Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 824: 1 thing drops 1 thing

Dr. Dora touched the shrunken symbiote. He had to admit that the symbiote looked much cuter like this. It was round and shiny, like a ball of blue-black slime. The snarling look just now was completely different. Disappeared.

Just like the symbiote that Hyokui wears, it is smooth and delicate, fits the body well, and looks so good.

It's just that Dr. Dora always feels that there is something unnatural about the symbiote on Hyokui. It seems that the bulge of the chest armor is not right. It doesn't look like it is being held up from the inside at all. Instead, it looks like a pair of hard shells buckled up... …

Even the symbiote cannot completely solve the resentment of Lolita about her figure for a thousand years.

On Dr. Dora's side, after touching the symbiote, the symbiote followed the order and crawled towards her, integrating into her body from her palms. Although her body did not fit the symbiote as well as Eddie, in Hyokui Under the coercion of Dr. Dora, the symbiote did not dare to make any changes that would harm Dr. Dora. It could only adhere to Dr. Dora's body obediently and transformed into a black leather windbreaker.

From a purely oriental aesthetic perspective, Dr. Dora is even more beautiful than Eddie's ex-girlfriend. With the symbiote, she looks even more bookish.

"Tsk!" Ice Emperor glanced at Dr. Dora, who was as flat-chested as she was. She felt mentally balanced. She could comfort herself that it was not a long-term development. Dr. Dora would just be like this for the rest of her life...

"I think you should be able to deal with the Drake guy now. I won't interfere with the rest!" After the Ice Emperor finished speaking, he disappeared from the place. Dr. Dora didn't even understand how she left.

As for the Ice Emperor who left, he went directly to the rocket launch site of the Life Foundation. Looking at the flat spaceship that was full of optimism, the Ice Emperor couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking back when he and Cheng Ying launched the first manned space rocket, there was no such advanced and safe rocket. The rocket built with a deficit of more than one billion gold soul coins did not even have a reliable return capsule.

I remember that during the launch experiment, a monkey was killed. Later, a monument was built for the monkey.

Nowadays, they no longer use rockets to launch spacecraft, but she still does not reject the opportunity to relive the feeling of riding a rocket.

With a rocket dozens of meters high, Ice Emperor only needed to jump casually to reach the carrier cabin at the top. After some fumbling, he quickly found the entrance to the carrier cabin. After Riot and Drake entered Before, it was hidden in the carrier cabin.

On the other side, in order to prevent Eddie from causing more trouble, Cheng Ying took him to the city to fight various crimes. Unfortunately, the small shops he often went to were robbed again. Eddie couldn't do it this time. No longer stand by and watch, but step forward in person.

"Brother, you may not know that what you are doing is wrong, but I think you have no chance to reflect on it, because Venom is already so hungry that he can't stand it anymore, and it may be very painful later. After all, Venom looks like he is eating. Quite bad.”

Eddie is worthy of being the fifth of Marvel's four big talkers. Venom's transformation only lasted three seconds, and he was able to finish such a large amount of words. During the time when he was unemployed, if he hadn't considered serving dishes, Instead, I changed my career to cross talk, and I would definitely not be so impoverished.

As Eddie's monster mask covered his entire face, his nagging was replaced by a bloody mouth. The one with venom can definitely be called a basin, with his tongue sticking out of his mouth for more than half a meter. Long, he bit the robber in one bite.

I have to describe the current state of the robbers.

Probably just...split up...

"Okay! Eddie, I think you are used to the feeling of being a superhero, so I wish you a happy time in Hero Action. I'm going to deal with that guy Drake! Do you think I want to take down the entire West Coast? Lu Shen falls!"

"Damn it! Don't do such terrible things!" This was what Venom said. He knew much better than Eddie. Cheng Ying's power could no longer be measured by common sense. For him, it was very difficult for him to put West Coast Lu Chen to the end. It's almost like taking a walk, breaking the earth apart to see what's inside. It's only a little difficult for him, especially when he has obtained the symbiote, or made the symbiote surrender.

"Okay! I will try to use a gentler approach to the conclusion." Cheng Ying smiled. Of course Lu Chenxi was joking. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Tony in New York.

"Hello? Don't study your Mark 110 now, oh! It's already number 119! It doesn't matter! I met a crazy company that is trying to merge humans and aliens. I'm not comfortable using violence. Please help. Solve it!

Okay, I'll send you the address right now. Come and download it! Anyway, your flight device can travel at supersonic speeds, so it will be a quick trip over here! "After saying that, Cheng Ying hung up the phone.

On the side, Eddie, who was retching due to loss of appetite, got up and helped clean up the headless body while asking with an ugly face: "Who did you find? Is he a superhero like you? How does he plan to solve the problem? Lu Chen Half the West Coast?”

"No, he is much more famous than me. Compared to superheroes, he is better at dealing with Drake. In other words, in front of him, Drake has no power to resist at all." Cheng Ying smiled and spoke. As the saying goes, one thing defeats another, even if Eddie becomes a superhero, there is nothing he can do against Drake, but when faced with Tony, Drake will undoubtedly face the fate of being thrown into the street.

In the world of capital, there are really few people who can compete with Tony, even if Stark Industries gave up the weapons department. Relying on the prestige brought by Tony becoming a superhero, their energy industry has also successfully regained profitability.

Tony arrived very quickly. The brand new armor can travel at a maximum speed of ten times the speed of sound in the atmosphere. It didn't take Tony long to fly from New York and across most of the United States.

"Hey! Old Zongzi, is there any problem you can't solve? Is it possible that the spicy shredded chicken you mentioned has come to Earth?" Tony is still worried about Malekith's problem.

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The dark elves are more powerful than the Chitauri at first glance. If they come to the earth, the disaster they will cause will definitely be difficult to solve.

"Don't worry, there's still a lot of time for the nine kingdoms to overlap! I'm calling you this time because I don't want to make too much noise. After all, the villain doesn't have any superpowers, he's just a company boss. It would be a bad influence if I came to kill him. After all, My identity is more sensitive!" Of course Tony understood what Cheng Ying meant. He was now the commander of the God-Slaying Fleet, and his words and deeds would cause tension on a global scale.

It was under this circumstance that Drake got the news that Tony Stark, the head of Stark Industries, was coming to visit.

[To be continued]

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