Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 824 Why did you provoke him?

This time Eddie wanted to go with him no matter what. He even showed an expression as if he was a villain. The meaning was very obvious. This guy Drake had bullied him so miserably, and he would bully him no matter what this time. Go back!

Who doesn’t know Tony Stark? After Tony lifted the mask of the armor, Eddie immediately recognized it. Although the Life Foundation was powerful, it was really nothing compared to Stark Industries.

When he went this time, to put it bluntly, he was going to fake the power of the tiger.

In order to welcome Tony's visit, the Life Foundation urgently stopped all research on symbiotes and moved both the homeless man and the symbiote into a hidden secret room to ensure that they would never be discovered.

At the same time, Drake has faked many serious experiments. As a company focusing on life sciences, he still has many serious topics here, such as the cure of cancer.

In this way, Drake finally ushered in the day to officially meet Tony.

There were only two people who came with Tony, one was Eddie and the other was Cheng Ying. Derek could figure out what Eddie was here for with his toes. As for Cheng Ying, because he was wearing very ordinary clothes, he just Wearing a casual suit, he regarded him as Tony's bodyguard.

After all, Iron Man relies on his armor, which should be very fragile. It is normal to hire a bodyguard who can fight.

Ever since the three of them came in, Drake had fixed his gaze on Cheng Ying, who looked at him incomprehensibly. He had just followed him to watch the fun, in case there was a riot. After possessing Drake, Venom jumped out to cause trouble. This guy was very interested in him. Why such hostility?

"As you can see, this is our main topic, how to let humans break through the shackles of cancer. Our idea is that cancer is not a simple disease, but the force of human evolution. Cancer cells can divide without limit , if human somatic cells can also do this, it may be possible to break the upper limit of human lifespan. In fact, we have already made breakthrough progress in rabbits."

Derek's explanation was clear and logical, and others might have believed it, but Tony was so easy to fool. What Derek said made no sense to him, and the experimental data were scrawled on the fly. Tony bets that these experimental samples were bought no more than three days ago. If this is the main project of the Life Foundation, then he doesn't need to come. The Life Foundation will go bankrupt in less than a month.

"Needless to say, I can't see your sincerity, false data, temporarily purchased experimental products, and him. This guy is tall and thick, and the test tube is held upside down. I bet $500 million, this guy It's the white coat that the security guard put on temporarily. I think you actually know my purpose very well.

Someone told me that your company is conducting extremely cruel human experiments in an attempt to merge humans with aliens. I hope you can show sincerity, release the experimental subjects, and stop such crazy attempts. "

Tony has made things clear. Faced with the pressure from Stark Industries, Drake has no room to struggle. The two are not of the same size at all.

Eddie also jumped out at this time, took out his mobile phone, and showed the photos he took. They were all the laboratories of the Life Foundation, where inhumane human experiments were being carried out cruelly. Many homeless people who participated in the experiments were already in Transformed into a corpse by the symbiote.

"Do you have anything else to say? The evidence is conclusive, Mr. Drake, I wish you a happy life!" Eddie finally said what he had been holding in his stomach.

This sentence of "happy life" was also returned to Drake by him.

"Ha! Haha! Hahahaha! The villain has his way! I really don't know how high the sky is! I can't help it! You forced me to do this! Take action and kill the bodyguard first!"

While Derek was speaking, he secretly retreated. By the time he finished speaking, hundreds of strong men with guns had rushed out from around him and started firing inhumanely at Cheng Ying.

"Huh? Why are you beating me?" Cheng Ying looked confused. If he kills the bodyguard first, then he should be killed first? Do you think you are so frustrated? Was he actually regarded as Tony's security guard?

The venom in Eddie's body was a little nervous when he saw hundreds of gun-wielding men suddenly rushing out. Although bullets could not hurt him, grenades, especially high-temperature flash bombs, could still hurt him. One hundred men Well-trained mercenaries are still quite a threat to him.

But when Venom saw that all the guns were aimed at Cheng Ying, he immediately stopped panicking. What a panic! If these mortals could kill Cheng Ying, Venom would have ripped off Eddie's head on the spot and used it as a ball for Thanos to kick...

Eddie: "???"

Tony was already preparing to release the armor. After the transformation, although he was already very strong, he would still be in pain when faced with a hail of bullets.

Then, he also noticed that the bullets were all heading towards Cheng Ying, and his dead eyes suddenly appeared. That would be okay. If Drake could kill Cheng Ying, he would unscrew Jarvis's head on the spot and give it to the Hulk. Be a chamber pot.

Cheng Ying also showed a pained expression in the face of the hail of bullets. He called Tony because he didn't want to scare Drake, but in the end, he had to take action to settle the matter himself. Wasn't this calling Tony in vain?

Cheng Ying had no choice but to stretch out his hand and grab it. The All-Things Heavenly Causes were activated. The bullets in the sky started a satellite-like spiral motion around him, and finally gathered in his palm, forming a small iron ball weighing more than 20 kilograms. It can be seen that these gangs The mercenaries really fired a lot just now.

"I said, can you consider stopping your human experiments now?" Cheng Ying said, snapping his fingers, and more than a hundred mercenaries fell one after another like dominoes, and the last one fell down. The only person standing in the hall was Drake.

Seeing this crushing power, Drake felt despair. How could he defeat such an opponent? With his protection, even an armored division would not be able to kill Tony! Not to mention that there is no way to hide an armored division in the Life Foundation.

In the end, under Tony's pressure, Drake was forced to disband the symbiote research team, and then sent away the three plague gods.

Drake leaned weakly against the cold glass of the laboratory and sat on the ground. This time he lost everything. Don't expect any more progress in the research on symbiotes. Tony was eyeing him, and he didn't resist. force.

Tony has such a terrifying bodyguard beside him, how can he win back everything he lost.

At this moment, a little girl appeared in front of him, like a ghost. Her empty eyes and slightly stiff movements were very familiar to Drake. They were the symptoms of being possessed by the symbiote.

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[To be continued]

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