Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 813: Stripped

The Mandarin confidently used his skills to run away, leaving a provocative middle finger to Cheng Ying, and then... he flickered on the spot, and the teleportation was successful, but he appeared in the same place.

The atmosphere was very awkward for a moment. The Mandarin looked at his middle finger and didn't know whether he should take it back.

"I said...this gesture is used to express friendship in my hometown. Do you believe it?" Cold sweat broke out on the Mandarin's forehead.

"I believe it!" Cheng Ying nodded, and pointed a middle finger at Lord Mandarin. Spiritual power as if it were substance spurted out from his fingertips and shot straight towards Lord Mandarin.

The two rings on the Mandarin's body flashed at the same time, and his legs exploded with inhuman strength. At the same time, he controlled the power of the wind, reduced his weight, and tried to dodge.

It's a pity that Cheng Ying's mental power reached him in almost no time. Seeing that he couldn't escape, the Mandarin also gritted his teeth and used his trump card ability.

In an instant, the temperature around him dropped to close to absolute zero, and Cheng Ying's mental power was temporarily frozen.

When Ice Emperor saw this scene, his eyes lit up: "This ring is useful, the temperature just now was very low, a little lower than what I can make!"

The Mandarin managed to dodge the attack and was already out of breath. After hearing the Ice Emperor's words, he instantly released his fire ability towards her. Ice and fire were incompatible. Since the Ice Emperor said that his ice was not as cold as his, then similarly, his Fire should also be able to harm the Ice King.

Before the blazing flames even got close to the Ice Emperor, they were all extinguished and disappeared.

"Who gave you the illusion that you can defeat me if you have that ring?" The Ice Emperor sneered. The quality of that kind of ice is just higher than hers, but the quantity is much less.

The Mandarin once again wasted his energy. There was not much power left, so he had to launch a decisive move. He chose an angle that could hit two people at the same time. After a ring glowed, it lost its luster. It was obviously short. Time is unavailable.

The light emitted from the ring also made Cheng Ying feel threatened. Without any hesitation, he used Best Metal, turned it into a sphere, completely wrapped the two rings, and waited for the impact of the beam to disappear before taking back Best Metal again. , turned into a metal ball,

No matter what kind of attack it is, it is impossible to damage the Best Metal, and the two of them protected by the metal inside are all intact.

"This is impossible! How could anything be able to block this blow! This is the ability to directly destroy the molecular bonds between atoms. After being hit, no matter what it is, it will be shattered! How did you resist!"

Not just molecules, even pure substances have regular atomic arrangements. If all the bonds are destroyed, they will indeed be shattered into pieces.

"Don't think that your ability is absolute, because sooner or later, absolute power will appear." Chengying approached the Mandarin unhurriedly. The moment just now was still very dangerous, even though Chengying and Ice Emperor were decomposed. The body will not die, but this body that has been painstakingly worked on may have to start all over again.

The Mandarin's ring has lost its luster and can no longer be used. Even so, Chengying did not take back the best metal, always guarding against the Mandarin's sudden attack.

Sure enough, the Mandarin did not sit still and wait for death. The moment Cheng Ying approached, he brazenly interfered with Cheng Ying's body and wanted to reorganize his body at the molecular level.

"Ah! This... what a coincidence!" Cheng Ying couldn't help but lamented Lord Manchu's misfortune. This ability to control the movement of molecules should have been an extremely powerful ability. He could kill someone bigger than himself without even noticing. A stronger opponent. If the opponent is not as strong as himself, he can even transform the opponent into his own RBQ with just one thought. Unfortunately, this trick is useless against Cheng Ying.

Because both he and the Ice Emperor inherited the power of the God Ego, they themselves have the power of atomic control. The level of control is much stronger than that of the Mandarin. Naturally, this move fell on Cheng Ying, and it was completely useless. He was easily caught by Cheng Ying and lifted his neck.

"You'd better tell me how these rings are used.

Otherwise... hum! Tsukuyomi! "

The Mandarin was horrified to find that he had fallen into an illusion. In the past, the illusion that he used to control others was used to his own disadvantage. This time, it was used on himself. Moreover, it was impossible to tell how terrifying the illusion was. Illusion or reality, he is now tied to the operating table, looking at Cheng Ying, who is wearing a white coat, walking towards him unhurriedly.

"Welcome to the Tsukuyomi space. The time, space, matter, and energy here are all under my control. I hope you can enjoy the next process. Please remind you that we have a long time to communicate in depth, because the next step here is No matter how much time passes, only one second passes in the outside world!”

Plop! The Mandarin collapsed on the ground like soft mud. He did not have Kakashi's firm will. After only three days of "game", he completely surrendered and handed over the method of ring control.

So much so that Cheng Ying felt that he didn't have all the fun...

In fact, he didn't do anything too extreme. He just gave the Mandarin a tattoo that was a thousand times more sensitive, and then kept hitting his little finger with the door...

In this way, the miserable villain was stripped of all his rings, but Chengying did not kill him. He promised to keep him alive. Chengying naturally would not break his promise. He just sent him to space to serve as the fleet's cooking team. Watch over...

The Mandarin who lost his ring probably couldn't beat the cooking class...

Cheng Ying mourned for him for three seconds, and then began to count the harvest. Many of the powers that can be exerted in the ring are based on the strength of the user. It must be a thunder and lightning ring, that is, the stronger the user, The thunder and lightning released are more terrifying.

It's a pity that the rings that control wind and fire have no such effect, but the ring that controls ice is very strong. In the setting, it can create absolute zero, but absolute zero cannot be reached. This so-called absolute zero is only close to it. , but it’s already very close. At the level of Ice Emperor, it is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough to be even a step closer to Absolute Zero.

Among the remaining rings, only the one that decomposes all things and the one that absorbs light interests Cheng Ying more.

A strong person is very helpful in controlling the atoms of two people. Breaking the bond requires energy. This ring can provide an idea to bypass or make nature pay the price.

As for the light-absorbing ring, which can create an area of ​​absolute darkness, Cheng Ying has never dabbled in the ability to control light, so he is very interested.

[To be continued]

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