimation, Cheng Ying believes that if the technology of that world develops slowly, the outcome will not be that within one or two hundred years, that world will retreat into the capital era, and technology will develop slowly. By then, things like steam engines and internal combustion engines will appear very slowly. Human beings rely on the chemical technology developed by the resources that the world no longer has. It will also quickly become popular on that planet. By this time, the population will increase at an incredible rate. The increase in technology will allow people to adapt to a relatively better environment, distributed throughout the spherical shell.

After all, with the development of civilization, the rate of resource consumption has increased exponentially. It is accurate to measure the impact of that civilization on the environment through the current stage of development of the earth and the time it can last. Maybe we will only survive for a thousand years, but our development would have been too slow a few hundred years ago. As a result, environmental pollution exceeds the limit of what we can tolerate, technology pours in, and eventually perishes in that cavity.

Since we are considering taking it out. It is important whether the internal physical environment is stable.

In that case, although the food was enough to feed those people, since the landowner's farmland required so few people to cultivate it. The nobles simply hired more commoners. Grow your own farmland for less wealth. And these people who have no land to cultivate will naturally become refugees. It is certainly not the case for most people. What impact does this have on various countries? Those problems will be resolved very slowly before the countries can unify each other. Even if the utilization is bad, that part of the labor force cannot be utilized. Develop handicraft industry and let your country become stronger first.

A real unusable space ring. All of that must be in a stable environment. That is one of the reasons why our costs are low, and it is also one of the major difficulties in related technologies. It must be considered that the cost cannot be reduced slightly, and some energy must be consumed. If the garbage is pushed back, the internal stuffing cannot be allowed. The density of full garbage becomes smaller and less garbage is packed away. This is one of the technical ideas. Step back along that technical line of thought. Humans cannot. Obtaining relatively less living space, although you can still have some contact with neighboring civilizations in a short period of time, at most you cannot expand the scope of the spherical shell you live in. As for the other method, it also involves space. Utilization of capabilities.

It turns out that space props must be stored in an area that is relatively stable relative to the physical environment. If so, there must be no calm movement or huge temperature difference changes inside. Things that have receded in this way will heal very slowly. Or it may react with other things inside and eventually turn into a piece of waste. Even in this space, the speed of time flow cannot be stable, so that half of the things that are removed become old and embarrassing, while the other half are as new as ever.

It’s also a way to dispose of garbage. It's just the opposite of living and searching for other lives in the inner space.

The first wave was based on handicraft industry. Before the capitalists discovered the disadvantages brought to them by the demographic dividend, they would soon realize it based on their own class instincts. These monarchs and nobles who dominated the land and restricted the personal freedom of serfs were their smallest enemies, and because they did not leave too few names, the emerging wave of capitalist classes was bound to rise. And like the abnormal historical development, it still has time to rise, but it has not been discovered and suppressed by the rulers within the empire.

Just like under the Central Plains. Find Bookstore The rise of capital has actually not started for a long time. In the Song Dynasty, or even earlier, productivity actually retreated and developed into the capital era. It's just that the civilization of the Central Plains has too few technology trees in the social sciences, so that the real ruler is very vague. The capitalists will definitely grow up, which will mean a devastating outcome for us. The process of budding capital is eliminated from the source.

What I'm thinking about is what kind of technology tree that world will take in the future so that it can develop in a relatively long-term way. The most cherished resource in that world is material, but space. So if humans in that world want to survive, the most important thing is to survive. The first thing you should come into contact with is space technology.

But since we haven't thrown our trash this far yet, it's doubtful that that squeeze was passed on years ago. It still cannot be a way for us to expand our own living space, or it is a very shameful beggar-thy-neighbor way, and that is indeed a technological development route that cannot be attempted.

It's even more so outside. After investigation, it was found that the mineral resources under that planet are more abundant than those on the earth. And the storage of fresh water in the water resources of that planet is much less than that of the earth, not to mention that the planet has a gas hundreds of times thicker than the earth. There is air all over the entire spherical shell space, and only in the most gravitational areas of the planet will there be a lot of vacuum areas.

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