Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 325: The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn’t stop

Chengying didn't want to get involved in the disputes on the mainland at this time, but it didn't mean that he didn't want external things to bother him. In the process of his development, the empire's struggle for hegemony also entered a fever pitch. A fierce rivalry had begun between the Rollin and Augustus families.

And the scope of competition has been expanded to the entire world scene. Now both of them have entered the finals. The troops of other nobles on the periphery need to surround them. At this time, they need to stand in line and choose one side. After joining, they must besiege the city of the other side. At the same time, after joining one camp and another A camp becomes a hostile party. If they meet each other, they will start a war with each other.

And this means that hatred has gradually subsided in these wars. The two cities that originally had no hatred for each other and did not need to fight to the death will also become enemies in such challenges. both sides.

Of course, there are also some relatively independent cities. They are all small cities and have little autonomy. If big cities are at war with each other, they even need to pass directly through them. That is to say, enter their city openly and then take a shortcut through their portal.

People in these small cities must cooperate with them. If they don't cooperate, they will directly attack their city, and then they won't even be able to retain this little bit of foundation.

On a certain level, they can survive simply because those powerful princes want to waste their troops under us when they are fighting for dominance. They will definitely waste their troops under us to fight against their real opponents. There is no chance of falling into the upper hand.

Considering one's own gains and losses, one can only spare the lives of those big cities, and that's all. It is possible to gain some sovereignty in the process.

Even those small cities will send guards. Specially guarding the interior of big cities allows us to suddenly rebel and cut off our front line before letting ourselves go.

Although the situation faced by the princes in the big cities was miserable, they often did not dare to resist at all. Very few princes were able to obtain a noble title in the future, and they all gave it up so humbly.

The one with the famous name thought that we had helped him in the past, and he would entrust the big city where we were.

Chengying thought about it briefly. We haven't made a decision yet. That kind of existence can definitely be let go. If we let it go, we will continue to be arrogant.

The city where Cheng Ying is currently located is also considered to be a big city with enough weight. Originally, it was as remote as we were, so even if no one wanted to use the road, they would always come to our side. But if there is a way, if important strategic locations must be completely blocked, even if it is a long way around. When not available, you have to contact us.

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But I didn't know that the city lord over there dared to speak less to me because of my majesty. In fact, the actual situation is more open. The prosperity and plurality of Wasteland City are far beyond our imagination, and it is even difficult for us to describe what kind of city it is. It’s just that the opponent’s strength is too weak now, so it’s convenient not to say anything. Wait for us. You can naturally see the situation outside before arriving at the place.

After the plan was formulated, Xiaojun immediately set off in the direction of Wasteland City. Along the way we passed a city that borrowed our teleportation channel. The local city lord didn't dare to say a word, so he could only open the city gate and let tens of thousands of small troops pass. After all, the portals leading to the wasteland city were relatively remote, and there was little possibility of expansion in the surrounding area.

As for the situation where we are willing, you have also considered that you only need to leave one force stationed inside the city before retreating. Guarding both sides of the portal allows the troops on both sides of the wilderness to take care of each other. This makes it difficult to control that city with a large number of troops.

Faced with the situation in front of us, the worst option is to wipe out the whole army, and the worst option is for everyone to run out. In that case, the Wilder family will completely decline. As for other members of my family who escaped alive, they should have received too detailed information. In this way, they can still develop with peace of mind for a period of time.

You can't directly allow us to provide you with front lines now. You must directly cross from there to the other side. Although it is not seven hundred miles away before you can approach the previous teleportation point, you can approach your target at the earliest, but with Wasteland City The food reserves are definitely enough to supply you.

We call that city the Wasteland City, which means that I built it in a wilderness that is extremely remote and no one wants to go there.

The worst way to annihilate the enemy is not to let the enemy go deep first. If you take the initiative to attack before going deep into the core area, even if the opponent escapes, he will still be out of the coverage of the territory. In the end, almost all the deserters will be killed. Catch it back.

"You will convey your request as soon as possible." After saying that, he came to the telegraph room and reported the news that the Wilder family's small army had retreated into the territory.

On a certain level, it is actually an opportunity. The territory always lacks population. The more the industry develops, the smaller the population it needs. The 50,000 troops captured will be treated as soldiers and sent back to the factory as prisoners. It's also bad.

How much wealth has been accumulated in your own territory? As long as you are blind, you can see. Seeing such little wealth, the other party may be greedy. If you open the city gate by yourself, the other party will definitely use that excuse to completely occupy the hub city. It is definitely overestimated. The greed of the enemy.

[To be continued]

The commander-in-chief didn't even get off his horse. That was not a very arrogant act. He was the lord of that mining city and could only be regarded as a big shot in the entire territory. At that time, he could only swallow his anger.

"It seems that the territories outside are indeed very good at smelting metal. It is said that it is an unknown family that will be included in the empire in the future. In this case, things will be bad. In addition to food, you even have a name for us to give you Provide certain weapons." The small army marched straight in and drove towards the mining city.

After all, our portal connects two different continents. It’s not like trying to cross under the land. We have to cross the ocean by boat. Faced with that situation, even if the retreating party is not more than 500 meters away, they can only choose to go from our side.

Apart from this, you can't find the city lord's relatives and friends. To imprison and control us. I'm sure the city lord of Wasteland City is your name, so I can't threaten the lives of my relatives and friends. If you won that war, nothing can be made up for. In the future, if the city lord of Wasteland City is given a certain amount of compensation, the relationship can be improved.

Faced with such a small number of troops, the city lord of the mining city did not intend to make any defensive moves. After all, the strength of the enemy and you were too disparate, and resistance would only lead to death.

The commander of the Wilder family looked at the map drawn in front of him and pointed the tip of his pen sharply under this remote city.

The mining city is just a city without walls, and there are not many soldiers stationed there. A small number of them are just stationed outside for defense and to maintain public order.

However, what we are facing is also something that has not disappeared since that era. As the cavalry retreated, no city could be seen far behind, although there was no city wall. But the scale is large at all. It is built far away from the mountain. There are also a small number of busy residents living in the city. Judging from the thick smoke coming out of the city, there should be a junction of coal mines and iron mines outside. land.

It must be that if I didn't have that kind of skills, all the cavalry on hand would have to be replaced by heavy cavalry. How could they be invincible under Xiaolu? Even the Luo Lin family might be able to compete with us in a head-on challenge.

Cheng Ying never thought that no one would retreat into my territory so slowly. That was no different from the subsequent plan. It was still too early to show his trump card at that time, but it was still possible to let us pass directly.

Even if you don't consider the urgent relationship at all, as long as you are famous enough to open the Wasteland City, you can only choose to surrender.

The coach of the Qian Gongying family. Following 70,000 cavalry, galloping in the wilderness, the smoke and dust raised by the horse's hooves was like a special sandstorm in nature, and the scene of covering the sky and the sun was like the end of the world in that era. There are many legions that can block such an existence, and they are almost invincible in a field battle.

However, those things were all in the past. The commander rode on his horse and announced to the city lord of that city: "Tell their lord. The Wilder family's army wants to borrow their city's portal and opens the city gate to resist. Otherwise, you think their city lord knows the consequences."

"If you want to attack Luo Lin's front, you can only pass through Wasteland City. You may attack the castle run by the Lister family.

The commander shook his head: "He is the one who settled the accounts, and your frontline supplies must come from your own bodies. Although Wasteland City is remote, it does not have its advantages. In such a remote place, there are No one competes with us. In terms of our own situation, with more people and less land, we must have been able to have a good harvest of food in those years. We have abundant supplies, but we are alone. With your small army pressing the border, we must have no choice but to Open the city gate and let you pass through it. Since you haven't retreated from the city yet, you must occupy the dominant position in that city.

You must have won that battle. The Liszt family is flanked by you on both sides. You cannot retreat and surround it from the cities on both sides of it at the same time. If we retreat and encircle it like that, if it takes a long time, we will have no choice but to surrender.

Just go to this strategic location. They haven't all been blocked by the Luo Lin family's allies yet. In that case, unless we attack these cities or take them up, there will be no way to get back to our destination.

The city under the wasteland has developed less badly than they imagined. Although the number of main cities has not increased, there is only one, but the population is very small, although have you ever counted it? At most if it is less than the population of your city. "

The commander-in-chief of the Wilder family had seen similar workshops before, so he was not too surprised. It was not until he got closer and closer to the scale of the workshop that he discovered that he could not help but sigh. There is indeed no means of governance.

A city whose name is likely to be borrowed. They are also remote cities, and their strength is not generally weak. Even if the city is conquered there, it has no important strategic value. The real role is actually to bypass the blockade from there when the strategic hub is completely blocked, and wait until the real strategic location is conquered. , such a big place has little value.

This made the commander of the Wilder family pay more attention to the military strength of that territory, which had such a weak ability to smelt steel. It turned out to be a few, training some soldiers. It would be a waste to leave that kind of technology to us.

Everyone immediately realized that the plan was indeed not very feasible, and they all agreed. So what if a big city in a remote area like that bullies us? Looking for, we can’t find the seventh city at all. It’s impossible to fight back?

It was the city lord who reminded me with bad intentions: "They may not know the situation in Garden City very well. They must be careful when passing by and be as polite as possible to the city lord.

It means that you are not weaker than our family. Even if it is weaker, the power required for engineering is much less than that for defense. Even if gunpowder weapons now allow the city's offense and defense to be attacked in the future, the difficulty of the same attack may increase to a considerable extent. This is what you can fight now. Even if you can fight back, you don't have much strength to organize the subsequent retreat? "

Did the Commander-in-Chief make any comment on that suggestion? I think the population on this side of Wasteland City is even smaller. It's a very famous thing. After all, the area here is outside this area. On such a small area, the wasteland

The Wilder family faces just that problem. We are now loyal allies of the House of Augustus. The remote city that was ordered to attack the Luo Lin family was not an isolated one among the seven cities.

As long as we can occupy the city we are in, Wasteland City will become a transportation artery in the future. Do you still need to worry about what we think then? "

The staff officer frowned for a reason, and he did not fully agree with that opinion: "Theoretically, you cannot detour. But you have to cross the wasteland 700 meters away at most. It is too difficult to retreat and resupply across such a long distance. Yes, over a long distance, transporting food for one person requires eating eight people on the road. However, even if you can get close to the city, the frontline pressure you face will not allow you to besiege the city. We even need to send troops. For support, you only need to defend in the city and wait until your front line can be maintained."

A small amount of coal and iron ore were transported there to be smelted into steel.

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