Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 327 Extraordinary Battle

In the face of ordinary bullets, the armor of heavy cavalry still has a certain degree of defense. After all, the power of firearms in this era is actually relatively limited. The limitation of processing accuracy causes the muzzle to often leak. In this case, the initial speed of the bullet is actually slower than that of later bullets.

Even so, the heavy cavalry were not in a good situation under the intensive shooting. Because their knights' horses do not necessarily have enough protection on their bodies.

Shoot men first and horses first, especially heavy cavalry. Although horses also have armor on their bodies, they are not as tightly covered as those on humans.

And once they fall from their horses, it is difficult for them to move normally on the ground with their heavy armor. In this case, when they fall, they may even be killed directly or be trampled by the horses of their comrades behind them. Below, he turned into a corpse on the battlefield.

Even if they managed to get up, they would not be much of a threat on the battlefield with their speed of movement.

What's more, the more powerful weapon on the armored train is not the shooter on the car, but the artillery mounted on the train.

The train stopped after arriving at the shooting station. Then the artillery on the vehicle began to turn. Facing the direction of their enemies, they then opened fire in unison. Amidst the fierce roar, heavy cannonballs flew out at supersonic speeds, penetrating the chests of knights one after another. In front of these cannonballs, the steel armor on their bodies was completely invisible. It had no effect, and even the humans and horses were smashed into pieces.

There was no chance of survival under the indiscriminate bombardment. What's more, the heavy artillery that can be installed on the train has more powerful firepower, and there are even high-explosive warheads that can install bombs inside. If they fall among the enemy, they will cause a large amount of damage.

After the train stops, the infantry on the train will get off directly from the train. Establish your own position under a wider area. The infantry in the front will ambush in the trenches dug before, attack the enemies who try to get closer, and cover the artillery behind them.

The artillery behind them used mortars with a relatively simple structure. This kind of weapon has a simple structure and is suitable for mountain combat. Although it is not the most suitable on such a battlefield, it is the easiest to mass-produce.

One after another, the artillery shells fell into the enemy's position in an arc, bursting out with brilliant explosions again and again. One of the most sharp cavalry regiments of this era was in disarray in the face of such bombings. The soldiers do not know the generals, and the generals do not know the soldiers. The entire legion was simply unable to command in such chaos, especially since the war horses ran around uncontrollably after hearing the roar of the explosion.

At the same time, in the chaotic military formation. The extraordinary ones finally gathered together, and they were able to barely survive the fire. It's not because their bodies can withstand these shells. The existence of the first and second levels, facing the bombardment of artillery shells, will definitely die if they are hit. But they can rely on their own hearing and their own vision to make judgments. Roughly calculate the trajectory of the cannonball. Then avoid locations that may be bombed in advance. This is a time of life and death crisis. Still barely able to do it. But if faced with a blanket bombing, I'm afraid it's still powerless.

At this time, they finally gathered and organized, and under the roar of the general, they formed a charging formation.

The war horses under their crotches are not ordinary horses, but war horses with the blood of Warcraft. Only such a war horse can still calmly obey the master's control during the explosion.

"The enemy's train is really terrifying. We must be the first to destroy it. Otherwise, I'm afraid the entire army here will be annihilated. Ordinary soldiers have no hope. We each bring our own soldiers. Guard, charge forward! Wait until the chariot is destroyed, then collect the defeated troops and fight the enemy's main force again.

Our opponents are all courageous bandits who do not dare to fight us, but only dare to hide in caves. As long as we defeat their most proud weapon, the victory of this battle will still belong to us. "

The commander-in-chief could only say these words to boost morale, but in fact they had failed strategically. Before reaching the portal, there were already heavy casualties. Next, they have no choice but to escape back to their own territory, but that means that the mission issued by the alliance leader has completely failed. Next, they will either face punishment from the alliance, or they will be given compensation, ceding territory and paying compensation, either of which may be easy for them. The family has completely declined.

And all of this was due to this wasteland city living in an extremely remote area. He really couldn't imagine why such a remote area could erupt with such terrifying combat power.

But I can't control that much at this time. Leading the elite soldiers, they charged in the direction of the driving practice.

They could determine the impact point of the cannonballs and hear the whistling sound of the cannonballs flying through the air. If the whistling sound is sharp enough, it means that they are in the position where the artillery shell is about to bomb. You must avoid it as much as possible.

Relying on this judgment, this group of elite cavalry avoided the bombardment of artillery shells time and time again, covering themselves and their horses with the fighting spirit in their bodies. In this way, it is difficult for ordinary bullets to cause damage to the body, and the war horse will not be shot due to this.

It seemed that as long as they rushed in front of the train and launched a swarm attack, it would be enough to destroy the train.

The attack they could unleash by focusing each other's strength on Jiang Yong was indeed enough to cut off or fly such a heavy train.

Seeing that their plan was about to succeed, many gliders suddenly appeared in mid-air. They quickly approached the battlefield and came to the sky above the cavalry.

Then I saw these people on hang gliders. He took out javelins from his back and threw them fiercely in the direction of the cavalry.

After aiming at them and throwing them, the javelin activated its rocket thruster in mid-air.

Each tag is at the tail end and has four thrusters. The four thrusters are not completely facing backward, but are tilted at an angle. After being ignited, the javelin rotated at high speed in mid-air. During the rotation process, the propulsion stability immediately rises to a higher level.

What's the angle when it's almost thrown? During the flight, it maintains the same angle and continues to accelerate.

Straight tracks were drawn in the sky, falling toward the cavalry on the ground.

For a moment, if you are facing a hail of bullets and these tags not only have the ability to penetrate armor at high speed. A war horse was hit by a javelin and penetrated its body. The knight was in grief, but the horse still galloped strong. He did not die immediately because his body was penetrated.

With the bloodline of Warcraft, he has extremely powerful vitality. Even if you are destined to die, you must complete your mission.

However, the reality was more cruel than he imagined, and the javelin that penetrated him did not stop. Instead, it exploded violently inside his body, and the war horse was directly blown into pieces of flesh. The knight on top was also impacted and was blown away.

The formation of the cavalry suddenly became chaotic. These projected tags can explode.

Those who used gliders immediately increased their altitude after launching their weapons. Circle back up and launch again.

Among the knights on war horses, some also reacted at this time and chose to fight back.

Raise your bow and arrow. He poured his fighting energy into the bow and arrow, and shot meteors in opposite directions into the sky.

Such counterattacks did have a considerable effect. Meteors rising in the opposite direction hit the glider in the sky, but the glider was not damaged. When they saw clearly what was happening in the sky, they were surprised to see that those hang gliders were covered with fighting spirit.

These people who control hang gliders flying in the sky are actually extraordinary people. The number was actually no less than that of the knights, and there were even more such gliders flying from behind. The number far exceeds the current batch on the battlefield.

As these people began to step on the hang glider with their legs, they saw the propeller at the tail of the hang glider rotating rapidly, pushing them higher into the sky. Then it swooped down again like a falcon from high in the sky.

By the speed of their dive and the sheer force of their throws. The javelins were even faster than some cannonballs. And the throw is very close. In this case, the hit rate is extremely high. Even if the knights raise their shields to resist, sometimes they can't stop it at all, and the shield may even be penetrated by the javelin.

If the javelin was inserted into the shield but did not penetrate it, the subsequent violent explosion would also blow away the knights and horses.

In this way, they cannot maintain their formation and concentrate all their strength on one person. Even their commander rushed near the train. Relying on one's own strength, it is extremely difficult to completely destroy the train.

Seeing the knights around him being killed one by one, the commander was extremely angry at this time. The fighting spirit in his body exploded, and he swung his sword fiercely towards the sky.

Then he saw a white rainbow turning into a crescent moon and flying towards the sky at high speed, even faster than a thrown javelin.

Wherever it passed, the hang glider and the soldiers on it were immediately cut into two halves, and blood spilled into the sky.

However, this attack also consumed a huge amount of fighting energy in his body. Enemies in the sky are far away and have the advantage of being at a commanding height. His attacks hit the target exactly as they were intended, and they still remain powerful enough. It's really not an easy task.

At this time, the glider in the sky flew down again. Theoretically, a hang glider can only use updrafts to continuously levitate in mid-air. If there is no updraft, it will have to fall down.

But this is not entirely the case. The steam engines of this era were not small enough to be used on airplanes. But that doesn’t mean that hang gliders in this era can’t have their own power. Pedal power is also a source of motivation.

Riding a hang glider like riding a bicycle is difficult for ordinary people to do. After all, a person's power is very limited. Even if he pedals desperately, the power he can provide to the hang glider is very limited.

But if it were an extraordinary person, it would be another matter. Their strength is great enough that even just relying on the power of their legs can provide enough power for gliding like the engines of an airplane. You can directly increase your flight altitude without updraft.

In this way, they can repeatedly hover over the enemy and launch attacks. More importantly, their attack weapons are not just javelins. As extraordinary people, they are naturally equipped with the most advanced weapons.

After the tags on their bodies were used up, they also picked up the machine guns on their bodies, and these can be fired continuously, but they are difficult to mass-produce because of their high price. They are installed on ordinary soldiers, but as elites, they Equipped with a small number of similar weapons is entirely possible.

As they dived downward, they raised the machine guns in their hands and fired at the knights below. The knights also used bows and arrows to fight back at them. The fighting spirit on each other's bodies withstood a large number of attacks. But the number of bullets is obviously much more than that of bows and arrows. Although the power is not greater than that of bows and arrows, the advantage is that there is no need to consume fighting energy during the shooting process, and all the fighting energy can be used to defend oneself.

Those who choose to shoot back with arrows must focus their fighting spirit on the sword to reach a high enough level to break through the enemy's fighting spirit defense. At this time, the fighting spirit to protect oneself is not enough to withstand the bullets. If two or three bullets hit the body, the defense may be broken. The parts of the body that are not covered by armor may be penetrated by bullets and killed in one hit.

During the charge, a large number of losses had already occurred. Even before they reached the vicinity of the train, more than half of the losses were already suffered. Under the restraint of the hang gliders in the sky, the Beyonders from behind also quickly rushed to the battlefield. During the dive, he threw all the javelins on his body, then circled around and returned to the front of the train. He directly released his glider, allowing them to glide freely towards the back of the position, while he jumped off. He took out his large-caliber firearm from his back. The extraordinary beings who face the enemy form the last line of defense.

Although they are academic extraordinary people, they do not lack the courage to fight to the death on the battlefield. Even because they have been locked up in the school for a long time, they are even more eager for a hearty battle at this time.

Facing the enemy's defeated remnants, they had more numbers, more advanced weapons, and higher morale. Each of them burst out with their own fighting spirit and charged in the direction of the enemy. There was no one in the sky who had jumped off the hang glider. , are not warriors, they are a rarer number of mages. At this time, they are swaying their casting materials in the mid-air to construct powerful spells. Colorful bombings fall from the sky, giving the enemy a brutal bombing before fighting with several parties. .

[To be continued]

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