Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 298 Material and Wealth

After thinking of the two technological development routes, it is natural to think about how to adjust the technological development route to this direction?

At present, today's human beings can still freely develop their productivity, at least for hundreds of years, but before they completely exhaust the resources in this space, they must solve the problems of space technology.

As for space technology, it is both easy and difficult to say. Because it involves extraordinary power. Relying on conventional technology, if you want to involve space technology, you need to at least analyze black holes. It is even necessary for the detector to observe data at the edge of the black hole.

Watch the black hole evaporate. This has very high technical requirements, and is simply impossible for a world that lives in a small area and has no way to enter space, or that space does not exist at all.

On the other hand, if you use extraordinary power to achieve spatial effects, it will be much simpler. Generally speaking, after reaching the second or third level, other mages can use space abilities to a certain extent. Not only can you make space props, but you can also try to expand the space. For example, a house that looks only a dozen square meters from the outside turns out to be as huge as a palace when you enter it. This is the so-called expansion of space, and it is also a certain development direction of human beings inside this spherical shell.

Through space expansion, the space inside the spherical shell is expanded, making it wider. it is also fine.

However, the technical consumption in this area is more difficult than throwing garbage directly through the space door to distant areas. It is necessary to develop the easy before the difficult before you can point out that kind of technology tree.

The problem is not that the probability of extraordinary beings being born to human beings in that world is too high. It is much lower than the probability of extraordinary beings being born in the small continent inside.

And once certain technologies must rely on extraordinary beings, it will be difficult to achieve mass production. If there is legal mass production, it will be difficult to industrialize. Therefore, the first solution is not to break through the small probability of giving birth to extraordinary beings among humans in that world.

The extraordinary beings in that world will essentially become another kind of human being. We can have children with abnormal people. There is also a way to give birth to previous generations, and that is not a curse placed on humans.

If that kind of world integration is completed, the number of humans that the world before the integration can support may be less than the total number of intelligent creatures that did not exist in the ancient continent.

Because I became the overlord of that day. Those who have not yet taken advantage are willing to retreat from internal changes. Only those who are in a strong position will die if they change, so they will try to change when the tradition is so stubborn.

But now it is necessary to temporarily break the hereditary characteristics in that big world. Let other humans pass on their extraordinary abilities, or reduce the probability of human mutation and the probability of the birth of extraordinary beings.

And that war started the whole struggle for hegemony.

Only such a rich universe can allow mankind to build an indestructible fortress. There are not enough material resources to support all kinds of production.

Although the Chu State is also one of the extremely weak Central Plains countries, it is not centralized enough because of its degree of centralization. At the same time, his own army failed to realize the changes and was violently beaten by famous generals from the West. Suddenly I lost the essence of my little piece.

"The God Emperor hasn't thought about all that as soon as it's over, right? It's much less scary." Cheng Ying knows that the God Emperor hasn't decided to use the huge matter of that world at all. resources as the cornerstone of human survival and prosperity in other worlds.

On the upper reaches of a certain river, the human beings of that world broke out in the largest war under the small land of the Central Plains. This was a struggle for hegemony between the so-called Eight Jin Dynasties in the north and the Chu Kingdom in the south.

Entropy is concerned with discussing the possible future direction of that world. I took a closer look at my companions and saved too little of the human world. But this is a so-called mentality. The weakest people born in the human world are only at the level of demigods. Weak people at that level still lack a considerable degree of extraordinary knowledge. For us top-level beings, let alone a threat, we can do it without even taking a glance. Even if those human beings cannot develop due to the suppression of all races in the wild, it actually doesn't matter.

At the end of that era, humans and other creatures were actually on equal footing. The probability of giving birth to a transcendent being is higher than that of other creatures. But the problem is that before other extraordinary people are born in other races, those extraordinary people cannot get married and have children, and the probability of our children becoming extraordinary people will be smaller than that of special people.

That is abnormal, and life in the universe is simply unimaginable. With the same material, such a rich universe will become normal and simple. The universe is filled with planets and galaxies. It was still covered in thick material, and there wasn't enough space to use it either.

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Wei State gained the smallest benefit in that war, and at the same time, it also retreated to a certain degree of change because of that benefit. But the change stopped abruptly there.

After all, the empty places in the universe are vaster than the places filled with matter. It is not known how much smaller it is. It must be calculated using scientific notation.

Living in such a cosmic environment will become simpler and safer. It is impossible for a white hole to appear anywhere. It is possible for a white hole to eat away at you as soon as you step out or take a walk.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, the material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

Among the few universes I have ever seen, only one is full of matter, and only space is extremely sparse. Perhaps in the entire young universe of the prehistoric world, that kind of extremely ordinary existence is the only one.

Before Cheng Ying finished collecting the genes of a very small number of creatures on the planet, Xiao Zhi had no idea of ​​his own and it was okay to copy them completely. Many of the genes of extraordinary creatures in that world were slightly damaged due to the radiation that year. Even now, it is divided into a type where radiation is difficult to destroy the structure. It is also difficult to repair the part that has not been damaged.

Even when it comes to entropy, before having a deep understanding of that universe, I didn't sigh: "The total amount of matter in that universe is probably comparable to the total amount of matter in the entire prehistoric continent. It's a pity that it is crowded in such a spacious universe. Among them, there is not so little material, and some civilization has been born. Even we are not behind the feudal era. If he continues to waste time there, I am afraid there is no point. Human beings outside It is possible to grow up. We are born with a lack of space, and it is possible for our technology to develop enough to cross the world and come to other worlds.

On a certain level, the resources of that world are indeed extremely rich. The rest of my universe is all space. Matter is a rare space in the universe, but it is always in short supply. The space in the planet is simply endless, and the space with and without matter is almost meaningless to these intelligent creatures in the universe. What can we do if we occupy these vast and inhabited spaces?

"If he really wants us to survive, he would dig out some of the material in that world and create some temporary cavities for us, so that we can develop the living space bit by bit before we discover those living spaces. In the future, it is said that one day our technological level will be enough to escape from the universe full of matter.

It's a pity that those mundane materials are not useless to you yet. If so, you would like to go deep into them, obtain the resources and materials of that world, and dig us into other universes. Perhaps a fairly prosperous civilization could be built. "

There was still a stalemate in the early days of that war. But as Wei transferred its generals guarding the west to the battlefield in the south, all the situation changed.

In that way, the foothold of mankind can truly become the main base for counterattacks against the entire prehistoric race in the future.

Cheng Ying didn't care so much. Before setting his own plan, he ended the small-scale sampling of human genes in that world. Before completing the sampling, we compared other animals and plants growing on that planet. Some of them have been successfully domesticated by humans and raised into livestock. That part is still in the wild, and there is no part of it that cannot be trained and bred.

[To be continued]

I will not publish my research results until we have completed our internal conflicts and even become a small unified empire.

After that, I had the experience of trying it several times. In fact, I haven't formulated a suitable method a long time ago. I haven't implemented it yet. I am waiting for the world to be unified in the flames of war. And gradually got used to the unified state before using that strong medicine on us.

So that kind of rich situation may require a full 13 worlds to be regressed and diluted. When the total amount of matter is diluted to 1/13 of the current level, even though the matter is still very small, the distance between galaxies is still small. It may not be so close together that even a chemical-fueled rocket cannot cross from one week to another, but it is still too crowded and there will be white holes everywhere, but the human race formed in such an environment I'm afraid these planets with separate inhabited areas are not what they are now. I don't know how many powers have been used.

I am also very curious now, what kind of world can offset the ordinaryness of that world? Or is that world a resource world specially found by the God Emperor?

Entropy does require so little material, and I don't have my own race to take care of. So even if I discover a world with so little material, I won’t be greedy in the end. What I pursue now is only my own limited eternity. If I don’t have my own race as a burden, those mortal platforms need to be used. material has no meaning to me.

When we come to the empty universe, we will probably be able to understand how much wealth our hometown has. "

Chengying thought for a while before Xiaozhi knew what to do. In fact, it is difficult for me to create a small number of extraordinary people in a short period of time. I couldn't transform everyone out there into a transcendent being if I wanted to. But that is conducive to our own development and survival. In the future, I may always be watching over that world. After Xiaozhi has adjusted the development direction of that world to ensure that human beings will become extinct due to their own suicide, I will leave there to find other worlds to complete the plane fusion.

Based on such accumulation from generation to generation, human beings have gradually reduced from being unable to compete with other races to beings like slaves and even pigs and dogs.

Human beings can only rely on mutation to give birth to extraordinary beings from generation to generation. Individuals before other races mutate cannot continue to increase the probability of the existence of extraordinary beings in their own population through reproduction.

In addition to cows and horses, there are many other creatures that cannot be farmed.

Transplantation of regressive transgenes is realistic if possible. That kind of symbiotic relationship must be led by humans. When did humans stop animals and plants from reproducing, and when did humans stop them? Various requests made me once again set my sights on things like fungi.

Just passing those are goals. It truly allows humans to gain the power of extraordinary creatures. I still have to rely on my future experience in this part, and it is not through some creatures that cannot coexist with the human body to build its energy circuit in the human body. Only in this way can humans gain the ability to use extraordinary power.

Relatively speaking, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The material in that world is simply too abundant. If it definitely merges with another abnormal universe, this universe cannot be completely filled directly. Even if the space of the two universes becomes twice as small, nearly half of the universe will be filled with various substances.

Therefore, although the Wei State was somewhat divided, it did not really take advantage of that opportunity to unify the Central Plains. On the contrary, there were certain problems with the internal succession rights. At the same time, because of the replacement of the throne and the low performance of this Western general, the newly succeeded King Wei could not be trusted. And through a series of coincidences, he forced his young general away. He forced the other party to run away to Chu State. Although I gave Chu State a severe beating, it also gave me a certain degree of advantage. For these reasons, I have no foundation in Chu State, and the people of the country do not have a considerable degree of hatred towards me. I can only realize my ambitions without relying on the monarch. If this is definitely the case, I will die outside that country immediately. , just like that, the famous general took a step back to drive the regression and reform of the Chu State. In that process, the strength of the Chu State ended its rapid growth. Its land area was small and its population was small. Although the centralization of power was sufficient It was so thorough that the King of Chu died before the final change was completely completed, and the famous general King Zhengxi was also killed along with him. However, that change still left a very solid foundation for the Chu State.

And that process was slower than I thought. Maybe it was the disturbance I brought about, which was like a special butterfly effect, accelerating the development of that world, or maybe the original system of that world was not on the verge of collapse.

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