Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 318: Waiting for work

Cheng Ying did not panic at all when facing the enemies besieging the city. His ability to master artillery far exceeded theirs. Even if the opponent is good at engineering, it will be difficult to defeat the city in such a short period of time. What's more important is that they lack the tools at hand, and even digging trenches is quite laborious.

When they left, they carried fire-breathing equipment made by a few craftsmen in the city to kill the ants.

There were not many shovels in his hands, because the soldiers who had escaped before said that the shovels were useless. But of course this was to fool them. Don't let them go out with these tools. Naturally, it is because these tools play an important role in attacking cities.

Even if the number of artillery is small, if trenches can be dug. In theory, it can also be pushed under the city wall to provide fire cover for the attacking infantry.

There are a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people in the city. If they are allowed to defend the city, they may not be able to defend it if the enemy breaks through the city wall.

Cheng Ying knew this very well, so when this group of people left, they were almost not allowed to carry shovels and other equipment that could dig the soil.

There are almost no cities around. Although villages can be found, the number of farm tools that can be borrowed from the villages is very small, which is not enough to complete this kind of project. Their only way to survive is to capture the city. If they cannot capture it, , can only transform into a robber. Burn, kill, and loot the surrounding villages to obtain their food and maintain the survival of your own legion.

Cheng Ying also knew what these people would do if they were forced to slow down, so I ended my life and raped all of them, or at least brought us all together.

The artillery fire just now made us lose our position, even though the city is full of old, strong, sick and disabled people. But in fact, there is still no group of elite soldiers and weak generals.

This group of people I personally brought back in this life. This group of people were controlled by the bugs before they were parasitic under their bodies.

For example, let's let the artillery that can only fire solid shells fire something that explodes like a grenade when it hits the ground.

Cheng Ying did not delay the retreat, but made continuous preparations. The artillery range under the current city wall had no advantage. He could not blindly harass the enemy in the process and use continuous bombing. If the opponent does not have enough morale, his combat effectiveness will naturally decrease over time.

Soldiers screamed and were hit by those big steel balls. The city lord was hit in the shoulder. Although he was not killed directly, he let out a miserable scream. The city lord's voice immediately caused the morale of the surrounding soldiers to drop slightly. In the chaos, people subconsciously thought that their leader was not dead yet, so they ended their escape.

What we do know is that those things actually contain a certain degree of magical power. If so, although it is impossible to cross such a long distance, the strong point before gliding will actually be very crooked.

Cheng Ying is quite unfamiliar with the relevant training system. I don’t understand how fighting spirit can be cultivated. Although it requires a certain amount of talent, if the bugs that parasitize the body must have a certain transformation on our physical fitness, That kind of talent is still too difficult to obtain, and outside of that period of time, those controlled by bugs have to undergo various low-intensity exercises. Our bodies are under our own control and passively undergo various regressions. This kind of low-intensity physical training makes our physical fitness much weaker than it is after those few days when there is not enough food to supplement it.

There are not even a few among them who have vaguely mastered the use of fighting spirit. In that case, although we have reached the real first level, our combat power is too much weaker than that of the world. The person who controls us was once a weak person, and his ability to control those bodies is even weaker than that of our original owner. As we practice again and again, we become more and more unfamiliar with the moves, and fewer and fewer people have fighting spirit. Although the ensuing battle still uses thermal weapons, the individual combat effectiveness is not far superior.

In fact, only a few devices are needed to remotely control the target under the aircraft. First, it can receive electromagnetic signals. Then, it only needs a large power supply and two coils to control the wings. Two coils are used to control the raising or lowering of the tail of the wings, so that the flight path cannot be adjusted in mid-air. Or just use one control tail.

In that era, which was like the Middle Ages, the creation of a wired and remotely controlled self-destructing aircraft sounded quite magical, but in reality, it was not very feasible if it was combined with the magic of that world.

Before the cannonball that landed next to the city lord's tent exploded, countless large steel balls exploded from the outside. Those large steel balls scattered in all directions. They were like low-speed bullets before they landed everywhere, showing extremely weak lethality.

In terms of formation, he completely crushed the enemy. The opponent was a legion composed of special people, so when facing the enemy, he might be afraid, so that his own formation was in chaos, but that time those people were all parasitized by insects. , even if we are afraid in our hearts, bugs do not.

Relying on this method of continuous harassment for eight consecutive days, the enemies in the city were advanced again and again. It was impossible to sleep at night, and there were huge casualties. The army was not on the verge of collapse. It must have been suppressed by military orders, and the old city lord's prestige was still quite low. I'm afraid not all the people had fled at that time.

Relying on us, we will definitely not be able to break up our formation when the enemy is in enough confusion. Whether the crowd has formation or not, fighting in such an era has almost no chance of winning.

It is possible to win that battle, because those people are no longer dead. After studying it, it was difficult for this knight to find that the cultivation system of that world is basically the same as that of the ancient continent. No difference.

Let the mage learn how to master the electromagnetic force and emit electromagnetic waves of low enough power. Before that, he can control the mage and remotely control the planes in the world. He can continuously control his own flight trajectory and adjust the trajectory. Under the correct circumstances, for Correct the direction of the enemy's formation. Amidst the violent explosions, one tent after another was blown down from the sky.

So as long as our formation is formed, as long as we can see each other. Theoretically, it is possible to maintain the formation, and there is no possibility of being broken up. We will remain calm at all times, and we will follow orders because of panic. At a certain level, such a legion is almost the weakest mortal legion in the world. At most, it is almost possible to defeat them with the same number of people.

The legions above the city were constantly harassed by artillery and bombed again and again, making it impossible for us to sleep at night. Even during the day, you must be on guard at all times. Working shifts is simply possible. An extremely outrageous telescope was added from the outside. You cannot clearly see what is happening in the distance. Once no one is on duty, the bombing will be concentrated under the sleeping group.

The cannonballs at that time were also carefully polished, and they were in the same spherical shape as the later ones. Spiral rifling was added to the inside of the cannon. Based on the processing of my weak control ability, the range and power of those cannons were slightly increased. weak. The transformation only takes less than a day. Each artillery piece takes turns to be modified. When all the modifications are completed, the slender warhead is stuffed into the outside as if the bullet is gone. Then, as the previous impact ignition method is changed, it successfully detonates. We missed those warheads, allowing us to fly far away and land in the enemy's position that we could have reached.

In such a good atmosphere, fewer weapons are being manufactured in the city, and we have better performance. More importantly, the range of those weapons is too far, even if we haven't entered the city yet, it's quite far away. There is no way to prevent those weapons from falling under us. The most helpless thing among them is the death of a manned aircraft.

At that time, the city lord was almost desperate. Even though I had not entered or exited nearly ten miles away, I was still bombarded by various weapons under the city. That was not beyond my understanding of war. Continue. If I go up like that, I feel doubtful that I will fail.

But the problem is that the world cannot allow us to control the way we float relatively easily. The most complicated method is not to use wired remote control.

In such a sleepy state, many people didn't even end the battle before they suffered a nervous breakdown. It is even more to say that before the two armies collide, it is a competition of wills. It's all about fighting and escaping from the world.

That thing can even be called a manned machine, because I don’t even have power, it’s like a folded paper airplane. That thing is put up from a cold air balloon that rises from low altitude, and then glides in mid-air with a bomb. It cannot glide a few kilometers away, and it will explode before it falls into the target's position.

And we got enough rest in those days. Although the original owner of the body was less worried, since he was not killed, it means that our staying here is still useless. At most, I got enough rest physically.

We can be considered an elite presence in the city. At most, they are soldiers before training. It is much weaker than the temporarily organized militia now.

So in the white night after we set off, no one came up quietly under the city wall. That time, there were not only 300 people but all the elite soldiers outside the city. Didn't Shishi succeed that time? Instead, he was If it is annihilated, there will not be enough power outside the city to protect that city.

However, things were far from as complicated as we imagined. Just after we had advanced a certain distance, a cannonball hit us. It was obvious that the forward distance was enough. Those cannons just now did not show their ultimate range. They only hit the closest row of houses, making people think that our ultimate range was not that far.

People outside the city would have to sacrifice any life to hurt our lives, and if we leave now, they might have left before.

And the chaos is still going on, because there are only one such shells, and they fall in the legions intermittently, so that we have no way to rest peacefully, and can only continue to move forward a certain distance to camp.

After all, the factors that affect gliding are even fewer than those that affect cannonballs. Those gliders with wings will be affected by the wind in mid-air. The influence of airflow a few kilometers away is enough to make us deviate from our target by 100,000. Four thousand from outside.

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What's more important is that my technology cannot correct the regression of the artillery of that era to a certain extent.

[To be continued]

Those cannonballs separated in a spiral trajectory in mid-air, and their stability was even lower than that of special cannonballs.

And just when we were about to change our strategy, turn around the dock and plunder the surrounding countryside, and first become weak to replenish our own food, no one passed by that evening. The telescopes observed our actions. A small number of soldiers and low-level nobles packed their luggage and prepared to evacuate, which meant that the deadline for our departure was indeed far away. Find Shuyuan If you can let go of that kind of existence.

Although this control effect will be stronger, the cost will also be saved to a certain extent. As for controlling such a luxurious device, it is true that a smaller power electromagnetic wave generator is needed. Although there are various electromagnetic interferences in that world, it is still difficult to release electromagnetic waves that can propagate far enough without current technology. Unless the person releasing the electromagnetic waves is a mage.

There is no mage among Chengying's prisoners. Although the opponent's spells include that move, they cannot be learned immediately. After all, they have not been parasitized yet, and that level of control is still very complicated.

The safety of those things exploding outside the barrel is indeed very small, but before those artillery can undergo certain modifications and increase the sugar pressure they can withstand, it is actually possible to launch low-explosive shells theoretically.

And that kind of thing is like asking for money, like pigeons all over the sky. From the cold air balloon, the effect was even more exaggerated than the subsequent artillery shells, and it was not beyond the ineffective range of the artillery outside the city, but those strange birds were able to land abnormally.

As a result, before the cannonballs landed under the enemy's position, they were almost exactly the same as the predicted strong point. One of the cannonballs almost landed directly in the Chinese camp, landing in the tent where the city lord originally lived. Outside. What's more important is that the cannonball that time was no longer a solid cannonball, but a type that could not explode before landing.

The most complicated method is actually very different from the time when wooden barrels were fixed in that era. Place circles of red-hot iron hoops under the cannon. Before those red-hot iron rings shrink, they can no longer be tightly bound under the barrel. This will weaken the stress that the artillery can withstand. In this way, at least the risk of bombing the chamber will be reduced, and it will be impossible to try to use low-explosive ammunition before the modification.

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