Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 319 Developing Production

Cheng Ying did not expect that his opponent would collapse so easily as he expected. At least he would have to pay relatively heavy casualties. Relying on his absolute control over those bugs such as himself, through this kind of fearlessness of death Only with a charge can the opponent be pushed back, but now it seems that it is not that troublesome at all. After one charge from his side, the opponent was defeated.

It was much more fragile than he imagined. After his successful attack, the city now completely belonged to him. Enemies who can flee are easy to capture.

After routing the enemy, dozens of people may be able to capture thousands of people and come back. However, these unorganized opponents dropped their weapons one by one and surrendered in front of the well-organized pursuers even after winning.

They were then escorted to the city, and the city lord escaped with a small number of elites. However, even if those dozens of people fled to the barren mountains, it would be difficult for them to make a comeback.

After all, there are only cities that occupy space passages on this planet. Only then can they be considered as occupying a place in the future competition for hegemony. And now he has even lost this most remote city. Want to build a city where there is no spatial hub. The difficulty is simply not that great.

After Chengying occupied the city, he began to organize the restoration of production, and asked the people controlled by the bugs to return to their homes. After making an agreement, they released their control.

As for the agreement, it is not to reveal the fact that the city lords who are currently occupying the city are bugs. The bugs that are parasitic in their bodies will still remain parasitic. Once we reveal that information, we will be controlled immediately, and may even have our consciousness completely wiped out and turned into a puppet.

Before the battle that followed like walking zombies, those people were not very clear about the abilities of the parasites parasitic in our bodies. It cannot be said that once we had the idea of ​​informing, we would at least say one or two words. They will be weakly controlled. At that time, if they only pass on any information, they will lose their own lives.

On the other hand, he must be trying to send a message to the inside. If he abides by the rules honestly, he will be able to gain the freedom of his body at most. In those few days, he can't even control his body and can only watch himself log in. Get off the battlefield, and then let yourself be more frightened in the battle, killing enemies one after another.

That scene was simply scarier than a nightmare. We never wanted to experience that scene again, so we decisively sold our right to reveal information in exchange for physical freedom.

Even the subsequent city lord, who had escaped before, actually didn't know that the person who was ruling the city was actually a bug. I just thought that this nobleman from the surrounding area had made a conspiracy to attack me. Take my city. It means that the original city lord is not a bereaved dog yet. Even if the other party rises again, it is possible to think of the possibility that the city lord is not a bug.

Cheng Ying needs to know how people farm outside. What we grow is also a cereal plant. It is different from barley and rice, but it looks like it is the same type of grass. It's just that the ears grow at the top, but like corn, they grow between the gaps in the leaves. They are larger than the ears of rice and wheat, but you can't grab fewer under one plant. The difference in yield is small, and the advantages are Because the environmental requirements are so low, it cannot be planted even in relatively water-scarce areas in the mountains.

If you want that city to develop in the future, it must be people like them, if it works. In the future, their absolute execution of orders will be less efficient at the administrative level and worse than the current system. But until people's subjective initiative is developed in the future, people like them will not be an obstacle to the development of the times. You can create fewer obstacles. "

That means that the various mineral industries that can be mined outside cannot develop abnormally. If there is no such thing as a portal, that piece of fertile soil can be placed under the abnormal earth. The land of Longxing cannot support tens of millions or even fewer people.

After all, a race that cannot change into human form, cannot disguise itself as a human being, and cannot enslave humans through its own insect parasites is really terrible. If that race really wants to, all humans in the future will become that race. slave.

Chengying is not done yet and is ready to retreat and build outside. Because people outside did not have the convenience of portals, they suppressed the development of science and technology to a certain extent and stayed in the feudal empire era for too long. There is even some kind of worship for the invasion of void creatures. That is definitely a weak civilized future. We must also learn to resist the invasion of void creatures and control the spatial laws of the planet we live on.

The order assigned to us by the rider was a relatively boring job, so we simply showed off that we wanted to work, and then let these bugs take over the care of our bodies and perform repetitive and boring labor.

"They are so lazy. They actually want to make others like them. They don't even bother to control their own bodies. To be honest, I really want to completely destroy them." Cheng Ying asked me to apply. , people who let their relatives be parasitized cannot be said to be quite helpless.

Cheng Ying did not intend to compete with these people for the portal. Now that there are no other enemies around him, it is just suitable for farming, and there are no suitable rivers and fertile land around him. There is no foundation for the development of agriculture and industry. . I had the scouts back up and explore the surrounding area. We were able to find several large mountains in the distance. Before we dug out the layers outside to check the patterns, we brought back some rock samples, and some ores were found in them.

First of all, the farming method we use is still relatively primitive, and cattle farming has not yet become popular. Even for those who can use cattle farming, the plows they use are very laborious.

After observing the crops with relatively weak drought resistance, Cheng Ying gave a very low evaluation. As a staple food crop, it is not yet a very qualified and mature food.

At that point, many people think that being parasitized is a bad thing. Before being parasitized, they even worked hard. They only need to hand over these repetitive tasks to the bugs. They only need to be responsible for some things that require creativity. , requires the work of imagination.

The common solution to that problem is composting. You can't dig a hole and then move the compost pile away, nor can you pile it up and then cover it with a cloth. Is there a plastic sheet in that world? You can't directly remove a small amount of bacteria, but Among them, those that are harmless to plants and humans will increase slightly, and some substances in the feces will also be decomposed by bacteria, making it more difficult for plants to absorb them.

"Forget it, it's all their fault. That era was indeed not too good for special people. But you will continue to open up the parasitic quota. It's not whether you have this ability, but Such people will gradually lose interest in their own lives and boring processes, which will gradually kill their creativity.

The more they think about it, the more those people who have been returned to their homes feel that the news must not be revealed, but that it is impossible. The city lord who has guessed our true identity must find ways to completely kill me and definitely expose me. Otherwise, I am afraid that everyone in the entire continent will come to destroy us.

[To be continued]

Or maybe it was because the living standards of the lower class in that era were so poor, and living every day was so tiring, and life felt like death, so Youbi longed for no existence that could not help him live a difficult life.

Since no one else can know that, and we reveal it, the secret can hardly be kept forever, and we are the beneficiaries of that secret. Naturally, there will be no possibility of revealing secrets in the future.

Although the surrounding land is fertile and lacks water, the transportation is too convenient. People in that world are not used to the portal, and are used to being able to reach another vast land before crossing the portal. Two extremely distant places cannot be easily connected. The fight for fertile land was not so peaceful. What really attracts our attention is a hub with convenient transportation.

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In the ordinary natural environment of that world, it is understandable that civilization has developed like this, but technology cannot actually make up for the convenience of transportation to a certain extent. Even if there is no portal, the surrounding land hundreds of miles away cannot be controlled.

Before observing the local climate and environment, Cheng Ying believed that the former would be worse and more convenient. If it was to be promoted in the future, there would be no tricks like Shaogang's, and the surrounding small films would not be allowed to do so. The plains turned into fertile fields.

Moreover, if you let the bugs manage their own work, you can also get paid. Nothing bad like that. Some people even wanted to drag their family members along with them to be parasitized, but in the end, they were allowed to do so before we found the city lord.

At first, Xiaojia just thought that people who tried that method were crazy, but soon they found that that was not the case. People who tried to work that way were not punished in any way, and even took back control of their bodies before the work started. During the whole process, I completely let go of my body, and even my consciousness was still there. I fell asleep during the process and felt completely refreshed by the time I got to bed.

Before observing the seeds, you can find few problems by observing other people's planting methods.

After all, we are the heroes who helped the current city lord capture that city, and it will be extremely useful in the subsequent battles. If people like that were to be rewarded, even if a small number of them were descendants, they would probably receive even less land outside their families.

What the city lord said was quite difficult to understand for those few people who were once farmers in Keqian, but we still learned that our relatives were parasitized in Keqian. Before the news spread, the parasitized people were immediately shocked. They had mixed feelings.

Cheng Ying didn't say anything less to us, but also intended to enlighten us. If we can figure it out, even if we figure it out, that's all. What I want to do now is to develop productivity. In that city now In that world, it was a rather remote and barren area. There is no other city within a few hundred radius. It belongs to pure military strategists and is a place of contention.

Once these people who have not been parasitized know about it, all the insects and people who have not been parasitized by the insects will die, and they will be exterminated. As long as we think casually and reason about that kind of thing, we will realize the possibility of the future. The more we know that, the more we can reveal our identity.

From that point of view, it is a very wrong punishment to punish special people. Until there is no harm done, the group of people want to reveal the information even more strongly. After all, everything must be just what they say. Being able to enjoy wealth and honor, these people who died in the subsequent battles were not able to speak yet. It is possible to tell the truth and deprive us of our current life. If you must have kept secret the fact that the city lord is a bug, go to Shuyuan www. so others may know of any questions.

But there is a small plain all around, and that advantage is reflected in that territory.

To my surprise, the Lord of the Insect City seemed to value humans very much and planned to turn them all into my slaves. What I worry about is myself and others. In the future, we will always be the outliers among the small minority. Although no one knows this, it is like a time bomb. Once it is exploded, you can imagine how difficult our situation will be. Know.

And those must start from the initial development of productivity. The first step is not to investigate the degradation of various industries in that area. The most basic thing is to investigate the degradation of agriculture. In this era when muskets and small cannons were just invented, agriculture was still the foundation of a country and the top priority.

Just like that, the order of the city was restored very slowly. Those people who were parasitized by the bugs could not be said to obey the city lord's orders. They definitely wanted to hear what they wanted. The bugs in their bodies would help us obey the orders. And we have no room for resistance at all. We should take the initiative to execute orders. In that case, at most we have control over our bodies, and of course there are no weird ones.

And before we did that, we discovered that before we returned home, our family status had actually been improved to a considerable extent, because we were regarded as ministers of the dragon to a certain extent. It belongs to the lower class of the city now.

In addition, those people have mastered simple fertilizing techniques, but few of them throw the excrement of people and livestock directly outside the ground. At least they bury the excrement when plowing the ground, but the effect of fertilizing in this way is In fact, it is relatively poor, and if untreated manure is placed directly in the field, the harmless bacteria contained outside may cause various diseases to the plants.

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