Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 326 Armored Train

After passing the first town, the Wilder family's cavalry gradually discovered that this territory was completely different from other places. After arriving in this territory, they saw smooth roads and railways that extended to places that could not be seen in the distance. These things could never be seen in other territories, especially the long railways. It is really unimaginable for them that good steel is used as road material.

When they asked the city lord to provide a large amount of food and materials in the city, the city lord didn't resist at all. But when they wanted to dismantle the railway tracks and take them back to cast into weapons, the city lord almost fought them desperately. .

"Is there something wrong with you? Why do you want to demolish our railway tracks? Do you know that if you demolish the railway tracks, the railway will be cut off from here? Do you know how much steel and materials will be lost in a day if the railway is cut off? ? We still need railways to transport food. If it is cut off, do you know that all the people in the city will starve to death?"

Many members of the Wilder family were confused by the city lord's rage. Immediately afterwards, the city lord also knew that he was now alone. If he provoked this army, he would not end well. So he still said in a slightly gentle tone: "If you really want steel, there is no problem, just tell me directly. I have all the cast steel here, and even if you want swords, you can provide it directly to me. We can also build and hand over armor to you. Why are you dismantling our railways? Get your people back now. Our spare rails can be reinstalled. Otherwise, the train will not be able to arrive. The consequences will be fundamental. It’s not something a little person like me can afford.”

Commander Wilder didn't want to agree at first, but he saw the cast steel ingots delivered by the city lord. I still gave up my plan to steal the railroad tracks. Compared to these fine cast steel ingots and fine swords. It's really not worth it to get those rails.

This place is originally a coal and steel industrial complex, and the most indispensable thing is steel. After sending a lot of steel, the group of cavalry was finally sent away. The princess breathed a sigh of relief and spat on the ground.

"Bah, a bunch of beggars who have never seen the world! If I had known you were such a thing, I should have contacted the lord and asked him to send an army to destroy you quickly. I am so happy with a little steel. I don't know, that is just our output in a week , when we get to a prosperous place and see the world, we won’t be so scared that you bunch of bumpkins will kneel on the ground.”

Although the members of the Wilder family were not so frightened that they knelt on the ground, they were still extremely shocked when they walked along the road and saw the roaring train coming in the distance. Some of the less courageous soldiers even fell to the ground. Many of the war horses were out of control and fled in all directions when the train rushed over.

After all, such a huge beast as a train cannot exist in nature. Even in this magical world where giant dragons exist, there are almost no such exaggerated creatures in nature. Although these war horses have been trained, some have even been trained to charge amidst the sound of gunfire. But it was still unbearable in the face of such a behemoth.

But after all, this is the elite army of the Wilder family. Soon there will be knights who can endure this terrifying roar. Chased back those who escaped. Some of them were even whipped in the army as models. Under such warning, when they encountered the train again on the road, no one finally ran away. But when I saw those fully loaded carriages passing by at high speed, I still couldn't help but feel shocked.

Some of these carriages are filled with grain, and some are filled with minerals or steel.

Compared with the steel just obtained from that mining city, the amount of steel contained in these trains is too much. It is no wonder that the people in the mining city there do not let them destroy the railway. Compared with the materials that the railway can transport, the little steel consumed by the railway track seems to be nothing.

"Who is the lord of this territory? He is able to make his territory so rich." The commander of the Wilder family couldn't figure out what was going on at this time. Steel is almost a resource like hard currency in this era. Since the vast majority of steel is produced in workshops, every piece of qualified steel is worth a fortune here. If it could be made into a sword, the price would even be calculated in gold coins.

A sword costs almost several years of a family's gross product to purchase. What we are talking about here is not savings, but gross production, that is, without food or drink.

One can imagine how expensive these things are. After Chengying improved the smelting technology, the efficiency of steel production has obviously been greatly improved. Steel, which was originally extremely expensive, can now only be regarded as an ordinary tool. Every ordinary family can own at least one iron pot. Have iron farm tools, iron kitchen utensils, a set of knives and scissors, and if you have a little more money, you can also own agricultural equipment such as iron seeders.

As for the metal products that are needed in industry, there are more metal products. What is needed is not just steel, but all kinds of metals, even in this era. Aluminum is more precious than gold.

For this era, aluminum is almost impossible to smelt, and it is rare and expensive. Although it is not clear what this material, which is not as strong as steel, can do. But the value of this thing is extremely precious. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is priceless. If Wilder were to see the planes in the territory at close range. Observing that the material of the aircraft skin is all aluminum, I am afraid that my troops will directly seize the aircraft and peel off all the aluminum alloy skin outside.

That thing is precious enough to buy a small city, but the value of aluminum will definitely gradually decline over time and with the change of technology, and will plummet. After all, even if it is not stored in the earth's crust, There is also a lot of aluminum metal, and unlike gold, it is not a truly rare element.

Originally, Wilder was considering robbing the trains here, but on the one hand, these trains allowed him to see the powerful strength of the lord of this territory. On the other hand, the huge power contained in these running trains also made him a little afraid. In his opinion, the greatest possibility of such high-speed moving behemoths is magical creations, and it is difficult to say whether such magical creations have powerful attacks. At least he had no idea how to stop these trains. My own knights galloped past, and if I pushed my horse with all my strength, I could run faster than a train. But the best they could do was climb onto the train. Not sure how to get him to stop. Perhaps stacking rocks on the train tracks could help. But whether this really makes sense is unclear.

A huge monster traveling at such a high speed, with ordinary stones piled up on the track, would probably be knocked away by him. As for what will happen if the boulder is transported and the train collides with it? It could be that the car crashed and people were killed, or it could be that the train flew directly off the track. In that case, the flying train might kill all the people in ambush next to it.

Some people have also considered that the train will actively brake when it encounters a boulder. But before they really understand the principle of this thing, they still don't plan to rob this thing. If they encounter a boulder, this thing will not stop, but super change, and its form will change into a train giant.

The consequences would be disastrous. If you turned into a giant at your size, you would definitely be able to smash them all into meat pies with one punch.

As the army continued to advance, they gradually became cautious, and orderly fields began to appear around the core territory.

It is different from the small patches of farmland in other places. The farmland here is connected with each other and covers a vast area. The fields planted by each household are of exactly the same specifications. Large tracts of fields are connected together. Neat roads connect these fields. The crops on the fields are also growing neatly. At a glance, It is impossible to see the end. It is difficult to imagine how so many fields were cultivated to be so flat, and how they were planted and harvested?

But the food on this vast field alone means endless wealth to people of this era. If they can plant such a wide field and harvest so much food every year, just imagine Grain reserves in granaries. You will understand how wealthy this place is.

Cheng Ying had gradually realized the power of the territory until the group of cavalry approached this distance. When they saw steel and trains before, they might have attributed these things to magic. I think there might be a great magician or a powerful alchemist in the territory.

Although the powerful men are strong, they still have to shy away from the organized and disciplined 50,000 cavalry. After all, there are still several third-level beings among the cavalry. If they lead the cavalry to launch an attack, even the legendary mage will fall when faced with them.

But after seeing the vast farmland, people of this era can clearly understand how powerful the productivity is on this land and how many soldiers it can support.

If they were really aggressive, it would be possible to recruit 100,000 soldiers from just this city.

And with their steel output, they can arm these soldiers to the teeth. This means that there is only one city in this territory. The combat power they can display is definitely no worse than that of the Wilder family. Then even if we really want to borrow a road from here, I'm afraid we will have to change our strategy.

The commander of the Wilder family thought this but did not realize it. The lord here didn't even think about talking to them, but was preparing to make dumplings for them.

After they penetrated deep into the territory, armored trains under maintenance roared into action on several railways built around the territory. The trains were equipped with heavy cannons, and there were many shooting holes on the trains. , allowing the soldiers inside to aim along these places, and in places where railways extend in all directions, these armored trains can shuttle freely. Cover a large area within your attack range.

The prey has walked into the trap, and it is natural for the hunter to take action. The Wilder family's army did not realize how dangerous their situation was. Until they heard the roar of steam engines from all directions.

Trains were passing by at high speeds, emitting white smoke, and there was obviously a huge difference in style between these armored trains and those transporting goods, even though I didn't recognize them. But just looking at the muzzle protruding from the train and the sturdy outer shell of the train itself makes you realize that these are real weapons of war.

"Be on alert and prepare to attack!" The commander of the Wilder family was relatively decisive. At this time, there was no consideration for negotiation and the like. The other party had already arrived at his door, so he definitely did not come with any peaceful thoughts.

The heavy cavalry formed a charging formation. The light cavalry also galloped out, preparing to attack from the flanks and harass the enemy. However, they soon found themselves facing a huge problem. Find Shuyuan That is, the enemy did not appear on the frontal battlefield at all, only armored trains appeared. Of course, it is not true that there were no infantry, but these infantry were ambushed in the trenches near the railway. It is difficult to observe them from the ground.

Their purpose is to protect the railway. Ensure that the railway is not actively destroyed during the battle. The armored trains provided fire cover for them. Ensure that enemy attacks will not fall on them.

The light cavalry rushed to the armored train and fired the short bow in the direction of the armored train. The precise bow and arrow hit the armored train. However, it had no effect at all. The train protected by the steel armor rushed past, and those archers were not qualified to tickle him.

Someone wanted to use a bow and arrow to jam the gap between the rails and the wheels. However, he only saw that the bow and arrow he shot were easily crushed by the wheels, without causing any impact at all.

Just when they were considering whether to rush forward and cut down the rails with their swords, black muzzles protruded from the armored train one after another. Then bursts of white smoke were shot out.

You can't see the trajectory of the bullet at all, and most people don't even know they were hit by something. He screamed and fell from his horse.

The captain of the light cavalry immediately led his troops away. During the evacuation process, a large number of them fell to the ground in a crackling design. The inexplicable death was like a curse, which made people extremely frightened. The heavy cavalry tried to get closer. The bullets hit their bodies, some of them bounced off the armor, and some of them killed the horses.

Many heavy cavalry fell to the ground and broke their necks, and there were larger caliber weapons waiting to deal with them.

[To be continued]

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