Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 823: The cowardly symbiote

Eddie looked at Cheng Ying in shock: "Hey! How did you find me? Damn it, shouldn't you have destroyed the Life Foundation? Why are you still allowing them to conduct human experiments!"

"How do you want me to destroy him? To sink the peninsula where the Life Foundation is located with one punch?" Cheng Ying rolled his eyes.

"Hey! What's your tone? Why do you sound like you can do it easily!" Eddie felt a little timid. When Cheng Ying talked about Lu Chen Peninsula, he didn't mean to joke at all.

"Why can't I do it? It's very simple. It's not like you have to break open the earth to see what's inside!"

"Damn it! You can't do this, it will turn the entire west coast into ruins!" Eddie showed a ghost expression. He always thought that Cheng Ying was just a relatively strong superpower, but now he really knows that this is a person with superpowers. The humanoid self-propelled Big Ivan, the kind that can cause earthquakes with one punch,

"Yes! I really can't. There are still many people in the Life Foundation, and they are innocent." Cheng Ying found a high-sounding reason.

"No! They are not innocent at all. Hell, they almost shot me. One shot almost hit my heart." Eddie went crazy and accidentally pinched the toothbrush into two sections.

"No, you don't have to worry about this at all. With the symbiote, let alone a broken heart, as long as your head is not broken, he can repair it for you. After all, there may be no body on earth more suitable for it than yours. "

"No, no, no! Please take this parasite out of my body. It's so disgusting. I don't want to live in the same body with such a guy." Eddie faced the dark, asphalt-like body. Ghostface shouted.

"You are the parasite. Your whole family is a parasite. My name is Venom!" Venom was as cowardly as a dog in front of Cheng Ying, but he was not polite to Eddie at all.

"You don't need to be so repulsive to venom. He fits you perfectly. Living with you is good for both of you. In fact, you have already experienced the feeling of being powerful. As long as you teach him not to eat randomly, You can even become superheroes.

But one thing you need to pay attention to is that Venom has a rather nasty hobby. He likes to bite off the heads of his opponents... If he kills the villain when he possesses you, I hope you are mentally prepared! "Cheng Ying reminded me kindly.

Eddie: "..."

"No! Damn it! I definitely don't want it! It makes me crazy just thinking about it!" Eddie went crazy. He had never even eaten pig brains. In fact, except for China, few countries would eat this kind of ghost. It's too hard for him to suddenly accept eating people's heads!

"Believe me, you will get used to it soon. Venom is actually a very easy guy to get along with." Venom and Eddie not only fit in physically, but also in personality. Just the type of action.

After saying that, Cheng Ying turned to the poison in his hand: "And you, don't bully Eddie, otherwise you will be beaten badly. I can take you out and beat you."

"Yes, yes, yes! We must live in peace with him!" Venom quickly became intimidated. What Cheng Ying brought to him was a life-level crushing, and the difference in strength was too big. There’s no shame in giving in!

Compared with Eddie, the situation of Dr. Dora in the Life Foundation is much worse. Drake has discovered that the laboratory has been invaded and has invited Dr. Dora to the laboratory alone. There are also with the body of a homeless woman.

"I feel very uncomfortable about what we are doing." Dr. Dora had one last chance to defend herself, to Drake alone.

"I understand, I know that each of us has moments of uneasiness. This is a normal reaction. But you need to tell me who came here with you yesterday." Derek seemed very easy-going, gentle and not like a human being. Super villain.

"I want you to tell me."

"No, I can not."

"Only by finding your friend can we treat your friend. He is in danger now, I think you know it! Only by finding him and bringing him back can you help him and the symbiote survive.

Listen to me, Dora. Will you believe me when I promise that we will change the way we conduct experiments in the future? "I have to say that there is a reason why Drake climbed to this position. His personality charm is indeed very strong, and Dr. Dora was shaken.

"Eddie Brock," Dora answered.

"Eddie Brock?" Derek repeated and Dora nodded.

"You were my best researcher." Drake said and left the laboratory. Before leaving, he opened the jar that sealed the symbiote.

"No! Don't! Don't come here!" Dora screamed in horror when she saw the symbiote crawling towards her.

At this moment, a petite figure appeared in front of her with a burst of blue light. The girl was wearing a black tights. The symbiote's dark structure formed the skirt of the tights. Although her figure was a bit flat, she was still It looks extremely attractive, at least much better than the ferocious appearance after Eddie's transformation. This is what the Ice Emperor asked the symbiote to do. If it becomes too ugly, the symbiote will not be allowed to parasitize under any circumstances.

"Hey! Little guy, I think you are a little too impatient. If you can't promise not to destroy this body, then I can only freeze you into ice slag!" The Ice Emperor warned the squirming black mud on the ground.

She also had a good impression of Dr. Dora. It was a pity that this brave researcher died like this.

The symbiote on the ground bared its teeth at the Ice Emperor, but did not dare to step forward. His instinct told him that this ordinary-looking guy in front of him was extremely dangerous.

"It seems that you haven't realized the seriousness of the problem." Hyokui released a little bit of his aura. Dr. Dora, who was hiding behind her, felt that the person in front of him was not a girl, but a head weighing several hundred kilograms. The tiger could easily tear her into pieces.

The symbiote, which is more sensitive to breath perception, reacted even more. It was originally showing its teeth and claws, but it instantly collapsed into a ball, huddled there and shivered. It must have encountered some kind of monster. The earth is so dangerous, and I really want to go home.

The unlucky guy suddenly had the same idea as Venom. In fact, even without Cheng Ying and Ice King, the earth is still in danger, but the symbiote is too weak, and the Supreme Mage is too lazy to care about them.

"Come! Doctor, hold it down with your hands and let it fuse with you. Believe me, it will never dare to hurt you. I think it knows very well that what I can bring to him is a hundred times more terrifying than death." The Ice Emperor held his hand. Dr. Dora's hand.

Although Dr. Dora was still a little scared, the cowardly symbiote was soft and bouncy and looked a little cute, so he boldly touched it.


[To be continued]

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