Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 820: Visit the Alien’s Hometown

The scene of Chengying throwing Wangcai into the laboratory almost scared Tony to the ceiling. This race really has a great impact on human aesthetics.

No matter how you look at it, these are a group of evil creatures. But in fact, there is no distinction between good and evil in this race. They are just another life form. They will amplify the host's heart, just like the super soldier serum. The good ones are better and the bad ones are worse.

Unfortunately, the number of super villains on Earth is second to none in the universe, which makes their existence seem quite evil.

After all, Tony was a qualified scientist and did not discriminate against him because he was ugly. After a short period of adaptation, he also joined in the analysis and exploration.

Soon Tony also came to the same conclusion as Cheng Ying, that is, these alien creatures are intelligent creatures and have their own high level of civilization. From this point of view, it is not difficult to see that Tony is much better than Drake.

"Is there a way to decipher his language?" Theoretically, as long as they are integrated into the body, they can gain the ability to communicate with them, and they will also be able to read the language mastered by the host. The problem is that before Chengying figures out their details, he will not be able to communicate with them. Don't want to merge with them.

"I think this shouldn't be difficult. I have figured out their data storage form. It is indeed very unique." Tony has endless inspiration and can definitely be called a genius. After a short period of research, he also figured out some clues. .

Tony inserted a wire made of biomass into Wangcai's body. Chengying has the ability to control atoms, so he can print out any experimental equipment Tony wants, even this kind of biomass wire is no problem.

"I have connected to his database and am deciphering their native language. In fact, they have learned English, Chinese and other languages."

The task of deciphering a language is naturally left to Jarvis. Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly much more efficient at this kind of work than humans. With the assistance of the Mind Stone, Jarvis has made rapid progress and has become more and more like It's human.

At the same time, Tony and Dr. Banner also conducted research on another artificial retard based on a brand-new algorithmic idea. It seems that soon, Ultron will be born, and there is indeed a problem with the Mind Stone.

Cheng Ying does not intend to interfere with the birth of Ultron. Even if he wants to stop it, he may not be able to stop it. All he needs to do is save Jarvis.

The scene when Ultron kills Jarvis is like a naughty child killing another naughty child who lost his protection after his parents left. Tony must have been extremely guilty at the time.

On the side, as Jarvis cracked the database clues that Chengying could not understand originally, although Jarvis could not crack all the text, he had cracked a large part, allowing Chengying to understand the venom race. , strict hierarchical division.

As long as they don't break away from their civilization system, it will be a real official-level crushing of people. This time their leader is Silver Riot, and Riot has the right to kill all other members this time.

And most of the weapons in the database are only open to riots. So in the movie, Venom can win the riot, which is like cheating.

"Does Wangcai know the location of their home planet?" Cheng Ying asked Jarvis.

"It's a pity that he doesn't know. Only the riots know, and Wangcai knows nothing about it. This is their protection measure for the home planet." Jarvis's answer disappointed Cheng Ying.

He also wants to visit Venom’s home planet! The leader of their entire race may be found there. As a highly civilized race, they may even have their own strategic weapons, which they should not even have access to during riots.

"We can just go and catch Riot! He should be among those aliens, at least on Earth. If we catch him, we will make a lot of money!" Ice Emperor's eyes were bright.

"Maybe not. The original purpose of this riot is to attract his alien kind to the earth to hunt humans. He should be an extreme racist. We are trying to make him betray his own race. I don't think there is a possibility of success. Cheng Ying explained: "The best way is to let nature take its course, take his departure rocket, and follow him to his home planet."

"Okay! It's settled then!"

"Under normal circumstances, this is indeed feasible, but... there is still a guy who might cause trouble." Cheng Ying thought of Eddie, and counting the time, this guy should have been fired.

This is also true. Not only was he fired, but he also lost his girlfriend. His whole life was gloomy. In a bad mood, he could only go to the bar to get drunk.

Eddie, who had just lost his job, was not too desperate yet. He was still very capable as a reporter and would not be wanted by anyone under normal circumstances.

Therefore, he was very generous when tipping. Overall, Eddie was a good person, and his sympathy was obviously a bit overwhelming, not only for the down-and-out bartender, but also for the homeless people on the street.

He wanted to get a newspaper from the free newspaper box, but found that the box was empty. The homeless man huddled next to the box lifted his blanket to reveal the newspaper underneath.

"It's five dollars a piece. In order to make it easier for you to get it when you come here, I spent a lot of effort to move it out of the box."

"Five dollars? That's not cheap!" Eddie smiled at the homeless man and didn't give him any money.

"Then give me a dollar and I can sing you a song!"

"No, no, no!" Eddie took the newspaper and shook his head wildly: "I'll give you twenty dollars, please don't talk!" Then he put twenty dollars into the homeless man's hand.

"Thank you! Thank you, Eddie!" The tramp seemed to know him.

Although Eddie himself is about to be impoverished, he still cannot control his sympathy.

Eddie rounded the corner and came to a small shop. He had a casual quarrel with the Chinese owner of the small shop. He wanted to sell some cheap food. At this moment, a bearded man suddenly walked into the shop and took The gun was pointed at the boss's head: "A bottle of vodka, don't forget to give change." Although he asked for change, he didn't take out a penny from his hand. He was obviously here to collect protection money.

Eddie watched this scene and crushed the noodles in his hands, but he was just an ordinary person and could only hide behind the shopping cabinet and say nothing...

Just when Eddie was about to leave silently, the door of the canteen was suddenly opened, and a pistol flew in and landed in front of Eddie. Eddie subconsciously picked up the pistol and was shocked to find that the barrel had been twisted. Fingerprints can even be seen on the twisted barrel of the gun!

[To be continued]

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