Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 821: I promised to eat double portions

Eddie looked at the door in surprise, and saw that the bearded man was brought in by a familiar figure, pinched by the neck and thrown to the ground.

Stomping on his stomach, Eddie immediately smelled a stench. The man actually stepped on the bearded man's feces. While Eddie was still shocked, the man had already looked at him. come over.

"Hey! Eddie! What a coincidence! We meet again. I remember last time you said you wanted to eat a double portion. How about it? Do you want to try it? Fresh!"

As Cheng Ying said this, he took out the money from the pocket of his bearded jacket with disgust and handed it to the boss's wife: "Here! He just robbed this. Don't worry about their revenge later. Their boss named Jin has already been thrown away by me." Went to Siberia to grow potatoes.”

"Hell, you're not talking about the Kingpin, are you!" Eddie tried to change the topic to eating a double portion. The guy in front of him was so mean-spirited that it was not impossible for him to eat it while it was still hot.

"Huh? That's what the big fat pig said." Behind Cheng Ying, the petite Ice Emperor held his nose and poked his head out: "Eh? It's you! Are you here to fulfill your promise and eat a double portion?"

Eddie: "..."

There is no way I can overcome this hurdle in my life!

The landlady originally didn't dare to accept the money. It's difficult for Chinese people to get along in the United States. If you offend these people who collect protection money, the consequences will be quite miserable.

But I heard that even the underworld emperor was sent to Siberia to grow potatoes, so the boss lady had nothing to worry about.

"You look really bad. Have you encountered anything unhappy recently? Tell us to make us happy!" Cheng Ying said cheerfully, his expression full of sarcasm.

Eddie: "..."

Although I can't compliment the character of the superpower in front of me, the other person's ability is very strong. He is now so poor that he wants to take care of his life, and the foundation is simply impossible. In other words, it was difficult for him to even maintain his own life. It seemed like it was time to ask this person for help.

So he also told what happened to him. Including being fired from the Investigative Life Foundation. My girlfriend ran away with someone else. And he can't find a job now. He was blocked by the entire Internet, and no one even wanted to serve him.

After finishing speaking, he waited for help from the other party, but what he waited for was a burst of laughter.

He really said it to make this person happy! You damn girl should be a super villain!

"Okay! Enough laughing, leave the issues of the Life Foundation to us!" Cheng Ying took care of the matter.

As long as Eddie does not go to the Life Foundation to seek death, he will not encounter Venom, nor will he learn that the Life Foundation's real conspiracy is to find alien creatures.

In this way, regardless of whether he can still get Venom, will he get along well with Venom? He would not even think of going out to prevent the riots from taking to the stars.

So the next thing was simple. The rioters snatched a rocket and went to space, and then they were followed by two perverts. Bringing to their home planet the greatest disaster their race has ever faced.

The script has made it clear that Venom's race has no future at all. The ending is probably that Cheng Ying was trained into the exclusive RBQ race, which is pretty cool when you think about it...

Eddie originally planned to find a job peacefully.

Although he is currently facing obstacles in finding a job, it is because his Life Foundation targets his own abilities and there is no problem.

As long as the Life Foundation collapsed, companies would want him based on his ability, so he was no longer in a hurry and would practice the yoga given to him by the canteen owner at home every day. It's a pity that the person next door is a heavy metal music lover. Whenever he practices yoga, the person opposite starts practicing guitar. Every time the noise caused him to explode.

So much so that he had to run to the canteen to avoid the noise, but there were some things that he couldn't avoid. The inertia of the plot was so evil that even Cheng Ying didn't expect that Dr. Sax, who had been persuaded by him before, would advance his Action, prepare to expose Drake's evil deeds before human experiments can be carried out.

It's just that there are too few honest reporters in the world, and he doesn't have the connections to expose this matter. After thinking about it, there is only one person who can do it, and that is the reporter who was punished very badly by the company. .

Although he has been blocked by the entire Internet, with his connections, if he gets such breaking news, he still has the connections to find some small media to report it. It may have some influence on the Life Foundation and make them stop their cruelty. Human experiments.

For this reason, Dr. Six also came to the small store where Eddie often came to prepare to meet him. The two of them were separated by the container. Talking to each other, the other customers looked confused.

"I used to be a reporter, and I was a successful reporter. This job often required me to track people, those who hide in the city. In fact, the most important thing about this kind of tracking is to leave no trace. I was the best at it back then, but you ...Your tracking technology is really bad!"

Eddie walked around the container and found Dr. Sax who was following him.

"My name is Dora Six, please help me, I work for the Life Foundation!"

"Really? Good job, bye!" Eddie said and left. He was still waiting for the Life Foundation to close down, so naturally he would not get involved in such a thing. Moreover, he had already suffered a loss once and he was not going to try again. The time you lost last time is just one more time to cause trouble, and you may lose your life.

Even though Dr. Six told him that many homeless people would soon be subjected to human experiments like guinea pigs, he still refused because he had nothing.

After bidding farewell to Dr. Six, Eddie arrived at the door of his ex-girlfriend's house by accident. What he saw was that his ex-girlfriend had found a handsome boyfriend. He was rich, handsome, a surgeon, and he also had his ex-girlfriend's house key. , there is simply nothing worse than this, Eddie feels that the head on his head is a bit heavy, and he cannot bear the weight of the crown.

Even so, he still agreed with his ex-girlfriend, even though he had nothing and was useless compared to the surgeon. Because of this, it took more courage for him to speak.

Unfortunately, what he got without a doubt was rejection: "Eddie, you are bringing it upon yourself. What happened to you today is not to blame on Drake or the TV station, but on yourself!"

His ex-girlfriend's words made Eddie realize that he really had nothing. On the bridge, he looked at the ring on his hand and fiddled with another one on his fingertips, feeling bitter in his heart. Since he had nothing left, this life seemed not so precious anymore. Unknowingly, he dialed Dr. Six's number.

[To be continued]

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