Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 822 The Earth is So Dangerous

"This is Eddie Brock, we need to talk!" Eddie called Dr. Dorasquez.

People who are lovelorn will always do irrational things of one kind or another, and the same is true for Eddie.

The Life Foundation is located on a peninsula. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is only one road leading to it. It is not easy to sneak in, but Dr. Dora has her own way.

"Are you sure this is okay!" Eddie was obviously not very reassured.

"Stop talking and lower your head!" Eddie was pushed under the passenger seat by Dr. Dora, and he was completely invisible from the car window.

Dr. Dora just showed her work badge, and the guard let her in.

"The deterioration of the earth's environment and the growth of population are two things that even Drake cannot control."

"I understand this." Eddie and Dr. Dora walked side by side in the underground parking lot.

"In another generation, the earth will become uninhabitable for human survival. Drake wants to use his rockets to find a safe place for humans to live."

"This is quite interesting, but let's jump directly to the killing part!" Eddie is just a small person, what does the prosperity of the earth have to do with him?

"Drake took a picture of a spacecraft to explore. When they returned, they found a comet. The computer found that there were thousands of life forms on it. We brought back some samples."

"You mean aliens?" Eddie's eyes widened.

"Yes!" Dr. Dora nodded: "But we don't call him that, we call him symbionts. They cannot survive in the earth's environment. Drake believes that the combination of humans and symbiotes is the key to our survival. But not on Earth.”

"Drake is trying to fuse humans and aliens? Just to survive in space? Oh! This is crazy!" Eddie was speechless for a while.

"And these were not recorded in the experimental records. He simply forced the match and found the qualified person based on quantity!"

"Elevator search!" Just when the two people were about to enter the experimental area, there was an electronic sound and a security guard came towards this side. Dora quickly pressed her fingerprints and opened the door of the laboratory to send Eddie in: "Remember, Don’t touch anything in there!”

At the same time, she stepped forward to deal with the security guard.

Through the tempered glass, Eddie photographed the homeless people inside. Some of them had lost their vital signs, and the symbiote could no longer parasitize and separated.

Some have completed their parasitism and fallen into a half-dead state of slumber, while others are being imprisoned and have not yet been tested, and are curled up inside the laboratory waiting for experiments.

While Eddie was filming a laboratory, a familiar woman suddenly saw him and rushed over like crazy: "Eddie! Help me! Let me out!"

"Maria? Why are you here?" Eddie looked at the laboratory in surprise. Inside was the female homeless man who gave him the newspaper.

Eddie was eager to let her out, and he fiddled with the door lock of the laboratory. As a result, an alarm was set off, and an unknown white mist spewed out of the laboratory, making Maria extremely painful.

In desperation, Eddie grabbed the fire extinguisher and beat the glass door frantically. With brute force, he finally hammered the door open, but instead of thanking him, Maria jumped out and grabbed him. neck.

The symbiote climbed out of the woman's body, and her strength became extremely terrifying. Even though she was a woman, Eddie couldn't struggle. The black mud-like symbiote penetrated Eddie's body through his neck.

Eddie seemed to be born with a perfect fit for the symbiote. After others were parasitized, the ones that fit the most were half-dead. But he seemed to have no problem. He struggled and quickly tested the breathing of Maria who was lying on the ground. He found that her breathing had stopped. , Eddie was helpless.

Eddie couldn't run away after making such a big noise. He quickly rushed out of the laboratory and met the security guards who came to intercept him.

But he stepped on the wall, passed from the side, and killed one security guard with one punch, and another with a sliding shovel.

He didn't even realize that he had become so powerful that he easily knocked open the solid isolation door. After escaping outside, he punched a hole in the barbed wire fence and wandered into the wilderness.

The security guards drew their guns and fired, and even drove off-road vehicles to pursue him. Eddie was darting around in the jungle as nimble as an ape.

On the way to escape, there was even a fallen tree trunk in front of him. Eddie, who did not stop the car, ran into it. The forty to fifty centimeter thick tree trunk was directly smashed into two sections by him, and the power was extremely terrifying.

But Eddie also fell to the ground. Just when he wanted to get up, his body stood up against gravity and continued to run away quickly.

But soon, Eddie discovered that he was surrounded, with pursuers from all directions, and they all had guns. One shot might kill him.

At the critical moment, he climbed up the tree in a flash. He swore that he had never learned to climb a tree, but he climbed up a tree more than ten meters away with ease.

One was in the dense canopy, waiting for the pursuers to search the main forest and had to leave before daring to come down.

When Eddie got home, he felt that he was very hungry. He called Six and looked for something to eat.

He took out a bottle of beer, took off the cap with his bare hands without using a bottle opener, and took a sip.


Just as he was slapping, he found that he was getting hungrier and uncontrollably. He took out the puffed food in the refrigerator, but it could not meet his needs at all. Then he opened the trash can and found something inside. I found the half-eaten chicken drumstick and gulped it down.

During the swallowing process, his eyes turned a strange pure black color, but he soon woke up and held the toilet in disgust as he vomited.

"Damn! What happened to me!" Eddie brushed his teeth frantically, but he couldn't forget the smell in the trash can.

"Obviously, you have been parasitized." Cheng Ying's voice appeared behind him, seeming a little helpless. Despite all the calculations, he never expected that the inertia of the plot would lead Eddie and Venom to meet.

"What a naughty little guy, he probably made you eat a lot of giants!" Cheng Ying pressed Eddie's chest and pumped hard, and a dark grimace was pulled out by him, and he held it in his hand Struggle like crazy.

"Who are you? Let me go! Help! Let me go back, damn it! The earth is too dangerous! I want to go home!" Venom has never seen such a terrifying creature, and it can actually pull him out of the host's body with his bare hands. , without causing any harm to the host, and his instinct also told him that the guy in front of him was a monster, and his strength was definitely on the level of many universe overlords, and one person could wipe out their clans.

[To be continued]

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