Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 812 The Mandarin

In the original work, the Mandarin was just an actor. Even so, Chengying was still prepared to confirm it himself.

With all the mental power scanned, in such a small place on the earth, where he wants to go is basically just a matter of thought. After locking the Mandarin's position, Cheng Ying took the Ice Emperor and stepped out, in the space The blue ripples disappeared in a flash, and the two of them disappeared.

"Where have they gone?" Maya was panicked when she saw this scene for the first time. Is this a national secret? Will she be sent to be silenced if she accidentally sees it? It’s terrible!

"Those two are old rice dumplings who traveled across the interstellar world and came back alive. It's normal for them to have such abilities." Tony was used to it. One day Cheng Ying said that he was the leader of the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates, codenamed Boros, and Tony was surprised. letter.

"Oh my god! They just went to explore the interstellar world? How scary are the aliens?" Maya looked in a daze, and suddenly felt that the Extremis virus was not a big problem.

Tony didn't answer. The answer was too shocking. The final BOSS would invade the earth and destroy half of all life in the universe with just a snap of his fingers. This was outrageous! Tony even doubted whether technology could deal with such a guy.

On the other side, Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor appeared in an antique small courtyard. Although the plot of Iron Man 3 is quite unfriendly to Chinese people, after it became a reality in the movie, the Mandarin's residence did indeed have a lot of charm. Different national styles.

Obviously, a series of videos of The Mandarin should have been shot here. As an actor, being able to play the leader of a terrorist organization so vividly is considered a skill.

The two of them swaggered past the guard, but the other party seemed not to notice them at all.

After passing through the courtyard, which was just a set area, the two came to the real area for people to rest. The moment Cheng Ying opened the door, he felt a layer of illusion shrouding the two of them. Although the method of casting the illusion was very clever, the mental strength of both parties was not enough. The gap was so big that Chengying felt like he was holding two branches above his head and pretending to be a tree. Not only is there no sense of crisis, it's even a bit funny.

In the illusion, the Mandarin was fighting with two goblins on the bed. The various postures opened Chengying's eyes and he admired the imagination of the creator of the illusion.

He swore that he did not immediately break the illusion, just because he wanted to analyze and learn this set of techniques, and it had nothing to do with the three on the bed.

"Huh? How come Xiao Bing didn't break the illusion? Her mental power shouldn't be enough to see through..." Cheng Ying secretly glanced at the Ice Emperor and found that the little Loli was blushing and staring at her with big eyes. On the bed.

"Hahahaha! Then I don't have to pretend to be a gentleman!" Cheng Ying saw that Ice Emperor was also watching, and immediately stopped pretending to analyze spells, come on! Let’s watch together! Is it still illegal to watch movies with your wife?

The two of them not only watched, but also commented: "The two girls look pretty good, but the Mandarin is so frustrated that he even took off his fake beard. This is so embarrassing!" Ice Emperor whispered.

"Those two women are just average. White people look okay from a distance, but their pores are too big up close! Damn it, is the performer a pervert? I can see mites in the pores! Hiss~ It's so disgusting!" Cheng Ying said. A shiver.

A pair of iron hands had touched a foot behind his back just now. When he said these words, he was stunned. The word "spell caster" came out. This guy obviously saw through this illusion, why didn't he expose it!

The real Mandarin hidden behind Cheng Ying froze in place, what the hell? What's wrong with someone who's obviously seen through it and still looks at it with gusto?

Because the state of mind fluctuated, the illusion also appeared laggy and unnatural. Cheng Ying naturally discovered this, frowned and said without looking back: "Why don't you continue? It's the critical moment!"

The Mandarin: "..."

It’s your brother-in-law at this critical moment! Why don't you take me seriously at all? The Mandarin has ten rings on his hand, like a nouveau riche, but in fact each of these ten rings has a special ability.

Chengying must come and take a look at this actor.

It's because the Mandarin actually exists, and is actually quite strong.

The most important thing is that the source of this man's power is his ring. Although the setting seems to be that only he knows how to use the ring, as long as the Mandarin is captured alive, he should be able to know how to use the ring.

Before Cheng Ying could take action, Lord Mandarin took action first. He felt that his vision went dark and he couldn't see anything.

"It's not an illusion? This is..." Cheng Ying was also stunned for a moment. The loss of vision did not affect his perception of the surroundings. He reacted instantly: "Did it disperse the light around me? It's a very practical little trick. Ability, but it’s a pity it’s useless to me!”

Cheng Ying casually dodged Lord Mandarin's claws and threw him to the ground with his backhand. Although Lord Mandarin's physical fitness was not bad, he was far behind Cheng Ying and was easily killed instantly.

But this old guy had ten rings, so he still had a lot of work. As soon as he fell to the ground, he used a hundred thousand volts, crackling discharge, and bounced Cheng Ying's hand away.

There is no way, Cheng Ying is really not good at hand-to-hand combat, he is only good at dealing with big moves.

"Is this level of electricity? I'm a little disappointed. I thought you could make a plasma cannon with your bare hands. That would at least be somewhat useful." Cheng Ying's hands were not even broken, so this kind of attack power was of little use to him. .

Immediately afterwards, he felt that a gravitational force suddenly appeared between him and the Ice Emperor, and it actually pulled the two of them into each other. Chengying did not resist, and hugged the Ice Emperor casually, which could make ordinary people The terrifying power of being smashed into flesh can only add a little more interest to Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor.

"Manipulating gravity? It's somewhat useful, but it's too weak! It's spicy!"

With a bang, the Mandarin was blasted out by a powerful repulsive force and hit the wall, creating a large human-shaped crater.

"It's much weaker than expected! The ten rings are pretty functional."

Cheng Ying watched Lord Manchu control the wind blade and cut it towards him, and couldn't help but shook his head. The use of wind can only reach this level, so the effect of this ring is also limited.

Without even trying to dodge, the wind blade disappeared in front of Cheng Ying. An attack of this magnitude could not even break through the soul barrier he used to protect himself.

If the Mandarin doesn't realize that he has kicked the iron plate at this time, then there may be a big problem with his IQ.

It was impossible to beat him. He showed off his various abilities, but they did not dodge or dodge, and easily resolved them. The gap was too big, so walking was the best strategy. He thought that no one could stop him if he wanted to leave. Live, so he confidently activated the ring with the teleportation ability.

[To be continued]

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